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Läroboken svart på vitt : En diskursanalys av åtta samtida geografiböcker
ABSTRACTA Qualitative Discursive Analysis of Eight Contemporary Geography BooksTeacher Training with an Intercultural Profile 2006Author: Susanne LjunglöfTutor: Jan-Eric MattsonThe aim of this paper is to describe which discourses concerning the different continents problems, future and development that I can find in the descriptions of the continents in a number of contemporary geography books.The aim has been divided in four questions:- Which aspects of the continents problems are expressed in these geography books?- Which impressions concerning the continents development and future are expressed in these geography books?- Which conceptions about the population in the different continents are expressed in these geography books?- Which cultural reference creates these discourses?The method used for conducting this study is a text analytical method called general discourse analysis.My conclusions:- The different continents problems, development and future are described through entirely diverse discourses.- The reviewed geography books take their origin i a western perspective in their description of the different continents.- As a reader it is always important to be aware of the ethnocentric perspective that could be expressed.
Hainan. En kinesisk destination för nordiska turister?
The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse the Chinese destination of Hainan, with background in a globalizing tourism destination development, for tourism from Finland and Sweden. The questions at issue are regarding what kind of an impact the status as a special economic zone have had upon Hainan, what kind of conditions there are for tourism on the island, in what form participants of the tourism industry want the development to proceed, what the prevailing trend is for distant destinations for Nordic markets and also regarding what kind of potential there is for organized tourism to Hainan from Finland and Sweden.As a foundation for the paper, I?ve composed a theoretical reference for knowledge of China, Hainan and the study of destinations. The sources of secondary kind are literature related to the subject. The primary sources are mainly interviews, field work done at Hainan has given a concrete and personal knowledge of the place.
Steg 18a : En kvalitativ analys av LUS
The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers comprehend LUS as a development program, but also how they think about one of the points in the program. The study is based on interviews with five teachers working with ages between preschool to ninth grade.The results show that the development program is splendid, it doesn?t come with a lot of paperwork and it has a humanistic approach. When it comes to point 18a which is the main examination, the teachers mainly agree with each other. They all talk about preunderstanding, reading speed and the amount of literature as the main characteristics to be placed at point 18a.
Barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan : Ur några pedagogers synvinkel
The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:- What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?- What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?- How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.
Estetiska vägar mot språket : En undersökande essä om estetiska lärprocessers påverkan på språkutveckling
My purpose with this essay is to examine the relationship between esthetic learning processes and language development to find good practices in my work with multilingual children. In my report, I describe a few activities from my work as a preschool pedagogue in a multicultural area, with a large group of children where age and knowledge of Swedish varies. The background to this essay is the problems I experienced in my work with children´s language development in an organization that, in my opinion, is limited by economic factors. The questions I poses are about the way esthetic learning processes can help children develop their language skills as well as their participation in preschool activities. I also pose the question whether there is a connection between the musical ear and children´s development of language.
Inventering av Hårsbäcksdalen och Örsundaåns övre dalgång ur ett geodiversitetsperspektiv
The area around the stream Orsundaan, which runs trough the valley Harsbacksdalen, is famous for its beautiful landscape. The upper area of Orsundaan and Harsbacksdalen is situated just south of Heby in Uppland, Sweden. Even though the area is protected by different nature conservation acts, it is difficult to find any information about the geodiversity in the area. Geodiversity, or geological and geomorphological diversity, includes the concepts of geoprocesses and geoelements. Very high geodiversity could be seen at an inventory of the geomorphology in the upper area of Orsundaan and Harsbacksdalen.
När kritiska elever är målet. Att undervisa i källkritik på gymnasiet
This essay examines teaching in source criticism in upper secondary school history education. Two questions are to be answered: 1. What are the conditions like for teaching source criticism? 2. What opportunities for further development in teaching source criticism are there? In order to set a standard for what knowledge and skills in source criticism the students need, I design a four step model for good source criticism based on the historical science.
Röntgensjuksköterskans användning av sin kompetens vid ordination och prioritering av remisser
Röntgensjuksköterskans yrkesroll har i tidigare forskning beskrivits utifrån två unikakompetenser: den vårdgivande och den radiografiskt tekniska. Behoven i den kliniska vardagenstyr den professionella utvecklingen och kan leda till en förskjutning av ansvarsområden.Syftet med studien var att undersöka och identifiera vilken kompetens röntgensjuksköterskornaanvändning av kompetens vid ordination och prioritering.Frågeställningarna: Vilken kompetens använder sig röntgensjuksköterskan sig av vid utförandeav utökade arbetsuppgifter? Vilken kompetens anser sig röntgensjuksköterskan behöva vidutökade arbetsuppgifter? Har nya unika kompetensområden tillkommit utöver de som tidigaredefinierat för professionen?Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med legitimerade röntgensjuksköterskor ochanalyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier: Medicinsk kompetens, Professionell kompetens,Individuella förutsättningar och Praktiska förutsättningar.Medicinsk kompetens är ett kompetensområde för röntgensjuksköterskor som synliggjorts idenna studie. En gynnsam förskjutning av ansvarsområden är inte enbart beroende av denenskilda röntgensjuksköterskans kompetens utan också ett verksamhetsstöd i form av tid,tydlig delegering samt en arbetsmiljö, där interprofessionell kommunikation och feedback ären naturlig del, vilket krävs för att denna utveckling skall gynna alla inblandade..
Jordbrukets roll i utveckling - med speciellt fokus på Kambodja
Studien tittar på betydelsen av jordbruk för utveckling. Därefter fortsätter studien att titta på hur jordbrukets roll i Kambodja ser ut och finns det andra sätt som bättre lämpar sig för att Kambodja ska nå utveckling. Vi har lagt speciellt fokus på risodlingens roll som inkomst aktivitet. För att hitta svaren på frågorna tittar vi på två olika aspekter, economic development samt livelihood approaches. Economic development ser jordbrukets roll som en central del i utveckling av industri medan livelihood ser att det finns mer komplexa mönster i verkligheten att beakta för att utveckla ett land.
Vem förstår mig? : En essä om hur vi pedagoger i förskolan kan bemöta och hjälpa barn med språkstörning
This essay covers the subject of children with language disorders. We are two educators writing an experience-based essay on our preschool experiences and the literature with the subject of speaking disorders and verbal development. The main focus of this essay is how educators can recognize and stimulate children with language disorder. The starting point in the essay is two experience-based events from preschool which tells of two different boys, aged three and four. Both boys have some kind of verbal disorder and one of them also has Down´s syndrome.
Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack
FlexRay is a new communication protocol which is fast, reliable and flexible and therefore can meet the increasing demands on data communication in the vehicle industry. The protocol is developed by an industrial consortium containing among others BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Motorola and Phillips. Today (May 2009) Hägglunds is using CAN for data transmission in their systems. CAN is getting obsolete and has difficulties in coping with the increasing flow of communication. In this report FlexRay and its communication capacity is studied.
Små rum i rummet, om hur pedagoger i två praktiker ser på hur barn påverkas av sin förskolas fysiska innemiljö
BAKGRUND:I bakgrunden beskrivs tidigare forskning kring förskolans miljöer. Hur den svenska försko-lans miljöer sett ut och ser ut idag. Jag beskriver också Reggio Emilia filosofins uppkomst samt dess tankar om förskolans miljöer.SYFTE:Syftet för undersökningen är att ta reda på och redovisa hur miljön på hur en förskola inspi-rerad av Reggio Emilia och en förskola utan inriktning ser ut, samt hur pedagogerna på des-sa två förskolor ser på betydelsen av den fysiska innemiljön för barns utveckling och läran-de.METOD:Metoden består av att en övergripande self-report fråga lämnats ut till 12 pedagoger i två olika praktiker, en förskola med Reggio Emilia inriktning och en förskola utan speciell in-riktning. Datainsamlingen har analyserats enligt en kvalitativ ansats och kompletterats med observationer av de fysiska miljöerna (gjorda löpande under fem veckors tid).RESULTAT:Resultatet har visat pedagogernas tankesätt kring sin förskolas fysiska innemiljöer. Det visar vidare likheter och skillnader mellan de två praktikernas innemiljöer och likheter och skill-nader i pedagogernas tankesätt..
Masibuyelembo : living in harmony - att leva i harmoni
The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:- What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?- What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?- How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.
Fyra specialpedagogers uppfattningar av elever med diagnosen dyskalkyli : En exporativ studie av fyra specialpedagoger
This thesis examines some special education teachers with experiences of childrendiagnosed with dyscalculia. Problems with mathematics at school may occur to allchildren in all schools. It is therefore important that the teacher knows the variousdisabilities that teachers may encounter. The study is based on four randomlyselected special education teachers, all-working at schools that are related to amedium-sized Swedish town. This work will immerse in the knowledge ofdyscalculia among four special education teachers.The interviews revealed that all special education teachers felt that dyscalculiainvolves specific difficulties in mathematics, their views on dyscalculia is consistentwith current research.
Motpol eller legitimeringskälla? - en studie av användningen av hållbarhetsbegreppet inom Malmö Stads fysiska planering
Sustainable development and sustainability is nowadays expected to be integratedin modern city planning and permeate the entire planning process. At the sametime, sustainable development has an inherent vagueness, leading to a greatdiversity of interpretations of the meaning of this concept. In this thesis strongsustainability and ecological modernization are used as two different interpretationsof sustainable development. Using these two interpretations, an analysis of thecurrent use of the concept of sustainability within the city planning of Malmö isperformed. The analysis shows that the interpretation of sustainable development inthe city of Malmö can be deduced to ecological modernization and thatsustainability is looked upon as one way to improve the attractiveness of the city.Investments to increase ecological and social sustainability must be legitimized asleading to a potential increase in economical sustainability (growth) and the focusof increasing the sustainability in the city has shifted from ecological aspects toeconomical aspects.