6826 Uppsatser om Självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010 - Sida 10 av 456
Den som vinner barnen, honom tillhör framtiden - Valfrid Palmgren och Stockholms barn- och ungdomsbibliotek 1911-1927
In 1911 Valfrid Palmgren founded the Children's Library of Stockholm, the very first in Sweden.She was a well-educated woman, who believed in social and educational equality for all.During a journey to the USA in 1907, she was deeply impressed by the public libraries, andshe put many of the public library ideas to use in the Children's Library of Stockholm. Palmgrenstrongly opposed to the Swedish libraries not allowing admission to children, since shefirmly believed that educating the people had to start with the children.Other reasons for opening a children's library were to give children an alternative to roamingthe streets, to give children a quiet place to read, to give an alternative to the cheap trashliterature that flooded the market and to teach the young ones how to extract information frombooks. Of great importance was that the library should be equal to all classes in society.In 1927 the children's library was taken over by the new public library of Stockholm..
Den auktoriserade redovisningskonsulten : I skuggan av revisorn?
Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.
Maktutövning vid planering av stora projekt : Om spelet bakom Förbifart Stockholm
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka och försöka förstå inverkansfaktorer och maktrelationer bakom planeringen av ett större infrastrukturprojekt. Studiens fokus ligger på det stora vägprojektet Förbifart Stockholm, som bland annat syftar till att avlasta befintligt vägnät och bidra till att bättre knyta samman Stockholms norra och södra kärnor. Den reella politiken och planeringen behöver inte alltid vara densamma som den formella, vilket i uppsatsen klargörs genom bland annat uttalanden i media, remissvar och intervjuer med involverade aktörer och politiker. Maktbegreppet kan förstås och synliggöras på flera olika sätt och därför studeras och används flera olika resonemang och teorier kring maktbegreppet. I fallet med Förbifart Stockholm kan till exempel det diskursiva maktbegreppet synliggöras, vilket Foucault har utvecklat och skrivit om, men även Bachrach & Baratzs teori om icke-beslut, Flyvbjergs resonemang om Realpolitik och Realrationalitet samt den konventionella planeringsmodellen kan synliggöras i samband med studien av Förbifart Stockholm..
Immersion : Spatialisering av elektronisk musik
The aim with this master's thesis is to describe the work process with the graduation film Player, by a composers perspective and given conditions. It provides a detailed insight into how the work was done from the script stage to the end result, scene by scene reflecting about both the musical performance and the collaboration between the director and me as a composer. The work was done during the spring term of 2012 at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts..
Omvärldsanalys av Velours förutsättningar för en etablering i Stockholm
elour är ett svenskt modeföretag som produktutvecklar och säljer kläder inom premiumsegmentet. Varumärket har funnits på marknaden sedan 2005 och distribueras i hela världen. Företaget har tre egna flagshipstores som ligger i Göteborg, Amsterdam och Köpenhamn. De flesta svenska varumärken väljer att etablera sina första butiker i Stockholm, men Velour har ännu inte valt att öppna någon butik i huvudstaden. Vi valde att se närmare på huruvida en nyetablering i Stockholm hade passat Velour.
Can we do it in Sweden? Yes we can! : En studie om politisk kommunikation i de sociala medierna inför riksdagsvalet 2010
Purpose The purpose is to analyze the parliamentary parties political communication in the social media channels before the election 2010.Methodology This essay is a descriptive study from nine interviews of the responsible people in the parliamentary parties. In addition to that two more interviews were done with social media expertsTheoretical perspective This essay is based on two-way communication and communication strategiesConclusions The parliamentary parties use social media as a complement to traditional media. The purpose is to create dialog and to minimize the gap to the voters, but in many ways it is being used as a one-way communication channel. The parliamentary parties are trying to use the social media channels in Swedish conditions, but in many ways they try to imitate an American used strategy..
Gaskunders informationsbehov. : En studie i Stockholm Gas AB:s olika kundsegments behov av information och önskade informationskanaler.
Stockholm Gas AB säljer i huvudsak två olika produkter. Den ena är stadsgas och den andra är fordonsgas. Båda produkterna skall på sikt i huvudsak ha biogas som råvara. I dagsläget är det dock så att stadsgasen till största delen består av naturgas blandad med luft.Stockholm Gas AB har genomgått stora förändringar och står inför nya. År 2011 togs ett stort steg i Stockholm Gas klimat- och miljöriktiga utveckling.
Duo - ny skola på Hälsingehöjden
A variety of demands have to be considered in the design of a new opera house in Galärvarvet. All possible viewpoints are important to be aware of, as is the need for the new building to be a contrast to the already existing opera house in Stockholm. The restricted site also makes a multitude of demands on the building's design.By rationalizing the layout and structure and also by making the footprint smaller, the complex building of over 30 000 square meters can be fitted and blended into the existing physical context. Unlike the existing opera house in Stockholm, the new opera house shows the rationality and the advanced technology that lies behind the scenes and becomes the character of the entire building. Through the dynamic façade, the new opera can convey any character it so desires, just like scenes do through different settings.
Stockholm Arlanda Airport : En undersökning av upplevelser och logistik av en storflygplats och dess påverkan på resandet
The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the logistic and the configuration of the terminal buildings and the perceptions of the passengers at Stockholm Arlanda Airport are related to each other, and what effect it has on the passengers and their traveling within the airport.The focus will be on the logistic at all four terminal buildings that is within the Airport. To create a perception of the logistic at the Airport and how it is related to the passengers perceptions, the investigators need to make knowledge of the terminal buildings, and thereby try to link the logistic with the perception of the experience room.Swedavia is the company that own, operate at and manage Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The investigators will make an interview with employees at Swedavia to get a more profound understanding of how the company is thinking about the logistic issues that they need to overlook. There will also be interviews with travelers to get their perception of the logistic, design and atmosphere at the Airport.Observations will also be made at various times at the Airport with focus on all of the terminal buildings. The investigators use qualitative and quantitative methods to reach a result. To achieve a result, the investigators will use theories and scientific facts and other available facts that will be helpful to reach a result that will be analyzed..
Revisorernas dilemma - tala eller tiga?
Since 1999 auditors have an obligation, according to 42-44 §§ aktiebolagslagen (2005:551), to report suspicions of crime. The obligation to report means that the auditor is legally obliged to report any suspicious economical crime potentially committed by the executive director or a member of the board to a district attorney. Prior to the enactment it was almost impossible for the auditor to report any criminal suspicion due to the professional confidentiality. According to Ekobrottsmyndigheten the number of crime suspicion reports filed by auditors has reduced by 50 percent in the Stockholm-region between 2006 and 2010. However, after the enactment crime suspicion reports increased successively each year.
När tippen blir toppen -En studie om soptippars omvandling : Hur blir de en tillgång och för vem?
A high degree of urbanization with growing cities has raised a need of transforming closed landfill sites for giving them new uses. This study aims to investigate how old landfills can be re-used, what has lead to the new uses, and for what and whom the transformed site will be an asset. The method used is a case study of four different landfills in Stockholm county, Sweden. The case study is analyzed in the light of former studies regarding re-use of degraded urban areas, so called brownfields, and in particular studies and reports of landfill re-use. The result indicates that old landfill sites is identified as an area with possible values if transformed properly, in the case study area especially as green structure and recreation areas.
Managing urban development : A case study of urban forest?s sense ofplace in Hammarbyskogen, Stockholm
Due to the growing population in Stockholm, some of the urban green areas are beingsubjected to exploitation. Hammarbyskogen is an urban forest in the south of Stockholm andis an example of a green area that is planned to be transformed into an urban environment.This paper investigates key qualities and values of an urban forest of Hammarbyskogenvalued by local inhabitants of the neighbourhoods of Hammarbyhöjden and Björkhagen in thesouth of Stockholm. In addition to that, the study seeks to investigate people?s perception ofthe planned development of the forest as well as investigate how these perceptions andqualities are being incorporated into the process of neighbourhood development.Using text analysis, interviews and discussion forums, findings have been made showing thatthe local inhabitants value the urban forest mostly for its ecological and recreational qualities.Regarding perception of the change, people are either positive or negative to the developmentwhich can be explained by people?s experienced sense of place and place attachment of thearea and the forest itself. The study has also shown that the urban planners rely on localinhabitants? view, as well as on expert knowledge during the process of planning.The results of the study contributes to a better understanding of why and for what purposesurban forests are important for the city dwellers..
Drömmen att flytta norrut, att flytta hemåt igen : en studie om platsens betydelse för den samiska identiteten i Stockholm
Denna kandidatuppsats på 15 högskolepoäng syftar till att beskriva samisk identitet i storstaden, i detta fall samisk identitet i Stockholm. De möjligheter som finns för att känna sig samisk i en storstadsmiljö och de identitetskriterier som är svåra att uppfylla på en annan plats än Sápmi, samernas land har undersökts och analyserats. Kandidatuppsatsen är samhällsvetenskaplig och grundas i kvalitativa metoder. Fem intervjuer med samer bosatta i Stockholmsområdet har genomförts där frågorna riktats mot platsens betydelse och dennas relevans för den samiska identiteten. Betydelsen av plats, den gemensamma historien och tillhörigheten till andra samer visas vara viktiga komponenter i den samiska identiteten.
Nyintroduktioner på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm ? En studie om underprissättning och risk
I takt med att företag växer och etableras på marknaden brukar förr eller senarefrågan om en börsnotering bli aktuell. Primärt torde detta vara ett tillvägagångssättför anskaffning av kapital vilket får till följd att nya investeringar kan genomförasoch tillväxtmöjligheter öppnas. En börsintroduktion är dock en svår ochomfattande process där det emitterande bolaget ställs inför en rad kompliceradeoch svåra val. Ett sådant val är vilken marknadsplats bolaget ska noteras på, enbörs eller en handelsplattform. Vidare behöver en rad samarbetspartners anlitasför att introduktionen ska bli verklighet.
Opera i Stockholm - Årstafältet
Förslag på opera vid ÅrstafältetÅrsta Parkopera ligger placerad som en entré till Årstafältet. Promenaden fram till opera- byggnaden gestaltas som en park inspirerad av 1700-talets engelska parker, barockoperans storhetstid, och fortsätter genom operans två huvudbyggnader för att öppna sig mot det vidsträckta fältet..