

1584 Uppsatser om Situational child sex tourist - Sida 2 av 106

Barnperspektiv inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ undersökning av socialsekreterares hantering av barnets bästa

 The aim of this study was to examine how social workers perceive and interpret the term ?barnets bästa? (?The best for the child?), within the framework of investigatory work and enforcement of Swedish law, which is carried out by the Social Services. We wanted to investigate if the interpretation of the term had any causal effects on the work carried out by social workers. Seven social workers from two municipalities participated in this study in which we used qualitative semi-structured interviews based around two vignettes. We focused on age, experience, legislation, and external circumstances to gain insight into how these factors alter social workers? perception of the term ?barnets bästa?. Our theoretical approach was based on two theories on social constructivism.

Statliga turistbyråers marknadskommunikation : en jämförande studie om den Tyska och den Tjeckiska turistbyråns verksamhet på den svenska marknaden

In many of the world's countries, there is a national organization responsible for marketingthat country as a tourist destination. Through their offices, these organizations work towardsthe creation of effective strategies and a deeper understanding of local markets. Usingqualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and thematic analysis, we managed toinvestigate how the Czech and the German national tourist offices operate, and whatstrategies they are implementing to increase the volume of tourism. The study focused on theanalysis and comparison of the organizations' goals and communication channels.The results show that the investigated tourist boards operate in a similar manner with smalldifferences concerning choice of strategies and communication channels. These discrepanciescan be partly explained by differences in the organization's ownership forms and theconsequences that follow that fact.

Chef utan uniform : situationsanpassat ledarskap i Gotlands kommun

When a leader changes to a new post in another kind of organisational culture, what happens then? Could a leader use the same kind of leadership when leading different kinds of groups? Different cultures have different needs and ways to handle things and in the end it all comes to situational leadership. Both leaders and theorists claim that the leader must adjust to what the organisation and its members needs. This paper contains an inquiry of how officers have handled their new assignments as leaders in the civilian world of the municipality. The research shows that a former military leader must also be able to lead another kind of group if they change to a civilian career.

Röster som inte hörs : En juridisk studie om hur barnperspektivet redovisas i LVU-domar

The child perspective is a complex area primarily because of its many ways of interpretation but also because children are considered to be less competent than adults. Our hypothesis was that adults in court-proceedings make decisions in the child?s place. The aim of this study was to investigate the judicial meaning of the child perspective in ?Socialtjänstlagen? (SoL) and ?lag om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga? (LVU).

Ledarskap och ledarstilar i klassrummet : en intervjustudie utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The purpose with this examine was to study the teachers perception of leadership in the classroom and also how they experience the conditions of this. The method used was qualitative, and builds on a total of six interviews. Stensmos five leadership tasks in the classroom that constitute leadership context have provided the theoretical basis of this study. The leadership tasks have therefore been used as theoretical tools in this study to analyze the teachers? reasoning about their own leadership style.

Den tyska turisten på campingsemester i Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to develop marketing strategies, from a service management perspective, for camping?s interested in the German tourist as a new target audience. This essay focus upon extending the season for camping grounds on Öland, Sweden. To extend the season we recommend the camping grounds to target a new audience - the German tourist..

Uteförskola : en undersökning

?Think of the best for the child? that?s a sentence we been hearing before, but the question is, do we really? Does the child get the opportunities to develop to healthy, safe, creative, mobile,concentrated, invention, curious, harmony child? Preschool outdoors is about time. On a preschool outdoors, gets the child opportunities to shape materials and the place they are on, the environment on preschool outdoors is formable and the children fantasy is big. Nothing is decided on a preschool outdoors ahead and nothing is static, here is the place where the child creates together with the nature and landscape. The landscape has a central part in the child?s play and in the child development and there are often no limits.

Etablering av köpcentra i Värmland : - med exemplet Töcksfors Shopping center

AbstractDuring the year 2005, a more and newer models of trade as shopping malls has been established in Värmland. Trough media (Wermlands the newspaper, Tvärsnytt) we have been able to follow the development of trade establishments as happened in the county, for example the establishment of Olav Thons Shopping center in Töcksfors. The aim and issues as then arisen in this study is part's why economic activities as shopping center increases precisely in Värmland, part's factors that governs the premise ice ring of a shopping center, were Töcksfors shopping center is functioned as an example, part's if shopping centers is a part of Värmland's new tourist activity? Through depth interviews with the region manager Urban Svanberg on Swedish business communities, the centre manager Helene Rödseth on Töcksfors shopping centre and the county tourist manager Monica Karlsson on Värmland's tourist council, some cultural geographic premise ice teories has been showed. For example this study has shown that trade in Värmland has been given birth to new trades in the county..

Varning! Ett tekniskt fel har uppstått : En undersökning kring hur turistbyråer hanterar informationsteknik.

This research is based on the observation that people in the service industry is being replaced by technology.  This insight formed a foundation for the presentation of the problem this essay is based upon. We began to speculate over how tourist information bureaus handle the changes, regarding information technology, in their surroundings when their main task is to inform and communicate with their market. Information technology has created new possibilities for organizations to reach their consumers and it has influenced all kinds of industries. We decided to examine organizations in the tourism sector because it is one of the biggest and fastest growing industries in the world. The entering of information technology in the tourism industry has changed its structure and we want to examine how tourist information bureaus succeed to deal with this phenomenon.The aim with this essay is to examine how and to what extent tourist information bureaus integrate with changes in their surroundings caused by information technology and which values that slip away/ is added by the adaption.

Har kvalitén på barnets delaktighet ökat i barnavårdsutredningar efter att BBIC har börjat tillämpas?

The purpose with this examination essay was to find out if participation of children in social welfare investigations had increased since the social services had started to work with BBIC. I compared the participation of the child before BBIC, then when social service had started to work with BBIC and I tried to see if there were increased participation in the investigations. My theoretic starting-point was the symbolic interactionism and I used the qualitative method of investigation. In my investigation I found that there is not yet any increase in participation of the child in the investigations when social service work with BBIC. What I found was that the reason to start an investigation often was that the parents made the problem for the child and that conditions at home for the child influenced the possibility of the child to communi- cate with an adult that the child did not know.

Centrala begrepp i socialtjänstens LVU-utredningar : en dokumentanalys

The main purpose of this essay was to study how the social service and the lawcourt have implemented the UN Convention on the Right of the Child, particularly incorporating the childs best interest in social services, child welfare investigations and the lawcourts judgement. We considered how the needs of the child, and the will and view of the child was documented. Also how the parents capacity and the environment factors, were documented in the social services investigations and the lawcourts judgement. The study was based both as a literature study and a document analysis. We analysed ten child welfare investigations from a social service office and their belonging lawcourt judgements.Our conclusion of the study is that the child is in focus both in the investigations and in judgement.

Myndighetssamverkan i Barnahus : Blir det bättre för barnen?

Many children are being abused by daily basis. Mostely they are abused by a parent or another person that is close to the child. Mostely the child abuse never is reported to the social services or to the police, and even if the perpertrator is known, only a few cases are brought to prosecution. If a case allthough is drawn before the court of law, there are still too many of the perpetrators that are being acquitted. In other words, the legal security for the abused children is way too low.When suspiscions arise that a child is exposed to child abuse there are several inquiries that starts at the same time.

Barnets bästa : en studie i hur domstolen avgör frågor om umgänge när det har förekommit våld i familjen

In many of the disputes concerning custody, residence and visitation determined by the court, some form of violence has been performed. The consequence of a child who has witnessed violence in their homes is a problem that is sometimes overlooked. It is not unusual that the violence will continue even after a separation. The law shows that the child´s need of both parents is to be met. This has according to previous studies resulted in the fact that courts do not always see visitation with a violent parent as a risk for the child.

Vann rätt låt? : Om röstning och röstningsmekanismer

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Marknaden för utsläppsrätter : En empirisk analys av vad som styr prisvariationerna

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

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