13372 Uppsatser om Social Sciences - Sida 38 av 892
Posttraumatisk stress hos universitetsstudenter i Lund
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder resulting from exposure to a traumatic event. The purpose of this study was to examine the exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events (PTE) and the prevalence of PTSD among students at the University of Lund. Sexdifferences among these variables were also examined. Using surveys as research method, 380 students from five different faculties participated. The results indicated that these students have been more exposed to PTE than the general Swedish population.
Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utländsk bakgrund syn på sin etnicitet
Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, Sweden´s third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..
Älska din nästa om du vågar! De homosexuellas syn på den heterosexuella normen
AbstractHomosexuality is surely accepted in today´s society - or isn´t it? Many things have changed, for instance laws, which are in favour for homosexuals, have been introduced, in Sweden that is. As we although know, many things are not only dependent on what laws tell us to do. The society also contains values and norms and they furthermore exist in individuals. Regarding sexuality, the norm is heterosexuality.How much does the norm affect our way of living? In what way is it encouraged? What happens to people who don´t live up to the norm? How is it to be homosexual in today´s society? These are some of the questions that we look upon in this paper.
Från nykonservatism till socialliberalism? En förändringsstudie av Moderata Samlingspartiet
AbstractThis thesis discusses ideological and rhetorical change of the Moderate Party of Sweden. The aim of the thesis has been to study the party during a time-span of almost 20 years, trying to identify changes related to each of the three party leaders.A hypothesis was developed, suggesting that the three party leaders each represented a different kind of ideology namely neo-conservatism, neo-liberalism and social liberalism. By studying newspaper articles and protocols from the Swedish Parliament, riksdagen, I was able to verify the hypothesis in all but the first party leader, Carl Bildt. It was showed that his ideology had more in common with New Right than with neo-liberalism.After identifying these changes I looked for explanations within Party Strategy Theory and Social Change Theory. My conclusions were that the changes could be understood by the great loss of voters in the election of 2002 and that agents within the Moderate Party acted upon the ambition to win new and old voters to the party, thereby recognizing the need for change.Keywords: Ideological Change, Rhetorical Change, The Moderate Party,Neo-Liberalism, Neo-Conservatism, Social Liberalism..
Organisering av demensvården: differentiering kontra kvarboendeprincipen
The objective of this thesis was to examine and analyse how various directors within old-age care, the resident-coordinator, nursing-staff, and the dementia-team apprehend the organisation of dementia nursing homes in the municipality. Our questions were the following:How important is it that the care-receivers are examined and diagnosed?Do the respondents experience difficulties with non-differentiated dementia nursing homes?Which are the advantages and disadvantages for care receivers/patients and nursing-staff if dementia care homes are differentiated according to the care-receivers dementia diagnosis and phase of illness?Are there alternative solutions to the way the municipality organise the residence for carereceivers today that might improve the situation for care-receivers/patients and nursing-staff?How does cooperation or the lack of it mint the conditions for care in dementia nursing homes?Which goals does the municipality have for the organisation of dementia care?Our approach was a qualitative method consisting of interviews to answer the objective of this thesis and our questions. Our findings are supported by a sociological analysis of organisations. Our findings show that there is a conflict of interest between the principle of permanent residence which imply that the care-receiver should not have to move against her or his will and between the use of differentiated dementia nursing homes.
Konstruktion av genus i Karlskronas pingstförsamling
Uppsatsen undersöker utifrån Tillys (2000) teori om beständig ojämlikhet hur
kön utgör en organiserande och hierarkiserande princip inom Karlskronas
pingstförsamling. Studien är kvalitativ och metoderna observation och intervju
har använts.
Objektivitet i socialt arbete
Swedish law is very keen on the fact that every person should be treated equal when facing the legal system. When it comes to cases concerning children, social workers and judges are expected to strictly obey the rules of the law but at the same time make individual judgements based on the best interest of the child, something that requires a great deal of empathy and knowledge. Is it possible to live up to the maxim about equality and to simultaneously see the individual needs? With so many different parties and angles in the case, how does one manage to make a solid appraisal of the situation that truly serves the best interest of the child?The purpose of this study was to examine the capability within the social services with focus on objectivity. More specifically it's aim was to find out how the social workers and judges see their capability of being objective in the investigations concerning children.
I rampljuset : Identitet och kroppsmedvetenhet bland teater- och musikalutövare
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur människor som regelbundet utövar teater och/eller musikal utvecklar och agerar sin identitet och sin medvetenhet om den egna kroppen i ett postmodernt samhälle..
(O)möjligheternas plats? En diskursstudie av Garaget
A general topic underlying this master thesis is how the public library is being transformed through the subversion and re-articualtion of meaning according to different discourses. The aim of the study can be divided in to levels of analysis. At the first level, the aim is to investigate how categories such as users, needs and vision are articulated in a specific case ?the visionary project Garaget in Malmö, a project which in part include a public library inspired by Idea Store. The next level of analysis sets out to explore how the case of Garaget is related to a totalizing discursive struggle over meaning within the element the public library.
När det rör det sexuella, så... en analys av hivpositivas sexualitet och hiv-prevention
The sexuality of hivinfected people is quite controversial but nevertheless important when speaking of hivprevention. The aim of this work was to survey and analyze support and counseling practices around sexual issues given to hivpositive people by their treating medical doctors. We wanted to bring the question of hivinfected peoples sexuality and sexual behavior sometimes unprotected and the Swedish legislation and hivprevention efforts under discussion. Based on the results of a questionnaire answered by the doctors, previous research and different social constructionistic and interactionistic theories about the nature of sexuality we made our analysis. We found that the Swedish legislation offers a positive basis for successful hivprevention, but that there are some important obstacles to be overcome in order to really succeed and further reduce the number of new hivinfected people in Sweden.
Fjollor och flator: var är de i reklamen?
Minoritetsgrupper som exempelvis homosexuella får allt större utrymme i dagens massmedier. Uttalat homosexuella personer förekommer i såväl TV som tidningar och filmer och har blivit en självklar om än omdiskuterad del av medieflödet. Med detta som utgångspunkt syftar den här uppsatsen till att genom en kvalitativ näranalys utröna huruvida homosexualitet även kommer till uttryck i reklam. Vi valde att studera och jämföra reklambilder ur två av Sveriges största månadstidningar med heterosexuell målgrupp. Efter att ha studerat och analyserat vårt material drog vi slutsatsen att homosexualitet sällan eller aldrig uttrycks i reklam i tidningar med heterosexuell läsekrets.
"Information-as-thing": Förhållandet mellan biblioteks- & informationsvetenskapen och materialbibliografin
The relation between LIS and physical bibliography is examined primarily through an analysis of such LIS literature as applies physical bibliography in research or otherwise discusses its relevance to information studies. Quite a number of scholars are stressing the usefulness of this bibliographical tradition, even though its position in LIS agenda as a whole seems to be less established. These scholars suggest that physical bibliography presents interesting conceptual and theoretical implications for many of the central objects of study in LIS, for example, knowledge organization, information retrieval, and information seeking. It is also suggested that physical bibliography could help deepen our knowledge and understanding of the digital media ecology. Physical bibliography is foremost seen as a method for the analysis of documents, a method in which not least its terminological apparatus may be a significant tool.
Ménage à trois - hur sexualiteten än yttrar sig, är samhället med på en kant. En studie av ungdomstidens sociosexuella utveckling.
Adolescence is more and more characterized by messages containing allusions and attitudes through social agents (family, friends, school and media). Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate what significance the social agents and their messages, concerning sexuality, have in relation to young people's thoughts, questions and socialisation.The study is made from the young people's perspective. Our target group was 15 to 16-year-olds in ninth grade at a compulsory school in Sweden. The quantitative part of the study consisted of an anonymous and voluntary questionnaire among the students. To achieve a greater variety we made an interview as a complementary addition in which nine students participated.We found our main theoretical starting point in Anthony Giddens's theories about social agents, modernity, post modernity and sexuality.The conclusion was that the young people in our study foremost associated sexuality to sex, love, relationships and sexual orientation.
Från ontologi till ideologi: en undersökning av den kritiska realismen som sociologisk vetenskapsteori
I denna uppsats undersöks den kritiska realismen som vetenskapsteori för samhällsvetenskaperna. Tillvägagångssättet är en immanent kritik, där den kritiska realismen följs genom dess grundläggande argument, för att sedan vända dess egen begreppsapparat mot sig själv för att visa på spänningar och motsägelser i teorin. Särskild uppmärksamhet kommer genomgående att riktas mot den nära relationen till marxismen, samt synen på abstraktioner som ett centralt samhällsvetenskapligt verktyg. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i argumenten för en realistisk vetenskapsteori utifrån det naturvetenskapliga experimentet som oomstritt faktum, och upplyftandet av ontologin framför epistemologin. Den kritiska realismens ontologiska modell presenteras, liksom dess kritik av empirismen och idealismen.
"Homo sacer" i det svenska folkhemmet En fallstudie av rädslans politik och det konstanta undantaget från den konstitutionella ordningen i den svenska kontexten
This case study is an attempt to give empirical support to Georgio Agambens theory, regarding how the exceptions from the constitutional order should be regarded as a constant element in modern societies. The purpose was to investigate if Agambens theory is valid in the Swedish context. The exception, as definied by Agamben, is a reappearing phenomenon, which implies that the constitutional order is fragile. Individuals and groups are transferred into ?homo sacers?, meaning people that is to be regarded as legally naked, and offset from the rest of society.What then is it that make the legal norms fragile? In this thesis I will discuss the causality of moral panic.