

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 60 av 313

Balanserad styrning, från kvalitetsverktyg till administrativt redskap : - en fallstudie av Leanlink inom Linköpings kommun

Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how Leanlink, as a part of the municipality ofLinköping, uses balanced control as a management model. The authors compare, based onliterature of the balanced scorecard, the way Leanlink control their activities. Further, theauthors try to understand why the administration chose to use balanced control in the waythey do.Methodology: The authors have chosen a qualitative case-study method to achieve thepurpose of the thesis. Through semi-structured interviews primary data have beencollected, that have been analyzed along with secondary data such as, business plans andwebsite.Theoretical perspectives: The authors shortly emphasize general government as it appearstoday, to further examined how and why the scorecard is used, its dimensions andobjectives and difficulties that may arise along the way.Empirical foundations: The empirical findings are based mainly on information frominterviews with representatives from the case company. Some information is taken fromthe municipally website and additional information through interviews.Conclusions: It is possible that it became a too big a commitment for Leanlink when theyselected the Balanced Scorecard as a management model.

Marknadskommunikation i förändring : En studie i hur PR-byråers marknadskommunikation har förändrats under första decenniet på 2000-talet med bakgrund i sociala medier

Title: Market Communication in transformation Authors: Gabriella Holm and Christoffer LarssonPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to examine how market communication at PR-firms in Sweden has changed over the first decade of the 21-century. In 2007 social media expanded on the Swedish market. This had implications for the way we are looking at communication and therefore also the PR business and how they are operating. The aim with this paper is to see how social media have affected marketing communication at PR-firms.Methodology: This paper is based on case studies from Swedish PR-firms. We used five cases from 2003-2005 and five from 2010-2012.

Är mamma verkligen lik sin mamma? : En studie kring motivation utifrån generationstillhörighet och personlighetsdrag i temporära arbetsgrupper

Purpose ? The current study aims to analyze how employees in temporary groups gets motivated, based on their personality traits and generation belonging, focusing on the goal setting theory. The study also focuses on the combination of these two variables concerning the goal setting theory.Design ? A total of 56 individuals working in project groups completed the questionnaire made for measure their personality traits and their work motivation.Findings ? Results in this specific case demonstrated differences in motivation based on their personality traits and generation. The study also found differences when studying the combination of the two variables.

Miljöarkeologi i Umeå stads hamn och slagfältsarkeologi på Krutbrånet : Två fallstudier inom historisk arkeologi i Umeås 1800-tal

This master thesis deals with two case studies in environmental archaeology and battlefield archaeology focusing on two major events in the late history of the Swedish coastal town Umeå and its nearby village Sävar. Established in the early 1600's, Umeå was known for its export of timber and import of cereals. The town has suffered from numerous fires, the fire in 1888 being the most devastating. Few written records of the town remain from before the 1900's. The latest war in Sweden's history is documented in historical sources and took place at Krutbrånet, Sävar where the Swedish troops suffered defeat against the russian forces in 1809.

Den grå zonen : En uppsats om hybridregimens karaktärsdrag samt en fallstudie av Ryssland

C-essay in political science by Anna Höjenberg and Maria Stenberg, spring of 2006?The Grey Zone ? An essay on the characteristics of a hybrid regime and a case study of Russia?. Supervisors: Joakim Ekman and Jonas LindeThis essay deals with the concept of hybrid regimes. The purpose is to describe the structure and the content of such a regime-type and try to create a model which can help us to analyse different countries. The essay is divided into two sections.

Lojalitet och representation - Svenska statsrådsrollens tolkningsdilemman

The appointing of Swedish governmental officials has gone through a dramatic change the last nine years. The tradition of officials appointed due to their political experience has been traded against the appointing of experts. In this study I ask questions about this new way of appointing representatives effects how these officials interpret their role. An official that who has never been in the party before appointed, obviously cannot consider the principal of party. With the theoretical approach of normative representation theory (representational style) I perform case studies that shows some change.

Metoder för trust : Hur praktiker arbetar för att bygga förtroende till knowledge management-system

This thesis examines how knowledge management professionals use trust as a component in the creation of knowledge management systems, and what methods they use for building trust.Adopting a grounded theory approach, interviews with 8 knowledge management professionals active in different industries served as the base for an analysis that identified trust to be the single most important common factor in the data. The concept of trust used by the informants was identified as relating to the knowledge management system itself, rather than other users, employees or groups in an organisation.Building trust, the KM-professionals mainly focused on three methods: simple solutions, system superiority, and implementation security. Using these methods, the KM-professionals seek to ensure system trust by creating opportunities for users to obtain positive experiences of using the system, and thereby generate a foundation for a trust-based relationship between the user and the system..

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : Undersökning av lönsamheten med energieffektivare ventilation

This thesis is based on a case study for the real estate manager Mimer in Västerås. Mimer provides a great deal of this city?s rental apartments. Many of their buildings have ventilation systems with a type of heat-recovery called ?heatpipe?.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV föräldrautbildning: föräldrars bedömningar av barnens kommunikativa utveckling

This study investigates, through parental evaluations, communicativeand adaptive abilities within a group of children with various developmentaldisorders, after the parents had participated in AKKTIV (Augmentative andAlternative Communication ? Early Intervention) parental education. The studyalso investigates through case studies how parents experience the influence ofAKKTIV-intervention in their children?s development a few years aftercompletion. The parents estimated their children?s abilities using three differentquestionnaires; the Swedish Communicative Developmental Inventories(SECDI), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) and parts of theform? Parents? perception of the interaction with their child?, before and afterthe intervention.

Spänningsanalys av axel-länkmekanism på borr-rigg

This master thesis is intended to give an increased understanding of the stress state in an axle, which is assembled in one of Atlas Copco?s mountain drilling rigs. The main problems investigated were how the axle is affected when the bearing is worn, when the pretension is varied, and how to dimension the axle. Answers to these questions were found by using hand calculations, practical testing and with Finite Element analyzes. The dimensioning of the axle is currently based on the bending stress, but the author?s opinion is that the axle should be dimensioned considering the equivalent stress.

Politisk Mobilisering och Kollektiva och Sociala Identitetskonstruktioner -en studie om dess interaktion med Nicaraguas Atlantregion som empiriskt exempel

This thesis is concerned with political mobilization and the construction of a collective andsocial identity. The main purpose of the study is theoretical which emphasize their interaction.In order to do this I study the two phenomenons by seeing them as cases of each other. Wecannot understand one of the two phenomenons without taking into account the other as well.In addition, the secondary aim of my thesis is empirical. I use the political transformationduring the 70th and 80th on the eastern seaboard of Nicaragua to relate my theoretical analysisof political mobilization and the construction of identities. Nicaragua will provide mytheoretical analysis with new insights.

They shoot each other? : Våldet i en adaptationsstudie av Hungerspelen och Battle Royale

This thesis presents a qualitative, comparative study of the violence in the adaptations of Hunger Games (Tony Ross, 2012) and Battle Royale (Kinji Fukusaku, 2000). By analyzing the function of violence in a single scene in each of the movies, and comparing it to the literary original, the study aims to explore if there are any differences in the representation of the violence in the two media. The study also briefly discusses whether the violence has any function in bringing the story forward in both the literary sources and in the films and what the motivation for the violence is. "The study also includes a brief analysis of the narratives in relation to the monomyth established by Jospeh Campbell. Specifically, I discuss the similarities between Hunger Games and Battle Royale, which are two stories that have been created in two different cultural traditions, and whether or not we can say that the stories derive from this monomyth." The result concludes that the monomyth can be found in both stories, but that the scenes which is analyzed has to be put into the context and furhter story of the film to be of any relvance to the theory.

"Det är så samverkan ska fungera" : En fallstudie av hur lokala aktörer agerar när en krissituation uppstår

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how a local authority acts when anunexpected event occur. It´s done with a basis in two crisis communicationstheories; Coombs SCCT theory and Gilpin and Murphys complexity theory,which largely are each other?s opposites. To conduct the study, a case studyof the floods that hit Kristinehamn in the summer of 2014 was carried out,which gave us a good opportunity the achieve the aim of the study. Themethod used was qualitative research interviews.

Prognostisering av slitdelar : hur ska Väderstad-Verken öka sin servicegrad?

The agricultural plantingmachines are used just a few weeks every year. That means that the supply of service and spare parts have to be good to make the timeliness costs low at the agricultural hard working periods. The machines wear down successivly when they are used. The wear is harder on some parts than the others on a machine. Spare parts can be dicided into consumables.

Ombyggnad av 1950-talets kontorshus till flerbostadshus

This thesis aims to increase understanding and knowledge of issues affecting the redevelopment of older office buildings to housing. The rising demand for housing in recent years has resulted in a need and an increase in cost housing projects. The need has led property owners wanting to build old office buildings to apartments. The case study is carried out in Lycksele town and in close contact with consultancy TM (Technician Mercantile) ? consulting, which has operations in the area.

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