

12733 Uppsatser om Social Dominance Orientation. - Sida 46 av 849

Barn i familjehem: vilka faktorer bidrar till en välfungerande placering?

The purpose of this study has been to investigate which factors are important with foster home placing, to achieve a positive result for the child. The questions that we have focused on is the importance of the child's earlier experiences and relations, the foster homes attitude and approach, the social service organization and the cooperation between these concerned parties. We have also looked at the importance that the relation between the biological family, the child and the foster home can have. This study has been carried out using qualitative interviews with several foster homes, social welfare secretaries and a researcher in the area. We have also chosen to separate the foster homes on the basis of two foster homes only accepting teenagers while other accepting younger children.The theoretical concepts we have chosen to use are connected to attachment theory and the ecology of human development point of view.

Vad påverkar handlingsutrymmet? : En kvalitativ studie av ekonomihandläggares reflektioner kring sitt handlingsutrymme

AbstractSocial welfare workers employed in the same county base their assessments on the same laws, routines and guidelines, yet it seems that they sometimes come to different decisions. It's the discretion that enables the social workers to make individualized decisions adapted to each clients unique situation.The purpose of this paper is to examine social welfare workers reflections on discretion and what influences their discretion in the professional role.Six qualitative interviews were conducted with social welfare workers in three communitys i the middle of Sweden.The main result shows that it is primarily four factors that affect the social welfare workers discretion in the professional role :External factors such as other organizations change of regulations and cooperation with other organizations.Organizational factors such as routines, rules and guidelines .Professional factors such as the opportunity to use experience and professionalknowledge to determine which measure works in different situations.Individual factors like the workers ability for initiative and the clients individualcircumstances. Social welfare workers feel that they have a relatively wide discretion in their profession. They believe they have the ability to make individual evaluations of each client, however they also believe that their discretion often is limited by lack of time.Key words: social welfare workers, clients, discretion, assessments. .

Gymnasieungdomars identifiering med den egna sexuella läggningen : Självkänsla, nära socialt stöd, ifrågasättande

Under ungdomsåren sker stora förändringar, både fysiskt och psykiskt. Utforskandet av sexualiteten blir mer aktuell och den sexuella identiteten och den sexuella läggningen kan genomgå förändringar. Viktiga aspekter för att identifiera sig med den sexuella läggningen anses av vissa forskare vara självkänsla, nära socialt stöd och ifrågasättande. Syftet med denna studie är att finna svar på hur mönster av dessa faktorer kan påverka den sexuella identiteten bland gymnasieungdomar. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ ansats.

Projektimplementering : En processorientering för att identifiera kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av projekt

SammandragDenna studie tar upp problematiken vid införande av administrativa stödprojekt vid Uppsala universitet, främst hur motstånd till förändring kan motverkas. Problemet definieras genom frågan: Hur kan Uppsala universitet effektivisera implementeringen av administrativa stödprojekt? Syftet med denna studie är att lyfta fram kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid genomförandet av projekt. Färdigimplementerade administrativa stödprojekt studerades genom personliga intervjuer med projektansvariga och administratörer på institutioner. Upptäckterna analyserades med hjälp av en processorienterad teori baserad på Demingcykeln.

Starkare i samhället - Om invandrarföreningar som en social resurs för politisk integration

This paper examines the consequences of membership and participation in immigrant associations on individual immigrants? political integration and indirect political participation with reference to Swedish society. The theoretical underpinnings consist of a social structural outlook on social capital, combined with the Civic Voluntarism Model, both of which focus on the potential role of social networks for moving people into political action. After a presentation of parallel qualitative data over the experiences of individual members in a Finnish and Bosnian-Hercegovinian organisation, it is suggested that immigrant associations support the political integration of their members into the host society. Firstly, the case studies indicate that members of immigrant associations gain the opportunity to augment their civic skills, which is a significant prerequisite for political participation.

En avpolitiserad politik? : en studie av hur jämställdhet konstrueras i SKL:s Program för hållbar jämställdhet

Gender equality is a political issue that has gained a lot of support in the last decades. Researchers have however pointed out that gender equality has a wide variety of understandings.SKL (Sveriges kommuner och landsting) is an organization that looks after the interests of local authorities and county councils in Sweden. SKL has by the government been granted 145 million Swedish crowns to support gender mainstreaming at a local level. During a period of three years, 2008-2010, funding has been given to 89 projects for this purpose.The aim of this study is to examine what meanings are given to the term ?gender equality? in these projects.

Nyutexaminerade socionomers uppfattningar om relevansen av sina professionella kunskaper som de fått under utbildningen efter inträdet i arbetslivet : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to examine how newly qualified social workers from Linnaeus University in Kalmar feel that the school has prepared them with the professional skills to meet the demands that exist within social work. Social work education is a generalist training that will result in a professional qualification. With a qualitative approach eight newly qualified social workers were interviewed.We used the sociology of knowledge as an overall theoretical approach. We also used experience- based knowledge as a theoretical approach. One of the study's conclusion was that the graduates had difficulty linking theory to practice.

En planering av ?meröppet? för Sävar bibliotek : Hur kan man designa ett bibliotek för självbetjäning och sociala interaktioner?

Sävar bibliotek ska införa meröppet, och denna studie har undersökt hur man bör gå tillväga. Intervjuer utfördes via telefon och e-mail till andra meröppna bibliotek, och en fokusgrupp utfördes med besökare och personal vid Sävar bibliotek. Vi undersökte även relevant litteratur för att hitta hur själva miljön i biblioteket ska se ut. Vi kom fram till att det är viktigt att information om förändringarna kommer ut till besökarna. Det är också viktigt att biblioteket ska vara en social miljö, så det är viktigt att arrangera det så att det uppmuntrar till social interaktion..

Med samtidsperspektiv på äldre konst : en fallstudie av utställningen "Queer: begär, makt och identitet"

The aim of this essay is to study how older art can be used to illustrate our contemporary society with a critical view and also to contribute to the discussion of for what reason we keep our public collections.My essay is based on a case study of the 2008 summer exhibition ?Queer: desire, power and identity? at Nationalmuseum. The exhibition used art from different eras to show how the ideals, norms of gender, and how the symbols for power have changed throughout history. It also reveals how certain art or artists have been excluded from art history due to their sexual orientation.This study is based on three questions:-          How can older art be used to illustrate a to our society contemporary theme?-          How can a public museum make an exhibition with a clear and active message?-          How can a clear and potentially sensitive message be shown without risking to be provocative towards either the visitors or the person(s) it is about.My material is based on the exhibition, the work material from the museum, protocols, photographs, exhibition texts, and interviews with the creators of the exhibition.

Sociala mediers betydelse på dagens marknader : Företags vilja att förstå sina kunder

Title: The role of social media on today?s markets ? Companies? desire to understand theircustomersAuthors: Kristoffer Avci-Nåmark & Patrik WidlundBackground: The markets of today are characterized by dynamic conditions because of thecontinuous change in consumer preference. Due to this, the interaction between the company and its consumers is gaining importance as companies find the need to increase their knowledge about the market. Out of this need social media has emerged as a tool forcompanies to improve their communication with customers. The popularity of social media isincreasing at a rapid rate and sites such as Facebook now has around 500 million usersworldwide.

Relationen mellan familjehem & biologiska föräldrar: En (o)komplicerad relation?     Synen på familjehemmens kontakt med barnets biologiska föräldrar, samt det stöd som ges från familjehemssekreterare i denna kontakt.

With this research we aim to examine foster parents and social workers perceptions about the relationship between foster parents and the foster child?s biological parents and their perceptions about the support to the foster parents in the contact with the child?s biological parents. The research will provide a deeper understanding of the actors? perceptions and explain possible differences in their opinions. This study has a qualitative approach and contains eight semi-structured interviews with foster parents and social workers in a smaller town in the south of Sweden.

Samsjuklighet mellan depressiva symtom och undergrupper av social ångest i relation till livstillfredsställelse hos unga vuxna: En tvärsnittsstudie

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte var att undersöka profiler av samsjuklighet mellan depressiva symtom och olika undergrupper av social ångest hos unga vuxna (20-24 år) samt dess samband med livstillfredsställelse och upplevd social funktionsnedsättning inom yrkesliv/studier respektive sociala aktiviteter. Data har inhämtats via självskattningsformulär. Resultaten analyserades genom en klusteranalys. Två profiler med samsjuklighet mellan undergrupper av social ångest och depressiva symtom framkom. Denna samsjuklighet verkar vara relaterad till både en lägre grad av upplevd livstillfredsställelse samt till funktionsnedsättning inom två domäner, yrkesliv/studier och sociala aktiviteter..

När är det barnens tur? : En studie om socialarbetares syn på barns delaktighet och inflytande

According to the Conventions on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to make their voices heard and express their opinion in situations concerning them. With this paper the authors have chosen to explore social worker?s view?s on children?s participation and influence, and how these are manifested through the entire case process. The focus in this study has also been the positive and negative effects the children?s influence may have.To investigate this, a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews has been conducted.

Tjuvögon och långskallar : Skolpersonals beskrivning av erfarenheter och ansvar kring barn med sociala problem

The purpose of this study was to investigate how pupils with social dysfunction were defined and described and how the responsibility of the school concerning the needs of these pupils was apprehended. For this matter, in depth interviews with four headmasters and four teachers at three different schools were carried out.The possibilities to help pupils with social dysfunction were regarded as limited due to limited resources. The school can be described, as a huge refined apparatus of classification where some children very early are eliminated and there does not appear to exist any back up plan for these individuals. In this respect the function of the school is very similar to that of yesterdays school where the elimination process worked just as well, the denotations change but the problems remain the same.The material used in this study is too small to make general conclusions but the results give some indication of the problems of the interaction between the school and its staff and pupils with social dysfunction. We strongly believe that the results warrants further investigation as to in what way the school can improve in helping pupils with social dysfunction..

De handikappade och de normala: En studie om social identitet hos elever på riksgymnasium för rörelsehindrade

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the social identity of students at upper secondary school for physically disabled students. The youths I drew my attention to suffered from severe physical disabilities and therefore received specially adapted education in small classes, but integrated at an ordinary upper secondary school.By "social identity" I mean how the students view themselves as a group, how they value their membership of the group and how they relate to non-disabled students at school. I wanted to investigate the connections between these students' social identity and the problems of marginalization of disabled people in society.According to qualitative methods I interviewed five physically disabled students, aged 18-19, at upper secondary school level taking part of especially adapted education. The study showed that these students regarded themselves as a segregated group at school. None of them associated with non-disabled students at school.

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