

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 42 av 313

Vilddjuret sliter sig : En studie i etablissemangets och vänsterns attityder kring politiskt våld i en svensk småstad 1925.

In this Bachelor thesis I am going to look at attitudes towards political violence in a small town in Sweden in the 1920s. The town I have picked for this study is Kalmar situated on the east coast of Sweden. This study is a micro historic case study. The specific case is a strike at the city?s water and gas plants for higher salary.

Provisionsbaserad lön och prisskillnader mellan kanaler ? en källa till kanalkonflikter? : En fallstudie bland företag i Sundsvall

Today?s companies offer their products and services through multiple distribution channels in an increasing extent, in order to reach bigger markets and more customers. Multiple channels result in an increased risk for channel conflict.This essay is an exploratory and descriptive study with the purpose to explore some companies? channel conflicts on the basis of sales commission and price differences. A case study has been made at two different companies and the empirical material has been collected with qualitative interviews.We found more channel conflicts in the company that uses sales commissions than in the company that doesn?t.

Kvalitetssäkring av lasersvets : i projekt 443

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Effektivare inköp på B&N Nordsjöfrakt : Amos M&P

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Hypoadrenokorticism hos storpudel :

Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison´s disease) results from insufficient production of glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid hormones from the adrenal glands. The disease is often difficult to diagnose in an early stage because of the multitude of associated vague clinical signs. The standard poodle is one breed presupposed to be at higher risk of developing the disease. The purpose of this study was to give a review of canine hypoadrenocorticism as described in literature, and to characterise Addison´s disease in a population of standard poodles in Sweden. Statistics on incidenceproportions by breed for hypoadrenocorticism from the database of the Swedish insurance company Agria are presented.

Kommunikationens betydelse : fallstudie på införandet av balanserade styrkort i Gotlands kommun

This study raises the question how the implementation of the balanced scorecard in the municipality of Gotland has been influenced by the way of communication. A case study is made in the administration of Social-and care management on Gotland. We have been focusing on two different ways of communication. The first one is Shannon and Weavers model where communication is explained as a transmission of a message through a channel to a receiver. The other one is sensemaking where it is focal to give the information meaning.

Koncerninterna Transaktioner i Kommunala Företagskoncerner : Fallet Linköpings Stadshus

Background: In newspaper articles, we can nowadays read headlines as"Stop the robbing!"and"They pay extra tax through rent". A column in Göteborgsposten describes enormous amounts of money, pouring between municipal companies. Numerous of local newspapers have started to pay attention to their municipal companies and the transfer of profits from municipal housing enterprises and electric power companies. What are upsetting these journalists then? Both Hyresgästföreningen (The Swedish tenants? association) and Boverket (The Swedish National Housing Board) indicate that the fiscal purpose of transactions within the group no longer is primary for municipalities.

Konstruktion av formverktyg för däcktillverkning : Tooltec AB

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Framtagning av samlingsrör för egen produktion

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Kommunala underprisöverlåtelser och återbetalningskrav med stöd av art. 88.3 EGF ? En studie av svensk process- och sanktionsrätt utifrån den gemenskapsrättsliga effektivitetsprincipen

Private state aid enforcement with respect to below market value transactions carried out by Swedish municipalities ? A study on the conformity of Swedish procedural and substantial rules with the principle of effectiveness of EC law Recently in Sweden, several local governmental entities (municipalities) have engaged in commercial transactions that, essentially, have been aimed at transferring the ownership of public services ? for example schools and local medical care centers ? to private undertakings. A few of these transactions have been declared by Swedish administrative courts to constitute illegal below market value transfers of public resources. The essay seeks to determine whether the Swedish national provisions that govern legal claims based on the directly effective Art. 88(3) of the EC Treaty, are compatible with the principle of effectiveness, i.e.

Trycksättning och dimensionering av brandhiss för berganläggning

This thesis deals with the design of a combinated rescue-, personal-, and firefighting elevator for a nuclear waste storage facility to be constructed by the client SKB, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB. SKB:s mission is to dispose of all nuclear waste from all swedish nuclear power plants. The storage facility will be built in the rock 450 m under the surface and will consist of several kilometers of tunnel where capsules containing the nuclear waste will be placed. It will also hold a central area which contains spaces necessary for the operation and construction of the facility, such as elevator hall, storage hall etc. The facility will have two ways of access: a vehicle ramp and an elevator shaft.

Import av entreprenad- & lantbruksmaskiner :

I made this examination essay to investigate the possibilities and problems with machinery import. The rules intend to loaders and agriculture machines are still pretty flexible. It is today rather simple to make a registration or inspect those machines. There are still some practical problems to be aware of. It is very important to have the right contacts abroad, it is not always that you have time or moment to inspect the machines before purchase. In that case you have to trust your contact or partner about condition, equipment or working hours of the machine. Another important thing is payment before delivery: There is a huge risk that you do not get the machines that you paid for. If problems come up, you need to know the laws, your rights and your duties. A Swedish company does not pay any value-added taxes when it buys from another member of the European union. On the other hand must the machine be sold included value-added tax, if the buyer is a Swedish company.

Intern marknadsföring inom hotellbranschen: en fallstudie av två hotell

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the use of internal marketing in the hotel industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels in the same region, Quality Hotell Statt and Pite Havsbad. The case study is based on personal interviews with the managers of each hotel, who have the ultimate responsibility of the internal marketing work. The research questions were based on why the hotel industry work with internal marketing and how the hotel industry work with internal marketing. The study showed that the hotel industry work with internal marketing on daily basis to get low employee turnover rates, increased employee job satisfaction and high quality services.

"Det blir fällande dom i Hovrätten grabbar" : En fallstudie om Dagens Nyheters och Expressens rapportering kring våldtäktsfallet med de två så kallade Stureplansprofilerna

In our case study we investigate how media chose to illuminate the process of court proceedings concerning a one specific rape case in Sweden during the spring and autumn 2007. For our study we have chosen to investigate two Swedish daily newspapers, one known to be a serious morning newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, and the other an evening tabloid newspaper Expressen. We would like to see whether the reports of the trial diverge and if that is, how they differ.The rape took place in Stockholm?s posh area named Stureplan in March 2007. The two men 21 and 25 years old, accused for the crime were acquitted after the first instance.

Utveckling av användarmanual - Aircraft Performance Manual

Navtech är en internationell leverantör av flygoperationella produkter. Det här examensarbetet utfördes på en av deras produktionsavdelning som kallas Aircraft Performance, i Stockholm. Arbetet består av framtagning av en manual till en mjukvaruprodukt. Produkten är ett program som beräknar och presenterar flygprestandainformation för start och landning. Programmet tillhandahålls med två användarmanualer, Userguide och Prepages.

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