714 Uppsatser om Skin temperature - Sida 15 av 48
Hälsoeffekter från trafikbuller vid Bäckegatan
The purpose of the study is to investigate the possible effects of an unstable ventilation system and its influence on energy use and thermal comfort. The report also explores how qualified personal working with HVAC view and handles system control.In order to meet the requirements in energy efficiency and a comfortable indoor climate control regulation is a prerequisite. With optimized increased complexity of the climate systems, it becomes more challenging to control the system and the risk of unstable control increases. No previous studies about what affect an unstable system can have on energy use and thermal comfort have been found.The report is based on several tests were the controlling variable has been increased until the system becomes unstable. Two different types of unstable systems have been investigated.
Påverkan på energianvändning och termisk komfort vid reglerinstabilitet
The purpose of the study is to investigate the possible effects of an unstable ventilation system and its influence on energy use and thermal comfort. The report also explores how qualified personal working with HVAC view and handles system control.In order to meet the requirements in energy efficiency and a comfortable indoor climate control regulation is a prerequisite. With optimized increased complexity of the climate systems, it becomes more challenging to control the system and the risk of unstable control increases. No previous studies about what affect an unstable system can have on energy use and thermal comfort have been found.The report is based on several tests were the controlling variable has been increased until the system becomes unstable. Two different types of unstable systems have been investigated.
Fisk- och fågelpredations påverkan på den bentiska makroevertebratfaunans sammansättning under tidig vår i Tåkern
Predation is one of many factors that form the structure of the macroinvertebrate community in lakes, wetlands and watercourses. Earlier studies lack an examination concerning how fish- and waterfowl predation affect macroinvertebrates during shorter periods in the spring. I performed an exclosure study in the shallow eutrophic Lake Tåkern which is located in the western part of Östergötland County, Sweden. The experiment was performed during a three week period (1-21 April 2012) when the water temperature was low and the density of migrating diving ducks was high. The experimental cages used included three out of four different treatments; general predation (open cages), bird exclusion (net with mesh size 90*45mm) and no predation (net with mesh size 1*1mm).
Vattendragsrestaurering i teorin och fiskinventering i praktiken : en litteratur respektive metodstudie
Running water-pathways have played an important roll in Sweden and frequently been
manipulated. One profound change was made during the period of logging when
streams were cleared from obstacles as big boulders, sharp bends and side-streams.
Dams and different constructions gave control of the stream water and the streams
became channel-like with a homogen structure. This interference gave problems for
many fish populations and resulted in a shortage of feeding habitat, over-wintering
habitat, spawning habitat, unnatural flow regimes, sedimentation, unnatural
temperature fluctuations. Many of these historical changes of the watersheds are now
subjects for restoration, ie., bring back the streams to what we believed it was before the change. However, what once existed in terms of complexity is now gone and difficult toreplace.
Hur rör sig huden på en häst? : validering av metodik för rörelseanalys av halskotpelaren hos häst
Höghastighetsfilmning är en teknik som ofta används inom rörelseforskning på häst, särskilt för att registrera ledrörelse. Reflektoriska hudmarkörer sätts på anatomiska landmärken, vilka sedan filmas med höghastighetskameror. En felkälla med dessa mätningar är att huden förskjuts jämfört med underliggande skelett. Detta fenomen beskrevs första gången i början av 1900-talet och har sedan dess studerats relativt omfattande framför allt för hästens extremiteter men även för ryggen. Däremot har hudförskjutningen på halsen inte studerats tidigare och det var syftet med det här arbetet.
Halskotorna på fem hästar markerades med röntgentäta hudmarkörer för att sedan röntgas i olika positioner, normal position, placerad ?i form? med välvd nacke och nosen i lodrätt plan samt med ?nos mot karpus?.
Ekonomi i Passivhus : En studie av två verkliga byggnader
The aim of this report was to investigate the economy of passive houses. The work was focused on economy in total and on the economy of different components such as windows, insulation, heat exchanger and the air tightness of the climate shell. No attention was paid on the comfort factor or to the impacts on the environment.Two houses, aspiring to be passive were chosen; A big one and a small one. Hence, comparisons considering the size of the building have been possible to do as well.The comparisons were made by calculating ?break even? between two concepts; passive and BBR- concept.
Vaccination against boar taint - effect of restrictive and semi ad libitum feeding regime on production and behavior
Male piglets have been castrated for centuries to avoid contamination of their meat with boar taint, a strongly unpleasant odour that makes the meat inedible. Today boar taint can be prohib-ited by vaccination against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) using Improvac®. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination on growth performance and behaviour of vaccinated male pigs compared to surgically castrated male pigs. The effect of two feeding regimes, restricted (SLU-norm) and semi ad libitum, was also included in the study. At birth, pigs (n=206) were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups; surgically castrated and vaccination.
Prestandaförändringen hos en bergvärmeanläggning efter fem års drifttid
The aim of this report was to do a case study at a geothermal heating system which has been in operation for about 5 years, and study if its performance has changed during this period of time. A literature study about the processes involved was also done in purpose of background knowledge.The tenant-owner?s association Duvan at Petterslundsgatan in Uppsala installed year 1999-2000 a geothermal heating system. The purpose of this installation was that they hoped it would lead to a smaller usage of district heating which would lead to a reduction of the heating expenses for their buildings. The geothermal heating system consists of 19 energy wells and 4 geothermal heat pumps, and it is one of the first systems of that size in the region of Uppsala.
Markavvattningsföretagens geografi och konsekvenser i Trosaåns avrinningsområde
Agricultural drainage is widely used to manage the amount of water in the ground in order to improve conditions for cultivation. However the effects of drainage companies on water regimes are considerable leading to runoff changes such as altered stream flows, peak flows and water levels. In a greater extent this could imply an increased risk for floods along affected watercourses. This study analyzes the extension of agricultural drainage within the drainage basin of Trosaån in Sweden by ArcGIS mapping. In a statistical analysis, historical variation in streamflow in relation to mean precipitation and mean temperature are investigated for the study area.
Utredning av solenergi för drivning av sorptiv kylprocess för inomhusluften på Stockholmsarenan
Cooling down the indoor air can be done in several ways. One way is desiccantcooling which will be used at the Stockholm Arena. This method is used in airhandling units that use temperature changes and moisture fluctuations in the air. Oneof the steps is to add heat during the cooling process in order to reduce the relativehumidity of the exhaust air. The air passes thru an adsorptions rotor which thenabsorbs moisture from the supply air.
Bedömning av spermiemotilitet i färsk, kyld samt selekterad hingstsperma med Qualisperm :
This EEF-project is a part of a larger project at SLU, Division of Reproduction,
Dept of Clinical Science, with the intention of developing and evaluating new
methods for the assessment of stallion semen quality. Over the last 10 years there
has been an increase in the use of artificial insemination with cooled semen in
Swedish horse breeding. At the same time, foaling rates have decreased. This has
lead to a need for new and better methods of assessing the quality of stallion
semen. This EEF-project was based on an objective method to calculate motility,
with QualispermTM, in fresh and cooled stallion semen, and after selection.
Today sperm motility evaluation is mainly done subjectively by visual assessment
with a light microscope, and the correlation between these motility results and
fertility have varied.
Fuktens påverkan på utegipsskivor under byggtiden
This thesis is a study of humidity at Knauf Danogips external plasterboard. The study is performed at the building project Kv. Maskinen in Jönköping in cooperation with NCC Construction AB and Knauf Danogips. The measuring was performed during five winter/spring months to see how the weather influenced the plasterboard.The measuring was performed at a small two-storied building and a larger fourstoried building. From the buildings` placement were a couple of measuring dots selected and to get a good result was the dots located in the four cardinal points.
Modellering och simulering av det evaporativa bränslesystemet i en personbil
This thesis work has been performed at the department of diagnosis and dependability at Volvo Car Company, Torslanda. The background of this project is based on interest in ascertaining how different factors possibly can affect a diagnosis method, which has been developed to find leaks in the fuel tank and evaporation system. According to the OBD II requirements leaks with an orifice diameter larger or equal to 0,5 mm, must be detected. The idea of the diagnosis method is to create an over pressure in the system with an air-pump. The current through the pump is measured and correlates to the power consumed by the pump.
Pipeline-verktyg och Integrering av grafiskt användargränssnitt i Nebula 3
Det här arbetet har vidareutvecklat spelmotorn Nebula 3 genom att implementera ett sätt att inkludera grafiska användargränssnitt i spel skapade med motorn, samt en nästan färdig ny pipeline för att skapa animerade karaktärer för motorn. Det grafiska användargränssnittet implementerades med ett tredjepartsbibliotek kallat CEGUI. Den nya pipelinen går ut på att man exporterar en FBX-fil med all grafisk data som sedan läses in och konverteras till Nebula 3s format. Inläsningen sker med hjälp av Autodesks FBX SDK. Filerna som Nebula 3 behöver är en fil med animationsinformation, en fil med skin-information samt en fil som knyter ihop dessa.
Vad är ?rätt? gjutkvalitet? Hur uppnås det?
Ever since ABB has begun diecasting their rotors instead of permanent mold casting it,variation in the quality of the cast has arisen. Diecasting is performed in three differentmachines, M1, M2, M3 with 400, 660 respectively 800 tons of die locking pressures.The aim of this thesis is to answer the following questions:What is the ?right? cast quality? How is the right quality achieved?For sizes 160-180 solutions will be proposed that consider eccentricity between thelaminate and the short circuit ring as well as elimination of the thin Al film that appearson the outer periphery of the rotors.Through considering the statistic material the most often diverging rotor type has beenidentified and one of the actual rotors has been sent to a laboratory to be analyzed inorder to establish the current defects. The result of the analysis shows that there areplenty of gas- and oxide-porosity.It has been proved that every time the dies temperature decreased below 120°C thecontent of gas porosity increased. It is due to rapid solidification of metal that flowsthrough the ?cold? laminate.It has confirmed that enhanced porosity in squirrel cage causes high impedance in therotors.