

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 19 av 313

Medias granskning av socialtjänsten : - en kvalitativ undersökningen ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv

Many social services cases have been reviewed in the media during the last years. One of those cases is ?Lasse and Karin?, handled by the Social Services in Oskarshamn in 2002. Lasse and Karin had their son taken into custody by the Social Services and the case was reviewed in national media. Through this case the Social Services received much attention, of which most was negative, and their handling of the case was greatly criticized.

Kvarteret Flaggskepparen, Industriellt byggande för offentligt ägda bostäder -En fallstudie i samarbete med NCC Komponent och MKB

The primary focus of this Master thesis is to study how industrial house building can be implemented during production of rental flats under the terms of public procurement. In order to determine a suitable working process as well as presenting a possible architectonic result of the process, a case study is carried through.A housing projekt is designed on a site i Malmö, where the commisioner is MKB Fastighets AB and the contractor is NCC Komponent with the industrial building system NCC Komplett. The focus of the design is to accomplish high quality apartments to a resonable price, as well as solving the overall scheme for the site.The housing projekt, Kv. Flaggskepparen, built on the consept of a single house model, used to handle the entire site, shows that the building system is well suited to accomodate the commisioners demands.In order to reach the best possible architectonic result with the building system, cooperation initiatded in an early stage of the process is neccesary.A model is proposed to handle the situation under the terms of public procurement. The model suggest that the geometrical design is mainly carried out after inquiry and that architectonic qualities should mainly be defined in a non geometrial way for inquiry..

Webbportal för nätverks-övervakning : Utveckling av en Single Page Application i .NET och JavaScript

I detta projekt jobbar vi för att skapa ett program åt Infozone Sverige AB tillsammans med professionella utvecklare från företaget. Programmet är en webbportal som används till att övervaka och visa driftinformation om ett nätverk. Tanken är att denna portal skall integreras i ett ännu ej byggt system för nätverksövervakning som Infozone senare kan sälja till kund. Produkten tas fram med Scrum samt testdriven utveckling och under utvecklingen jobbar laget med bestämda metoder och SOLID-principerna för att säkerställa programmets kvalitet. Webbportalen utnyttjar moderna teknologier och ramverk för webbutveckling, bland annat är den en Single Page Application (SPA), använder följsam webbdesign och utnyttjar Microsofts .NET-plattform.

Utveckling av en Multi-Zonsmodell för NOx Bildning i Diesel Motorer

This thesis work is the last part of the Master of Science education inmechanical engineering at KTH, Stockholm.The aim of this project was the development of a Multi-zone modelfor NOxformation in Diesel engines. Because of the stringent emissionlegislations, great effort is made to decrease the fuel consumption and theharmful emissions of internal combustion engines. Computer simulationsplay a decisive role in this context because they substitute the expensiveand time-consuming laboratory tests.The model is based on a multi-zone approach and uses the wellknownExtended Zeldovich Mechanism which gives a relation to calculatethe NO formation rate using the concentration of different gas speciesinvolved in the process.All the most important phenomena involved in the Diesel combustionhave been modelled. A special attention is then paid to the equilibriumconcentration calculation; this is a significant part of the model whichstrongly influences the following steps.A Simulink model has also been developed. This second version isbased on the previous model and it is made especially to allow theconnection with other external softwares, GT-power in this case.

Personbilar i singelolyckor med dödlig utgång på Sveriges vägnät : Orsaker till olyckor och rekommendationer om hur dessa kan förebyggas

In Sweden the most common type of road traffic accidents involving passenger cars are single accidents (where only one vehicle is involved). The aim of this thesis is to analyse how these accidents occur, and present recommendations on how to reduce the number of deaths. Data has been collected from the Swedish Transport Administration?s in-depth studies of fatal accidents. Road traffic accidents with fatal outcome that happened on public roads during the years 2007 to 2009 have been studied.

Staying Astonishing

This thesis is a case study with a qualitative approach. The company examined is The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) making user interfaces for mobile phones. The company has had a growth of 1453% from 2002 until 2006. We have examined what are the key factors for keeping innovation while growing. The most significant factor not supporting innovation within the case company is the will to take calculated risks.

Hästhållningen i Ängelholms kommun - ur hästens välfärdsperspektiv

An interview study of horsemanship has been conducted in the community of Ängelholm. The study is part of a larger project, where a further four students who are writing their thesis? have conducted interviews in Lerum, Hässleholm, Nyköping and Enköping, a total of 52 horse holders in 5 different communities. The collective results are summarised in "Hur hålls hästarna i Sverige och vilka är motiven" by Catharina Svala. The purpose of this larger report has been to examine why Swedish horsemanship is the way it is today through communication with the various horse holders.

Intranät : en kunskapskälla i arbetet?

The ambition with this study is to look into and create an understanding for how an intranet can work as a support system in work processes in capacity as a source of knowledge. We want to enhance the understanding for which kind of knowledge that can be coded in and transmitted by an intranet, and which that is lost in this process. We also want to clarify what it takes to get this knowledge, in collaboration with the intranet, to support the work in an organization. It is a qualitative case study at a Swedish bank. It consisted of semi standardized, half structured interviews with five people in one of the bank?s local offices.

EC Legal Regulation of the Insurance Market; Challenges of Integration

Over the last decade, the private insurance market has undergone a stable growth in turnover and growing demand for insurance products in all Member States of the European Union. Therefore, the creation of a single market in insurance will enable consumers to have access to wider choice of insurance products, and insurance companies to gain access to markets in various Member States and compete effectively. The EU legal framework for the insurance industry embraces the Treaty freedoms of services, establishment and capital, the EC Directives and the ECJ case-law. The present thesis identifies numerous factors that hinder the Community insurance market integration and offers possible remedies. The summary of the market obstacles is all-inclusive and reflects the responses to the questionnaires and the Commission surveys.

Entrepreneurship as a tool for increased organic growth in large, established countries

We have conducted a case study on Trelleborg AB to examine how entrepreneurial the company is. We used a model called "entrepreneurial orientation (EO) with five dimensions that should be considered when striving to be entrepreneurial. The goal of being entrepreneurial in this thesis is achieving organic growth. The contingency of the case company determines the generalizability of the finding..

Informationspraktik hos ensamföräldrar som genomgått assisterad befruktning

The aim of this paper is to examine the actualities of Information Practicefor single women whose parentage has been made possible through assistedreproduction, which places these parents in a norm-breaking position.Study issues related to parents? perceptions of information needs areinvestigated, as is the process of information retrieval and library usageas well as the obstacles and opportunities facing parents in search ofinformation related to their own family constellation. To this end, theoriesby Tom Wilson, Reijo Savolainen and Elfreda A. Chatman have been usedas a model of selection. Empirical data have been gathered from interviewswith eight single women, whose parentage has been made possible throughartificial insemination or IVF with sperm from an open or anonymousdonor.

Styrkeförhållandet mellan knäflexorer och knäextensorer

Bakgrund: Inom forskningen studeras styrkeförhållandet i lårets muskler och anges ofta som flexor/extensor kvot (F/E-kvot). Ett sätt att mäta denna kvot är att använda isokinetiska styrketest.  Forskningen är inte överens om ett optimalt styrkeförhållande i denna muskulatur eller om för stor styrkeskillnad kan ge upphov till skada. Om en optimal kvot kan fastställas är det intressant i ett förebyggande och rehabiliterande syfte.  Syfte: Att beskriva och jämföra F/E-kvoten hos en grupp manliga fotbollsspelare med en grupp fysiskt aktiva män mellan 16 och 25 år. Metod: Mätning av maximal isokinetisk styrka i knäledens flexor och extensormuskler genomfördes med Genesis Single. Resultat: Studien fann en F/E-kvot hos fotbollsspelarna på 78,2 % på höger ben och 77 % på vänster ben.

I samhällets väntrum : Om asylsökande och den långa väntan på att få komma in

The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate how societal mechanisms can impact on asylum seekers and influence their individual identity. The information for this case study was collected through comprehensive interviews with a group of asylum seekers from Söderhamn whereby the individuals expressed their perception of their current situation. From the gathered material we could see a pattern emerge which gave us the framework and the foundation for our theoretical approach. The similarity we discovered when analyzing the material was the powerlessness the individuals experienced e.g. the individuals had no possibility to influence their current situation and worse, it was impossible for the individuals to enter society even when they had the willpower to do so.

Framväxten av biblioteket i Vaggeryd en studie över de faktorer som kom att påverka biblioteksutvecklingen i Vaggeryd under åren 1862-1953

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the growth of the library in Vaggeryd. We have analysed how four factors influenced the library development during the years between 1862 and 1953. The four factors we have studied are development of society, collective actors, librarys economy and individual actors. We have worked with the following question: · How have the four factors: development of society, collective actors, librarys economy and individual actors, influenced the growth? We have focused on the changes that the industrialization brought on the society development, and on the growing of the non-governmental organisations.

BIM i förvaltningsskedet - Nyttan för fastighetsägare

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

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