

13166 Uppsatser om Social bank - Sida 13 av 878

Förväntningar kontra upplevd verklighet : en studie om socionomstudenters syn på utbildningen och yrkesrollen i jämförelse med socialsekreterares syn på detsamma (Expectations versus expect reality)

Purpose: To compare the expectations of coming profession in social work with experienced social work. We wanted to compare the pictures between the students in school of social work studies with social workers. We also wanted to increase social workers as well as other readers? awareness of social work as a profession.Questions: What characterizes the school of social studies? How do students in school of social work view the coming role as a professional? How do students in school of social work view upon social workers as professionals? How do social workers view upon their own profession? How do social workers view upon the own role as a professional? How do social workers view upon the relation between the idea of the profession and the daily practice? How do the students in school of social work studies and social workers view upon professional social work?Method: Qualitative study with qualitative interviews.Conclusion: Social work is a low status profession. How to increase the status of social work is not easy.

En kvalitativ studie om kreditbedömning i banker : revisionens betydelse i processen

Today all private corporations are obligated by statutory audit. The government of Sweden appointed an investigation to conclude if the audit should be statutory or not. The investigator presented on the third of April 2008 a report (SOU 2008:32) that suggests abolishment of the statutory audit for approximately 97 % of all private corporations in Sweden. This will result in certain effects on the banks credit rating because of the fact that the banks trust the audited accounts to have been audited by an independent audit.The most important in the banks credit rating are: personal judgement, business concept, business plan and repayment ability. The banks also use the private corporations audited accounts in its credit rating.We conducted a case study by interviewing four bank officials in different banks in Skövde and Tibro.

Finanskrisen ? En jämförande studie över hur de svenska storbankerna påverkats.

Under de senaste åren har det varit stort fokus på de svenska storbankerna Nordea,Handelsbanken, Swedbank och SEB i och med den finansiella kris som ägt rum världenöver. Det har varit stora debatter i media och det svenska folket har förlorat en del av sintillit till bankerna. I den här uppsatsen har vi undersökt om situationen i Sverige verkligenhar varit så allvarlig som påståtts eller om hela debatten har varit överdriven. Syftet medstudien har således varit att granska hur finanskrisen påverkade Sveriges storbanker.För att få svar på detta valde vi sju nyckeltal som vi ansåg relevanta för undersökningenoch beräknade sedan dessa för varje bank mellan åren 2000 och 2009. Till vår hjälp hadevi bankernas årsredovisningar som tillhandahöll den data som vi behövde till våraberäkningar.

Finansiering av djurstall :

I conducted this examinasions work because I want to find out how loan to farmes are working and more specific towards younger farmers. What you have to think about before you go to the bank and what the banks are thinking about lending money to farmers. This work is based on an investment plan propasal for 20 000 laying hens on a farm in the Kalmar area. The investment plan propasals have two diffrent alternetives, one farm on 25 hectares and one on 50 hectares. I have chosen this becouse I wanted to study how the diffrent sizes of farms are changing the banks thoughts about lending money. These investment plan propasals have included four banks with questionnaire and deep interview.

Samspel i lagspel : lagidrottens sociala betydelse för personer med funktionsnedsättning

My big interest in sports was what shaped my choice of subject for the essay. The purpose of this study has been to explore the social meaning of team sports for functionally impaired persons. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay I formed following questions: How do the actives experience their participation in team sports? And how important is the social intercourse in team sports to the individual welfare? The methods I?ve used have been qualitative with an ethnographic approach. I have used participant observations and field interviews to gather my empirical material.

Företagsanalytikers användning av fortlevnadsvarningar vid kreditbedömning i bank

Under den senaste tiden har en diskussion uppkommit om hur revisorer bedömer och formulerar fortlevnadsvarningar i årsredovisningen. Begreppet fortlevnadsvarning är till för att informera om tveksamheter påträffats gällande ett företags möjligheter till att fortsätta bedriva verksamheten. Den tidigare forskningen på området har haft som utgångspunkt att belysa och kvantifiera utfallen av fortlevnadsvarningar, vilket har visat på en avvikelse där tillförlitligheten borde ifrågasättas. Användandet av fortlevnadsvarningar borde belysas då årsredovisningens primära uppgift är att förse intressenter med betydelsefull och användbar information. Undersökningens syfte är att skapa insikt om och förståelse för hur företagsanalytiker använder sig av årsredovisningen och om fortlevnadsvarning är av betydelse vid kreditbedömning.

Finansiering av samhällsentreprenörer : En fallstudie i vilka kanaler Ekobanken, GodEl och Charity Rating använderför att finansiera sin verksamhet.

I och med framväxten av samhällsentreprenörer har ett nytt begrepp introducerats påden svenska marknaden. Det handlar om den nya generationen företagare som sermöjligheten i att tjäna pengar samtidigt som de driver verksamheter som skapar ettmervärde för samhället. Samhällsentreprenörerna i Sverige står dock framför ett problem,att på ett hållbart sätt finansiera sin verksamhet.Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga hur finansieringen av svenska samhällsentreprenörerser ut. Undersökningen bygger på en kvalitativ studie där vi har undersökt tresvenska verksamheter, som faller under definitionen ?samhällsentreprenör?.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras sociala ålder

This study analyses social age as a phenomenon and if unaccompanied refugee children has a social age that, according to the Swedish culture, do not correspond with their biological age and if so is, the reason for that. Furthermore, our study has discussed the potential consequences of the effects for the unaccompanied refugee children and the social age when interacting with Swedish society. According to our study, the social age is effected by other factors besides cultural norms, values and role expectations that a society has on a specific biological age. The results in this study shows that social age is a vital component to someone?s identity.

Social rädsla bland ungdomar

Social phobia is a fear which limits a person's capabilities in daily situations. The fear can be so strong that a person can distance themselves from all social situations, for example education, marriage, sports activities etc. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there are any correlations between social fear and choice of educational program, between social fear and sex, and between social fear and Internet use. Questionnaires were administered to 80 upper secondary pupils. Each questionnaire answer was assigned a certain score, which was then coded in SPSS, the highest scores corresponding to highest degrees of shyness.

?Det är rätt positivt när jag tänker på det, fast dom kan vara besvärliga när dom pågår.? ? En studie om moraliska dilemman i socialt arbete

The purpose of our study is to get more knowledge about how moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work. This because we find that a big part of social work involves ethic reflections and that is why we find it important for social workers to have knowledge about how they should and can think and act in these situations. Ethic statements exist for social workers to use in their work but we haven?t found any guidelines for concrete situations and that?s why we decided to study this area. Questions we want to answer are how do the social workers define moral dilemmas in social work? How do the social workers deal with moral dilemmas in their work? How do moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work? This is a qualitative study with interviews from seven social workers from one social service office although they are from different units.

Socialsekreterarens resonemang kring barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

Paradigmskiften inom Världsbanken - en bank i utveckling

Syftet med denna studie är att visa på hur två olika paradigmskiften inom Världsbanken påverkat dess policy..

Corporate Social Responsibility inom banksektorn : En fallstudie av Nordeas CSR-strategier

AbstractTitle: Corporate Social Responsibility within the banking-sector ? A case study of the CSR-strategies of Nordea.Seminar date: 130108State University: Mälardalen University ? Västerås Institution: School of Sustainable Development of Society and TechnologyLevel: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration ? FÖA300Authors: Samir Ghaddab, Josefine Jonsson, Sam LindforsExaminor: Cecilia Lindh Thillenius Supervisor: Magnus LinderströmPages: 35 Attachments: 1 Key words: CSR, bank, sustainability, communication, awarenessResearch questions:- What is the nature of CSR-related work in Nordea, and how do they practice CSR? - How can Nordea raise awareness about CSR among employees and other stakeholders?Purpose: The purpose with this thesis was to get an increased understanding about how Nordea interprets CSR and how they work with CSR. Finally with relevant theories in mind, this thesis presents suggestions on possible changes and opportunities within Nordea?s CSR-activities and how they can co-operate with NGO?s like CSR Sweden.Methodology: A qualitative study with deductive methods. A case study has been done with semi-structured interviews at a company and a nonprofit organization.Conclusion: The reality in which Nordea operates conforms to the theories presented in the thesis when we look at the driving forces behind working with CSR and the demands on the company that stakeholders have.

Strategiska processer : vilka faktorer leder till en lyckad strategiimplementering?

The purpose of this essay is to compare a theoretical strategic process model with the strategic work in a Swedish bank. The reason of the comparison was to identify which key success factors that is essential in strategic implementation processes. To make this study feasible three qualitative interviews were executed and it also presents data from a quantitative survey performed by the bank. The theory of the study examines eight different parts that needs to be looked at attentively when new strategies are formulated. The results points out that the work at large correspond, nevertheless the theoretical framework points out the importance of the business mission to impregnate the whole strategic process.

Skogsallmänningars syn på deras bankrelationer

Syftet med denna studie är att bedöma besparingsskogar, allmänningsskogar samt häradsallmänningars, (i följande stycken gemensamt benämnt som allmänningar), behov av banktjänster. Samt vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av bank och skillnader mellan de olika allmänningarna och genom detta bedöma marknadspotentialen för Handelsbanken.Resultatet bygger på intervjumaterial som insamlats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.Arbetet har avgränsats till att endast omfatta en del av det totala antalet allmänningar och omfattar bara de med störst areal, samt de två förvaltningsbolag som förvaltar ett stort antal häradsallmänningar.Resultat visar på att allmänningarna är en kund som eftersträvar långsiktighet och som väger in andra aspekter än rent ekonomiska faktorer i valet av bank. Dock gör merparten av allmänningarna med jämna mellanrum upphandlingar av de nuvarande banktjänsterna, detta för att t.ex. få förbättrade räntor och avgifter. Allmänningarna uppskattar den personliga kontakten med banken och förordar inte att personalen behöver kunna den skogliga biten, utan kräver istället en mer en bred kunskapsnivå kring allmän företagsrådgivning.

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