13372 Uppsatser om Social Sciences - Sida 28 av 892
Vad styr den kommunala integrationspolitiken? En jämförande studie i fem skånska kommuner
This paper analyzes governance of cultural and ethnic integration. The study has a comparative perspective between five municipalities in Skåne. One aim in this thesis is to clearify the ratio between the state and municipal authority and how municipalities exercise their autonomy. I analyze the advantages and disadvantages in different governance methods linked to how the municipalities are working in practice and what problem the integration policy is intended to eliminate. I also resolve the influence of officials and citizens in the policy process.My conclusion is that direct ruling to a large extent is limited by indirect control.
Vetenskapskommunikation till barn och ungdomar genom textskyltar på Universeum
Universeum är ett upplevelsecentrum för naturvetenskap och teknik, ett så kallat Science Centre.I vårt arbete undersöker vi hur vetenskap bäst kommuniceras till barn och ungdomar via textskyltar på ett Science Centre. Vi analyserar vilket språk som bör användas och hur skyltarnas layout ska utformas för att väcka intresse, ge information och lust att lära mer inomnaturvetenskap och teknik. Baserat på denna analys ger vi även förslag på skylttexter och skyltlayout till Universeums avdelning Explora..
Sverigedemokraterna i kommunerna 2006 ? En empirisk studie av de kommunala förhållanden som gynnar partiet
The Sweden Democrats achieved great progress in the latest election in the Swedish municipals. The party is now closer than ever concerning reaching the Swedish parliament. This thesis examines the Sweden Democrats in the Swedish municipals with the aim to find out which municipal factors that led to their progress. By looking at the percentage share of unemployment, the percentage share of foreigners, the percentage share of education, average income, traditional political colour, average age, criminality, early representation of a party hostile to foreigners, the municipal type and the sickliness in the municipals I find out which factors explain the progress of the Sweden Democrats. The thesis is an empirical quantitative study build on statistics by the help of regression analysis and diagrams.
Den deliberativa mötesplatsens vara eller icke vara - En studie om Forumteaterns inverkan på det medborgligt goda samtalet
The theory of deliberative democracy believes in collective decision-making to achieve an expanded legitimacy and rationality in the political process. It is argued that those good public dialogues best take places in public spheres between citizens, where the common interest is carefully thought about. This thesis was done with the assumption that theatre can strengthen the idea of the public sphere and create a meeting place in the civil society, where a good public dialogue can appear. To create a good public dialogue you need citizens that are corresponding and participatory. Citizens who participate in the political process develop an increased knowledge about the society and the more knowledge about the society the larger reason to participate.
Företagisering av kommuner En fråga om ideologi?
Ett utmärkande drag för flertalet av de organisationsförändringar som har skett i svenska kommuner under de senaste decenierna är att de hämtar idéer från företagsvärlden. Borgerliga kommuner brukar betraktas som mer mottagliga för dessa organisationsförändringar, däribland de reformer som går under namnet företagisering. Dock tycks spridningen av dessa idéer vara stor, vilket föranleder oss att pröva hypotesen om att de ideologiska skälen till företagisering är underordnade andra skäl.Genom att studera spridningen av företagisering hos ett antal kommuner med stabila vänster- respektive borgerliga majoriteter kan denna hypotes falsifieras. Ett visst positivt samband mellan graden av företagisering och befolkningsstorlek går att se. Ett intressant undantag från dessa två slutsatser är att de centerledda kommunerna intar en betydligt mer organisationskonservativ hållning.Efter en granskning av två kommuner som avviker från det generella mönstret i vänstergruppen respektive den borgerliga gruppen, kan vi konstatera att förklaringar på individnivå tycks spela en betydande roll för inställningen till företagisering..
Man kan inte göra mer än att rösta - en studie av ungdomars upplevelse av sitt deltagande i demokratin.
Participation of the people is essential for a democracy's vitality and survival. In this study we focus on the individual as an active participant in the traditional political arena and beyond its sphere into the society as a whole. The first part of the study has a normative aim. Firstly we examine why political participation is essential for democracy, and especially the ideal of representative democracy and the restricted passive participation of its citizens in comparison to the ideal of participatory democracy and its ideal of an active participant in all aspects of society. An ideal participant is drawn up to set the course for the empirical part of the study.
Social rekrytering ur arbetssökandes perspektiv ? en känslomässig upplevelse.
Ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv visar tidigare forskning en alltigenom positiv
bild av rekrytering via sociala medier, vilket kan förklara dess ökade
popularitet. För en arbetssökande däremot kan social rekrytering upplevas som
ett hot mot integriteten, eftersom personlig information exponeras för
arbetsgivaren. Syftet med denna enkätstudie var därför att öka kunskapen om
arbetssökandes inställning till och emotionella upplevelse av social
rekrytering utifrån demografiska aspekter. Resultatet från de icke-parametriska
testerna visade på en något ambivalent inställning, men med positiva förtecken.
Ett samband framkom mellan upplevd nytta och den generella inställningen, men
även ålder hade en inverkan på attityden.
To be or not to be: invandrarungdomars tankar om grupptillhörighet, identitet och framtid.
Sweden is divided according to an ethnic boundary, which divides people in "we" and "the others", "Swedes" and "immigrants" (Ålund, 2002). We believe this is due to the fact that society categorises immigrants all the time as a homogeneous group with fixed and static qualities, resulting in a situation where you cannot represent yourself as a person. Instead you are represented on the basis of your ethnic belonging. Young immigrants often grow up under other conditions and find themselves in more vulnerable situations than Swedish youths. The purpose with this paper was to investigate young people with different ethnic backgrounds, their thoughts and feelings about their identity, group belongingness and future.
Motpol eller legitimeringskälla? - en studie av användningen av hållbarhetsbegreppet inom Malmö Stads fysiska planering
Sustainable development and sustainability is nowadays expected to be integratedin modern city planning and permeate the entire planning process. At the sametime, sustainable development has an inherent vagueness, leading to a greatdiversity of interpretations of the meaning of this concept. In this thesis strongsustainability and ecological modernization are used as two different interpretationsof sustainable development. Using these two interpretations, an analysis of thecurrent use of the concept of sustainability within the city planning of Malmö isperformed. The analysis shows that the interpretation of sustainable development inthe city of Malmö can be deduced to ecological modernization and thatsustainability is looked upon as one way to improve the attractiveness of the city.Investments to increase ecological and social sustainability must be legitimized asleading to a potential increase in economical sustainability (growth) and the focusof increasing the sustainability in the city has shifted from ecological aspects toeconomical aspects.
Fundamentalism och terrorism ur strukturella förändringar, förhindrad subjektivitet, produktion och reproduktion av diskurser Ett alternativt analytiskt ramverk för konfliktlösning
This essay criticizes common theories within the three traditional perspectives, conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation, for not being able to explain and/or generate solutions to the problems of fundamentalism and religious terrorism in a satisfying manner. This essay is trying to synthesize an alternative analytical framework that better can explaining these phenomena and generate potential solutions. The frameworks ontological ground is laid out using different readings of Foucault, thereby seeing the subject as formed by discourses, material processes and institutions. Fundamentalism and terrorism are seen as a violent resistance to repressed subjectivity, but the form of resistance depends on the discursive and non discursive surroundings. This gives rise to different forms of resistance; the production of discourses and founding of groups and the entry of marginalized people in these groups.
En plattform för det fria ordet En studie om hanteringen av extremism vid fyra svenska universitet
This master thesis? purpose is to examine the role of Swedish universities in the prevention of extremism and terrorism. Depending on how the universities look upon their role in preventing extremism and promoting democracy among their students, extremism can either flourish or be restrained in the higher learning environment. An unclear standpoint against extremism from the universities side could make it possible for extremism to prosper at the universities, and students with extremist opinions may be radicalized and recruited to extremist organizations and terrorism. What are the universities standpoints in the matter whether universities should promote democracy and prevent and restrain extremism and the recruitment of students to extremist organizations? During the study I have mainly been using primary material in the shape of semi structured interviews with predecessors of four Swedish universities.
Liberia - Fredsbyggande i motvind
Liberia har på senare tid präglats av instabilitet och misslyckat fredsbyggande. Vår ambition är att ge en välgrundad förståelse för inbördeskriget 1989-1996, och att på ett resonerande sätt besvara frågan varför man inte lyckades etablera varaktig fred efter krigsslutet. Uppsatsen är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie av Liberia med ett tvådelat syfte. Vårt fall analyseras utifrån teorier om krigsorsaker och fredsbyggande och empirin utgörs av tidigare forskning på området. De slutsatser vi nått är att kriget kan förstås som ett resultat av statens urholkade makt och de missförhållanden detta skapade.
"Vi har våldet i blodet" - En kritisk diskursanalys av Landskrona Posten 2006
On the 11th of march 2006, the journal Landskrona Posten began an article series with the ambition to review the juvenile gangs in the city of Landskrona. The articles received heavy response from the readers. About six months later Landskrona was the centre of attention in the Swedish media. 22,3 percent of the city's population had voted for the nationalist party ?Sverigedemokraterna? in the municipal election.
De osynliga barnen? : en studie om Kriminalvården och Socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade föräldrar
The purpose of this essay was to look at how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the Social Service work with children who have parents in prison and what they can do to ease the contact between the children and their parents. In our study we have used different questions regarding parent role, gender, child perspective, contact possibilities and collaboration. We have interviewed six prison officers and five social workers in Skåne. We have also used previously written reports. Our conclusions are that the parent role is affected by imprisonment and more amongst the women than the men.
Slöja eller inte slöja? - medborgarteoretiska utmaningar för Frankrike och Sverige i kölvattnet av 11/9 2001
The aim of this paper is to perform a comparative study between France and Sweden analyzing the veil debate that took place in 2003 and 2004. This debate has been one of the central features of the renewed conflict between the West and Islam post 9/11, and has the presumed oppression of the Muslim veil in focus. With help of critical theory and a differentiated citizenship theory, including gender and post-colonial perspectives, I analyse the veil in a Western context in the arguments presented and the actions taken. Through that I try to distinguish the potential problems posed for the Muslim minorities living in the two countries.Three main areas are covered: the different political actions in the two countries, the consequences for this sidestep in liberal citizenship theory and in what way the view on equality splits the two parties. I conclude: that the French secularism and the Swedish equality have played key roles; the ideal of liberal citizenship is being abandoned for a more partial state; and the view of the veil as simply oppressive is part of a colonial heritage that can be challenged..