

1005 Uppsatser om Single mothers - Sida 17 av 67

Pojkarna mot strömmen : en studie kring några läsintresserade pojkars läs- och biblioteksvanor

A study around some fourteen and fifteen year old boys, who are interested in reading. It is about their reading and library habits, what has created their interest and where they acquire access to literature. A certain amount deals with the habits of the boys? school-friends in this subject. The result compares with earlier made reports.

Styvföräldraskapet : ? Ett föräldraskap bland flera

The purpose of this study is to perform a description of how parents experience their life in a stepfamily and to examine how the parents experience the involvement from their new partner in the children?s upbringing. The issues are: (i) which expectations do the parent has on their new partner in the role as stepparent to the child, (ii) how active does the parent experience their new partners? step parenting concerning the stepchild and (iii) how does the parent expect the new family to take shape? A qualitative study has been done through interviews. The participants were sex biological parents, of which four were fathers and two mothers.

Spädbarnsanalys : När samspelet mor - barn inte fungerar

The aim of the study is to investigate the practice of psychoanalysis with infants, and its effect on mother and child. With psychoanalytical thoeries and contemporary research on infants interaction as a basis, five interwievs with psychoanalysts in practice has been done. Also taking part of a clinical meeting with nine psychoanalysts has been done. Two of the interwieved analysts where part of this meeting, therefor the total sum of twelve psychoanalysts who reports their thoughts about the process i infantanalysis. The study also includes three participating observations of infantanalysis.

Utvärdering av ett system för Rapid Control Prototyping inom området robotstyrning

In this report a system for Rapid Control Prototyping, RCP, is evaluated through animplementation of the motor control methods Field Oriented Control, FOC, and Space VectorPulse Width Modulation, SVPWM. The evaluation emphasizes on time-consumption andresource utilization on the used hardware and on usability for of software.A new mechatronic laboratory is under development at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås. Itwill be used for both mechanical and motion control design using existing and new hardware.The control structure in a traditional robot system will be interfaced to a rapid prototypingsystem which should allow easy changes to algorithms at different levels in the system.The system designated for this project comes from National Instruments and constitutesLabVIEW Real-time and FPGA module as the software tools. The hardware is a NI Single-Board RIO (Reconfigurable Input Output), sbRIO, development board including a Field-Programmable Gate Array, FPGA, from Xilinx and a microprocessor from FreescaleSemiconductor. Graphical programming is performed in the LabVIEW environment, andthrough Xilinx tools the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled to VHDL code.A pre-study was carried out to clarify the concept of RCP and investigate different systems forRCP and their traits.

Bålstabiliserande träning vid ländryggssmärta : En experimentell single-subject design studie

Bakgrund: Ospecifik ländryggssmärta är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att man söker hjälp inom primärvården. För långvarig, ospecifik ländryggssmärta är träning ett förstahandsval och fokus har under det senaste årtiondet legat på bålstabiliserande träning. Psykosociala faktorer som self-efficacy och rörelserädsla kan vara viktiga att beakta vid behandlingen då de spelar en roll i hur ländryggssmärtan utvecklas. Syfte: Att undersöka hur skattad smärta, self-efficacy och rörelserädsla samt funktionsnivå förändrades hos enskilda patienter med långvarig, ospecifik ländryggssmärta under och efter en intervention i grupp med bålstabiliserande träning. Metod: Designen var en A-B-A single-subject design (SSED).

Stereoseende i realtid

In this thesis, two real-time stereo methods have been implemented and evaluated. The first one is based on blockmatching and the second one is based on local phase. The goal was to be able to run the algorithms at real-time and examine which one is best. The blockmatching method performed better than the phase based method, both in speed and accuracy. SIMD operations (Single Instruction Multiple Data) have been used in the processor giving a speed boost by a factor of two..

En annan värld? En analys av sex fantasyromaner ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in fantasy novels. The theoretical framework is based on Yvonne Hirdman?s theory on gender system, primarily the two basic principles: the principle of dichotomy, of separation between the sexes, and the principle of hierarchy, of man as norm. The method used is idea analysis which is a form of textual analysis.

"Det går inte att lita på föräldrarna" : Hur skildras omsorgsbristande föräldrar i LVU-rättsfall?

The aim of this study was to, with a social constructivistic approach, examine how parents,regarded as neglecting their children, are depicted in 12 LVU-legal cases from the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden. By using a document analysis influenced by discourse analytical tools, we found that there are repeated descriptions of the parents, which constructs an image of parents as shortcoming in the care of their children. The categories lack of emotions, mental disorder, substance abuse and physical maltreatment were the main reasons for child neglect that the parents were described from. Attitudes towards authority, aggression and immaturity, lack of insight, and deficiencies in the home were repeated in the description of the parent. We further found that mothers were regarded as more responsible of the children compared to fathers.

Levo : En lyftanordning för höjdjustering av manuella gåbarrar

The parallel bars is used in physical therapy and is mainly used for patients who have to train walking and balance after a stroke or an operation. It consists of two long handrails with two legs on each handrail. These legs go down into two ground-plates and are locked at the wanted height with a pin. The parallel bars is an appreciated device and is used on a daily basis in many care units.The main issue with the manual parallel bars is that it is very difficult and heavy for a single person to adjust the height of it. If a larger adjustment of the height has to be done, the legs have to be adjusted one at a time otherwise the they will be locked.

Inaktiv = Överviktig? : En kvantitativ studie av överviktigas och icke överviktigas fysiska aktivitet

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet var att undersöka förekomsten av övervikt samt om det fanns något samband mellan övervikt och fysisk aktivitet hos elever i år 6 och år 9. Vidare var syftet att studera eventuella skillnader mellan elever i år 6 och år 9.MetodStudien är kvantitativ och grundar sig på ett enkätformulär som delats ut till elever i år 6 och år 9 på 8 skolor i Stockholmsområdet. Enkätsvaren har behandlats i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Signifikansnivån i denna studie är p<0,05. I studien har 122 enkäter ingått.ResultatDet finns ett statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan övervikt och graden av fysisk aktivitet i år 6 men inte i år 9.

En jämförande undersökning om förloppet vid terapeutiskt utförd KAT-töjning och statisk egentöjning: Single Subject Experimental Design

Bakgrund: En stram muskel kan orsaka ett försämrat rörelsemönster som i sin tur kan vara orsaken till skada, detta kan dock motverkas genom stretching (töjning). Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur och om rörelseökning i hamstringsmuskulaturen skedde genom töjning med KAT-metoden respektive statisk töjning under en töjningsperiod på tre veckor. Metod: Förloppet kring stretching av hamstringsmuskulaturen undersöktes genom töjning varannan dag under 10 interventionstillfällen. Studien genomfördes som en Single-Subject Experimental Design (SSED). Baseline och withdrawalmätningar grundlades där inga töjningar utfördes.

Ventral Töjning Pectoralt (VTP) som behandlingsmetod vid ett avvikande hållningsmönster i nacke och axlar : Single Subject Experimental Design

De senaste årtiondenas explosionsartade teknologiska utveckling har gett oss möjlighet till en mer stillasittande och inaktiv livsstil framför skärmbundna aktiviteter som datorer, surfplattor och smartphones. Det leder till en avvikande hållning. En avvikande hållning i nacke och axlar definieras som ökat framskjutet huvud, ökad thorakal kyfos samt protraherade (framskjutna) axlar. Genom ökad aktiv eller passiv tension av pectoralis minor har forskare antytt att det kan påverka skuldrans kinematik för individer med nack- och skuldersmärta. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera om töjning av pectoralis minor med behandlingsmetoden Ventral Töjning Pectoralt (VTP) har någon inverkan på individens avvikande hållning genom korrigering av axlarnas och nackens position.

"...kommer bara nån seende fräsare och liksom bara fixar det på ett kick." : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar med synnedsättning upplever och hanterar mötet med omvärlden.

The aim with this study was to gain knowledge about how parents who are visual impaired experience and manage the meeting with the world around them. To have children and to be visual impaired creates a complex situation. There is not only the problem how to manage the parenting in technical terms. The disability is also filled with stigma because it diverges from the norms of society. There is not only demands from society about how the parent should behave, the parent also create demands of themselves.

"Alldeles utmärkt" eller "tungt som fan"? : En studie av fosterfamiljers egna barns syn på sin situation sett ut ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to examine, from a gender perspective, how biological children in foster families experience the situation of living with foster siblings. The material consists of ten interviews. We searched answers to the questions:1. In what way have the biological childrens relations to parents, biological siblings and foster siblings changed through the placement?2.

Effekt av spädningsvätska på spermiemembranintegritet analyserad med NucleoCounter SP-100 :

This study is a part of a larger project where the aim has been to evaluate different methods to assure the quality in stallion semen, due to the fact that some stallions in horse breeding have poor semen quality. The increased use of transport semen requires new methods to ensure good semen quality. In this part of the project the viability and concentration in fresh and cooled semen was examined with NucleoCounter SP-100. A comparison between two different commercially available semen extenders, Kenney?s and INRA 96, was made.

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