

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 25 av 68

När etnicitet står i fokus - En fallstudie av Kenyas presidentval 2007

This thesis discusses the 2007 elections in Kenya, and its aftermath. The aim is to examine whether or not ethnicity played a major role in the outbreak of violence that followed the referendum. As well as different theories and discussions on ethnicity, I will also try to explain the course of events by using theories of increased civil violence during a democratic transition, and the fact that weak political institutions can cause violence. My conclusion is that ethnicity has played a part in the violence, but is too simple to blame the events following the election on just that. A number of different factors all contributed to the outbreak, but all to a different extent.

Lagerkostnadsarbete i teori och praktik: En fallstudie av lagerkostnader på ett sågverksföretag

This thesis investigates how inventory management is practiced at a Swedish sawmill company, how practice differs from theory in this field and how the company could make more use of this theory. To do this we have performed a study on relevant literature and compared our findings with a field study on Moelven Valåsen AB. Our analysis shows that a large gap between theory and practice exists. We identify several reasons to this, including some sector specific problems when calculating cost rate for timber inventories. Suggestions on solutions to these problems and an example of how a cost rate can be estimated with relatively simple means are presented.

Bootstrapvalidering av konfidensintervall för ett standardiserat mått för att jämföra behandlingsbenägenhet mellan sjukhus

In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.

I'm going to make you rich! : With a little help of Piotroski

Master thesis in Business Administration, Swedish Business School at ÖrebroUniversity, spring semester 2012Authors: Anders Oskarsson & Christian UhlanderTitle: I?m going to make you rich! -With a little help from PiotroskiResearch objective: This paper examines whether a simple account-based analysis strategy,F_SCORE, can improve returns earned by an investor. The results show that F_SCORE generated a69,7 % annual return between 2001-2010 at the Swedish market, which was better than the furtherdeveloped model A_SCORE. Overall, the evidence suggests that the market does not incorporatehistorical information into prices in a timely manner.Methodology: The foundation for this thesis is based on a quantitative approach and empiricalmaterial is gathered from Thomson Reuters Datastream for the Swedish market..

Metoder för trust : Hur praktiker arbetar för att bygga förtroende till knowledge management-system

This thesis examines how knowledge management professionals use trust as a component in the creation of knowledge management systems, and what methods they use for building trust.Adopting a grounded theory approach, interviews with 8 knowledge management professionals active in different industries served as the base for an analysis that identified trust to be the single most important common factor in the data. The concept of trust used by the informants was identified as relating to the knowledge management system itself, rather than other users, employees or groups in an organisation.Building trust, the KM-professionals mainly focused on three methods: simple solutions, system superiority, and implementation security. Using these methods, the KM-professionals seek to ensure system trust by creating opportunities for users to obtain positive experiences of using the system, and thereby generate a foundation for a trust-based relationship between the user and the system..

Systemidentifiering och reglering av en luftningsbassäng på ett reningsverk

A wastewater treatment plant has the task to refine the wastewater from substances that should not be released into the environment. The decomposition process can, in a simple way, be described as follows: micro-organisms breathe oxygen and eat unwanted substances. The environment in which the micro-organism lives is known as sludge and the correct amount of oxygen available in the sludge is important for the decomposition to be effective. The oxygenation of the sludge alone stands for about 30% of the plant?s energy consumption.

Musikers karriärvägar : Flöjtisters karriärvägar och utbildningars påverkan

If guidance counselors are to do as good a job as possible, they need to have as much comprehensive information as possible when it comes to possible career paths for their clients. To get on the way to get this information I, in this study, examined how musicians - specifically flute players career paths could seem. I examen this by doing five interviewees. This study is for guidance counselors, so they hade a more solid foundation to stand on, but also for aspiring musicians to get new perspectives to consider when faced with career choices.The study is conducted through five interviews with professionals flutists; Agneta, Harry, Jenny, Eva and Pepita who all work or have recently worked as professional musicians or teachers. With professional musician, I mean the ones in one way or another is or has been employed musicians and also is in the same or higher level in terms of their music ability than those who are employed.

En fallstudie av Södertörns högskolas intranät Kurswebben

We have made a qualitative study of what the students at Södertörns högskola use Södertörns högskola?s intranet Kurswebben for and how they experience the use of it. For this purpose we have made a qualitative interview examination with six students. The empirical material has been analysed according to our own analytic model which is based on existing usability theories and consists of the tree parts content, function and design.Our conclusion is that the students use Kurswebben mainly to keep themselves updated, download teaching material and schedules. According to our study, the students most of the time experience their use of Kurswebben as simple, but sometimes have a reluctance to visit it.

Mating behaviour and hierarchy among male warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) in Kenya

Warthogs live under natural conditions in matriarchal groups, bachelor groups and yearling groups. Just like all pig species do warthogs have a complex behaviour repertoire. The semi-wild warthog population at Kichwa Tembo Lodge, outside Masai Mara National Reserve, lives in a fenced area with access to food all over the year and is protected from predators. The aim of this study was to observe the male warthogs? mating behaviour and their hierarchy during the mating season.

Hampa i det svenska textilarvet : en studie i hur historia om textilföremål arrangeras i mellanrummet mellan natur och kultur

This essay is about the Swedish textile heritage but also with an analysis of handmade hemp textiles from Transylvania. Plant fibers such as hemp and flax grown in a soil nature that existed around the subsistence farm. The knowledge of the earth nature combined with textiles has not been specifically studied in the research from the last century. By examining simple folk textiles of hemp shows how the textiles also are an universal field. The focus is on the raw material which is a transformation between nature and culture.With a phenomenological approach, the study will describe how the textile heritage announcement molds a territory in the interpretation of "our" Swedish plantfibres for textiles uses.

Förstagångsföräldrars upplevelse av BVC-sköterskans råd, stöd och information : en intervjustudie

Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva hur förstagångsföräldrar upplevde den information, de råd och det stöd som de erhållit av BVC-sköterskan. Metod: Studien genomfördes genom personliga intervjuer med sex förstagångsföräldrar med barn under ett års ålder. De första informanterna rekryterades genom ett strategiskt urval i föräldragrupper på utvalda vårdcentraler i en norrländsk kommun och för att få fler informanter användes sedan snowball sampling. Intervjuerna genomfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide med tre frågeområden om förstagångsföräldrars upplevelse av BVC-sköterskans råd, stöd och information. Intervjuerna analyserades och tolkades genom systematisk textkondensering enligt Malterud (2009).

Varför tror vi att vissa företagär mer hållbara än andra? : - En studie om hur företags motiv och kommunikation kringhållbarhet är relaterat till konsumenters uppfattning

The number of elderly in Sweden is increasing due to improved living conditions and better medical care. It is important that society adapts to the increase and begins to work preventively to reduce the costs of the increase. An important aspect is the elderly accommodation, the cost of health care in specific accommodation is almost twice as high as those for ordinary housing. Therefore, it is important that we availability adapt dwelling to allow older people to live in ordinary housing for as long as they wish, instead of moving to assisted living before they need it. If we can fulfil the elder?s needs with home care instead, society can save a lot of money.In this report, three different forms of housing has undergone accessibility increases and been inventoried and analysed.

Aktiesammanställare med teknisk analys och simulation

Websites today only offer simpler form of technical analysis and are not fun to use, therefore student decided to build a website that makes technical analysis a bit more fun by giving user possibility to experiment with settings for technical indicators and also see clear visible results from analysis. Student decided to build website in ASP.NET. Technical indicators for this project only consist of those who give buy and sell-signals via cross-over, no divergence or pattern finding.This project has three questions that define this project. It?s important that there is good functionality so that performing an analysis is perceived as simple, one question is therefore; what functionality for website is needed in order for analysis to be perceived as more simple?Technical analysis is a pretty complex subject and demands an interface that is perceived as easy to understand and easy to use, it?s therefore important that the interface is well designed, second question is therefore; how should the interface be designed to be user-friendly?When systems grow large they often become hard to develop and later on unmaintainable because of the accumulated complexity and dependency between classes, the code is a mess, the last question is therefore; how can the systems complexity be eased with object-oriented design principles?Jakob Nielsens ten heuristics for User Interface Design were used as inspiration for designing the interface for the website.

Konstruktion av mutterdragare för stora moment

This degree project was conducted in collaboration with Gremo AB located in Ätran.The aim of the project was to develop a solution to secure quality and to help assemblingthe locknut holding the vertical hinge on the harvesters and foresters from Gremo.At this time the nut is assembled manually by the aid of an overhead crane. The nut istightened differently from time to time, and there was no specified torque to which it istightened. Another present problem was the locking washer which sometimes getsdamaged during assembly, when this happens the procedure has to be started over fromthe beginning. The current assembly procedure is very time consuming and lengthy forthe employees.Our task was to design a machine that could tighten the nut to a specified torque with amargin of error of ± 3%. The assembly procedure will be held simple and the timerequired at a minimum.The project started by developing several principle solutions, the one solution that bestmatched our specifications were developed to a primary solution.Today we have started manufacturing and assembling our prototype.

Fälttest av en ny metod att med objektiva mätmetoder karaktärisera egenskaperna hos ridunderlag- en pilotstudie. :

Background Research concerning footing and its contribution to injuries has been conducted primarily in racing Thoroughbreds. Studies in UK and Japan indicate that some specific factors could be responsible for an increase in performance-associated injuries. Researchers in Sweden have performed studies on Standardbred trotters. More research is needed to be done on equestrian sports since requirements on footing are not exactly the same in riding and trotting horses. The lack of scientific evidence on the construction of equestrian surfaces has lead to anecdotal validation of designs.

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