

863 Uppsatser om Single tires - Sida 35 av 58

Post-Columbine - en kvalitativ studie av sju skolskjutningar

The study has got three aims. The first purpose is to implement the Newman et al.s rampage theory (2004) in a more dominant European context. In this way, the theory?s strengths and weaknesses can be exposed. The second objective is to look at the motive.

Laktatnivån i blodet : en prognostisk markör för tikar med pyometra?

The purpose of the present study was to explore if blood lactate levels are increased in bitches with pyometra, and if the lactate measurement could be used as a prognostic indicator and to determine outcome. The present study included 16 bitches with pyometra that were admitted to the University Animal Hospital, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. For comparison, a control group consisting of 14 healthy staffowned bitches was also evaluated. In all bitches, a physical examination was performed and blood samples for analysis of haematological and biochemical parameters were obtained. In all bitches with pyometra, surgical ovariohysterectomy was performed and a uterine sample for bacteriological culture and identification was collected.

Hur ofta bör småhus sotas? : En samhällsekonomisk analys av ändrade sotningsfrister

Sweden recently changed the national regulation of chimney sweeping. This study has two purposes. The first purpose is to evaluate the effect of this reform to see if the new regulation has led to an effect in terms of increased chimney fires in single-family houses and for the wood-burning and oil-burning stoves, respectively. The second purpose is an updating of a previous study (Mattsson 1994) of analysis of society´s benefits and costs of different alternative sweeping frequencies for wood-burning and oil-burning stoves. This study also has a secondary purpose to examine the extent to which the local sweeping rules vary with climate conditions.  Mattsson, based on his results, proposed that the sweeping requirements for oil-burning stoves should be reduced from twice a year to once every second year and for wood-burning stoves the sweeping should be reduced from four times to once each year.

90-talskrisens effekter p? syssels?ttningsstrukturen f?r Lund och Malm?

The employment structure consists of different sectors, whose share of the total employment rate is all part of an economic structural conversion according to this thesis applied theoretical approach. A structural conversion, which consist of recurring crises, such as the financial crises in the early 1990s. This crisis and its effect on the Swedish economy is well-documented, while the shortage regarding the effect on a smaller scale, in a local and regional context, provides this thesis purpose. More specifically, a comparison between the two neighbouring towns of Malm? and Lund, will constitute the local contexts in this research.

Företag & morötter på sociala medier. En studie om hur sociala medier kan användas i ett belöningssystem och idéns väg genom verksamheten

The subject of motivation and feedback is something that the literature regarding management treats as significant. Therefore we have investigated how managers work with feedback in motivational and development purposes within union companies in Gothenburg. According to the existing theory it is important that feedback is given correctly and with relevant content, and thus affect both the recipient's own development and the growth of the business. Earlier authors also discuss the complexity of feedback that it is important to consider all of the surrounding aspects, and that it is important to be aware that there is no single approach that can be directly applied on all types of organizations.To investigate how the managers within the union companies motivate their employers without access to monetary incentive, we conducted a qualitative study with in-depth interviews with four respondents. The respondents were decision makers at their respective union company with the roles as CEO or deputy CEO.

Varumärkesbyggande processer

Due to the globalization and the changes in the market, companies have now realized the importance of a strong brand. This has led to the phenomena outsourcing. The relation between the branding consultant and his or her client has changed. Earlier the consultants worked as a single unit and were given a task to independently accomplish the assignment. Today there has to be co-operation between the two parties.

Underlätta bearbetning av hästskor

3In the last couple of decades there has not happened much inthe ?farriery?- department. The work procedure, methods andfarrier´s tools have stayed the same over time, which have ledto a huge workload that is wearing the active participants out.So think if you were able to ease the working process of horseshoeingfor a farrier. The farriery is still first and foremost aprofession based on handicraft that has to relay on the farrier´sgood memory, sight and sense. The workplaces for a farrieris most of the time at the hiring horse owner`s stables, whichmakes it harder for the farrier´s to have influence over theirworking situation.

Manlighet - skämt eller allvar? : humor som redskap i mäns förhandlingar om mansrollen

This in an essay concerning the use of humor in male communication. Primarily, I have focused on studying how jokes can be used as a sanction for the training of members in a (male) group. I have found great inspiration in Goffman?s thoughts on a social face and the use of humor to protect this perceived face.Initially I started to reflect on men?s reluctance to discuss masculinity and their thoughts about the meaning of being a man. Every time I tried to hold a serious conversation, my male friends made a joke out of it.

Internationella konventioners arbetsrättsliga regleringar angående barnarbete i Pakistan - implementering och förbättringsstrategier

Every single child has the right to a childhood as well as a future. The labor regulations within the international conventions exist in order to make sure that these rights are looked after, but the ratification of the conventions is just the beginning. In order to receive the results which are set by the conventions, it is crucial that the implementation is successful. The politics of the country have to change and improve in order to achieve compatible laws, but also the population has to be given the opportunity to obtain education and knowledge about their human rights. Children who are forced to work at a young age, often under inhuman conditions, are not only deprived of their childhood but also of the chance to develop into an independent individual at the same time as this interferes with their education.

Könsskillnader i motiv för att dricka alkohol- en studie av studenter på en högskola i mellersta Sverige

The purpose of this study is to investigate the motives underlying the consumption of alcohol among college students and if the motives differ between genders. The study is based on the following questions: What are the motives underlying alcohol consumption among students? Do these motives differ between men and women? Is there any connection between the motives for alcohol consumption and consumption? The study is a quantitative, empirical comparison study and the data presented is mainly descriptive. The study group consists of students from a university in central Sweden. After an exclusion of five students a total of 81 students participated in the survey, of which 55 were female and 26 were male.

Rummet emellan arbeta isär och leva ihop

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Lilla Fjellsholmen. Varsamt byggande i en unik skärgårdsmiljö

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Migration av distribuerad relationsdatabas för lagring i webbläsare

An increasing amount of companies and organizations are starting to implement the use of cloud computing in their business. This trend results in that software, which was previously sold and distributed to the customers whom then had to install the software on their own computers, now is being replaced with Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS makes software available through the customers? browsers, which results in that the service providers only have to administer a single application. The process to migrate a distributed application to a service delivered as a SaaS lacks sufficient investigation; this paper will provide some guidelines for conducting such a pro- cess.

Utvärdering av chefskap som metod för ledarskapsutveckling inom den offentliga sektorn

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Lönsamhetsanalys av tekniker för utökad elproduktion i kraftvärme : Med hänsyn till elprisets variationer

This thesis aims to examine the viability of various techniques for increased electricity generation in CHP plants and the effect of electricity price fluctuations on the profitability.The techniques examined are fuel dryer, pellet production, methane production, combined methane- and pellet production, seasonal heating storages in caverns and pit heat storages and condensing tail. Using Excel and Matlab, the prerequisites for investment costs, revenues and expenses were calculated.What affects the price of electricity is a combination of economic and technological development, energy prices, economic structure, population changes and weather. Different scenarios for the electricity price were therefore examined. In the base case, the electricity price was given by the Nord Pool electricity price statistics of area three in 2011. Thereafter, WiMo was used to design the electricity scenarios for 2030, which was then applied to the data to obtain the viability of various scenarios. The techniques examined were found to give greater profits to the CHP plant by increasing and optimizing the production of electricity.

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