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Vad händer när två blir en? En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av konsekvenser för lokaljournalistiken efter tidningsfusionen i Karlskoga.

Authors: Elina Haimi, Emelie Nordh, Kattis Sundén Title: What happens when two becomes one?Level: Bachelor of Journalism Location: University of Gothenburg Language: Swedish Number of pages: 50A simple rule that any handbook in journalism will tell you is that it?s better, if not necessary, to have at least two different sources, rather than one, when you tell a story. This will keep information accurate and non-biased. You will get closer to the truth if you hear more people. We started to wonder if this would be the case with news papers as well.

Resurshantering av personer i multiprojektmiljöer

An important task for project managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.

Vem är bibliotekarien? En dammig bokmal eller en informationsexpert? en explorativ undersökning om olika gruppers bild av bibliotekarien.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to explore the image of the librarian from three groups: librarians, researchers and directors of staff from industrial companies. The purpose was also to study the image of the future librarian as the Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the University College of Borås introduces it. As my theoretical framework I used communication theories and marketing theories. I searched answers to the following questions: - Is there any resemblance at all between the common stereotypes of the librarian and the images given by the participants of the survey? - How do the librarians view themselves? - What is the image of the librarian among the researchers who use the services of the library? - What is the image of the librarian among the directors of staff from the industrial companies? - What is the image of the librarian given by an educational institution during the basic education? I contacted the participants and asked them to draw a picture of a librarian and write a short text about the picture.

Utvärderingsmodell för förpackningar och dess hantering i dagligvaruhandeln : ? en jämförelse av ergonomi-, miljö- och logistikparametrar

Companies become more and more aware of the added values of the packaging. A well chosen and developed packaging can reduce the costs for the companies through reduced costs for transports, reduced quantity of waste and discards and increased goodwill for example. The companies? costs for salaries can also be reduced due to the increased packaging handling efficiency and the reduced costs for sick leave, reduced work capacity and rehabilitation etc. that can arise when handling poorly developed products and packaging.

Att kunna lite kan göra mycket : Socialarbetarens möten med personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

In this paper we have chosen to focus on social workers and their experiences of interacting with clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities, in example persons with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperger syndrome, autism and/or Tourette syndrome. The main purpose was to look into three areas: What knowledge do social workers mean that they need about neuropsychiatric disabilities and how can their needs of knowledge can be met? How do they experience the meeting with a person with neuropsychiatric disabilities? How does the cooperation function between authorities regarding persons with neuropsychiatric disabilities?Definition of the concept of disability and function from a historical perspective points out that the approach has changed over time. Previous research studies of the interaction in meeting between the client and the social worker shows that the social worker carries two faces, so called aspects. The first aspect is about help and care and the second aspect is about administrative functions.

Utvärdering av två hullbedömningssystem för katt av en djursjukskötarstudent och djurägare

Obesity is a growing global health problem among both humans and cats with the risk of several medical conditions as a result. This can be detected and prevented by body condition assessment methods in order to visualize and detect possible or potential weight problems in cats.To achieve the best results, owner and cat should be introduced to this as soon as possible in their contact with veterinary care.Purina Body Condition System and Walthams Feline Body Mass Index are both morphometric assessment methods that are quick, relatively cheap and simple to perform. 20 cats with owners and a veterinary nurse student participated in a study to compare pet owners and a veterinary nurse student's assessment of the Purina Body Condition System and WALTHAM's Feline Body Mass Index. The body condition assessment methods were compared with each other, and it was investigated which method was preferred, the body condition distribution among the studied cats and if long-haired cats' body condition was more often misjudged. Results of the study showed a significant difference between pet owners and the veterinary nurse student's assessment of Purina BCS with a difference in median of 1.

Predicerande faktorer för den tidiga läsningen Fonologisk förmåga ? RAN - Vokabulär

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det är möjligt att redan vid tidig ålder predicerasenare läsning. I studien undersöks om barns fonologiska förmågor, RAN och vokabulär vid 4års ålder kan predicera senare ordavkodning/stavning respektive läsförståelse vid slutet avårskurs 1. Hypotesen är att fonologi utgör en viktig del av avkodning (Lundberg, 2009; Castle& Coltheart, 2004; Goswami, 1993) medan vokabulär är en betydelsefull del för läsförståelseoch språkförståelse (National Reading Panel, 2000; Clarke et al., 2010)Teori för studien utgörs främst av lästeorin The Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer,1986). En teori som betraktar läsning med utgångspunkt i två aspekter, avkodning ochförståelse. Ytterligare en bärande teori för studien är en utvecklingsmodell för ordavkodning(HØien och Lundberg,1999).Metod I undersökningen används kvantitativ data.

Vindkraftsetablering i skog

This thesis assignment at C-level is focused on calculation models and prediction methodswhish can be used in the stage we call ?prospecting? of possible windmill locations. Thelocation is southeast of Halmstad at the Farm ?Stjernarpsgods?. The rapport has two mainareas directed towards this task.

Mätning av partikelmassa i avgaser från en dieselmotor

This master thesis was a continuation of a previous study in the diesel exhaust characterization, which is part of the academical work embedded in the EMIR-1 project. The main objective of this thesis work was to finish the installation and make the proper modifications of the particulate mass measuring system located in one of the engine test cells at KTH, in order to be able to measure the mass of the particles from the exhaust of diesel engines.This experiment requires a diluted flow sample from the exhaust that should be sent to the device that makes possible the measurement of particle mass, called TEOM. In the first stage of this project, the objective was to study and make the proper modifications in the existing KTH diluter because there were several problems to obtain a constant dilution ratio from it during tests.This modifications were made and it resulted in a great improvement in the maximum inlet and outlet flow that this diluter can handle. Therefore another modification is proposed for controlling the inlet exhaust flow so it will be possible to regulate the dilution ratio and make it constant along a wide range of engine loads and speeds.The second and most important stage was to make particulate mass measurements possible by analyzing the frequency signal from the TEOM device. The idea was to obtain the frequency of oscillation from the tapered element in the TEOM, and therefore with the proper correlations, be able to predict the particulate mass concentration in the exhaust flow from the engine.An electrical problem in the TEOM circuit was detected and corrected, so the signal that carries the frequency from the TEOM can be analyzed properly.

Geografisk prioritering av CTI-utrustad virkestransportkapacitet

Previous studies of central tire inflation (CTI) in truck transport of roundwood have shown potential benefits to include more even wood flow and reduced road damage. The greatest benefits are found to be during periods of low bearing capacity such as spring thaw. No previous studies have examined geographical variations in the potential benefit of CTI-equipped trucks. The aim of the study was to develop and use a simple method for geographically prioritizing the use of CTI-equipped trucks within a forest company´s sector of activity.The host company for the study was Holmen Skog. The area studied consisted of Holmen Skog?s entire sector of activity extending from the province of Västerbotten to the province of Småland.

Privilegierad mobilitet? : Flygplatser, resande och säkerhet

Never before have so many moved so frequently as now. Mobility lies at the centre for the concern ofstates, business and technological development. Some even claim that we are witnessing a mobility turn inthe social sciences. However, as the capacity to move has increased so too has the control and surveillanceof mobility become more extensive. Since September 11, 2001 security has been the defining paradigm fora variety for actors.

Visuellt typinstrument : en metrologisk studie

Visual Type Instrument - VTI, is a tool containing a typeface and a set of geometric calculations that generates numerical data in spreadsheets. The data is determined from the typefaces visual dimensions and is used to calculate leading, type size, margins and format. The aim is to offer, for all of those working with typography and design, a practical way to manage text, image and format in relationship to visual size. Instead of using point measurements, VTI uses a new device called Edo. An Edo is the same as one twelfth of a millimetre.

Utveckling i Ammerån : att skapa ett hållbart fiske med hög kvalitet

Ammerån which is a small forest river in eastern Jämtland is a well-known river that has been a popular fishing river for a long time. The actual Ammerån begins downstream the lake Solbergsvattnet at Hammerdal and flows into the Indalsälven 10 km upstream Hammarstrand. The river environment switches between forests with wilderness feeling and open agricultural land. The entire Ammerån is today a nature reserve and protected from hydropower development. Fishing in Ammerån has mainly been focused on trout and grayling, and is so even today.

Konsumentskyddet vid småhusentreprenader : Särskilt angående problematiken med s k utvecklingsfel

An important task for project managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.

W3C Geolocation API ur ett utvecklarperspektiv

The goal of this thesis is to investigate the W3C Geolocation API from a developer?s perspective, focused on whether it makes development of location-based applications more accessible to developers. This has been investigated by looking at available ways to locate, possible uses, the functionality offered, the necessary level of prior knowledge needed for a developer and requirements on developer tools. This has been achieved through studies in relevant areas, a thorough introduction to W3C Geolocation API functionality, and by using the API to develop two different location-based applications as a demonstration. Testing of applications, on different platforms and in different environments, in conjunction with investigation of the rest of the material has shown that W3C Geolocation API in many ways actually makes development of location-based applications more accessible for developers.

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