13372 Uppsatser om Social Sciences - Sida 55 av 892
Hälsa i sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinformatörer upplever och påverkas av hälsobudskap i sociala medier.
Title: Hälsa i sociala medier - En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinformatörer upplever och påverkas av hälsobudskap i sociala medier.Title: Health in social media - A qualitative study of how health communicators perceive and are affected by health messages in social media.Author: Anna HedströmInstitute: Karlstad University. Faculty of health, nature and engineering sciences.Tutor: Owe StråhlmanDate: 150615Number of pages: 34Keywords: eHealth literacy, health communication, health informers, health literacy, health messages, media literacy, social media Background: With an increased interest in diet and exercise, also health and fitness messages have increased in both traditional and social media. The general guidelines on physical activity and diet are forgotten as training tips increase in the media. Research shows that it is common for individuals to retrieve information from the media when it comes to their own health. In doing so media literacy, health literacy and eHealth literacy becomes increasingly important for health communicators and for those who receive health information. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine health communicators? experiences of health messages in social media, and how they are affected by them. Method: Qualitative interviews were chosen as a method to collect data.
Måste det göra ont att spela? - En kvantitativ studie om ergonomi och kontrabasspel
Does playing have to hurt? - A quantitative study of ergonomics and double bass playing. This is a paper about ergonomics and double bass playing. I have studied the prevalence of playing-related pain in professional double bass players, teachers and students. This study is based on a questionnaire with 11 questions about double bass playing and pain.
Medias granskning av socialtjänsten : - en kvalitativ undersökningen ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv
Many social services cases have been reviewed in the media during the last years. One of those cases is ?Lasse and Karin?, handled by the Social Services in Oskarshamn in 2002. Lasse and Karin had their son taken into custody by the Social Services and the case was reviewed in national media. Through this case the Social Services received much attention, of which most was negative, and their handling of the case was greatly criticized.
Formuleringens betydelse vid intervjuer av utgruppsmedlemmar - kan bristande diagnosticitet leda till diskriminering?
Vilken betydelse har en arbetssökandes etnicitet och beslutsunderlagets diagnosticitet (informationskvalitet) för en granskarens benägenhet att rekommendera anställning? 172 studenter fick läsa en utskrift från en anställningsintervju och skatta hur pass anställbar den arbetssökande (svensk eller utländsk) var utifrån den information som erhölls (diagnostisk eller ickediagnostisk). Hypotesen om att sämre information om den sökandes personlighetsegenskaper medför lägre skattad anställningslämplighet för sökande med invandrarbakgrund (p.g.a. av negativa stereotyper) men inte för svenskar kunde inte bekräftas. Tvärtom skattades den utländske sökanden som mer anställbar än den svenske när informationen var ickediagnostisk (p = .03).
Institutioners makt - att integrera makt i institutionell teori
Institutionell teori förklarar socialt liv genom att undersöka institutioners påverkan på sociala relationer. Institutionella föreställningar ses som närvarande i alla sociala relationer genom kulturella, kognitiva och normativa institutionella element, som ges stor betydelse i denna teoribildning. Denna uppsats syftar till att problematisera institutionell teori genom att införa maktaspekter i teoribildningens förklaringsmodeller eftersom detta hittills varit ovanligt i institutionella analyser. Särskilt de förklaringsmodeller som betonar kulturella och kognitiva element har saknat maktaspekter. Uppsatsen är ett integrationsförsök mellan institutionell teori och maktteori.
Bemötande av äldre missbrukande vårdtagare inom hemtjänsten
The purpose with our essay was to describe and understand the treatment of the homehelp staff towards the elderly addicted caretakers within the care system. Both in a practical aspect as well as in an attitudinal aspect. In order to get the answers to our overall purpose of our essay, we had as a starting point the following questions:* What help is given to the elderly addicted caretakers?* Are the elderly addicted caretakers a stigmatized caretaker group?* What approach does the home help staff conduct towards the elderly addicted caretakers?* Is there a preparedness among the home help staff when it comes to as to whether or not a care taker has an addiction issue or not?When analysing the material we used a qualitative analytical method in order to understand the care givers treatment towards the addicted caretakers. We combined the interviews with the so called vinjett technique; furthermore we used various sociological theories as well as earlier scientific discoveries.The result of the essay was that elderly addicted caretakers are an exposed group.
Tillgänglig 24/7: Fem folkbibliotek på sociala medier.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how five public libraries reason about the use of social media in their day-to-day work. This thesis aim to answer three research questions: What is the libraries use of social media today? How do libraries look upon their own use of social media? And have the libraries formulated any goals about their use of social media, and what are their thoughts on this? The methodology used in this thesis is a content analysis of the libraries social media and a questionnaire interview which was sent by mail to all of the libraries involved. The theoretical framework for the thesis is a model developed by Jochumsen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Skot-Hansen.The results of our study shows that the room of meetings, from the theoretical framework, are the most represented in the content of the social media used by the libraries. The libraries find that social media is a good way to connect and communicate with their users, but they feel that the time they spend on their social media is not enough.Our study also shows that most of the libraries have not formulated any goals for their use of social media, and that they do not have any intentions to do so..
Tobaksrökning : Hälsa eller ekonomi, en uppsats om tobaksproblematikens olika aspekter
Uppsatsen strävar efter att undersöka och belysa den problematik som präglar den svenska tobakspolitiken. Jag har identifierat tre centrala frågeställningar:* Vad utgörs det strukturella problemet av?* Vad gör lagstiftaren respektive tillämparen?* Hur manövrerar lagstiftaren för att undvika politiska kostnader och till synes lösa det strukturella problemet?(utdrag ur uppsatsens "Frågeställning och syfte").
Kvinnligt chefskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbterares förväntingar på kvinnliga chefer
The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.
"Folk är inte lika för att dom kommer från Sudan" : en översikt av förekomsten av familjer med annan kulturell bakgrund vid Familjenheten i Lund
The purpose of this study was to, using statistical analysis, investigate to what extent families of a different cultural background have participated in family therapy and other family treatment programs at Familjeenheten in Lund. With questions regarding the goals of treatment, and the importance of cultural competence in the treatment process we have let two unit managers comment on the statistics. The population of the study is too small to allow general conclusions to be drawn, however, we have been able to ascertain that families of a different background are over-represented relative to their percentage of Lund´s population. Familjeenheten has no statistical record of ethnicity and the interviewed persons express no certain importance in the families´ cultural origins. They express no need to develop special treatment methods that take the clients´ cultural background in regard as they feel that so many of family issues are universal.
Damned if you do, damned if you don´t
The purpose of this paper is to explore the social worker?s perspective on working for the government as a professional in care of children, in relation to the family's right to self determination. The essay's empirical material is gathered from qualitative, semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with children and youth in communities and districts in Skåne and Stockholm City, Sweden. The analysis was conducted in line with theories of social constructivism. The results and analysis show that the interviewed social workers did not believe that the state has too much power over the citizen.
Relationskvalité, attributioner och självinsikt i det västerländska samhället
Denna studie ämnade studera sambandet mellan självinsikt, attributioner och relationskvalité. Tidigare studier har visat att det finns ett tydligt samband mellan attributioner och relationskvalité. Vårt syfte var att expandera och replikera detta fynd och placera in det i ett större sammanhang, kultur-relationskedjan, där även självinsikt och kultur ingår. Femtiosex personer (28 par), majoriteten studenter, deltog i studien som utfördes individuellt i enkätform. Resultatet visade på en replikering av tidigare fynd i sambandet mellan attributioner och relationskvalité (r(56)=-0,320, p < 0,05).
Taube och Det Utomeuropeiska : en analys av hur Evert Taube framställer utomeuropeiska människor och den utomeuropeiska världen i sina sångtexter från år 1919 till år 1956
I uppsatsen analyseras hur Evert Taube skildrar Det Utomeuropeiska i sina sångtexter. Edward Saids Orientalism används som grundteori..
Socialt arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplever det tvärkulturella arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn
The purpose of this study was to examine how some social workers in Sweden describe the social work with unaccompanied children. Emphasis was on the role of culture in social work with the unaccompanied children. I wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view on social work with unaccompanied. I also wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view at their own and the unaccompanied children?s cultural backgrounds influence on the social work with the unaccompanied.
Sociala medier i Kina : En studie om användningen av sociala medier i en diktatur
The current research examined whether motives, traditional mass media consumption and individual differences (social activity and political interest) predicted the use of social media among a group of university students in China. In coherence with Uses and Gratifications assumptions the study found that the factors differentially predicted the extent of media use. Information seeking, social interaction and affinity were the main reasons for using social media. There was a negative correlation between television viewing and use of social media, in addition to a negative correlation between information seeking and use of the media. Results further suggest that social media are used to enhance social capital, since student?s being socially active offline, tend to use the media to a greater extent than those less active..