

2631 Uppsatser om Site structure - Sida 38 av 176

Jämförelsestudie mellan AP-fondernas Sverigeportföljer och storbankernas Sverigefonder 2002-2006

The first four AP-funds have a well-diversified Swedish portfolio, which is managed in similar way as the largest Swedish bank funds. Up until today, there has not been any comparable study that focuses specifically on this part of the AP-funds. Our aim is two-folded; First we will look at how well the AP-funds have managed their Swedish assets compared with Swedish funds of the four largest banks in Sweden during 2002-2006. This will be done by looking at some important key ratios and both absolute and active return. Secondly we will present a descriptive analysis of the management structure within the respective organisations, to be able to draw conclusions regarding the possible deviations in investment return.

Attityder till implementering av precisionsodlingsteknik :

Different techniques for precision agriculture have been available during the last decade. Some of them are more widely used than others. The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the different attitudes to precision agriculture that exists among farmers and advisors in Sweden. Eight advisors and sixteen farmers were asked for their opinion of a number of specific techniques for precision agriculture, such as yield-mapping, precision liming, the Yara Nitrogen Sensor and site-specific fertilization with phosphorous and potassium. They were also asked to describe the way in which the counselling in Swedish agriculture is used and also about it's importance for the adaptation of new techniques. The high costs are mentioned to be one of the most important reasons why precision agriculture hasn't been more widely spread. Several farmers refer to their farms as too small to bear the costs that come with the techniques. The individual interest for technique among the potential users plays an important role.

Förnyelse av hamnområde i Mollösund. Inspiration och underlag för utveckling av industritomt med fokus på turism och ett levande samhälle

Orust Kommun står inför arbetet med att förnya och utveckla ett industriområde vid hamnen i Mollösund. Målet är att bevara kulturarvet i den lilla fiskebyn samtidigt som man vill satsa på ett levande samhälle, den viktiga turistnäringen samt tillfredställa många målgrupper. Rapportens syfte är att föra en diskussion och därmed bidra med ett underlag till Orusts kommuns arbete och beslut för förändring av industritomten belägen i Mollösunds hamn. Detta genomförs genom en fallstudie där ett antal befintliga områden analyseras, vilka alla är relevanta för industriområdet i Mollösund. Diskussionen skall belysa olika typer av verksamheter som kan inhysas på industritomten och analysera vilka som är mer eller mindre lämpliga.Genom en kritiskt granskad litteraturstudie inhämtades bakgrundsinformation om Mollösund och turism för att förstå bakgrunden till Mollösunds identitet.

Varumärkesbyggande i kreativa näringar: en fallstudie på festivaler

The purpose of this thesis was to illuminate how festivals are building their brand. We aimed to investigate how festivals build their brand equity and how they use their web site as a brand-building tool. In order to understand the brand-building process within festivals, a case study was conducted based on interviews with three respondents from three different festivals. The study has shown that festivals are aware that the brand constitutes an important competitive advantage. They use both online and offline marketing tools in their brand building process.

Folkbiblioteken i Wien ? Biblioteksutveckling i allmänhet samt en fallstudie av tre bibliotek

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.


Examensarbete är en del i min utbildning, Bygg och anläggning på Luleå TekniskaUniversitet. Examensarbetet beskriver arbetsgången för montering av maskinstyrning och lite mer information om de olika delarna. Maskinstyrning är inte automatisk styrning av maskiner eller styrning på distans i detta sammanhang. Det är ett GPS mätinstrument för arbetsmaskiner som till exempel grävmaskin, hjullastare och hyvel. Det krävs en del montering och inställningar i datorn med programvaran 3D-MC.

LUEC Ledarutvecklingsprogrammet för erfarna chefer inom Sjöfartsverket - vilken nytta och effekt har det gett?

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.

Artikelbundna instruktioner : Layout och rutiner

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

Kaliumgödsling på torvmark - effekt på tillväxten hos planterade granar (Picea abies)

Peat  lands  are  a  great  potential  resource  for  increased  forest  growth  in  Sweden, there  are  approximately  6.5  million  hectares  of  peat  lands,  whereof  around  70% produce less wood than one m3sk/ha and year and are therefore classed as forest waste  land.  There  are  over  200  000  hectares  of  peat  land  that  is  already  drained and  wooded,  and  that may  be  suitable  for  fertilization.  Forest  production  on  peat soils  usually  requires  drainage  and  fertilization.  Dewatering  requires  ditching  the area, so that the roots can have access to oxygen. Nitrogen is often abundant in the peat but other nutrients; especially potassium is in short supply. The  purpose  of  this  work  was  to examine  the effects  of  potassium  fertilization  on the  growth  of  spruces  that  were  planted  on  drained  peat  land  and  how  different amount of fertilizers affects the growth. Potassium deficiency is strongly growth inhibiting, since potassium is important for substance  transport  in  the  tree.  Potassium  is  also  important  for  the  carbohydrate formation, and because increasing the sugar content of the cells constitutes a lower freezing temperature does potassium availability in the soil play a major role in the winter  resistance  of  many  species.  Potassium  is  not  found  in  any  organic compounds in the tree, but is present in cell and tissue fluids. A fertilization trial was started in 1978 in Siljansfors Experimental Forest. The plots in the experiment were fertilized with different amounts of potassium and one plot was  left  without  fertilization.  All  plots  that  were  fertilized  with  potassium  grew considerably better than the unfertilized plot. The difference in production between the unfertilized plot and the plot that received the most potassium was 7.2 m3sk/ha and year. The unfertilized plot can still be classified as waste land. The theoretical production capacity was estimated using a Swedish system for site quality  estimation  of  wetlands  after  ditching  (dikningsbonitering).  The  plot  with most  potassium  produced  after  fertilizationaproximately  in  level  with  theoretical estimations.  Key  words:  Peat  land,  Fertilization,  Ditching,  Growth,  site  quality..

Viltanpassad röjning längs skogsbilvägar som en foderskapande åtgärd för älgen

The moose is a keystone species in the boreal forest ecosystem, but the dense Swedish population do cause some serious problems. From a forestry perspective, their browsing on young Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) causes extensive losses of revenue. Adjusting the cleaning along roadsides of low trafficked forest roads can favour the production of plant species preferred by the moose. This is thought to redirect the moose´s browsing to the roadsides and thereby decrease the damages on commercial forest.The aim of this study has been to present a first evaluation of the vegetation in roadsides, one year after wildlife-adapted roadside clearing has been undertaken. In the wildlifeadapted clearing operation, the roadside was widened by removal of some trees in the forest edge whereupon a complementary clearing with a conventional chain flail was conducted.

En komparativ analys av konsolideringen av demokratin i Kroatien respektive Bosnien & Hercegovina

This essay has the ambition to examine and compare Croatia?s and Bosnia and Herzegovina?s development towards a consolidated democracy. By applying Linz & Stepen?s theory on how to consolidate a democracy and put focus on political society, behavioral patterns, attitude and constitutional structure the purpose is to find similarities and differences between Bosnia and Croatia within this field.The focus of this study is to compare two similar countries that have developed in very different ways. By applying the theory and a comparative method the purpose is to examine why two so similar countries with so much in common have developed in so different ways?In order to better answer the question there are two part questions and these are:What difficulties, concerning consolidation of democracy, have Croatia and Bosnia faced since the democratic transition in the beginning of the 1990s?What similarities and differences in the area of democratic consolidation (with focus on political society, behavioral patterns, attitude and constitutional structure) are there between the two countries?As the analysis shows, the main reason why these two countries differ so much is that Bosnia is a divided country with different nationalities and each nationality only wants to realize its own interest and does not care about what is best for the country as an entity.

Älmhults köping 1901 - 1970 : Från räls till IKEA

In the beginning of the 1860s, an important railway was built between Malmö and Stockholm. The railway became one of the most important projects that would influence the entire southern Sweden. The railway line was located to areas outside the ordinary routes and a number of communities were built up along its way.Älmhult was one of the communities that was built up due to the railway. In the beginning there were only a few farms and a station, but a community developed and the village grew. In 1901 the village became a small market town, which was an important event.

Alternativ splicing och hur den förhåller sig till växters alternativa splicing

Alternativ splicing är en process som ger upphov till att olika mRNA-sekvenser bildas från en enda gen, vilket bidrar till en ökad proteindiversitet hos organismen. Olika mRNA-sekvenser kan uppstå eftersom att det förekommer olika varianter av alternativ splicing som även kan kombineras på flera olika sätt: cassette exon (inkludering/exkludering av exon), intron retention (intronet behålls), alternative 5´splice-site choice (olika 5´ splice sites kan väljas) och slutligen alternative 3´ splice-site choice (andra 3´ splice sites kan väljas). För att alternativ splicing ska äga rum i olika pre-mRNA måste den regleras av cis-reglerande element. De cis-reglerande elementen utgörs av fyra grupper: exonic splicing enhancers (ESE), exonic splicing silencers (ESS), intronic splicing enhancers (ISE) samt intronic splicing silencers (ISS). Som namnen förtäljer finns de antingen i exoner eller introner, där de interagerar med transagerande faktorer, SR-proteiner (aktiverare) eller hnRNPs (hämmare).

Unga (arbets)sökande : En kvalitativ studie av arbetssökande ungdomar. Hur bakgrund och identitet påverkar ungas möjligheter och livsvillkor.

Örebro UniversityDepartment of Social SciencesSociology and social psychology, Continuation course, 61-90 p.Essay 15 p, Spring -08.Title: ?Youth (work)seekers?Author: Karolina LindellAbstractThis essay focuses on young people?s social background when they apply for their first job. I have interviewed four young people from a small town in Sweden, to see how social background and identity affects their vital conditions in general. I?m interested understanding the relationship between structure and agency.

Värmeåtervinning ur spillvatten. En utredning av möjligheterna med spillvattenvärmeväxlare.

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

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