

12475 Uppsatser om Social ålder - Sida 54 av 832

Mediakonsumtion, social jämförelse och pornografiskt materials korrelation med kvinnors globala, kroppsliga och sexuella självkänsla

Tidigare forskning har visat att kvinnor jämför sig socialt för att utvärdera sig själva vid exponering för medialt idealiserade bilder av kvinnor i TV, tidningar och pornografiskt material. Aktuell studie avsåg att undersöka dessa typer av media och social jämförelses påverkan på kvinnors globala, kroppsliga och sexuella självkänsla. Etthundratjugo kvinnor besvarade en enkät innehållande reliabla skalor samt egenutformade frågor. Resultatet visade signifikanta effekter av social jämförelse på kvinnors globala självkänsla. Huvudeffekt av pornografikonsumtion på sexuell självkänsla påträffades.

Follow the yellow brick road : Musikalfilmens återkomst

Youth culture and social problems associated with youth groups have existed for decades. We have chosen an explorative case study design to highlight young people's revolt against parents and society and how society has dealt with social problems of youth and how those were perceived. ?Raggare? were considered a major social problem in society. The material in the study comes from eight qualitative interviews and literature of previous research of the current youth culture.

Kvalitetskontroll och kvalitetsutveckling i Utredningshemmets utrednings- vård- och behandlingsverksamhet : Vad tycker socialtjänst, föräldrar och ungdomar?

Utredningshemmet in Hässleholm, Sweden, is a special residential home for acute management and investigative evaluation of juvenile delinquents.Utredningshemmet has, since 1991, used an investigative model, which is based on systems theory. The investigative work is done in close co-operation with social workers, youths and their parents.This study takes into account the youths, who have had a commissioned placement to carry out an investigation of their needs of care and treatment, 71 juvenile delinquent cases. They are divided into three one year intervals: 17 cases in 1993, 28 cases in 1998 and 26 cases in 2003.The purpose of this evaluation is to illustrate changes in the social workers, parents and youth's level of satisfaction during the development of the special residential home's investigative model.Approximately one to three months after discharges social workers, youths and their parents completed a level of satisfaction questionnaire. The results demonstrate no significant difference in the level of satisfaction between different time periods. There are, however, differences in satisfaction levels between social workers, who have the highest level of satisfaction, parents, who have the next highest level and finally the youths level of satisfaction..

Money vs. Happiness : En fallstudie om CSR på företaget Fair Travel Tanzania

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about facing responsibilities towards a company?s employees, customers, stakeholders, suppliers and the environment. As customers and consumers came to seek companies that were dealing with CSR a rapid wave of ?forced? implementations of social responsibility began. Fair Travel Tanzania, which has CSR as the foundation of the company, says that they are transparent about what they do and how they give back to the locals, could it be a problem with this? And how do they actually give back to the locals? Is it possible to measure the impact of CSR activities within the company? And if so, how?.

VFU- en väg in i arbetslivet? : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar arbetsgivares värderingar av erfarenheter från verksamhetsförlagd utbildning.

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the employability of newly graduated social workers is affected by the Supervised Practical Work Experience performed during the educational program. Four main questions were developed in order to establish an educated and concise theory: Does the newly graduated social worker?s choice of a specific Supervised Practical Work Experience affect their employability? Does the structure of the Supervised Practical Work Experience affect newly graduated social worker?s employability? What specific skills do employers within social work consider important for their organization? Is there a difference in how the representatives of various organizations within social work answer the aforementioned questions? The study was conducted through six qualitative semi-structured interviews. The people being interviewed work either as employers or recruiters in organizations from different areas within social work. Theories concerning organization and symbolic interactions were used during the analysis of the results.

Självförfattning, läckage och olikhet : Om att kombinera kvantitativ metod och queera teorier i sexualitetsstudier

The aim of this study is to combine queer theories with quantitative methods. In social sciences, queer theories are being widely and increasingly used. Quantitative method is also widely used, and as a traditional method it can be regarded as a cornerstone in social sciences, sociology in particular. However, the two perspectives, queer theories and quantitative method, seem at a first glance to be very different in their understanding of social phenomena. Queer theories have, with some exceptions, mainly focused on qualitative research concerning such phenomena as sexuality, while the field of science is quite diverse.

Tankens makt - Påverkar abstrakt respektive konkret tänkande affekt efter en positiv händelse? En experimentell studie i en studentpopulation

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

När elever interkulturella kompetens blir en styrka : En kvalitativ studie om nyanlända elevers upplevelse av den sociala interaktionen i en mångkulturell skola

This study investigates how social interaction affects newly arrived pupils? views on their study situation in the Swedish educational system. The aim is to give a contribution to the discussion on the notion of including ?the Other? in educational practice in multicultural schools. Semi-structured group interviews were conducted to explore how the intercultural perspective and the theory of inclusion can be used to explain the dynamics of social interaction.

Den ständiga förändringen : En komparativ studie i vinstdrivande fo?retag och ideella organisationers varuma?rkesarbete pa? sociala medier

AbstractTitle: The constant change - A comparative study of profit companies and nonprofit organizations' brand management through social mediaAuthor: Agnes Nobel & Matilda VallgrenTutor: Daniel LövgrenPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study profit companies and nonprofit organizations? branding and strategic communication on social media. If social media has supported with new interaction with stakeholders and hence affected the branding work. Also if there are any differences between profit companies and nonprofit organizations.Method/Material: The method that is used in the article is a qualitative research. The research is based on conversations interviews conducted with eight organizations, four profit companies and four nonprofit organizations.Main results: The main result showed that all organizations are actively involved with social media in their strategic communication when in order to increase the interaction with stakeholders and thus strengthen their brand identity. It turned out that all organizations have not adapted the brand to social media, but worked with the organizations values ??and only applied the trademark on social media.

Missbruksvård på lika villkor? : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens könsperspektiv i missbruksärenden

Although Sweden is considered to be one of the world?s most equal countries, studies show that social work to a large extent is characterised of stereotype conceptions about men and women. This implies that clients with addiction problems are treated by there gender belongings and not from there individual needs. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how aware the social services are regarding gender perspectives and equal opportunities among male and female addicts. The social workers that were interviewed had different opinions about what extent the gender perspective had in the treatment of the clients.

En designstudie av social interaktion i kontextmedvetna musiktjänster

Den här studien behandlar social interaktion i kontextmedvetna musiktjänster. Problemområdet innefattar design av musiktjänster för att stödja musikens sociala funktioner. Studien genomfördes som en designstudie där workshops tillämpades för att generera den data som låg till grund för slutsatserna. Slutsatserna presenterades i form av fyra stycken designriktlinjer; Hantera och presentera användares identiteter, Stödja dialoger, Erbjuda indirekt interaktion och Erbjuda direkt interaktion. De är inte avsedda för att designa en produkt utan istället för att bidra med kunskap som ger en förståelse om effekten av en design..

"Natten är dagens mor": Lars Noréns pjäs tolkad utifrån ett vetenskapligt och systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Our purpose with this essay was to analyse the play "Night Is the Mother of Day" written by Lars Norén, and to investigate how the family members/characters in the play interacted.By analysing the family with help from the system theory and by comparing the family with scientifically proven facts regarding drug abuse complexities, this essay explains the family's behaviour pattern and main dysfunctional problems.This essay explains the similarities and non similarities between the science and the specific theatrical play being used. It also rise the question whether there are advantages with analysing plays in terms of increasing the ability to relate to difficult problems and create a greater empathy and understanding for people involved with social problems..

Övergång mellan förskola och förskoleklass : En inblick i hur pedagoger ser på kunskap, social förmåga och samverkan.

The curriculum of the Swedish school system explains how the transitions between the preschool class and the pre-school should be. The co-operation between the organisations should aim for a long term perspective with the students learning process in mind (Lgr11).The pre-school has almost the same aim in their curriculum, as the curriculum of the Swedish school system.The aim with my study is to examine how the teachers from the different organizations relate to knowledge and how they look at the students social interactions. Also how the transition between the pre-school and the pre-school class is viewed from their point of view. How do the teachers from the different organisations comprehend knowledge?How do the teachers from the different organisations comprehend the social abilities?How do the teachers from the different organisations work and interact in terms of the transition between the pre-school and the pre-school class?The study that has been made is about the transitions between the pre-school and the pre-school class. It´s been investigated by doing interviews with teachers from both the pre-school and the pre-school class.

Den förvandlade kommunen : Ekonomisk och social tillväxt i Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007

The transformed municipality ? Economic and social growth in Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007Author: Kristina HanssonThis thesis focuses on the economic and social growth in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik. It is a single case study and the municipality is studied through economic theories concerning regional growth in the period of 1997-2007. The aim is to analyse whether these theories, such as Åke E. Anderssons and Ulf Strömquists K-society, and other more or less microeconomic assumptions, also are applicable in smaller local contexts.

Sociala nätverkssidor - En varumärkesförmedlare på B2B-marknader. : En studie över större B2B-företags användande av sociala nätverk i ett brand equity-stärkande syfte.

Social networks have become an important factor in today?s society. Companies as well as individuals are using these platforms to interact with one another on a daily basis. This phenomenon has mostly been acknowledged by companies on B2C markets where these social network sites are being used to communicate their brand. On B2B markets however, the usage of these platforms have not been as optimistically implemented.

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