

12813 Uppsatser om Social agent - Sida 24 av 855

På bron mitt emellan : En kvalitativ studie av elevers sociala kategorisering utifrån känslorna av inkludering och exkludering i specialpedagogiska lösningar

The purpose of this paper is to find more understanding for pupils in compensatory educational situations and get an idea about how they place themselves in the social hierarchy. In my study I have interviewed four pupils with different experiences from school with the common denominator of being placed in a special class during some hours of the week. The purpose of this placement is to get them to achieve better results in various subjects depending on their grade but this also means a social separation from friends in the ordinary class and this doesn't correspond well with the democratic idea of "one school for all".What I found was that these pupils categorize themselves different from each other and while two of the pupils find themselves very included in the school's social network the remaining two had problems functioning satisfactory in a social matter according to their own liking. The feeling of exclusion though can not be connected to their participation in the special class but rather to their earlier social experiences..

Om du säger det så

This study explores the different effects on attitude and behaviour three frequently used advertising techniques have. The techniques compared are social influence and egoistic and altruistic benefit-appeals. The results showed that ads featuring social influence had statistically significant higher mean values regarding attitude towards the ad compared to both the other ads, and significantly higher mean values regarding brand attitude compared to the ad appealing to egoistic motivations. Though, all advertising effectiveness measures used in this study - that is, attitude and intention variables - indicated that social influence was more effective than the other advertising messages. Thus, in accord with earlier studies, it can be stated with confidence that social influence is an effective tool to use in marketing communications..

Socialsekreterares agerande gentemot ungdomar med ?problemskapande beteende" : En kvalitativ studie av hur användandet av BBIC upplevs och vilka beteenden som anses skapa problem 

The aim of this study is to examine what social workers consider as ?challenging behaviour? among adolescents, but also to examine the connection between investigation and intervention in cases where such behaviour is being displayed. The questions of the study are to examine what social workers think of the instrument of assessment BBIC (Children?s Needs in Focus) and how the usage of BBIC affect social workers understanding of challenging behaviour. Moreover, it is a qualitative study and the respondents are all social workers with various length of professional experience who work with making decisions in juvenile welfare cases.

Sociala medier och turism : Logga in! Hela värden får veta vad jag tycker, men vad tycker turistaktörerna?

The purpose with this study is to enlighten and discuss the information and communication which is spreading through social media, about the tourist operators and also to examine the operators view on social media. Social media can be described as a tool to use word of mouth on the Internet. To make this possible, five actors involved in tourism were picked on Gotland and interviewed for a content analysis. The results showed that the use of social media as an information channel before the consumer buys a trip, has increased. The study also shows that the selected actors have a lot of work to do, before they understand how to use the social media in their best interest for further developing their companies.

Ungdomar med smärtproblematik och deras sociala fungerande

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Revolutionen i Egypten : En fallstudie om sociala mediers roll utifrån nyinstitutionalismen

This study examines whether social media had an influence on the revolution in Egypt. Social media was an important tool for the revolution since the president Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian regime strictly controls the media. However social media was not the determining factor for the revolution, the revolt evolved due to many underlying factors. Social media facilitated communication, made the mobilization effective and, spread information to the inhabitants and to the rest of the world. The authors are discussing this theme from the new institutionalism perspective, democracy- and revolutionary theories and based on six selected interview persons; activists, researchers and journalists..

Ung, Snygg och Hälsosam - Social kroppsanspänning och tilltro till handlingskontroll bland flickor och pojkar i skolår 7 och 9

The aim for this study was to describe Social Physique Anxiety and Self-Efficacy in the school year of 7 and 9. To that the aim for this study was to describe if there was differences between girls and boys, but also between the school years, when it comes to the estimation of Social Physique Anxiety and Self-Efficacy. The method for this report was of statistic design, with a deductive methodology who was analysed and presented in. The empirical material was collected thru questionnaires where the level of information was of quantitative characteristics. The results from this study showed that girls estimate higher Social Physique Anxiety then the boys, in school year 7 and 9.

Sociala medier för marknadsföring : En fallstudie om vilka strategier som finns för marknadsföring via Facebook hos svenska researrangörer

In this study, we have examined how Swedish tour operators are using social media as part of their marketing plan. Our purpose was to find out which strategies they use in the area of social marketing. The companies that were examined were Ving, Fritidsresor and Jambo tours, and the social network site that the research focused on was Facebook. The examination was conducted with a content analysis of the companies' Facebook pages and qualitative, structured interviews with the companies. The aim was to compare the various tour operators Facebook pages in order to get a broader overview of the companies marketing strategies.

Marknanden för professionell golf : en institutionell analys av Europatouren för herrar

Studiens första syfte är att med institutionell teori kartlägga det kontraktsnät som konstituerar den europeiska marknaden för professionella herrgolfare. Det andra syftet är att analysera och diskutera vissa utvalda aspekter av detta kontraktsnät som utmärker Europatouren från traditionella vinstmaximerande företag. Den europeiska marknaden för proffsgolfare har organiserats i ett företag för att det är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt. Med Europatouren som en sammanhållande länk begränsas transaktionskostnaderna bl.a. genom att antalet kontraktsvägar reduceras och genom att utrymme för långsiktiga relationer med viktiga parter skapas.

Att ha pappa i fängelse : socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade fäder

The aim with the study was, that through a qualitative research approach, to examine in which way social services employees perceive information about children with incarcerated fathers and how they furthermore relates to the child's right to both parents in these situations. Seven interviews were implemented with social workers in the Stockholm County to obtain informa-tion on the following questions; how the children's needs are noticed at the social services, how employees discuss the child's right to their incarcerated father and which possibilities and obstacles social workers experience to promote contact between the child and the father. The ecology of human development theory was used in the analysis. The conclusions are that chil-dren with incarcerated fathers seldom is noticed at the social services as a result of inadequate cooperation between authorities but also due to whether the social services should be respon-sible for the children. Furthermore, children always have the right to maintain contact with their incarcerated father, with exceptions for situations where physical or sexual abuse have occurred.

Vem vill ha Adam och Monika? : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om tolkningar av vistelsebegreppet på 12 socialjourer i Sverige

The aim of this study was to explore how social workers interpret the part of the Swedish social services act that regulates each municipality?s responsibility of the people staying in it. The study?s general methodological approach connects to sociology of law. The research questions were: (1) What factors are considered important by the social workers in assessments of responsible municipality? (2) Are there variations in the assessments of responsible municipality and in that case; how can the variations be explained? (3) What discretion do the social workers consider that they have in assessments of responsible municipality? Previous studies have found considerable differences in professional social work assessments in Sweden.

Social mediestrategi - En studie om medarbetarens roll vid agerande i sociala medier

Purpose: The purpose of the essay is; to explain and clarify how the company is acting to lead members in social media to achieve valuable external communication. The authors believe that it is important to act with credibility and quality in social media, to accomplish long lasting relationships. When employees communicate with consumers their conduct is relevant to the company's credibility.Methodology: An inductive approach has been used for the empirical data collection since the authors have been studying the reality without existing theories. A qualitative research method has been used for collecting the empirical material. Primary data was collected from telephone interviews with seven companies, active in social media.Conclusions: The study shows that the power of employees? can be used when designing strategies for social media.

Bolivia kvinnorörelser och multietnisk stat

This thesis examines the possibility of Bolivian indigenous women?s social movements? getting their demands of a gender equal society fulfilled in the new state which was initiated in 2005 when Evo Morales became the first president representing the indigenous people of the country. By using a qualitative method I have showed that although the Bolivian indigenous women?s social movements? historically has been significant political actors for social change in the country, with representation at both regional and national level, Bolivian women are still subordinated in the social and political sphere. By applying a feminist intersectional perspective which takes its point of departure in a understanding of power as multidimensional, where gender, ethnicity and class are constitutive principals, multiculturalism theories and a social movements theory framework, I have found that even if institutional changes, that opened the system increased the indigenous women?s social movements political participation in Bolivia, power structures based on gender limited their possibilities to influence both socially and politically.

Aggressiva barn : hur socionomer inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin arbetar med barn som uppvisar ett aggressivt beteende

Our purpose was to examine how social workers, within the child- and youth psychiatry, works with aggressive children and which theoretical perspectives they use. The questions we wanted to examine were how they worked with these children, how they motivated their work and which theoretical perspectives they used. The method that was used was a qualitative interview, where six social workers were interviewed. The result showed that their work foremost was based on conversation methods and all social workers emphasized the importance of a near cooperation with the parents since they considered that parents had the strongest influence on the children. Some social workers focused foremost on altering children's aggressive behavior while others focused on understanding the meaning of the behavior.

Privata Hyresvärdar : En studie om CSR på Växjös bostadsmarknad

When you talk with the municipal housing companies today there is a general view that theyare doing all the work when it comes to social responsibilities in the municipalities, theprivate landlords only have a focus on profit. The private landlords doesn't agree but says thatthey take a social responsibility, at the same time there is a difference in what socialresponsibility is. By looking at how the picture of CSR and its use is seen today we analyzewhy the opinions and definitions about social responsibility differ. We also look at CSR in itslocal adaptation in Sweden's special conditions at the same time as we compare it to CSR inEurope and the world. We thereby create an analysis of how CSR is perceived, prioritized anddeveloped in Sweden to see the root of the disagreements.In our study we show how different views and roles in the community influence the picture ofCSR in Sweden.

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