

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 33 av 68

Utveckling av hotspotsystem

Detta examensarbete är gjort på uppdrag av Fiber Optik Valley. Huvuduppdraget i projektet var att skapa ett fungerande betalningssystem för en hotspot och att utveckla företagets webbsida. Hotspotsystemet som baserades på en gratistjänst från Public IP, är tänkt att kunna fungera delvis autonomt utan ägarens ingripande. Företagets webbsida skapades i en Flex2-utvecklingsmiljö och produkten blev en Adobe Flash-applikation. För att få ett dynamiskt och konfigurerbart system skapades även en kontrollpanel till webbsidan åt företagets webbadministratörer, så att innehållet på sidan ska kunna förändras utan att behöva kompilera om koden.

Realoptioners förklaringsvärde och praktiska tillämpbarhet: En tillämpning på den svenska onlinespelmarknaden

Real options analysis is a method for assigning value to flexibility in decisions, coming from uncertainty in future outcomes. This thesis ascertains to what degree this method is superior to traditional net present value analysis, with regards to ease of implementation in relation to the benefits from being able to measure the total value. Real options analysis is evaluated with a case study of the Swedish online gambling market, and conducted with the binomial framework of Copeland and Antikarov (2003). The authors find the sensible use of real options dependant on the specific situation to which it is applied, i.e. a certain degree of future uncertainty and managerial flexibility is necessary for justification of the increased workload.

Grupprocesser ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om polisstudenters uppfattning av mäns och kvinnors rolltagande och beteende i grupp

The purpose with this essay is to study police students perception of men?s and women?s role taking and behavior in a group. The question that is presented is if a group?s efficiency can depend on which gender the members of the group have. There are many theories about the concept male and female and the meaning of these words.

Inclusion Body Disease hos boa- och pytonorm : diagnostiska metoder

Inclusion body disease (IBD) affecting boas and pythons is a serious and common disease. Boas can be clinically healthy carriers, which makes control of the disease difficult. The causative agent has not yet been confidently identified, and therefore there are no serodiagnostic tests available. Today, histopathologic examination of tissue biopsies is the recommended antemortem diagnostic method, but there are several disadvantages. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of two diagnostic methods ? liver biopsies and blood smears, and to evaluate ultrasoundguided needle biopsy of the liver.

Marknadsmässig spannmålshandel

The agriculture throughout the world is becoming increasingly deregulated and this has affected the prices of raw materials to fluctuate at a higher degree than earlier. This in turn has made it interesting and in some cases even necessary for the trader as well as the producer to gain knowledge about the trade instruments available to ensure a good enough price for their produced goods. This study encompasses a number of ways to trade grain and oil plants in order to clarify what differences there are in the several contracts that exist in the present situation, economical as well as practical. The various trade instruments available to the producers on the Swedish market are described in the theoretical part of this study. The study also contains a simple arithmetic example, based on historical prices collected from grain traders and trading floors, in order to point out the differences in the economical outcomes depending on the business strategy used to sell the produced goods. The study shows the importance, as a producer, of being able to use and take advantage of the different trading instruments at hand to monitor and exploit the shifts in the market. From an economical point of view it is not enough to just excel at farming but knowledge about the market functions and the trade instruments at hand is also required to be able to secure a good enough price for your goods.

Aktivisten- egoist, karriärist eller eldsjäl? En studie rörande motiven bakom frivilligt engagemang

When it comes to investigating the motives behind activism, the members of political study have a lot to say. I aimed to critiqually rewiev this in my thesis. I asked the question ?What do the actor themselves claim lay behin their decision to become motivated?? To highlight this complex dilemma, I sought to discuss new social movement theory by comparing it to reality. This includes a literate examination on contemporary political science approaches, and a study of two organisations in the south of Sweden, choosen not to despise any excisting theory, but to give it a sense of reality.

Informationslogistisk modell : Hur ska tillverkande företag tillgodose informationsbehoven?

This essay answers the question: How can a manufacturing business fulfill the information demand in the processes; purchasing, production, warehousing, order and delivery?The question has been answered through different kind of studies, such as literature, documents, Internet search, interviews and observations. The essay is written from a hermeneutic point of view and by using qualitative research. The result has been validated by two different manufacturing businesses.A simple information logistic model is the result of a comparison made between theory and empery. The aim of the model is to describe how a manufacturing business can fulfill the information demand by using different methods.

Att mäta bibliotek: en studie av två biblioteks verksamhetsberättelser.

During the late twentieth century, political and societal changes gave rise to an increased interest in performance evaluation in public organizations. This development also affected libraries in the public sector. The main concern for this master thesis is performance measurement in libraries. In this study two different types of libraries are investigated, one public and the other academic. My aim is to find out if and how performance measurement appears in the libraries annual activity reports.

Den nya generationen KinBag : The new generation of KinBag

This report summarizes a Bachelor Degree Project in Integrated Product Development,carried out during the spring semester in 2007 by three students at the Product Design Engineering programme at the University of Skövde. The project was performed as an assignment for KinBag ab, a sister subsidiary to Kinnegrip ab in Lidköping, who develop,manufacture and market the golf bag KinBag, a bag with an integrated wheel carriage system. The purpose of the project was to redesign the golf bag to attract a target group consisting of golfers aged between 20 and 40.The layout of the project was as follows: The project began with a feasibility study where different problems were identified with the basis of a market research which eventually was summarized in a dynamic specification of requirements. The feasibility study was followed by a generation of ideas which contained everything from sketches to simple mock-ups with an intensive amount of thoughtful brainwork and information gathering in between. This ledto the development of a number of design concepts, both on an overall level and on different parts of the golf bag.

Fruktsamhet och fruktsamhetsproblem hos chow-chow : En inledande studie över situationen i Sverige

The chow-chow breed is considered to have a low fertility and this report is an in depth study of the reproductive functions of this breed in Sweden. Only 53 % of the Chow-chow matings results in litters. Previous studies of other breeds in commercial kennels shows mating results around 85-90 %, but this has not been investigated in hobby kennels and most Chow-chows which are bred from in Sweden, are kept as family pets. Contrary to most other breeds, Chow-chows show a seasonal reproductive pattern and most litters are born in the autumn. The influence of the month of mating on pregnancy rate and litter size was found to be not significant, but can be considered a trend. Thirty-nine females with previous known fertility problems where studied. Some of them had reached puberty extremely early, at an age between 4-5 months, and many of the bitches showed great fluctuations in intervals between oestrus cycles. Some of the females showed abnormalities such as very short oestrus intervals of only 2-3 months, probably without ovulating.

Ska man tro på aktie-Nostradamus? : en studie om aktierekommendationers värde för privata investerare

Intro: 80 percent of the Swedish population own shares. This makes Sweden the leading country in private investment in securities. It can be difficult for the private investor to know where, when and which security to invest in. The strategies are as ambivalent as the stock markets fluctuations. If the investor prefers to refrain from investing money himself, there are brokers who carry out these types of services.

Anställdas förvärv av värdepapper : Beskattningstidpunkten när förvärvet är förenat med förfoganderättsinskränkningar

It has become increasingly simple for companies to offer its employees shares in the form of incentive or option plans to acquire.  Companies motivate incentive plans with employee buy-outs that it will lead to higher involvement of work. The offers are often associated with disposal restrictions to the employee such as not immediately dispose of shares or that the employees will have to remain of employment within a certain timeframe. The problems with disposal restrictions are that it makes it difficult to determine the point of taxation.When shares deemed acquired at the time of share subscription the benefit will be taxable as income from service and the increase in value income from capital. When shares are deemed to be acquired only after cessation of disposal restrictions this will result in that the benefit is taxed only once.After the Supreme Administrative Court rulings in 3167-09 and 3168-09, it is now obvious that the acquisition is deemed to occur at the time of acquisition. The problem is not yet solved because the constant development of the security market needs to be considered.

Modellerade och uppmätta kväveflöden i energiskog som bevattnas med avloppsvatten

The aim of this essay was to study the nitrogen flow in two willowplantations, at different locations in the south of Sweden, that wereirrigated with sewage. The study was also performed to compare thedifferences in nitrogen flows between two years, 1998 and 1999. The studywas made in three parts. First, the denitrification activity was measuredusing the acetylen inhibition method. Second the nitrogen flow, as well asthe water- and heat flows, were modeled through the SOIL-SOILN-modelThird; the nitrogen flow was calculated to compare with the results fromthe model.The results from the measurements were then compared with the resultsfrom the SOILN-simulations to detect differences in the denitrificationrate.

Den "perfekta" chefen; En studie om fem anställdas perspektiv på chefsrollen

Abstract Thou there are much written about management, are there, according to Mintzberg no simple definitions regarding how managers should operate towards other co-workers or employees. This essay outlines a perspective for study of managers, from an employees point of view. The study was preformed at one private company, and the empirical data was gathered from five employees. The methodological approach contained qualitative methods based on semi-structured interviews. By using this method, a deeper understanding regarding the questions was desired.

Ungdomars informationsbehov: en undersökning av ungdomars informationsbehov och informationssökning på Internet inför gymnasievalet

The purpose of this thesis is to examine young people?s information needs whenthey are deciding on what upper secondary education to choose, why they usedInternet to find the information, and how they experienced their informationseeking. A qualitative study was made using interviews. The study?s respondentsconsisted of young people who are soon to be leaving elementary school, andyoung people who have just started their upper secondary education.

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