

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 16 av 398

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The purpose of this study is to investigate how much of the estimated annual electric energy production from Swedish wind power that actually was produced, as well as the history of this agreement over time. The aim is to also examine if there are properties that have caused some group of wind power plants to produce more or less, compared to their estimated production. Operational data on wind turbines collected by the Swedish Energy Agency was analyzed. A survey was made among owners of wind power plants with a nominal power of at least 2 MW. Two different methods for normal year correction of production data were used and compared.

Kvantifiering och kartering av föroreningstransport inom ett avrinningsområde

The aim with my master thesis is to develop and test the applicability of methods to quantify and map solute advective travel times and pollutant transport at the catchment scale. Such quantification and mapping can increase the understanding of catchment-scale pollutant transport in general and contribute to the identification of the main sources of water pollution and the most efficient measures to reduce such pollution. The study area is the catchment of Oxundaån, about 20 km north of Stockholm. For detailed GIS modeling of water flow and catchment-scale contaminant transport in water, I´ve used new high-resolution elevation maps, land cover maps and soil maps combined with other available relevant data..

Skogsbrukets erfarenheter av Poppel Populus sp. i Skåne :

In Europe poplar plantations has been planted for more than one hundred years. In the first plantation was made in 1940. The interest for poplars has since then shifted over the years and has for long periods been very low but is now slowly increasing again. The main reasons why poplars are becoming more interesting are because of their great production potential. Nevertheless, the knowledge of how to mange poplars in Sweden are very low and very little research has been done concerning management of the species. The objective for this study was to; 1) investigate and document experience and results obtained in practical Swedish forestry, 2) to give a fair picture of the perceived advantages and disadvantages that the poplars has for the forestry, 3) document what the foresters that has experience and those who has no experience of poplar plantations thinks about the potential of poplars.

Effektivisering av produktionsgrupp : Improving the efficiency of a production group

The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..

Styrkan i OEE som arbetsmetod

The E-department at GETRAG All Wheel Drive in Köping have problems with the efficiency on parts of their production equipment. The equipment with the most significant efficiency problems are four automated multifunctional production cells that produces housing for rear drive units. The major part of the problem is the large amount of small stops that causes the low efficiency.The department already worked with logging of interruptions and efficiency calculations before this project started. However this work was not done to the extent considered necessary for a systematic follow-up of the interruptions.The aim of this paper is to point out a more effective and systematic way to work with logging of interruptions and the follow-up. In addition the equipment were studied with a method for efficiency calculation that ? if used properly- is a more powerful and a visually better method than the one used by the company today.As the initial current state analysis of the equipment was made a lack of documented knowledge about the equipment was discovered.

Dyka efter spänning : Sensation seeking scale testad på dykare

Är dykare spänningssökare? Är män mer spänningssökande än kvinnor? 51 dykare, 27 män och 24 kvinnor, läts fylla i enkäten Sensation seeking scale version 5 (SSS-V). Sensation seeking scale har utvecklats av Marvin Zuckerman med kollegor sedan 1960-talet och mäter graden av spänningssökande personlighetsdrag, på engelska: sensation seeking. Enkäten har visat sig valid på flera hundra studier men har bara testats på dykare ett fåtal gånger. Hypoteserna är att dykare är mer spänningssökande än normalpopulationen (H1) och att dykande män är mer spänningssökande än dykande kvinnor (H2).

Samkörning mellan värmepumpar och fjärrvärme : Bostadsrättsföreningen Bogården

This diploma work covers an investigation over the heat - and hot water systems of thetenant-owner's association, Bogården. The heat - and hot water needs of Bogården aresatisfied by both district heating as well as three heat pumps. Implemented investigationshows that the heat pumps are not used in a profitable way. Apart from that, the reservepossibilities are small. There is also a risk of the growth of Legionella bacterium in thehot water system.Since the heat pumps are already installed, HSB-Gävleborg (responsible for Bogården)has a wish to investigate possible proposed actions for optimization of existing plant.After completed investigation, a new proposed action is presented.

Växande tankesätt : en studie av tillväxtmotiv och tillväxtstrategier i småföretag

Background: Today small business firms represent a considerable part of swedish economy, and the number of small firms has steadily increased the last ten years in relation to the total employment. The fact that there are firms willing to grow, it ought to be interesting observing their motives of growth, and what kind of strategies that can be identifiable in these firms. Purpose: To examine the motives of growth in small business firms, and to study which growth strategies the firms use when expanding their business. Realization: The study is accomplished through telephone interviews with six small business firms in the province of Jönköping. The firms contain between 10-49 employees.

Produktion av dricksvatten och förnybar el i Bläsinge fiskehamn

The fishing port of Bläsinge is located on the east coast of Öland, Sweden?s second largest island. Today the port has a limited supply of freshwater. The economic association of the fishing port wants to expand their business, so that they will also include tourist services. To do this the harbor will need a more independant source of freshwater, with a higher quality than the present well.

E-faktura : Relationernas förändring mellan småföretag och storföretag vid införandet av EDI

This essay describes some factors that may effect small business survival in relation to becoming a supplier for bigger companies that may implement the use of EDI for electronic invoicing.The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate what impact may occur during the introduction of EDI between small and big business.Following on from the introduction of methods used in this study there will be a complete analysis made detailing results.From our research we have found that most small business have developed a professional working relationship between themselves and their clients.The adoption of EDI by big business has revolutionised the day to day dealings between both supplier and consumer in that EDI has empowered both chains to collaborate data in real time.In conclusion our research illustrates that in order for small business to survive the must implement EDI. The results of our study have shown that the introduction of EDI to both small and big business has had a positive outcome..

Rötgas och termisk förgasning av GROT, en väg till ett fossilfritt Norrland : en ekonomisk utredning

Sverige är idag i starkt beroende av importerade oljeprodukter för att driva de dagliga transporter som krävs för att samhället ska fungera. Kraftigt ökade priser på olja, eller en slopad internationell oljehandel skulle få ödesdigra konsekvenser för Sverige. Samtidigt är Jordens klimat i förändring, varmare temperaturer leder till smältande inlandsisar och detta till stor del på grund av världens oljeanvändning. Denna rapport behandlar de ekonomiska aspekterna kring biogastillverkning för ett Väster- och Norrbotten självförsörjande inom drivmedel för vägtransporter. Rapporten utreder huruvida denna självförsörjning skulle vara möjligt med avseende på tillgång utav råvaror för biogasanläggningarna.

Expansionsmaskiner istället för strypventiler - en effektivisering

In Uppsala CHP Plant, there are six pressure reducing valves to reduce the pressure from 15 to 3 bars, before six absorption heat pumps. During the process the energy is conserved but losses occur in form of exergy. The aim of this thesis is to reduce the losses of exergy. This can be done by letting turbines replace the pressure reducing valves.In this thesis an investigation has been done of the conditions today, the conditions after the change from pressure reducing valves to turbines and a comparison of three different types of turbine solutions. The three examined solutions are one turbine, several helical screw expanders and several small turbines in parallel with asynchronous generators.The six absorption heat pumps have been divided into two groups; one group of four and one group of two absorption heat pumps.

Goda grannar - mellankommunalt samarbete ur den lilla kommunens perspektiv

This thesis deals with co-operation between municipalities viewed from the perspectiveof the small municipality. It poses two questions: How and why doessmall municipalities co-operate? and Which is the place of the small municipalityin a larger organization?. To examine this three Scanian municipalities have beenstudied and one Norwegian municipality is used to provide a perspective on theSwedish discussion.Four theoretical topics guide the thesis. Firstly the core values of municipalities;democracy, autonomy and efficiency.

Ytbearbetning av ersättningssten för kulturhistoriska byggnader

The study investigates questions and considerations emerging when stone in historic buildings needs to be replaced. The focus is on the surface treatment of stone in sandstone façades in pre-industrial buildings. That means buildings constructed by traditional methods and craftsmanship without the use of modern technology.The research issue originates from the extensive stonework that is planned for the façades of the Stockholm Palace. The project includes the replacement of large quantities of damaged stone to newly cut stone. This raises the questions about the use of modern and rational methods for surface treatment on the replacement stone.

Stadens gröna pauser : rekreationsmöjligheter i Pocket parks

SammanfattningSyftet med den här litteraturstudien var att ta reda på vad det finns för möjligheter och svårigheter att producera ål i fångenskap. Med nya hållbara metoder att föda upp konsumtionsål skulle utfiskningen av glasålar minska i världen och man skulle kunna fortsätta äta den goda rökta ålen med gott samvete.Det finns välutvecklade metoder för att inducera könsmognad hos han- och honålar. Detta utförs genom att injicera hormoner och man kan därför fråga sig om det är hållbart i en produktion för framtiden. Efter kläckning av larverna finns flera viktiga faktorer att ta ställning till, så som utfodring och optimal hållning av ålarna. Även ägg- och mjölkekvaliteten spelar en stor roll när det gäller att hålla ålarna vid liv.Abstract The aim with this study was to find out how far we have come to develop reproduction strategies in eel culturing.

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