8327 Uppsatser om Small Business - Sida 35 av 556
Avskaffad revisionsplikt för småföretag : Konsekvenser och möjligheter för redovisningskonsulter och revisorer
Background for the research problems: Small companies are very important for the economic stability and development, something which the economic crises in recent years have underlined. Therefore it?s important to minimize administrative costs for smaller companies and also in other ways facilitate their further development. For these reasons accounting has been simplified and auditing abolished for smaller companies in many countries. In Sweden auditing for small companies was abolished nearly three years ago.
Är det tillåtet att försämra vattenstatus? : Om Sveriges rättsliga genomförande av miljömålen i EU:s vattendirektiv
The pupose of this study is to qualitatively study how teachers at a high school work with the schools demokratic mission under the management by objectives and what the policy document says and how the students can partcipate in different issues. My question fomulations are: What does it say in the governing documents about schools democratic mission and student influence? How do teachers concretely work to implement the values of democracy and student influence? How can the class councils used as part of the school's democratic mission? The theoretical frame of the study is about the school democracy mission and the possibilities and limits. Futhermore a brief review of the fundamental values of the school are presented, followed by how the democratic process works.I used the qualitative analysis in order to find a lot of information about a small amount. Its strength is to convey a lot of information about a small number of observations and if the material is small in size.
From wheels to walking : exploring an alternative planning approach in Sub-Saharan countries - the case of the Axis in Nairobi, Kenya
Rapid urbanisation is putting strains on both the landscape and the city dwellers and the pressure on planning for sustainable and equitable cities is crucial. As many cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are expanding, city planning has trouble keeping up to meet the needs of the growing amount of urban dwellers. Many cities have also been planned with the cars in focus and the needs and comfort of the pedestrians have been overlooked. The capacity of institutions is limited due to centralized government and bureaucracy, as well as corruption. Planning is erratically implemented and it is difficult to know what will happen.
The Emerging Pricing Capability ? A Multi Case Study of Business-to-Business Companies.
Uppsatsens syfte är att försöka förstå, utifrån existerande teorier och med hjälp av insamlad empiri, vilka parametrar i ett kundperspektiv som är av betydelse vid utvecklingen av en prissättningsförmåga bland business-to-business-företag.Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod vars ansats är av abduktiv karaktär. Den empiriska datan har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer vilka har genomförts via personliga möten samt via telefon. Då vi betraktar prissättning som en förmåga, vilken återfinns inom företaget, så utgår det teoretiska ramverket främst från det resursbaserade synsättet vilket styrks av en akademisk artikel som beskriver och förklarar bakgrunden till att prissättning kan ses som en förmåga. Därutöver beskriver vi den vanligaste prissättningsstrategin företag emellan; cost/plus-strategin. Vi argumenterar för att företag bör införa rutiner och skapa en entydig struktur, med särskild fokus på tre områden, för att försäkra kunden om att de erbjuder produkter med kundvärde.
Organisationsidentitet i varumärkesbyggande ? en fallstudie av en organisation i fastighetsbranschen
Organizations today face big challenges as a result of increased exposure. A distinct and recognizable identity is required to differentiate. Consistent and coherent communication about what the organization stands for and where it is going is crucial if you want to succeed. This is a case study of how organizational members from two real estate companies that have merged into one, perceive their merged organization. The method is depth interviews with management representatives and focus group interviews with members from different levels of the company.
Från Arenan till Arbetsplatsen : Om tidigare elitidrottares karriäromställning till annat arbete
Background for the research problems: Small companies are very important for the economic stability and development, something which the economic crises in recent years have underlined. Therefore it?s important to minimize administrative costs for smaller companies and also in other ways facilitate their further development. For these reasons accounting has been simplified and auditing abolished for smaller companies in many countries. In Sweden auditing for small companies was abolished nearly three years ago.
Value Creation Through Corporate Social Responsibility - An illustrative study of five Swedish insurance companies
Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their core business and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntarily basis. The purpose with our thesis is to study how Swedish insurance companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility and to analyse the underlying strategies of the companies? social, environmental and economical activities. We will analyse where, how and for whom value can be created with CSR. Where does the value creation take place, how can it be created through these activities and who will benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility? Theories point out that companies need to assemble and value the total package of benefits to be able to create successful corporate initiatives.
Isomorfismer i kyrklig organisation : En ecklesiologisk undersökning av Svenska kyrkans regionala nivå
This thesis examines the regional part of the Church of Sweden. Existing as a Lutheran evangelical church since the declaration in Uppsala in 1593, the Church of Sweden became completely separate from the state in the year 2000. Apart from a small piece of legislation by the Swedish parliament, the now former state controlled church were to act on their own. This development can be seen as a result of several decades of discussions. The author is raising the question about the roll and function of bishops and dioceses in the Church of Sweden.
Rådgivning, oberoende och kvalitet vid revision
Background: An accountant is supposed to secure that the information from a company is true and fair. Recently consulting, or giving advice, has grown to be a major part of an accountants daily work particularly in smaller companies which may have insufficient financial competence themselves. This means that an accountant occupies two parts, as an independent reviewer and as an initiated advisor, which have caused controversy. Purpose: The purpose is to outline and explain how the accountants and audit customers regard an eventual discrepancy between performing the audit and consulting, and to give suggestions how to manage this. The purpose is also to define what customers perceive as quality in consulting an auditor.
Den rådande tolkningen av samma eller likartad verksamhet : Konsekvenser vid generationsskiften i fåmansföretag
On the 26th of January 2010, the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden gave five rulings which greatly affect the possibility to keep a close company within a family by transferring the ownership of the company to the next generation. The five rulings concern the interpretation of the prerequisite, same or similar activity, which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. The prerequisite is fulfilled when an entire or parts of a business is transferred to another close company and the receiving company?s business activity is within the framework of the transferring company?s business activity or when the companies have a similar connection. Depending on which shares that are being evaluated, the prerequisite can refer to both the shares in the receiving or the transferring company. When the prerequisite is fulfilled, a standardized amount of the business income will be taxed as capital gains and the surplus will be taxed as earned income.
Differentierat eller sammanhållet belöningssystem i diversifierade företag?
Background: Diversified companies, for example audit firms, sometimes offer different kinds of products and services. Different key success factors can in the same company thereby evolve. Goal congruence has to be achieved in the business divisions as well as in the company as a whole even though each business segment might have to focus on different factors. Purpose: The purpose is to analyze if differences in technology and culture between the business divisions in diversified companies motivate a differentiated reward system. Method: The study has a case study approach.
En analys av sa?ljklimatet i komplexa business-to-business relationer : En utredande nula?gesanalys i kontrast till Insight Selling
The thesis aims to describe the current sales climate in the context of complex sales in business-to-business. The purpose is to increase the clients knowledge of sales and test the clients hypothesis that the sales climate is changing from Solution Selling to Insight Selling, further the thesis aims to contribute to the scientific debate of sales. Solution Selling is characterized, as the name suggest, by selling of solution to the customers needs. With Insight Selling the seller has a provocative approach towards the customer and the seller is searching for customers in the need of change. This is a qualitative study conducted with eight interviews and one focus group.
Att fånga & förmedla en livsstil med ett varumärke & en affärside : en fallstudie av Proud
The purpose of this essay was to find conceivable marketing- and business strategies that can be combined with a company?s lifestyle.This essay is dependent on a number of interviews with the owner of a maternity clothing trademark, PROUD. PROUD is a new company that has many different options concerning expansion, trademark and its existing and future products and also the knowledge regarding the client?s attitude towards PROUD.The authors of this essay believe that the trademark should represent a lifestyle. For a company to be able to deliver, it has to understand what the future clients want and need.
Business Intelligence är en samling verktyg för att utvinna och analysera information ur rådata inom en organisation samt ge bättre beslutsstöd grundat på denna. Det har traditionellt använts inom industrisektorn, men på senare tid har även sjukvårdssek- torn upptäckt fördelarna med ett välimplementerat system för Business Intelligence. Implementationen är emellertid en komplex process där mycket kan gå fel, och på grund av att sjukvårdssektorn relativt nyligen började använda sig utav Business Intel- ligence finns luckor i forskningen på området. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur sjukvården i Region Halland samt involverade konsulter arbetar med implemen- tationen, och ta fram riktlinjer för hur detta bör ske. Uppsatsen baserades på en kvali- tativ ansats och använde sig av en explorativ studie med djupintervjuer där totalt fem personer från Region Halland samt två personer från ett IT-konsultbolag bidrog till uppsatsens resultat.
Ju fler kockar desto sämre soppa? : En studie om hur styrelsestorlek påverkar värdering av svenska börsnoterade företag
Det finns många faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten på styrelsens arbete. Tidigare forskning har funnit ett negativt samband mellan värdering av företag och antal styrelsemedlemmar. Då det finns en avsaknad av liknande studier på den svenska marknaden avser denna studie att undersöka sambandet mellan styrelsestorlek och värdering av företag. Vi undersöker 203 bolag noterade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic under perioden 2011-2013 med hjälp av en regressionsanalys. I motsättning till majoriteten av tidigare forskning finner vi ett positivt samband mellan styrelsestorlek och värdering, mätt som Tobin?s Q, för företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Small Cap.