

863 Uppsatser om Single tires - Sida 14 av 58

Vilka mål och behov har olika typer av skogsägare kring sitt skogsägande? :

The NIPF (Non Industrial Private Forest) owners in Sweden have very differentiated goals and needs with their forest. They have different backgrounds and some of them live at their forest estate while other live in an urban environment, and some are economically dependent on their forest estate while others are not. The heterogeneity among these forest owners creates problems for market actors that want to aim marketing messages to catch their interest. This is the problem background to the task that was provided to us as an investigative masters thesis for us. Their request was a plan for ensuring a successful marketing towards different segments of the NIPF owners. We commenced with a literature study based on market information and previously carried out similar investigations. We summarized the most important market information from the literature and created some hypotheses regarding goals and needs of the NIPF owners.

Volume and taper equations for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and White spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) in Iceland

The aim of this study was to evaluate different types of volume and taper equations that can be used to predict single-tree stem volume and stem diameter at any given height along the tree stem for plantation grown Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and White spruce (Picea glauca (Mounch) Voss) in Iceland. A number of published tree volume equations were tested and modified to predict the total stem volumes over bark but three logarithmic equations were taken for more in-depth analysis. Three taper equations were tested. Two variable-exponent equations (Kozak 1997, Kozak 2004) and one exponential equation described by Biging (1984). Data from a total of 617 sample trees were used in this study, collected from stands in various parts of the country and present different types of stands growing in different soil types and cover most of the site conditions suitable for forestry in Iceland.

Påverkar euron resultatet av stabiliseringspolitiken? : En studie av stabiliseringspolitikens utfall i de nordiska länderna sedan eurons tillkomst, och av betydelsen av en nationell penningpolitik.

This paper discusses whether the main argument for European countries to stay out of the euro, i.e. the loss in stability from not having a national monetary policy that can be used for stabilization purposes, is still valid ten years after the introduction of the single currency. We analyse the stabilization performances of four largely comparable Nordic countries that have all chosen different levels of European economic integration. In retrospect, the so-called ?stabilization policy argument? seems surprisingly weak.

Effekten av individanpassade sulor hos personer med arbetsrelaterade besvär i ländrygg och nedre extremitet: En Single Subject Experimental Design (SSED)

Introduktion/bakgrund: På ett företag där det förekommer truckar skall personalen enligt lag använda truckskor som skyddsutrustning. I nuläget använder personalen inte sina truckskor på arbetstid eftersom de anses vara obekväma och öka deras besvär från kroppen. Det har visat sig i en rad olika studier att användandet av sulor i skorna kan reducera besvär ländrygg och nedre extremitet. Syfte: Syftet var att studera vilka effekter en individanpassad sula kan ge på arbetsrelaterade besvär i ländrygg, höft, knä eller fot, hos personal med stående arbete. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en Single-System Experimental Design (SSED) med ABA-design.

Livscykelanalys av flerbostadshus ? energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för minskade koldioxidutsläpp

The importance of energy- and environmental issues has increased, and the work towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions plays a major part. The European Union has set up goals for the membership countries to work towards this to happen. The carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden have been reduced the last few years, but there is still a lot to do. About 30 per cent of Sweden?s carbon dioxide emissions generate from energy usage related to housing, this is why the housing sector is of interest to examine.

Individanpassad omvårdnad : ett steg mot optimal stationärvård för hund och katt

When nursing human patients during hospitalization, the nurse is the one responsible. The nursing is controlled by different models of nursing and careplans, shaped by every patient?s individual needs. This is to guarantee the quality of the care. The veterinary nurse is not ultimately responsible for patient care.

Studier av alkaliskt fosfatas och kollagen samt deras betydelse för skelettets mineralisering

There is convincing research which shows that the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has a central role in the mineralization of bone, more precisely that its catalytic activity is needed in the process. ALP is found on the surface of matrix vesicles where the mineral is formed. One theory about the function of the enzyme is that it binds to fibrous collagen in the bone and thereby incorporating the mineral into the bone. The purpose of this study is to establish whether ALP binds to collagen. If this is the case, more elaborate studies around this will be performed.

Vattnets väg genom en romersk stad. -Från vattenkastellet till mottagaren.

The purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of the urban Roman water system. I have chosen to work with the system as a general field, not as a case study of a single town. In my opinion such a study would not give a proper and fair view of the subject. Therefore, this paper will discuss the different parts of the system, each one for itself and name examples wherever possible, to give a wide survey of the reality of the Roman water supply system. The aim is to give the reader a clear picture of different solutions used in the time of the early Roman Empire and a good understanding of the subject..

Kostnadsoptimering av singelfrekvensnät för marksänd
digital-tv med Simulated Annealing

I det här arbetet har algoritmen Simulated Annealing undersökts med avseende på dess möjlig att användas för att minimera av kostnaden för ett singelfrekvensnät för digital tv. Undersökningen är gjord genom att simulera ett antal testfall för att utreda hur olika ingående optimeringsparametrar inverkar på slutresultatet. Alla försök har genomförts i ett egenkonstruerat simuleringsverktyg, gjort i Matlab. En jämförelse av resultaten för två olika sätt att hantera täckningskraven har också gjorts, Simulated Annealing med- respektive utan straff metod. Alla genomförda försök har genererat en betydande kostnadssänkning jämfört med startkonfigurationen.

Digitala objekt i neutralt format

Today there are many different Cad-applications on the market for engineers. Because of big building projects it has become more and more important to work with the same application or to have access to a neutral file type to be able to transfer files between different ones.This report studies the single objects and how they react when transferring them between ADT and ArchiCAD via the neutral type IFC. We have also been looking at problems during the transfer between and if there are some connections between these problems. Afterwards we created a neutral object model of a small country house to see if the objects appeared different. The result shows no differences.But looking at the problems that appeared during the transmissions they felt small and no logical.Today it is not possible to save in a neutral type without facing small problems.

Effekten av en kortisoninjektion i bäckenligamenten på personer med långvarig ländryggssmärta : en studie enligt single-subject experimental design

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av en kortisoninjektion i bäckenligamenten på patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta.MetodStudien genomfördes utifrån en single-subject experimental design med sex deltagare med långvarig ländryggssmärta. De utfallsmått som användes var smärtskattning (Numerical Rating Scale, NRS), skattad smärtrelaterad aktivitetsbegränsning (Oswestry Disability Index, ODI), skattad rörelserädsla (Tampa scale of kinesiophobia, TSK-SV), rörlighet (Fingertip-to-floor), funktion genom ett dynamiskt balanstest (Star excursion balance test, SEBT), funktionstest (sit-to-stand) och uthållighetsstyrketest (modifierat Biering- Sørensen), samt fysisk aktivitetsnivå mätt med accelerometermätare. Deltagarna genomförde fem testtillfällen innan och fem eller sex testtillfällen efter intervention. Vid sista besöket skattade deltagarna förändring av besvär enligt global index of change. Resultaten analyserades på individnivå genom visuell analys av trender och nivåskillnader i grafer, statistisk analys av graferna genom 2 SD-metoden, i kombination med deltagarnas subjektiva beskrivningar av eventuell förändring.

Hur styr gruppcertifikatägarnas strategier vilka skogsägare som blir del av FSC-cerfifikaten?

This study investigates the relationship strategies the group Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification holder has with the forest owners. The (FSC) standard enables an organization to manage a group of forest management units under a single certificate, a process referred to as group certification. Some certificate holders want a close relationship with the forest owner before they are offered to become part of their certificate. Other certificate holders have less strict demands on a close relationship with the forest owner before they are offered to become part of their certificate. The study shows that it is in many ways desirable to have a close relationship between forest owner and group certification holder..

Utvärdering av en ny selektionsmetod för hingstsperma : med avseende på membranintegriteten och membranstabiliteten

Today, equine breeding is based on performance and conformation, resulting in a vast variation in fertility among different horses, with noticeable economic losses as a consequence. The horse breeding industry is therefore in need of methods that diagnose the spermatozoa concerning their quality and provide the best sperm for AI. The commonly used selection methods for sperm today are: centrifugation, where extender is added, the sample is centrifuged and then resuspended; swim-up self-migration; adherence separation; and density gradient centrifugation. However, none of these methods are in used routinely in practice before inseminating mares with fresh or cooled semen. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new selection method, Single Layer Centrifugation (SLC), and its effect on sperm viability. The viability was analyzed with regard to membrane integrity and membrane stability of ejaculated spermatozoa.

Estetiska omdömens paradoxala natur : En jämförelse av Hume och Kant

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and emancipation of a single woman.

Utvärdering av Microsoft SharePoint 2003

I have been studied Microsoft SharePoint on behalf of Prevas in Karlstad.The purpose of my work was to see if Microsoft SharePoint was what Prevas wanted as a replacement for the existing intranet, which they are not satisfied with today.My work was a kind of foundation for Prevas so they could make a decision in this matter.The work began with installing SharePoint at one single server at Prevas. We used a virtual technology (VMware) at the installation, which can be described as that we created two ?miniservers? in a bigger server, one for SharePoint and the other for storing the information. This kind of technology is strongly advancing. The main work consisted of setting up the structure for the navigation and designing both the portal and the local homepage for Prevas Karlstad.

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