

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 32 av 313

Levo : En lyftanordning för höjdjustering av manuella gåbarrar

The parallel bars is used in physical therapy and is mainly used for patients who have to train walking and balance after a stroke or an operation. It consists of two long handrails with two legs on each handrail. These legs go down into two ground-plates and are locked at the wanted height with a pin. The parallel bars is an appreciated device and is used on a daily basis in many care units.The main issue with the manual parallel bars is that it is very difficult and heavy for a single person to adjust the height of it. If a larger adjustment of the height has to be done, the legs have to be adjusted one at a time otherwise the they will be locked.

Inaktiv = Överviktig? : En kvantitativ studie av överviktigas och icke överviktigas fysiska aktivitet

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet var att undersöka förekomsten av övervikt samt om det fanns något samband mellan övervikt och fysisk aktivitet hos elever i år 6 och år 9. Vidare var syftet att studera eventuella skillnader mellan elever i år 6 och år 9.MetodStudien är kvantitativ och grundar sig på ett enkätformulär som delats ut till elever i år 6 och år 9 på 8 skolor i Stockholmsområdet. Enkätsvaren har behandlats i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Signifikansnivån i denna studie är p<0,05. I studien har 122 enkäter ingått.ResultatDet finns ett statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan övervikt och graden av fysisk aktivitet i år 6 men inte i år 9.

Varumärkets utveckling till strategisk resurs : varumärkesarbete i svenska statliga bolag

Today, Sweden has about forty companies owned by the government. These are active on markets with variable competition. Some have been given special areas of responsibility that in a practical notion make them monopolists. The period when most public companies where formed (and with that the following subjection to competition) during the nineties and early 2000's, forced the formerly protected businesses to act on the terms of the open market. Parallel to this development the brand has for the last twenty years evolved into something great strategic importance for the business, including the business-to-businesses (B2B).

Konkurrensrätt : Innebörden av artikel 82 EGF

The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in the way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between Member states. It is prohibited for companies to abuse their dominant position according to Article 82, if it affects trade. The essence of Article 82 is control of market power. The perfect competition results when supply and demand appoint the price and quantity of a product. Firms are encouraged to compete then it results in efficiency, quality products and lower prices.

Hur påverkar kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige och Kina organisationens arbetssätt? : En fallstudie på Sandvik AB

It is important that organizations today focus on continuous improvements in order to face the growing competition in the world. A company needs a corporate culture that supports and encourages the employees to be creative and innovative in their work. This is necessary for the company if they are striving towards continuous learning and development within their organization.The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the culture differences between Sweden and China affect Sandvik AB. We will also study how the company manages continuous improvements and what consequences culture differences have on their work.Our paper is a single case study at Sandvik AB in Sweden and China. We have visited Sandvik in Sandviken to conduct a series of interviews with employees of different position within the company and with dissimilar work tasks.

Att läsa webben : En introduktion till semiologisk analys av webbaserat material

The aim of this master's thesis is to present an introduction to semiological analysis of web based material, which is a hypothesis that combines the theoretical framework of classical Saussurean semiology, visual social semiotics as was developed by Günther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen, and Roland Barthes's notion of 'Myths'. Furthermore, a new tool called 'pseudo-signifier', constructed solely for the thesis, is also used in conjunction with the semiological analysis. The hypothesis is tested in a case study involving the web portal of a Swedish commune, Gothenburg (goteborg.se). A complete semiological analysis is performed on the case. The case study revealed numerous findings of interest, among others that images and texts on the web portal were sometimes used in a contradicting manner, and often in a way that symbollically excluded citizens from the portal, a fact which could be uncovered when studying underlying myths that permeated the web portal.

Organisationer emellan, En jämförande fallstudie av företagsinkubation

Business incubation is an important force of economic development but relatively unheard of in organization theory. This is partly due to the fact that in organization theory, meta-organization or the organization of organizations has been neglected or left lagging as much theorization has been focused on organizing individuals. With the growing number of business incubators, and meta-organizations in general, the need for understanding a relatively new type of organization is prevalent.This case study of the business incubator Global Business Labs Botswana (GBL) aims to clarify the organizational differences among meta-organizations and traditional organizations on a case level, as well as explain the underlying factors for these dissimilarities. With respect to the nature of this case study no general conclusions are drawn from the results. The inference, however, is that the organization of GBL and its incubated companies differs from the traditional organization in five elementary aspects: the weak hierarchical structure, the operational autonomy of its members, the strong focus on recruitment processes, the member identity and the lack of formal sanctions.

Överraskning ? Tidlös eller totalt omkastad?

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Värmeöverföring i bergvärmesystem : En numerisk analys av den ringformade koaxiala borrhålsvärmeväxlaren

The borehole heat exchangers of today suffer from poor thermal and hydrodynamic performance. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the performance of ground source heat pump systems and thermal energy storages by increasing the energy efficiency of the borehole heat exchangers. For this reason, the annular coaxial borehole heat exchanger (CBHE) has been analyzed. This type of heat exchanger is interesting in terms of both thermal and hydrodynamic performance. A model has been set up in the program Comsol Multiphysics in order to investigate the heat transfer characteristics along the borehole.

Med passare och snöre : att planlägga ett hus under järnåldern

This essay concerns the interpretation of house plans in three-aisled longhouses and hall-buildings, in Scandinavia during Iron Age. Full scale house reconstructions need a better basis of interpretations to understand the patterns of roof supporting post holes in excavated house plans. This has led to the thesis, presented here, that the layout of house plans during Iron Age is based on geometrical proportions. In order to prove this, geometric house plans were applied and compared with excavated house plans in 11different case studies, including the fortification of Fyrkat Denmark. It was found that all house plans in the case studies indicate, that the geometrical proportions 1:2, 1:3 and 2:3 of a given circle must have been used for the basic layout of the roof supporting post holes, using a compass and a straightedge.

CAMPUS BTH : ett gestaltningsförslag och en studie av begreppet campus

This text answers the questions how do we define what a campus is, how the concept of the campus came to exist and how it is used today, and how the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) campus can be designed according to site conditions and the conclusions drawn from case studies at Chalmers University of Technology and Karlstad University. The purpose of the case studies is to gain insight into their campuses advantages and disadvantages. This finally results in an interpretation of how the Blekinge Institute of Technology campus can be planned. A campus is the area of land on which a college or university and its surrounding buildings resides on. Campus as a concept meant a field at first, it later evolved at American universities due to their design of college campuses.

En jämförande undersökning om förloppet vid terapeutiskt utförd KAT-töjning och statisk egentöjning: Single Subject Experimental Design

Bakgrund: En stram muskel kan orsaka ett försämrat rörelsemönster som i sin tur kan vara orsaken till skada, detta kan dock motverkas genom stretching (töjning). Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur och om rörelseökning i hamstringsmuskulaturen skedde genom töjning med KAT-metoden respektive statisk töjning under en töjningsperiod på tre veckor. Metod: Förloppet kring stretching av hamstringsmuskulaturen undersöktes genom töjning varannan dag under 10 interventionstillfällen. Studien genomfördes som en Single-Subject Experimental Design (SSED). Baseline och withdrawalmätningar grundlades där inga töjningar utfördes.

Behovet av en genomtänkt kommunikationsstruktur- en studie av ett projektorienterat företag

Every organization goes through the same lifecycle. Through every step in the transformation to a better organization the communication structure changes. In this report there are examples of the communicational disadvantages that is connected to the communicational structure.By choosing to not have a formal communicational design, the manager takes a risk in spreading the information, the interaction, the control and the balance in creativity and constraint.This case organizations problem is that some parts of the organization has made more progress in the communicational structure than other parts. In this case the Collectivity structure has met the Formalized structure.Tha structural differences has came to affect the way of sharing information and it has become a situation where the information about the products is not stored in a safe way from a quality point of view. There is a gap between the two different ways of communicate.In this report I have created a model to identify problems in the communication structure.

Företagsrekonstruktion : En rättslig analys av franchiseförhållandet vid en rekonstruktion

A company reconstruction is an alternative procedure, for companies in payment difficulty, to receivership. Those in any kind of relationship with the ailing company ends up in a dif- ficult situation at a company reconstruction, as in any case when someone is in financial difficulties. Not only is there a risk for the providers not to get paid, the costumers are also at risk if the reconstruction company does not fulfil their agreement. These kinds of rela- tionships are controlled by a contractual relationship. Therefore the regulation has to con- tain how to deal with these contracts when the ailing company no longer can fulfil its obli- gations of the contract.

Vitesklausuler : En begränsning av ersättningsansvaret

Penalty clauses is a term that can be put in an agreement and is an amount that shall be paid by a part of the agreement if they cause any damage to the other part by breaking the agreement. Penalty clauses have since around 100 years ago had a quite clear meaning in Sweden according to a lot of authors. These authors have the opinion that penalty clauses is an exclusive judgment of the compensation the victim has right to, that means that if the parties have put a lower amount in the clause the victim won?t get full coverage for the damages caused by the other party. That the penalty clause is an exclusive judgment of the victims right to compensation means that the victim doesn?t have the right to request other compensation above the compensation in the clause if nothing else is stated in the clause.A penalty clause may be viewed as a complement to compensation you get according to The Tort Liability Act (1972:206) where it is often difficult to obtain full compensation for damages when it is required that a number of conditions are to be met for damages deleted.

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