

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 11 av 313

"Det tar livet från mig." : Utvärdering av en korttidsintervention

Relationen till den egna kroppen är för många kvinnor en källa till låg livskvalitet och psykisk ohälsa. Föreliggande studie syftade till att inom ramen för en korttidsintervention undersöka effekter av acceptansbaserad exponering på kroppsoro, utseendeinvestering samt nedstämdhet vid negativ kroppsupplevelse hos kvinnor. Deltagarnas beskrivningar av sina problem samt reflektioner kring interventionen uppmärksammades även. Fem deltagare genomgick interventionen. En anpassad ?single case?-design användes och data analyserades genom Rn-metoden.

Ser jag ut som ett monster eller har jag BDD? : Fem kontrollerade fallstudier av exponeringsbehandling vid Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

SammanfattningBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) karaktäriseras av en fixering vid en inbillad defekt i utseendet. BDD leder till påtagligt lidande och svårigheter att fungera i vardagen. Diagnosen förknippas med depressivitet, social ångest och hög suicidrisk. Syftet med studien var att under svenska förhållanden prova en behandling bestående av exponering med responsprevention (ERP) och monitorering på patienter med svår BDD-problematik. I Single-case designer av 5 patienter undersöktes effekten av ERP som specifik faktor utöver terapeutnärvaro och monitorering.

En fallstudie av uppföljningsarbetet hos mark- och trädgårdsanläggningsföretag

This study was made to compare construction companies for gardens way to work with up following, with purpose to see if there was an efficient and not resource demanded system which gave much value. To achieve the purpose a case study was made. The delimitation for the case study was only to compare the work with up following on individual project. The delimitation on the companies in the study was from ten to sixty employees. That because to reach companies were it´s not the same person how calculates on tenders and than perform the projects. The study was delimitated to the west side of Skåne. T o be able to compare the companies and to find trends, an interviewguide was made and was used during the interviews with the companies.

Arbetsgivares primära förhandlingsskyldighet enligt 11 § medbestämmandelagen

The employer is obligated to call for negotiation on his own initiative, before he makes decisions in questions, which constitute important changes of the employer?s business or of the worker?s working conditions and terms of employment. The obligation to negotiate is reserved to the organisations, which the employer has collective agreements with. But what does the concept of important changes mean? What areas are included in the concept of important changes, according to legal framework and case law? How extensive is in fact the employer?s obligation to negotiate? The purpose of this report has been to seek answers to the above-mentioned questions, through partly describing how the employer?s obligation to negotiate has developed, and partly describing how the codes of negotiations in the Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act of 1976 are raised and applied.

One size does not fit all - En studie om hur tillämpningen av SDT-principen har förändrats inom GATT och WTO

Denna uppsats analyserar utvecklingen av principen Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) i den internationella handelsregimen. Fokus är på förändringen i tillämpningen av denna princip. Uppsatsen identifierar hur principen har tillämpats sen dess uppkomst samt hur ett skifte i det ekonomiska utvecklingstänkandet kom att utgöra en avgörande faktor för den nedgång i tillämpning som observerats. Vidare identifierar uppsatsen också hur nya dimensioner av världshandeln har skapat nya problem för utvecklingsländerna, vilket i sin tur har skapat ett behov av en fortsatt, men i många avseenden annorlunda, tillämpning av SDT-principen.Uppsatsen kommer till slutsatsen att det nya ekonomiska utvecklingstänkandet har suddat ut rationaliteten bakom det forna tillämpandet av SDT-principen. Samma utvecklingstänkande har dock lagt grunden för en ny tillämning.

Samband mellan galtars sociala beteende, ätbeteende och resultat i stationsprövning :

Relationship between social behaviour, feeding behaviour and performance of boars using single-space feeders A study on the behavioural patterns of growing boars is presented. The study was preformed at Quality Genetics? boar testing station Månseryd in Sweden. The boars were purebred Yorkshire, Hampshire or Landrace, born in nine different nucleus farms. The study is based on two batches of boars, with 63 and 69 boars respectively.

Varför uppkom och upphörde Irakiska Kurdistan? : En teoriutvecklande kvalitativ fallstudie

The aim of this political scientist paper is to describe and analyze the quasi state Iraqi Kurdistan 1992-2006 using the theory of Kolstö about how and why quasi states develops and the theory of Pegg regarding how the international society deal with quasi states. A qualitative case method is used. In the study the two theories are combined. Iraqi Kurdistan is used as a case to study to confirm Kolstö?s and Pegg?s theories.

Extern validering i CASE-verktyg

I denna rapport behandlas frågor som rör extern validering och datorstöd (CASE) för detta. Rapporten redogör för en undersökning vars syfte är att ta reda på vilka krav som tekniker för extern validering ställer på CASE-verktyg och hur verktygen svarar upp till dessa krav. Olika metoder finns för att skapa ett informationssystem och varje metod har sina beskrivningstekniker som underlag för extern validering.De beskrivningstekniker som föreskrivs i en metod är ofta mycket detaljerade. En metods notationen ställer därför stora krav på CASE-verktyg som uttalar stöd för denna metod.Arbetet som beskrivs i denna rapport identifierar krav på datorstöd utifrån en viss metods beskrivningstekniker samt ytterligare valideringstekniker som beskrivs i litteraturen. Därefter undersöks CASE-verktygs förmåga att svara upp till dessa krav.Själva undersökningen av verktygen genomförs via ett testförfarande där samtliga utvalda verktyg implementerar två olika testfall.Resultatet från genomförandet av tester visar att det existerar stora skillnader mellan verktygens påstådda stöd för en viss metod och vad de faktiskt klarar av.

Kundlönsamhet: en fallstudie av handelsföretaget Wiberger

The aim of this thesis is to examine the customer profitability in a wholesale company. A case study of Eugen Wiberger AB has been conducted. Firstly the authors have examined the current perception of the company regarding their customer profitability and the results of their calculation of the customer profitability. Secondly an Activity-Based Costing analysis has been performed and has been compared to the perception in the case company. The conclusions are that the smaller customers are the least profitable, and in some cases unprofitable, whereas the larger customers are profitable.

Köp av skogsfastighet : en fallstudie

The price of Swedish forest properties has gone up by 77 percent during the past five years. Amongst private forest managers the high price level signals optimism and confidence for the future. Many forest owners manage large capital in the forest and a planned economy is to a larger extent demanded to achieve a positive economic result. Forest is long-term and to maximize a single year without planning for the years to come results in less optimization of the parameters available to achieve a favourable economic result. This case study investigates the investment of two forest properties situated in Götaland. The management of the forest has been planned for both properties during a period of ten years.

Konsten att enas under ett varumärke : Intern varumärkesuppbyggnad på Nordiska Kompaniet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a company with a single brand is perceived as uniform, as well as how they use internal brand building to reconcile various competing actors within one brand. Furthermore the aim is to examine how staff, through internal brand building processes, perceives and identifies themself with the values of the common brand. Method: A case study with method triangulation was conducted at Nordiska Kompaniet department store in Stockholm. Quantitative data through a questionnaire survey with employees combined with two observations. Qualitative data was given through an email interview with a responsible manager of digital channels and PR from NK AB.Theories: This study has used the following theories; Destination marketing, Corporate brand, internal branding, corporate identity, corporate culture, brand value, service brand values, brand citizenship behaviour.Conclusion: This case study of NK has shown that internal branding building in a department store is a comprehensive work, which all involved must have a unified perception and understanding of the brand, in order to successful unite under one brand.

Skillnader över Atlanten : En undersökning om två organisationers kommunikationsarbete i USA och i Sverige.

This essay is a case study of how two non-profit organizations, in the same line of business work with external communication and new media such as Internet and social media (Facebook and Twitter).Both these organizations are located in different countries and the purpose of the case study is also to find out if the differences in their work methods in communication depend on organizational or cultural differences. The case study was conducted in the organizations Sverige Amerika Centret in Karlstad, Sweden and The Swedish Council of America in Minneapolis, US. A qualitative approach executed through interviews and a qualitative content analysis of the organizations annual report from 2010. The result of the interviews and the document content analysis shows that there are differences in the way these organizations handle their work with external communications and new media. One of the organizations uses new media more actively in their work with communication and through that channel creates a relationship with its external audiences. The theories that has been used for this case study is Organization communication, Intercultural communication, Public Relations and Organization culture. Keywords: external communication, new media, culture and employees..

The High Line : hur väl fungerar promenadstråket som grön kil i New York City?

This study was made to compare construction companies for gardens way to work with up following, with purpose to see if there was an efficient and not resource demanded system which gave much value. To achieve the purpose a case study was made. The delimitation for the case study was only to compare the work with up following on individual project. The delimitation on the companies in the study was from ten to sixty employees. That because to reach companies were it´s not the same person how calculates on tenders and than perform the projects. The study was delimitated to the west side of Skåne. T o be able to compare the companies and to find trends, an interviewguide was made and was used during the interviews with the companies.

Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.

När tippen blir toppen -En studie om soptippars omvandling : Hur blir de en tillgång och för vem?

A high degree of urbanization with growing cities has raised a need of transforming closed landfill sites for giving them new uses. This study aims to investigate how old landfills can be re-used, what has lead to the new uses, and for what and whom the transformed site will be an asset. The method used is a case study of four different landfills in Stockholm county, Sweden. The case study is analyzed in the light of former studies regarding re-use of degraded urban areas, so called brownfields, and in particular studies and reports of landfill re-use. The result indicates that old landfill sites is identified as an area with possible values if transformed properly, in the case study area especially as green structure and recreation areas.

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