8327 Uppsatser om Small Business - Sida 12 av 556
Det mindre företagets räddning? : en studie om hur ekonomisk brottslighet kan undvikas genom en intern kontroll
The purpose of this essay was to examine whether Small Businesses can avoid ac-counting crimes with a well-conducted internal control system. The questions we asked ourselves was, whether and if so, companies can prevent this from happening by using a internal control.In this essay we used a qualitative approach. Essential information was given to us from four different interviewees. We also worked from an inductive approach which means that we interviewed people without any earlier research to build on. The method also had a hermeneutical approach, which means that we made different interpretations based on the reference framework and the empirics.After the study had been carried out, we concluded that all evidence from this essay suggested that even Small Businesses need an internal control to protect their business.
Lojalitetskapande genom distribution : Att skapa lojala kundrelationer på en överetablerad konfektionsmarknad
This essay reviews the situation for small actors in the Swedish clothing industry. In this essay we assume that loyalty is a requirement for survival on the competitive clothing market. Four small actors have been analyzed up on theories on loyalty, brand equity, relationship marketing, service marketing, quality, interactive marketing, distribution and value creating activities. The chosen actors are Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair, Boutique Sportif, Jenny Hellström and Ida Sjöstedt. The conclusion of the essay is that it is possible for small actors on the Swedish clothing market to build loyal relationships with their customers.
Hållbarhetsstrategier: Är det ett hinder att vara mindre? ? En studie kring motiv bakom implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i mindre svenska företag inom hudvårdsbranschen
Problem: Small companies dominate the skin care industry, and they also face moredifficulties, constraints and resistance in strategy implementation and sustainabilitywork than other operators. Still, the trend of sustainability strategies increasesignificantly precisely in this industry.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge to the field ofsustainability strategies and motives for the implementation of them in smallercompanies who engage with skin care, in Sweden.Framing of a question: Why do some smaller Swedish companies in the skin careindustry choose to implement sustainability strategies in their business?Literature: The literature functions as a framework for the study and is considered toidentify the possible reasons why small companies choose to implement sustainabilitystrategies or not. The literature is collected before the empirical data.Method: This paper is constructed by a qualitative method approach. The empiricaldata were collected through interviews, by telephone, personal meetings and email,which were then transcribed and the interpreted by a model, which the authors havecreated.Conclusion: Smaller companies are often met by larger resistance and an until up tothe present slowly emerging industry with vague rules and controls as well as ancomparative knowledge of what is good and what is not.
Klimatneutrala företag - kan IT minska utsläppen?
The attention on environmental issues has never been as huge as today. The climate is changing and more and more evidence suggest that the cause behind climate changes is an increase of carbondioxide into the atmosphere. The increase in turn is considerd to be an act of human activity. Therefore some companies have decided to become climate neutral and implement information technology in their business in order to reduce their emissions. This thesis has three aimes: to calculate a small company´s carbondioxide emissions, study whether or not information technology could help to reduce these emissions and furthermore find out why some companies decided to become climate neutral and describe the concept climate neutral.
Patientbemötande inom primärvården
Vad ledningen gör för att öka vårdcentralens attraktionskraft genom att
involvera personalen för ett ökat patientbemötande - en komparativ studie
mellan offentlig och privat primärvård i Karlskronas närområde..
Extern rådgivares påverkan i kreditprocessen för småföretag
SammanfattningVi har undersökt hur kreditprocessen påverkas ur kredithandläggarens perspektiv, av att det kreditsökande småföretaget använder sig av en extern rådgivare eftersom tidigare forskning tyder på att det blivit svårare för dessa företag ett erhålla finansiering från banker. Ändringen i förmånsrättslagen 2004 är en bidragande faktor till småföretagens prekära situation eftersom det försämrade bankens utdelning vid en eventuell företagskonkurs. När en småföretagares kunskaper inte räcker till, kan en extern rådgivare konsulteras för vägledning i kreditprocessen. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen var att beskriva kredithandläggarnas uppfattning om den externa rådgivarens olika funktioner i kreditprocessen samt att analysera hur kreditprocessen påverkas av att en extern rådgivare agerar i småföretagets intresse. Vi har genom en kvalitativ undersökning och studerat fyra kredithandläggare i fyra olika banker med erfarenhet av vårt ställda problem och fångat deras respektive betraktelser.
Innovera eller stagnera! : Öppen innovation inom tillverkande små och medelstora företag i Småland
Titel: Innovate or Stagnate! ? Open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized businesses in Småland.The purpose of the study is that, from a leadership perspective (innovationmanagement), create a better understanding of open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises. The study therefore intends to contribute to the understanding of how open innovation processes leads to greater innovation in manufacturing small and medium sized businesses.We have used a qualitative research method and adopted an abductiveapproach. We made interpretations and created meaning based on our research results.Our theoretical framework is based primarily on Chesbroughs (2003) research on open innovation. Based on this model, we have selected a number of other theories, which we perceived as prerequisites for small andmedium sized companies in open innovation processes.
Våtmarker för näringsretention i Lillån : var bör de ligga och vilken effekt kan vi förvänta
Construction of wetlands in the agricultural landscape may reduce nitrogen and phosphorus
transfer to streams, thereby reducing the eutrophication of lakes and seas. The agriculturalstream Lillån, a tributary to stream Sagån, ends up in Lake Mälaren and is transporting large amounts of these plant nutrients. The aim of this study was to estimate how hypothetical wetlands of different size and location may reduce nitrogen and phosphorus load from stream Lillån. Estimated nutrient retention in several small wetlands was compared to retention in a single large wetland based on existing data from the agricultural stream and from a nearby smaller stream. Retention in the stream was suggested to decrease along with the nutrient concentration in the water.
Försäljning av närvärme :
To provide our company a new business opportunity I have in this essay examined the economical possibilities to sell energy.
I have chosen to do a case study on my own farm in this essay. The farm is focused to cropping and also have some properties for hire. The farm is situated in the village of Fjelie and that?s where the opportunity for selling heat are. Fjelie has about forty houses.
The idea is to build a plant where straw is being used as fuel.
Competing on the job market- a study of the relationship between product- and personal branding
Purpose: The purpose of our thesis is to analyze the application of models from product branding on job-seeking business students as a way to establish a personal brand.Conclude: We found that the principles of product branding closely resembles those of personal branding and are therefore applicable. The models that build a products brand can do the same for a business student. Thereby we can conclude that personal branding does derive from product branding..
Trender inom Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence har under de senaste åren vuxit starkare fram och
innefattar nu en hel yrkesroll i gränslandet mellan teknik och företagsekonomi.
Detta syns framförallt inom det företagsekonomiska området och särskilt inom
ekonomistyrningen. Denna uppsats försöker besvara frågorna ?Hur har utveckling
upp till idag av Business Intelligence sett ut?? och ?Vilka trender finns idag
inom Business Intelligence ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv??. Uppsatsen
behandlar inte något specifikt verktyg eller systemleverantör utan har som
utgångspunkt att undersöka trender inom floran av systemverktyg utan att för
den sakens skull gå in på någon specifik lösning.
Business Intelligence historia summeras upp utifrån 60-talet fram till idag och
ett antal trender presenteras i punktform.
Sälj- och köpprocessen av IT-relaterade tjänster
Background: Companies and organizations of today spend large amounts of money on IT-based business solutions. Such business solutions normally include business- consulting and software-creation (IT-related services). Due to the rapid development of the technology within this field of business the IT-customers find it difficult to select among potential suppliers on objective grounds.Purpose: To increase the understanding for the professionl approach of the people involved in the sales- and purchase process of IT-related services in a business-to-business context. The study is taking the buyers'as well as the sellers'perspective into account when analyzing the process. Method: The empirical findings were collected from eight companies in Linköping and Stockholm.
Indicating relationship success : finding new agricultural Business-to-Business partners by evaluating the potential for relationship success
When a company seeks to enter a new market, the multiple choices of possible new business relationships exist. Further, establishing new relationships is a time-consuming procedure associated with high uncertainty and high costs. Hence, if the firm does not succeed in pinpointing the most suitable business partners to collaborate with, the firm may both forfeit other possible good relationships, as well as resources invested. Based on this notion the aim of this thesis is to explore how a manufacturing company can base the selection of future dealership Business-to-Business partners by evaluating indicators of a possible business relationship?s potential to become successful.
The choice of focusing on the Business-to-Business relationship between a manufacturer and a dealership company originates from being influenced by the issues facing the Swedish agricultural machinery manufacturer Väderstad-Verken AB, who is putting attention to explore the US market.
Virtuellt ledarskap i näringslivet: Hur affärssimulering kan skapa kompetens, samsyn, och ökad ekonomisk förståelse i en organisation
The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the topic of business simulation from a theoretical foundation in social constructivism and theories concerning leadership as the management of meaning. The most important findings are that business simulation can be used for strategical leadership by management to create a common vision in the organisation members, which affects their perception of the business and the decisions and actions they make, which in turn can lead to a more efficient organisation that becomes better at meeting set goals. This can be viewed in different ways from different theoretical viewpoints: as inducing targeted changes in mental models to create changes in decision making and actions; as a secondary socialization process where the vision of management is externalized as a business simulation that is in turn internalized by the organisation members that participate in the business simulation, or as a way to frame and define the reality of the organisational members which creates a shared reference point against which a feeling of organisation and direction can emerge. In the future, business simulations may become increasingly used by organizations to create a common vision or to communicate a new decision to the organization members..
Samspelet mellan IT-avdelning och verksamhet : En studie av hur koordination påverkas av strukturer och social interaktion
Several surveys indicate that corporate leaders still consider the aligning of IT and business functions as a top management issue. The aim of this thesis is to illustrate how coordination emerges between IT and business departments and how formal structures intended to coordinate are influenced by human action. To deepen the understanding of this phenomenon we seek to analyze IT/business coordination from a perspective based on practice theory. A field study was conducted where observations and informal interviews were carried out at the IT department of a global company. The empirical analysis indicate that coordination problems between IT and business departments is in part affected by embedded factors such as different goals and perspectives on how IT is to be used in the organization or how to design IT related processes.