

8475 Uppsatser om Singing method - Sida 3 av 565

Lyssna, Tala, Tänka. Övningsteknik ? en huvudfråga?

This thesis is about practising on a different level to get an insight to what techniques might work for me as a double bass player. It is about discovering how to use your brain into playing at your best level. I practised both talking and singing to myself and read a lot about thinking and hearing not only the music but every note before playing. The thesis idea came from not having a technique that worked for me while practising alone. I wondered why it is such a difference between what we do at the lessons and what I do when practising by myself..

Variation och samstämmighet : en studie om hur elever i musikklasser med körinriktning beskriver sång och sin egen röst

Elever i musikklasser med ko?rinriktning i grundskolan inga?r i en lokalt situerad musikkultur som a?r formad av traditioner med ro?tter i fo?rra seklets fo?rsta ha?lft. I denna tradition har konventioner om sa?ng med barn utvecklats. Undervisning i musikklasser sker i stora grupper men den enskilda eleven internaliserar kunskapen om att sjunga individuellt.

Musik, hjärna, fantasi och lek - Om en Rytmikpedagogs bidrag till lärararbetet i grundskolans musikämne

To describe your profession can sometimes be hard. Everyone knows what a music teacher is and what her work includes. But what about a eurhythmic teacher - who knows what she does? By experience my answer is: not many. Inthis essay I have outlined differences in method and lecture planning between a eurhythmic and a music teacher, to be able to find out the answer to my research question - what a eurhythmic teacher can contribute to the school subject music.I chose an observation research where I observed a mixed class with children from fourth and fifth grade.

Belting - en studie av hur en sångteknik beskrivs och används

Uppsatsens syfte var att utforska och definiera belting, den kontroversiella sångtekniken som kommit att bli allt mer vanlig och använd bland sångare, som ett resultat av ett ökat intresse och flöde av populärmusik i vårt samhälle. Syftet var också att studera hur denna teknik används av sångpedagoger i deras arbete. Denna kvalitativa undersökning är baserad på litteraturstudier inom röstfysiologi och röstens funktion, och specifika teorier angående belting. Den grundar sig även på intervjuer av sångpedagoger som använder belting i sitt vardagliga arbete, både som pedagoger och som sångare. Resultaten visar att belting kan ses som en röstfunktion eller som en utvidgning av det låga registret, eller som en blandning av båda.

Den dialogiska flätan : En studie av det pedagogiska mötets betydelse i den individuella sångundervisningen

The dialogical plait in individual vocal educationThesis in Music Education by Jannike Huss. Part of the work for the master´s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre, and Art, University of Örebro, 2010. Available from Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden. Original in Swedish.This thesis treats the value of communication for individual vocal education on a higher level.

Musik- ett verktyg för språkutveckling : En jämförelse mellan skola och förskola

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to compare in what way pedagogues in pre-school in comparison to pedagogues in school use music as an implement to stimulate children?s language development. The essay is built on qualitative written interviews on four pedagogues, two pre-school teachers and two class teachers, along with relevant literature concerning music in relation to language development.In the interviews it was shown that music is used in a greater extent by the pre-school teachers, compared to the class teachers. Activities containing elements of music is situated on a daily basis in preschool, where the two interviewed pre-school teacher?s works.

Alternativ religionsundervisning: : En studie om IE- metoden

This essay is about Abrahams children and its teaching method  the IE- method. The purpose of this essay is to see what four teachers who use the method in their teaching think about it. To get an idea of how these teachers are working with the IE- method, I interviewed them. What are the pros and cons, is it a good way to teach religion? In addition, I look at how the IE- method follows the Lpo94 values and goals.

Körintonation - En viktig del av körarbetet

In this Bachelor essay I will discuss my thoughts about choir intonation and especially with an amateur choir, Stämbanden, who has little experience when it comes to work with choir intonation. I describe my thoughts as I am working with Stämbanden. I will discuss a few choir intonation exercises that focus on working with intonation while singing that I have put together from other exercises and made adjustable to fit Stämbandens? needs. I will later evaluate the process and discuss further ideas and thoughts on how to work with improving any choir?s intonation..

Memoreringstekniker utifrån en pianists perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to discuss different memory techniques used by pianists so I can feel secure while performing during concerts. How do pianists learn to memorise music? According to me, are certain memorisation techniques more effective than others? Do pianists use different methods depending on repertoire? To find my answers, I have studied two other pianists? outcomes on the subject as well as applied my chosen memorising techniques on five pieces from different epochs. These techniques include visualising my fingers when they play on the keyboard, listening to the pieces many times, practicing short specific parts one hand at a time, singing the melody while playing the accompaniment, studying the scores without playing, as well as analysing the harmonic sequences..

Ljudinstallationer i Sveriges utemiljö

When visiting Scaniaparken in Malmö you have the possibility of listening to music streaming out of grass-covered hills. In Helsingborg children can compose their own music and play for their friends on the playground. On a square in Nacka Strand you can hear birds singing in the quiet intervals of traf?c. What the places have in common are that they all contain sound installations.

Förbättring av mjukvarubibliotek för parallellberäkningar med programmeringsmodellen Chunks and Tasks

Chunks and Tasks is a programming model based on the C ++ programming language. This programming model is used for electronic structure calculations, among other things.The purpose of this project is to improve the CHT-MPI software library for Chunks and tasks, so that calculations of matrix-matrix multiplications are performed more efficiently than they do with the existing software library. The software library is based on the work stealing method, which is a method the software library for Chunks and Tasks uses for the distribution of the calculation work. The considered way to improve the software library is by modifying the work stealing method in a way that makes the distribution of calculation work happen in a more efficient way , which will lead to calculations performed faster than before.Two different modifications of the work stealing method were tested and it led to two new methods, Method 1 and Method 2, which distributed the calculation work differently. Method 1 did not give results that were compatible with the theory, since the calculation time with this method was much longer than the previous method.

Varelsedesign : en metod

My aim in this case study has been to create a method for creature design to test this method in a production and evaluate the results. To achieve this I studied and analyzed the methods of three concept artists and illustrators named James Gurney, Neville Page and Iain McCaig. From the analysis of these artist´s methods, combined with my own personal experience, a new method was formed. To test this method a creature was designed based on directives given by a game design group in the process of creating a table top role playing game in a fictitious world. These directives where given for the creature´s role and its living conditions.

Det gäller att vara konkret! : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers syn på tvåspråkiga barns språkutveckling i en förskola och i en förskoleklass

The study is based on Lev Vygotskijs and John Dewey's learning theory. Such is ?the zone for immediate development? and ?learning by doing?.Purpose: The study's purpose was to examine how four teachers´ work with bilingual children's language development in a preschool and in a preschool class. These questions will be answered in my study: 1). which view of bilingualism have been the educators? 2).

Markaryd Cantat - ett körprojekt belyst ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

I oktober 2006 presenterade jag för Utbildnings- och kulturförvaltningen i Markaryd idén att samla sångintresserade i Markaryds kommun till en projektkör för att uppföra ett större körverk med orkester. Målen med projektet var att stimulera till ökad sång- och körverksamhet i skola och kommun och genom denna aktivitet, dels skapa närkontakt med klassisk musik, dels att bygga broar mellan olika grupperingar i kommunen. Då man år 2007 firade Markaryds kommun 700 år, Markaryds kyrka 150 år och Linné 300 år tillkom aspekten att projektkören skulle kunna bidra med en konsert som avslutning på jubileumsåret. Min forskningsfråga i detta arbete är: På vilket eller vilka sätt har projektets målsättningar uppnåtts? Skriftliga utvärderingar med de deltagande körsångarna, reaktioner från kommunen, press och allmänheten samt en DVD dokumentation utav konserten ligger till grund för min resultatdiskussion.

Scoutförskola : En förskola med scoutprofil

Due to the interest of starting a preschool with a scout profile in my circle of acquaintances I chose to write my report about how the scout method would work in a preschool. I did this by comparing the origin of scouting and preschool. I based my report on the following questions:Are there any similarities or differences with curriculum, education act and the scout method that can make it easier/harder to work with the scout method in the preschool?There are many theorists that have had influence on the preschool. Give some examples of their theories that could affect the scout preschool?What is the difference between a teacher and a scout leader?What would a preschool look like if you included the scout method in the daily activity?With the help of my literature studies I compared the scout method against the laws and rules to make sure that the scout method doesn?t contradict them.

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