

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 62 av 313

TOLKNING MED METAFORER : En uppsats om lagtolkning och avtalstolkning i ljuset av den konceptuella metaforen och den kognitiva semantiken

This master thesis concerns the relation between law and the theory of the conceptual metaphor which has developed within cognitive linguistics. Although its main focus is abstract thinking, it also covers a wide range of aspects within cognitive linguistics, such as the prototype theory and radial categories. In order to address this relation, three questions will be dealt with. Firstly, does the theory of the conceptual metaphor have relevance to interpretation of legal rules and contracts? Secondly, can the same theory explain why a legal rule or a contractual term has been interpreted outside of its most given area of application? Thirdly, when an interpretation is not predictable from a legal viewpoint, can such an explanation answer to that fact? Answering the first question will require a descriptive analysis of the conceptual metaphor and cognitive linguistics.

TOC and TQM Utilized in a Mass Customization Production Environment

Background: Mass customization has been identified as a competitive business strategy by both companies and academics because of its ability to incorporate the voice of the customer into companies? products and services. Although mass customization may sound appealing, the strategic concept is still developing and firms adopting this business strategy face several challenges. Production concerns are of high relevance since mass customization implies a high level of customer involvement in the product design. Since the areas are closely linked it is reasonable to ask how a mass customization strategy affects production concerns.

Tillgänglighet och varsamhet i vardagens stadsmiljöer

This graduate thesis deals with the challenges facing us as we gradually make our urban environments withtheir many public buildings, such as shops, cafés and cinemas, more accessible for disabled people. Theperspective taken is that of the conservationist, who in her or his profession looks to the cultural andhistorical characteristics in buildings and building environments. In order to gain better accessibility, changesin the physical fabric need to be made, with consideration for the cultural and historical characteristics.The introduction presents the subject of considarate accessibility. The second chapter deals with the legalaspects concerning the protection of buildings as well as the accessibility for disabled people. Severalinterviews with different participants are presented here, aiming to tie the legislation to the reality of theconservationist, the disabled, the civil servant working with accessibility issues and the property owner,whose responsibility it is to make the adjustments necessary to improve accessibility.

Relationer på jobbet

Goda relationer är av stor vikt för att kunna knyta långa och hälsosamma kundkontakter. Detta är särskilt viktigt på den industriella marknaden, där kontakterna vanligtvis varar över decennier. Frågan är då hur företag kan skapa dessa starka band gentemot sina kunder och vilka personer som bär ansvar för att detta skall inträffa, vilket är något som vi ämnar besvara i denna studie. Vi har dessutom presenterat vilka personer som är involverade i relationerna och vad dessa gör. För att redogöra hur en kundrelation kan se ut har vi redovisat tio egenskaper som kännetecknar relationen.

Rollen som intern kvalitetsrevisor för ISO 9001. : Hur synen och förväntningarna på internrevisionsrollen påverkar kvaliteten på interna revisioner.

AbstractThe control of quality standard ISO 9001 has made the internal audit to be experienced as police authority and paragraph control. Because of that, motivation for internal auditors is low. To counteract the experience, there is a possibility to integrate internal audit with improvements in company?s processes. Theory has shown that a qualified and competent auditor can provide information that can help the organization's managements to make the right decisions that will improve product quality and result in new customer contracts.An opportunity to observe an internal and external audit at one of the case companies gave rise to this study.

Eskalerande projekt i offentlig sektor - En fallstudie av polisens utredningsstöd

A large number of system development projects are allowed to proceed for too long, and leads to undesirable project outcomes. Research shows that more than half of the authorities involved reported that at least one of their projects have exceeded their budget, and that a third of all the projects had exceeded the budget. This problem led to the following research question: ?Which factors can explain projects continued escalation within public authorities?? To answer the question, a qualitative case study of the Swedish police?s implementation of PUST, a sort of case management system was conducted. The project received considerable media attention and a large amount of criticism was directed towards the project, partly because the project exceeded the timeframe and budget set at the start.

Materiallogistik vid innerstadsprojekt : En fallstudie av ett innerstadsprojekt i förbättringssyfte av materialflödet

The construction industry is always looking for ways to make the work more efficient aswell as minimize the waste of money in general. At the same time the industry is showing alow awareness of logistics which has to increase in order to improve the industry in thesekind of questions. Projects located in the inner city have high demands on the logistic andthe handling of material due to the so often limited space for storages of the material. Dueto this the purpose of this report is true a case, study and analyze what kind of factors thereis to take into consideration during the materials way from the supplier to the workstationin a project located in the inner city. The data for the report was collected with the help of acase study, and in three different ways.

Lärande möten : En fallstudie om hur alla involverade parter:elever, vårdnadshavare och pedagoger uppfattar

The purpose of this case study is to see how all the involved parties; students, custodians and teachers look upon ?A meeting of learning ? personal development dialogue that is led by children and young people?, on a school south of Stockholm. Our questions at issue were to see what the students had learned from their personal development dialogue, if the custodians had received all the information they expected to get from a personal development dialogue, and last but not least if all the involved parties; students, custodians and teachers, wanted to continue with this model? We used interviews and paper questionnaires to collect answers to our case study and the questions at issue. In both the interviews and paper questionnaires we could see that an overwhelming majority had a positive opinion about students leading and ?owning? their personal development dialogue, especially the students themselves.

En mix av krav: En studie av finansieringsmodeller i ideell sektor

In this thesis a study about funding in civil-society organizations is carried out. The aim is to understand how an organization in civil-society is affected by different forms of financing models. The empirical material in the thesis consists of a case study of three Swedish civil-society organizations (CSO) producing social services in the field of rehabilitation of people with a drug addiction. The case study consists of mainly interviews with people holding a leading position in the three organizations together with a study of for the research question relevant documents. From the empirical material, including an extensive analysis of these organizations different income sources, a partial model of how to categorize and analyze different forms of funding in CSOs is developed.

Varför är det ont om specialisternär det är gott om läkare? : - en studie om policyprocesser i svenska landsting

This essay examines the policy process of specialist medical training in three Swedish counties. The essay will first describe the policy process. Secondly the politicians parti-cipating in the process is examined. Thirdly, it is tested whether it is possible to analyze the policy process based on Ostrom's theories of cooperation around a common pool resource. In this case, the common pool resource is specialized medical practitioners skills that the Swedish county councils must collaborate on to competence should be sufficient for the county council needs, something that is not the case today.One conclusion of the study is that the health care law is not clear enough when it comes to who is responsible for providing a sufficient number of specialists.

Tillit inom missbruk- och beroendevården. En undersökning av två arbetssätt

Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka arbetssätt som påverkar till en ökad tillit till vård och omsorg samt till vårdpersonal inom missbruk- och beroendevård. Metoden för utförandet av litteraturstudien utgick från artikelsökning i två olika databaser Trust, "Substance Abuse Treatment", ?Substance-Related Disorders?, ?Substance abuse?, ?Motivational Interviewing? & ?Case Management?. Samtliga artiklar granskades utifrån Göteborgs Universitet, institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsas mall för granskning av artiklar och tre olika kategorier skapades. Resultatet baserades på nio kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar som berör tillit mellan vården och patienten, Case managements förbättring av organisationen kring patienten och motiverande samtal påverkan på motivation till behandling.

?Ärligt talat så har det [tradingen] blivit en skitaffär? : En fallstudie av HQ Bank

The global financial crisis hit hard on banking operations worldwide and the sector fell under considerable scrutiny, with particular criticism directed against the banks' own trading practices. A bank owned by the Swedish financial corporation HQ seemed to go without serious financial damage duringthe crisis.In 2008 Finansinspektionen began a review of HQ's activities and a number of shortcomings were identified. Among other things, HQ's risk management was questioned by Finansinspektionen and further how this potentially affected the valuation of complex financial products.In our paper we have chosen to highlight both national and international laws and guidelines that HQ used for their operations and study if HQ followed those laws and guidelines. We also want topresent the theoretical model used by HQ for the valuation of its European options and how HQ calculated their capital requirements ratio. Our purpose is to show how the valuation affected the capitalrequirement ratio and whether HQ followed the necessary laws and guidelines for the valuation of complex financial products.We have chosen to carry out a case study from a deductive approach.

?Svarta, Vita, Grå? En studie om särskilda barns vardag

This is a case study influenced by Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism. Its focus is on a small group of pupils isolated both geographically and socially from the ordinary school. The composition is written from the children?s perspective. Observations and interviews have made it possible to study both the interaction between the children and also the adults, how the children are described by the adults working with them and what expectations they have on the children.In the light of earlier research, our case study can be seen as an example how the school is dealing with the children?s problems.

Kan man erfara historia? : Elevers syn på museet som lärandemiljö - om historieundervisning och historiemedvetande

This essay is a case study based on two sources of empirical data, qualitative interviews and responses from a questionnaire, which examines upper secondary school students? attitudes to history teaching in a museum context. The students? answers are further analyzed in relation to the concept of historical consciousness. Thus, history teaching in the museum, from a student perspective, and the students? capacity of expressing a historical consciousness in their answers, constitute the core of this essay.

Man vill ju inte se glupsk ut : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxna kvinnors ätande

The decisions for investment are forward-looking and the base of a long-term strategy. The research within investment have focused on diverse formulas which are used in financial assessment, which also should be complemented with qualitative evaluation. Consequently, the focus should not only be on the execution of the formulas. Less time have been spent on research concerning what actually initiates the investment proposals and affects the decision-making. This will be highlighted in this essay.

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