

2631 Uppsatser om Site structure - Sida 39 av 176

Jacobsberg - Lustträdgård och begravningsplats : En dokumentation, trädgårdshistorisk studie och funktionsanalys

This essay, Jacobsberg ? a Landscape Garden and a Cemetery is a documentation and a historical analyze where I?ve been focusing on the development of the landscape garden in Sweden in relation to a garden called Jacobsberg. The garden was built close to Visby on Gotland in the early 1800s by the assessor Jacob Dubbe, but has since been almost forgotten. My survey aims to depict the circumstances surrounding the creation of Jacobsberg. In what purpose was it built? I?ve also been examine the historical context of the garden?s origins with the intention to define and confirm its architectural style.The essay comprises two major parts, where the first part deals with the history behind Jacob Dubbe and Jacobsberg, and contains an illustration of the assessor?s life and of the garden?s original structure and shape.

Husbyparken : världens mötesplats : space och place syntax-analyser som instrument för utveckling av förortens urbana struktur

This paper constitutes graduate work at the Depart-ment of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. In this paper the urban structure of the million program suburb Husby in Stockholm is examined and what effect this structure has on social life in the area. The main objective of the study has been to, with the help of morphological analyses, examine how to create meeting places and make the Husby Park more accessiblefor the inhabitants in Husby. There has been a selection of analyses to ensure that Husby?s spatial relationship with surrounding suburbs as well as local spaces in the Husby Park is described.

Hållbar katastrofturism - ur ett miljöperspektiv

This thesis is about catastrophe tourism and the sustainability of the tourism in an environmental perspective. The purpose is to see if there is any interest for that kind of tourism and to see if the people who have an interest or curiosity of it thinks about the environment when they are traveling. A quantitative survey was made on the internet and people on Facebook, Resedagboken.se and Reseforum.se had the chance to answer it. There is an interest of catastrophe tourism and a few have been to catastrophe sites or would like to visit. The conclusion of the thesis is that there is a possibility of a sustainable catastrophe tourism because most of those who answered that they had or wanted to visit a catastrophe site also thought about the environment and cleaning up after themselves..

Betydelse av lövinslag, död ved och variation i träddiameter för artrikedomen hos småfåglar

Forest management contributes to the changes in forest structure by turning heterogenous forests of varied age into homogenous forests of similar age and thus affect bird species depending on different structures or habitats which are lost during forestry. In this report, a study was made to investigate how the amount of decidious trees, dead wood and variation in tree diameter affect bird diversity. The purpose of this study was to be able to give forest management guidelines to increase bird diversity. This study was conducted by investigating 65 transects in forests of different structure south of Linköping, Sweden. Along the 65 transects, birds were inventoried as well as the vegetation.

Organisering av arbetsträning : En kvalitativ studie om handledares syn på arbetsträningens organisering och arbetet med socialt utanförskap

This study is about job training for people with psycho-social problems without income. The purpose with this sort of job training is to bring these people back to the regular labor market as well as the experience of having a job. In the labor market situation in Sweden today there?s no guarantee that the individual will return to the labor market after having undergone job training. The aim of this study is to understand how supervisors at job training activities experience that the organizations of the activities and resources affect their work.

Förutsättningar inför detaljplanearbetet - Hur påverkar detta processen?

The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..

Hur kan bra bli ännu bättre? : Hur lärare jobbar med att leda och motivera högpresterande elever.

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how teachers work to lead and motivate high-performing students, and how these students were defined. The method used was qualitative, more specifically an interview, which was then analyzed with a thematic analysis. Six teachers participated in the survey, and what emerged was that high-performing students were often ambitious, structured and social students. High performing students were also characterized by the fact that they needed challenges, attention and positive feedback on their performances, otherwise they ran a risk of not performing. Structure was also important for the teachers themselves, that they had a goal when teaching and a way of achieving that goal.

Empowerment : En studie i att skapa förståelse för olika former av empowerment

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

På jakt efter dalanavellaven Umbilicaria subglabra samt klättringens påverkan på lav- och mossvegetationen på Ålandsklipporna utanför Uppsala :

In search of Umbilicaria subglabra In Sweden Umbilicaria subglabra has its only known occurrence in Lybergsgnupens nature reserve in the county of Dalarna where it has been found only once in 1936. It was found on the east-facing rock spur, approximately 650 meters above sea-level. The lichen is now red-listed as Regionally Extinct (RE) in Sweden. The aim of this study was find U. subglabra.

Wetland development in the context of ecotourism : a conceptual design proposal for a wetland site in Lake Victoria, Kenya

The travelling sector is expanding worldwide, which puts all destinations under pressure to have a functioning social system and good resources to manage the problems and take advantage of the opportunities that the tourism sector can offer a community. The area around Kisumu in Kenya, like much of Africa, tourism can simultaneously ensure a stable financial future while it removes, as a result of a growing population, more and more of the scenery that many tourists want to experience. Responsible travel to natural areas that promotes conservation of the environment and improves the welfare of local people is what defines ecotourism. A concept that implies a closed cycle, where visitor?s needs are met in balance with what can be given back, without risking creating imbalances in society. Along the coast of Lake Victoria, valuable papyrus wetlands provide Kisumu vital ecosystem services such as water purification, climate adaptation while it also serves as a reservoir for biodiversity.

Undersökning av parkers funktion idag kopplat till kulturhistorisk värdering

Great care and knowledge are required to assess the values of public parks. Many aspects have to be considered to make the assessments reliable and credible. Care and respect for the site and its users are necessary parts of such an assessment. Stockholm City Museum releases in 2011 a document which describes a new system for assessing the cultural historical value of parks and green areas in Stockholm, a city with a great development pressure. In order to evaluate the public realm basic knowledge about the sites? history is needed. Three different parks in Stockholm have been investigated.

TAT Tutorials - En färg-kodande editor och hemsida för ett interaktivt läromedel till de xml-baserade programmeringsspråken Cascades och Kastor.

TAT?s Cascades and Kastor are programming languages used to create graphical user interfaces (GUI) for mobile phones. TAT Tutorials is a dynamic, interactive tutorial site for these xml-based programming languages. An editor will be available for download to enhance the learning process..

Så var fallet löst : En narratologisk analys av Freuds fallstudie "Fröken Elisabeth von R."

The main purpose of this paper has been to use narratological theory for uncovering the narrative structure in Freud?s cases, such as anachronisms and focalizing. My aim was to investigate the narrative and through these viewpoints discover what impact Freud?s writing?s had on the look of hysterical women. I choose one of the earliest cases,"Fräulein Elisabeth von R." which is published inStudien über Hysterie (I?ve used the text translated to Swedish and published in Tidiga skrifter och historik.

Kaos och ordning : en läsning av Doris Lessings Den femte sanningen

This paper examines the structure of The Golden Notebook and in which way it reflects thethemes in the novel. This paper also describes the context of the 1960`s in which a certaintype of ideas were developing and wants to place The Golden Notebook in this context. Finallythe paper investigates what can be understood by reading the novel as a part of that context..

Camp Vamp - Att ljussätta en dansföreställning med skiftande förutsättningar

I work on a lighting design for a dance performance to be on tour. A lighting design adapted for three different conditions was made: - One comprehensive where I allow myself a great deal of creative freedom, adapted for the stages with major technical conditions. - One smaller version for stages with less equipment and with less time for preparation on site. - One design for very simple conditions. I also examine the specific differences between typical theatrical lighting design and typical dance lighting design, and the best way to prepare for the hands-on stage design phase..

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