

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 45 av 68

Ett resecentrums betydelse för en stadskärna . : En studie om Kramfors resecentrums funktion och relation till den urbana omgivningen, samt upplevelsen av denna

The purpose of this study is to shed light on and describe Kramfors travel centers function and relationship to the surrounding urban environment, and how this core is experienced by residents and visitors. To do this, the use of the travel center, its relationship to Kramfors city center and the perception of it, as well as possible improvement areas has been studied.This has been examined using a quantitative method by designing a questionnaire and the usage of a research strategy through the implementation of a small-scale survey. Within this a cluster sampling was applied.The result shows that Kramfors travel centers is primarily used for traveling and is used most frequently by the visitors within the study. It is also shown that residents 'primary reason for traveling from the travel center is friends and family, followed by shopping, and that the visitors' primary motive for traveling is friends and family as well, followed by work. The mode of transportation between the travel center and destinations are mainly walking, while the mode of transport between homes and the travel center proves to be the car.

Vilka hinder förekommer utmed gångstråk och hur kan de åtgärdas : samt hur kommunerna använt resultatet från tillgänglighetsinventeringar och hur de upplevt stödet från Vägverket Region Mälardalen

To be able to compete on the market environmental Management System has become an important part of operations work. However, many companies still haven?t implemented an environmental management systems due to lack of time and the high costs. One of the companies with this problem is Falu Bildemontering. Their goal is to accredited according to the ISO 14 001 certificate.

Finns det potential att införa en massdatabas för handel och utbyte av överskottsmassor i Eskilstuna?

In Eskilstuna and Sweden in general the level of reuse of surplus material containing soils and rocks from excavation is low. In this report the potential for increasing the reuse of excavated material in Eskilstuna by using a web-based earth information database has been examined. The purpose of a web-based earth information database is to connect those who have surplus material with those who need material for a fast and simple transaction. The intention is to give Eskilstuna a more environmentally and economically efficient handling of surplus material by increasing the level of reuse and thereby reducing the amount of surplus material that is wasted and emissions given off to the atmosphere during transportation. The potential has been examined in two different ways, by tracing information about a number of projects to see if excavated material driven to the dump could have been used in another project and by interviewing eight of the work leaders active in Eskilstuna.

Framtagning av en rörväxlaretill sopsugsystem

The main goal of this project was to develop some sort of a diverter for pipestransporting waste in a vacuum system. This unit was supposed to be both cheap andeasy to serve/exchange worn out parts. With a limited space to install the pipeexchanger, the challenge was to keep it as compact as possible without constructingbends with to small radius or to sharp angles as this would wear out the system a lotfaster than planned. The system was also supposed to be able to handle clothes andscrubs from hospitals. Having too much sharp edges or angles would tear the clothesapart.

Yes Logo

Abstract Title: Yes logo! What defines a good logo? Authors: Fredrik Dahlin and Vladimir Zunkovic Supervisor: Klaus Solberg Söilen. Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Purpose: To find out which are the defining characteristics of a good logo, from a scientific point of view. Method: We have used a qualitative method consisting of interviews with experts within the marketing area with the goal to test the Swedish point of view against the one in the litterature. We also used a quantitative method to investigate the publics attitude towards the testlogos we created. The purpouse of this poll is to test different colourcombinations and how the marketsegments feel about them. In this poll we used statistical methods to make sure that the agelimits and the number of male and female respondents are correct. We executed another quantitative study towards Swedish marketing companies to create an idea of the businesses thoughts about a good logo are. Results: A good logo is a simple symbol or geometrical form consisting of a combination of colours that reflect the company?s core values, visions and goals.

Partnerval i joint ventures på den svenska 3G-marknaden En studie av de svenska nätoperatörerna

Background: Traditionally defined boundaries and borders between organizations are at present being re-evaluated because of new and tougher demands. Today we can see a trend where these boundaries are being lowered or even eliminated when organizations choose to co-operate instead of compete. Purpose: In order to create an understanding for the partner selection process in the newly founded joint ventures between the companies which are building the Swedish 3G Network, the determining factors are being studied. Delimitation: The studies companies are co-operating as network operators but are at the same time competing as mobile operators. This relationship is in the literature described as co-opetition, which will not be investigated in this paper.

Att tillgängliggöra kvalitetskontrollerade Internetresurser: en studie av två ämnesportaler och två samverkansprojekt

The purpose of this masters thesis is to study two subject gate-ways within the field of Swedish higher education and academic research, concerning structuring and selection of Internet resources to facilitate information retrieval for their target groups, and also to study two co-operation projects in the same field, one national and one European, to see how the co-operation is being carried through and how the gateways in the projects can serve from a wider perspective. The gateways, AGORA and NOVAGate, are being studied mainly by their Web sites and two e-mail interviews with persons responsible for the gateways. Facts about the national project are principally based on an interview with BIBSAM. The European Renardus is being studied out of articles and information on the Web site. From the results of the study it is being clear that the purpose of the gateways is to make a quality-selection of information accessible via the Internet and thereby facilitate for their target groups to find usable information.

Naturreservat : en bra naturvårdsåtgärd för att bevara enskilda arter och/eller bevara den biologiska mångfalden?

The examination of the adequate nature conservation methods in a natural reserve, to conserve a specific species and / or increase biological diversity is the subject of this study. This work is based on four species, that can be found during the Spring season, liverleaf, wood anemone, brimstone and woodpecker. The incidence and availability is studied and closely observed for these species in twenty forests, i.e. ten forests which are nature reserves and ten forests with the similar characteristics as the nature reserves habitat, but are not nature reserves in Gnesta mucipality, Södermanland. Measurements of the tree crown and the diameter of the tree trunks where noted to study how these factors could affect the outcome of the abundance and incidence of the four species.

Läroboksspråk : En studie av språket i två historieböcker avsedda för grund- respektive gymnasieskolan

This essay investigates and compares the readability in two different schoolbooks: Eko Historia (the primary school grade 4-6) and Epos Historia (the upper secondary school). The questions of the survey are:- Which differences in linguistic and layout can be found between books meant for the primary school and books meant for the upper secondary school?- Are the texts easy to read according to the former research in readability?In order to answer the questions structural dimensions as lexicon, syntax, bounds between sentences and narrative voices have been studied. Also the texts disposition and typography have been examined.The results demonstrate that the book designed for the primary school has a verbal structure with an explicit vocabulary, lots of verbs and short sentences. A clear narrative voice gives an impression of spoken language.

Undersökning av metoder för att analysera och modellera efter stora datamaterial, hantering av programmet SPSS samt en studie i Kronoberg läns gymnasieelevers psykiska ohälsa

 The sawmill industry is a relative fragmented industry that is in an economic upswing andwith a hard competition. The customers have high demands on their suppliers and the highcustomer demand make it necessary for the companies to make a streamlining in planningand production. For that reason it is very important that the planning- and productionprocesses aren?t to complex and with a simple structure.The purpose of this report is to study and map out a marked out part of a planning- andproduction process, from adjust works to final delivery, at a company in the sawmill industry.Different methods have been used for the report, among others interviews and subordinatedmaterial.We have mapped out a marked out part of the planning- and production process at theCompany. This part we have studied, and we have analysed the process it self and otherthings connected to the process.We see the planning- and production process in the Company as complex.

Cirkelträning - en kombination av styrka och kondition

In Sweden the amount of people with obesity has increased with almost 50 % during the past 20 years and is now including 500 000 people. A larger energy intake than energy consumption is today one of the most important cause of overweight and obesity that exist in the world. This requires more knowledge about healthier eating habits combined with moderate intensive exercise, exercise that is simple, effective and amusing. A god solution is a combination of fitness training and strength training, a type of circuit training. It is distinguished by a high intensive work in short periods and with a short break.

Textinnehållets betydelse för läsförståelsen : En komparativ studie av flickor och pojkar i åk 7

Research reports as PISA and PIRLS show that reading comprehension among Swedish students have deteriorated in recent years and that girls have better reading comprehension than boys. The basis for this study is Maj-Gun Johansson's reading comprehension test done during the four years between the years 2005-2008 in the seventh grade in a municipality in Sweden. The main purpose of this study is to examine reading literacy in terms of the influence of content and form of texts viewed from a gender perspective. The study is divided into two parts. The first part is a survey on local reading comprehension compared with results from a similar national text.

Matte på lätt svenska är svårt. En studie om andraspråkselever och matematiska textuppgifter

ABSTRAKT Cremona, Eva och Jägerdén, Calle (2009) Matte på lätt svenska är svårt - en studie om andraspråkselever och matematiska textuppgifter. Maths in simple Swedish is difficult, A study of second-language students and textual mathematical exercises. Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken betydelse den språkliga formuleringen har för andraspråkselevers resultat i matematik. I examensarbetet redovisas hur dagens forskning ser på andraspråkselevers situation och vil-ka hinder som kan finnas för att dessa ska nå framgång i skolan. Hur skolornas organisation bidrar till studieresultaten samt betydelsen av modersmålsundervisning tas också upp. Studi-en genomfördes i fyra kommuner och eleverna som deltog gick på IVIK - Individuella pro-grammets introduktionskurser för invandrare. Efter en förstudie, där hemspråkslärare och elever intervjuades, genomfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning.

HBTQ-personers upplevelser av vårdmötet

Homo- och bisexuella, transpersoner och queerpersoner (HBTQ) har historiskt sett stigmatiserats och negligerats både globalt och i Sverige nationellt. Individer som inte tillräknats heteronormativet har diskriminerats av samhället generellt, men även inom sjukvård och forskning. Ett resultat av heteronormen är att andra sexuella läggningar och könsidentiteter blir betraktade som onormala. I omvårdnadsarbetet möter allmänsjuksköterskan personer som tillhör HBTQ- gruppen i sitt dagliga arbete, och har därmed ett behov av kunskaper i bemötandet av denna patientgrupp. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka upplevelser som HBTQ-personer haft i samband med kontakt med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal i Sverige.

Vita vingar och röda bär -en folkloreinspirerad mönsterkollektion

The aim of this examination project was to work with the processof making a pattern collection for fabrics. The collectionshould consist of at least three patterns with report measurementssuitable for screen print. I wanted the pattern collectionto be a simple, mystic and colourful collection with a folklorespirit like the popular rural life I experienced during my childhood.The purpose of the project was that I during the working processwould deepen my estethic background to enforce my personalgraphic expression ability and evolve as a pattern designer.I wanted to try to mix my personal view of domestic graphicexpression with another language that I gained in recent years.This I wanted to do in order to find the tools that could helpme clarify and develop my pattern signature.A few of the questions that I had about this project were if thelong scetching phase that I planned would help or damage theproject.I also thought it would be interesting to experiment with coloursin this project. I wanted to see how far I dared to go inmatter of colours as well as how the patterns would be visuallyexperienced if I for example reduced one colour or replaced itwith the opposite colour.I thought it was inspiring to work with traditional techniqueswith the colours. It was only positive that part of the patternstory telling was developed in an unpredicted direction duringthe scetching phase.

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