8327 Uppsatser om Small Business - Sida 37 av 556
Resultatet - när under året justeras det mest? : En studie av earnings management
Title: Artists? identity and image ? a brand perspective The purpose of this study has been to create an understanding of how artists in the music business can be seen as brands and to see what stands out when having this approach. During the study we have focused on the two terms identity and image. We find this issue interesting and relevant since branding has been widely discussed in business economy, but not enough when it comes to artists in the music business. To answer our research question we have targeted three aims for this essay, which is to clarify and analyze:? Identity and image when people are viewed as brands? What specifically characterizes the image of the artists when they are seen as brands and what it might mean that artists are considered as brands? How artists identity and image can be highlighted, shaped, influenced and how it can changeIn this study we have used a qualitative approach to get the topic in depth and gain a greater understanding for the subject.
Guide för design av ett Business Case för IT-investeringar tillämpat ett SME
Problemdiskussion: IT?investeringar är ofta den största investeringen ett företag gör.För ett medelstort företag blir det extra viktigt om att försäkra sigom ett lyckat IT?projekt. Denna uppsats lyfter fram skillnadernamellan vad teoretikerna anser vara en kritisk framgångsfaktor ochvad praktikerna har för syn på dessa.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att designa och utvärdera ett Business Case av enIT?investering för ett medelstort företag. Vi vill skapa en ökadförståelse hur ett Business Case kan utformas för ett SME och vadden bör innehålla för att öka chanserna för att lyckas medprojektet då det idag sker många misslyckanden vidimplementering av affärssystem.Avgränsningar: Ofta innehåller ett Business Case många fler punkter än de vi valtatt behandla.
Marknadsföring av folkbibliotekens tjänster en studie av ett hemsidesprojekt i Östergötland
In the digital era, new services have entered the public libraries, like seeking information on the Internet, in databases, newspapers online etc. But many citizens do not know that these services exist. The libraries have a democratic responsibility to inform about them. In the county of Östergötland a project started in 2001 where libraries in five small municipalities built websites in which they present all their electronic services available. One of the aims was with the help of different kinds of marketing to reach special groups of people, like adult students, small companies and politicians.
Nivågruppering i Engelska : En fallstudie på en gymnasieskola i en Stockholmsförort
The purpose of this degree thesis is to investigate what the English teachers in an upper sec-ondary school, think about teaching students in ability grouped classrooms. The questions that I have set out to investigate include what the teachers think about ability grouping in English, the school?s current organisation of ability groups, the pros and cons of ability grouping in English, differentiation in teaching and if students get more individualized teaching with abil-ity groups, how the teachers cooperate and what would be the optimal teaching situation in an English learning classroom.I did a lot of theoretical research on the subject and studied old essays on similar subjects. I also did some classroom observations to use as background information for my interviews. I interviewed five teachers of different sex, age, and teaching experience.
Marknadsföringsstrategier - ett sätt att synas
Konkurrensen inom klädbranschen är hård och det finns många stora aktörer på marknaden. Småföretag har begränsade resurser till skillnad från de stora aktörerna, det blir därmed viktigt för dem att använda sig av kostnadseffektiva metoder för att kunna nå ut till kunderna. Marknadsföring är en avgörande del när det gäller överlevnad och expandering. Många aspekter spelar in när det handlar om företagens framtid, allt från hur man positionerar sig till hur effektivt man använder sig av marknadsföringsmixen. Det gäller att synas och att få kundens uppmärksamhet samt få kunderna till återköp.
Elektromagnetisk skärmning genom mekanisk omkonstruktion
This is a master degree thesis at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) betweenÅngpanneföreningen and Programma. KTH is the examiner, Programma is the client andÅngpanneföreningen is mentor for this project.Programma has a product called TM1800 that has problems with EMC; the problem is thatthis product does only pass the CE-check with a small safety margin. This problem can besolved by reducing the radiation from the electric components in the product or by reducing offix base frame. In this degree thesis the focus is only on mechanical redesign.The main problems right now depends on the long distance between the screws, there is anisolating layer on most of the parts and the forces between the joints are too small. The mainfocus is to solve these three problems.The best solutions are when the whole base frame is more or less redesigned instead of onlyredesigning some of the connection points.
Är själv bäste dräng
In part this paper is a contribution to the ongoing Swedish discussion about our public structures. The discussion has picked up speed in the last years thanks to a government backed committee trying to come up with a suggestion to make our public sector more efficient. A big part of the debate is about the independence and work of our municipalities, what they should do, what they shouldn?t do and when the state should step in and take over. I make a theoretical investigation into one of these issues, the one about job creation.
Förskollärarens professionalitet - ur ett verklighetsperspektiv
The preschool should lay the foundations for lifelong learning in a good educational activity. Preschool curriculum is designed to enhance the quality of the educational activities. To translate the curriculum in business, the importance of early childhood special education knowledge. With regard to the completion of theoretical knowledge requires the ability to translate theory into real action. Professionalism is essential to anchor the curriculum in daily operations.The study's purpose was to investigate preschool teachers' perception of professionalism and how the implementation of the preschool curriculum in their daily business functions.The study was an interview with four pre-school professionals with the spread in age and experience.
En kvalitativ studie av Social Enterprise som fenomen - Motsättningar i Social Enterprise bolag bottnar i marknadens bild av socialt företagande
A Social Enterprise is a business that features a mixture of characteristics that originates from the third and private sector. A general conception of Social Enterprises is that they aim to improve social welfare by the use of sustainable business models. The mixture of social and business features has created ambiguity about how to define Social Enterprises. The purpose of this study is to clarify Swedish Social Enterprises as a phenomenon and to examine antagonism that arises from mixing the two different sets of organisational characteristics. This is achieved by conducting a qualitative study of ten Swedish companies that the market considers to be Social Enterprises.
Förbättring av Valeos produktionssystem med hjälp av de internlogistiska verktygen Small Boxes, Flat Storage och Linefeeder
Vår uppgift på Valeo Engine Cooling AB i Linköping har varit att förbättra produktionssystemet genom att utveckla internlogistiken mellan lagret och monteringsstationerna samt sättet att lagra material.Valeo är en grupp bildad 1980 genom en fusion av bilkomponenttillverkare. Totalt har Valeo 71500 anställda. De verktyg som Valeo rekommenderar för förbättring av internlogistiken är Small Boxes, Flat Storage och Linefeeder. Användandet av dessa verktyg stödjer de principer som finns inom Toyota Production System och Lean Production.Linefeeder är den person som förser monteringsstationerna med material. Han kör omkring med en dragtruck efter vilken han kopplar på olika vagnar.
Klichéer : Några unga människors uppfattning om klichéer i vardagens samtal
This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.
Message sent : - SUDD AB:s interna kommunikation i den digitala tidsåldern -
AbstractTitle: Message sent ? SUDD AB:s internal communication in the digital age (Message sent ? SUDD AB:s interna kommunikation i den digitala tidsåldern)Number of pages: 40 (44 including enclosures)Author: Lea KaufmannTuthor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: HT 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: Analyze whether a small long distance company such as SUDD AB can obtain a well-functioned internal communication by using new communication technologies.Material/Method: The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with SUDD AB:s complete staff.Main results: Proven that internal communication is a complicated and very important process also within a small company. New communication channels do not necessarily guarantee an uncomplicated and efficient internal communication but the need to collaborate with old-fashioned channels persists.Keywords: communication, information, channels, effects, content, effectiveness.
Revisor idag, redovisningskonsult imorgon : Har revisionen spelat ut sin roll i mindre företag?
In 2010 mandatory audit was revoked for small and medium sized companies in Sweden. At the same time the authorization for accounting consultants was established with the aim of raising the knowledge and status of the profession. Even though The Swedish Companies Registration Office has discovered more errors in the accounting after the mandatory audit was eliminated, it especially concerns those companies who does not have neither an auditor or an accounting consultant. One of the reasons often mentioned to be audited is the auditors role when it comes to lending decisions. Our empirical studie show that the auditors most important function, being unbiased, is not what is of greatest importance for the credit institutions.Instead it was professional skills, and for small and medium enterprises (SME) it was consulting they requested the most.
Hantering av inköpsrisk vid svenska kafferosterier : när smaken får avgöra En studie av hur riskhantering kan integreras i inköpsprocessen
Background: The strategic importance of purchasing departments is increasing, yet supply risks are rather uncharted. The procurement of coffee involves supply risks and the purchaser needs to be able to handle these to enable the roasting-house to produce coffee as specified. Purpose: To chart risks in connection with the procurement of coffee as well as the possibilities of handling these. The thesis also examines if general risk management theories are applicable on the supply risk present within Swedish roasting-houses and can become an integral partof the purchasing process. Method: A qualitative case study of the purchasing process of Swedish roasting- houses.
Farmers preferred end-values related to their use of forward contract : a means-end chain analysis
Today?s farmers are constantly affected by the fluctuating world market prices on grain and thereby the price risk that comes with the price fluctuations. The volatile prices of grain increase the price risk within the business, which in turn affects the profitability of the business. The fluctuating prices together with the increased price risk within the farm business have opened up the market for hedging instruments.
In this master thesis project, the aim is to identify the underlying end-values of 30 Swedish farmers? related to their choice of using hedging and the product; forward contract.