13372 Uppsatser om Social Sciences - Sida 63 av 892
Rekrytering 2.0 : - En fara för arbetssökandes personliga integritet?
This paper examines how recruiters use social media during their recruitment process. The paper focuses on the staffing industry and will further examine how recruiters are handling jobseekers personal privacy when they are using social media in a recruitment process. The paper are trying to understand the meaning of what personal integrity means and how or if recruiters show consideration to this in a recruitment process when they are using social media as a recruitment tool. Our result demonstrates that, today recruiters use social media daily to conduct background checks on job applicants. There are no clear instructions and rules on how recruiters should handle background checks through social media. Recruiters believe that job seekers are responsible for the information contained on the their social media.
Hotel FOX som ett upplevelserum - En studie om vad som påverkar gästens kvalitetsuppfattning
Upplevelserummet blir alltmer viktigare. Tidigare undersökningar om upplevelserummet har enbart fokuserats på de fysiska faktorerna. Men vad som även behöver undersökas är vilka faktorer utöver de fysiska som kan påverka en människas uppfattning om upplevelserummet och beteendet. Vårt syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som främst påverkar samt hur dessa påverkar kundens kvalitetsuppfattning av upplevelserummet..
En normstudie angående motkulturer som subkulturer och varför människor väljer att bryta mot normer
Min uppsats kommer att belysa subkulturer, hur och varför de uppkommer. Vad det är som driver människor till att agera mot lagstiftningen. (Etnometodologins "Against the law"). Jag ämnar än så länge se dels på de organisatoriska förhållanden under vilka beslut fattas, strukturella förändringar i samhället. Jag kommer att titta på sociala förhållanden dels människor emellan och dels deras förhållande till rätten och om dessa har påverkats av de strukturella förändringar som har skett.
Familjehem och sexualitet: Familjehemssekreterares resonemang kring familjehem bestående av homosexuella par
New family stuctures are constantly emerging in society. Are these changes mirrored in foster care practice? The aim of this study was to explore to what extent homosexual families are represented when a child is given a foster home. The nuclear family has throughout history been assured a stable position both in society as well as in the foster care practice. During the last ten years a homosexual relationship has been legaly accepted through different amendents and it has also been more integrated and accepted in society.
Diskurser om konflikter och konflikthantering på ett företag med internationell marknad
Den genomförda studien avsåg att undersöka om det förelåg likheter eller skillnader i synen på konflikter mellan medarbetare och chefer på ett företag, samt vilka diskurser som kunde utrönas. För det syftet utfördes intervjuer med personer inom båda dessa grupper, intervjuerna ställdes sedan samman, analyserades och jämfördes med varandra. Analysmetoden som användes var diskursanalys och resultaten av intervjuerna visade att det fanns både likheter och skillnader mellan medarbetare och chefer i uppfattningen av konflikter och konflikthantering. Vissa mönster påträffades även i uttalandena, där dessa passade ihop och kompletterade varandra utifrån diskursanalytisk synvinkel. Konflikter är ett både viktigt och intressant område för ett företags utveckling och välbefinnande.
Nattklubbens riskkommunikation - En fallstudie risk(o)medvetenhet
Problem: Riskforskare betonar att det är viktigt att kommunicera, däremot läggs det mindre vikt på hur det ska kommuniceras. Vi menar att det finns branscher som enligt oss är såväl outforskad som riskutsatt, där vi anser det finns en problematik kring hur riskerna ska kommuniceras. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur risk kommuniceras i en riskutsatt bransch samt undersöka i vilken grad riskaspekten värdesätts i kommunikationen mellan organisation och gäst. Detta för att bidra med en nyansering av begreppet riskkommunikation. Frågeställningar: Vilka risker innefattar ett nattklubbsbesök? Hur ser den teoretiska bakgrunden ut till gästernas riskinställning?Hur kommuniceras risk och varför kommuniceras det på detta sätt? Metod: Vårt empiriska material utgörs av fyra intervjuer och två observationer, vilka har använts för att besvara våra frågeställningar med stöd av teori.
Att leva med socialbidrag : Ensamstående mammor berättar om sina upplevelser
People recieving social assistance is today very common in Swedish society. Of those receiving social assistance single mothers is one ofthe largest groups. The purpose of this study is to examine how single mothers with social assistance experience themselves to be treated by social services, how this treatment affects their confidence in the social services and how they experience it is to live with social assistance. To answer the question, we use qualitative interviews with three clients. Previous research has shown that single mothers receiving social assistance experience vulnerability, and how they perceive it is affected by how they are treated by their social secretaries.
Jag vill ju bara vara lycklig! En studie av hur unga vuxna ser på sig själva och sin livssituation i förhållande till det senmoderna samhället.
The purpose of this study was to examine and illustrate how young adults look at themselves and their lifesituation in relation to the late modern society. More specifically its aim was to find out if the respondents have been affected by the ideals and norms of the late modern society in their lifechoises and their view of happiness. This study was based on interviews with eight young adults in the ages between 25 - 33. Out of the eight three were singles, two were married with children and three were in relationships. During the process four themes were identified: The importance and developement of an identity, fullfillment in the respondents lifesituations, the experience of happiness in the respondents lives and how the late modern society have influenced the respondents in their lives.
Vart jag mig i världen vänder... : Om konstruktionen av bedömningar inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin
The purpose with this essay was to study the judgements made by child- and adolescents psychiatry teams on a fictitious case, in order to see what similarities and differences there would be in their way of discussing, judging and proposing efforts.We carried out this study by visiting four child- and adolescents psychiatry teams and letting them make judgements on a fictitious case constructed by us. First the teams were introduced to a vignette and then asked to complete it by requiring more information till they considered themselves to have enough information to be able to arrive to a judgement on the case and propose efforts, on which we later interviewed the teams. After the interviews we compared what extra information the teams required, what judgements they made and what efforts they chose to offer the family. The result was analysed from a social constructivist perspective. One central analysis concept was diagnostic frame, which is about in what category the team places the problem.The study revealed that the judgements, which are socially constructed within the teams, differed, and that the teams offered the fictitious family different efforts.
Kön, kroppsbild och dysfunktionella tankar : en sambandsstudie
Body esteem is the affective aspect of body image, which is shaped by social experience. Compared with men, women have a more negative body image, which is more frequently correlated with depression and dysfunctional thoughts, especially in the case of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in body esteem and its subcategories, and to find out whether there exists a stronger link between negative body esteem and higher levels of dysfunctional thoughts in women. The relationship between body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts and mental illness was examined. Participants were 73 college students doing Social Sciences and sports training educations.
Att förebygga hot och våld mot socialsekreterare
The aim of the study was to examine if and how the social service and the social welfare secretary provides against threat and violence in the encounter with clients. The study is qualitative and carried out with six semi-structured interviews with social welfare secretaries and participation observations at the social welfare offices in three municipalities. The theoretical starting points used were symbolic interactionism and strange loops. The result shows that social service and social welfare secretaries both use measures to prevent threat and violence to occur. The precautionary measures mainly used by social services are ; looked doors, alarm device, loose objects removes and interview rooms are furnish in purpose for the social welfare secretary to flee the room at urgent need.
Mot en hållbar turism - med hjälp av befintliga kvalitetsprinciper
Hållbar turism anses främst vara småskalig och naturnära och ses gärna ur ett lokalt perspektiv. Kvalitet på turism anses också den vara kopplad till den lokala ?naturliga? miljön på platsen varför det påstås att den lokala synen på kvalitet förstärker den hållbara turismens lokala förankring. Principer för TQM kan möjligen bidra till ett förbättrat arbete med hållbar turism bland annat genom dess fokusering på processer, engagemang, allas delaktighet och ständiga förbättringar..
Kvinnors rätt till land : jämställdhet, formalisering och fördelning
The differences between the sexes when it comes to land and property ownership are enormous. This paper deals with issues concerning women's land and property rights. The aim of the study is to investigate what general factors are effecting women's access to and control of land. In addition, this paper aims to explore the effects of liberal formalism in relation to gender equality and the distribution of land. Formalism and formalization of women's land rights alone won't lead to equality in land distribution or women's emancipation.
Brytpunkten mellan två platser : gemenskap, miljö och identitet från S:a Maria sjukhus till Maria Park
The result of a short field work done in Maria Park, a place situated in the north of Helsingborg city. A comparative work, using the old S:a Maria and Maria Park. The same place, once a mental hospital, and now, at the time of the paper being written, it's a richer residential district. Is there anything left of the old mental hospital in the new community and the residents identities?.
Företags användning av tävlingar på sociala medier : Hur har sociala medier förändrat livsmedelsföretags tävlingar?
This study has examined how social media has changed food companies way of holding contests. The study examines how food companies use contests with the help of social media and how they used to do the contests before the use of social media. We have also researched the users behaviours and opinions of companies contests on and outside of social media.In this study we have interviewed four people responsible for contests on the social media department on their respective food company. We also performed a survey that was published on Facebook and followed it up with interviews from two of the participants.This study has showed that contests on social media, as a technical aspect, have given new possibilities for the design of the contests. But there are still some unexplored areas around contests on Facebook and the companies do not know exactly what the users are demanding.