

90 Uppsatser om Sickness absenteeism - Sida 4 av 6

Faktorer kring korttidssjukfrånvaron på Ekgårdens äldreboende

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka faktorer kring hög korttidssjukfrånvaro (sjukfrånvaro dag 1-14) på Ekgårdens äldreboende i Vingåkers kommun. Metoderna som använts är granskning av frånvarostatistik, intervjuer med tre chefer och enkätundersökning bland de anställda (n=26). Den undersökta gruppen består nästan uteslutande av kvinnor med relativt låg inkomst och utbildning, faktorer som enligt tidigare forskning sammanfaller med hög sjukfrånvaro. Studien visar även att de anställda i den undersökta gruppen fått erfara täta omorganisationer och chefsbyten samt att de upplever vissa brister i den fysiska arbetsmiljön i form av tunga lyft, fysiskt ansträngande arbete och dålig luft samt i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i form av höga krav och låg egenkontroll. Dessa faktorer kan vara bidragande orsaker till den höga korttidssjukfrånvaron..

När otillräckligheten byter namn : Socialsekreterares medvetenhet om arbetsrelaterad stress och hur de hanterar den

According to statistics, a significant increase in sickness has occurred in the public sector in recent decades in Sweden. Human therapeutic professions is the area where the illness is most prevalent. The purpose of this study was through a qualitative method and hermeneutic approaches explore how conscious six social workers in the social services are on stress and how they cope with it. Further it investigates and analyzes how these results affect their daily work.One important result due to stress is that the social workers ability to treat their clients is impaired and they are less able to be empathetic. Inadequacy in the work environment leads to a sense of insufficiency by social workers, and a reduced quality of life.

Balanced Scorecard i svenska kommuner

Purpose: The purpose with our study is to accomplish a quantitative research of all municipalities in Sweden and see why they apply Balanced Scorecard. The study will also investigate the spread of Balanced Scorecard, even the benefits and how they use it. Method: In our study we have chosen a quantitative research. The study has been accomplished with a questionnaire survey which we sent to all of the Swedish municipalities. We have also done a literature study to get more knowledge about relevant theories. Finally we have compiled the questionnaire in Netigate and Excel, and analysed the result from the questionnaire. Results: Balanced Scorecard is well-known in the Swedish municipalities and 36 percent of the municipalities use this scorecard in whole or in parts of the organisation.

Tillsammans gör vi det möjligt : Att främja skolnärvaro för elever inom autismspektrumtillstånd

Studiens syfte är att förstå hur några skolprojekt har arbetat för att främja skolnärvaro för elever inom autismspektrumtillstånd. Som metod användes kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta informanter i fem kommuner som på något sätt arbetar med skolprojekt med fokus på inkludering och skolfrånvaro. Informanterna som deltog i studien var tre specialpedagoger, en speciallärare, två rektorer, en kurator och en rådgivare från specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten. De fem skolprojekten som informanterna arbetade med, omfattade 137 skolor i Sverige. Ett projekt var inriktat mot det förebyggande arbetet att skapa en tillgänglig skola för elever inom autismspektrumtillstånd.

Beteendeförändring och dess varaktiga resultat : En kvalitativ uppföljningsstudie av Umeå kommuns Kom igång-program

Society and the workplace are two factors that are important for the individual's health status. It is important that the individuals has the right skills to take care of their health. For organizations, it is important to strive for the welfare of their employees. This has proven to have a positive impact on work performance, reduced absenteeism and reduced costs for rehabilitation. In 2007, the local authorities in Umeå implemented a wellness offering for all employees working in the municipality administration.

Mäns upplevelser efter en hjärtinfarkt

Background: In Sweden approximately 37 000 individuals are affected by myocardial infarction every year. It is important after an infarction to investigate and make preventive changes of lifestyle to prevent another event. Patients have different conditions on how to manage a myocardial infarction and the new life situation they are put in. Through Kim?s domains men?s experiences after a myocardial infarction are separated.

Socialt Kapital och de Svenska Hjälpkassorna : En historisk undersökning om föreningar, socialt kapital och ekonomisk utveckling

The purpose of this research is to examine some historical aspects of Robert Putnam?s thesisabout voluntary associations and social capital. According to a micro perspective theory ofsocial capital the trust and reciprocity required and created by associations is important toexplain the disparity between institutional performance and socioeconomic development ofsocieties. The social patterns governing this therefore set a precedent for the future. Using themutual sickness benefit societies in Sweden as variable for voluntary associations around1884, the essay discusses the possible links between social capital, associations and long termeconomic development.

Att främja skolnärvaro : Elever- och föräldrars upplevelser av skolans arbete med skolfrånvaro

Utifrån OECDs analys av PISA (2012) är svenska elever bäst i Norden på att skolka.Syftet med min studie är att belysa hur elever och föräldrar i en årskurs 6 upplever skolans arbete med att främja skolnärvaro och identifiera faktorer som kan främja skolors arbete med elevers närvaro. Mina frågeställningar är följande.Hur upplever föräldrar och elever skolans rutiner vid ogiltig frånvaro?Hur anser föräldrar och elever att rutinerna fungerar?Vad motiverar eleverna att gå till skolan?Vad tror eleverna är orsaker till skolk?Vad anser eleverna att skolan kan göra för att öka skolnärvaron?För att få svar på frågorna valde jag att intervjua 5 elever i årskurs 6 och föräldrarna fick besvara en enkät.Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att eleverna tyckte att lektionernas innehåll och utformning bidrog till huruvida det var roligt att gå till skolan eller inte. Eleverna kände till skolans rutiner vid ogiltig frånvaro och sen ankomst. Skolan kontaktade elevernas föräldrar samma dag om eleverna var frånvarande utan giltiga skäl och den sena ankomsten rapporterades in i skolans plattform.

?När livet gick sönder?? : Upplevelser av att mista sitt barn i cancer

Background: To be a parent to a child dying of cancer affect not just the parents themselves, but the whole family. Experiences of fear, powerlessness and anxiety surrounds them. Nurses need knowledge about parents? experiences to help and support these parents adequately. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to cancer, from diagnosis to the child?s death.

Psykosociala faktorer i arbetslivet som påverkar sjukskrivningar, i synnerhet hos kvinnor - En litteraturstudie

Every year many individuals became sick listed, it could be for a long time, or a short time but irrespective there will beeffects on the individuals life and on the society. The aim of this study was to describe some relevant psychosocial relationships in the workplace that effect that women become sick listed. The method of the study was a literary study which was based on a number of scientific articles. The result of the study showed that many different factors effects the risk of becoming sick listed. Factors that causes sick leave where many and individual, but lack of social support, bullying, unstructured work environment and theworkplaces management, imbalance between demands and control and the women's situation were factors that had a big influence.

Vi-kan-ju-banken - Hälsorelaterat förändringsarbete i arbetslivet

With starting point in the increasing ill-health in Swedish working life today, in form of for example absence due to sickness and early retirement pension, and the knowledge that the working environment effects peoples health in a big extent, I found it very interesting to inquire into how people within the working life experience health promotion and how this can be developed. A qualitative method was used to receive a deeper understanding for the employees? experiences and data was collected through semi structured interviews with employees on a bank called Ikanobanken, in Älmhult. The result shows, among other things, that respondents find responsibility and the opportunity to influence the learning processes and development important. It also became clear that the respondents find participation, motivation, communication and safety essential factors when related to changes in health behaviours.

?Det här är myndigheten med stort M ? en kvalitativ studie om skillnaderna mellan att arbeta som socialarbetare statligt respektive kommunalt?

This study is about state officials who handle applications for sickness benefits and about municipal officials who handle applications for financial assistance. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences between the two professional roles regarding their conception about their exercise of authority, in terms of flexibility, individual adjustment, empathy and legal security.The study has a qualitative approach and is based on structured interviews with two state officials and two municipal officials. The questions that this study aims to answer are:- Is there a difference between state officials and municipal officials regarding their experience and use of flexibility? - Is there a difference between state officials and municipal officials regarding their perceptions of legal security, individual adjustment and empathy in their exercise of authority? - What kind of bureaucracy can you find in the two organizations?The results show that the state officials in this study have very limited flexibility due to legislation which makes their exercise of authority neither empathic nor individual. The municipal officials in this study state in their turn that the law entails broad flexibility and the opportunity for them to be empathic and to make individual decisions.

Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie

Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.

Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie

Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.

Styrelseledamöters skadeståndsskyldighet gentemot bolaget : En analys av nuvarande reglering

This essay is about how organizations reveal their employees in the annual report. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which organizations reveals their employees in the annual report, and the purpose has three questions: How do the organizations present their employees in the annual report? What do they choose to report? What motives lies behind?The problem today is that organizations can´t account the employees as assets, they can only be accounted as an expense in the income statement. This can lead to that stakeholders can´t convey an organization's "true" value.With a combination study, we examined how organizations certified by Investors in People presents the employees in their annual reports. In the framework, we have, among other things dealt with personnel mandatory disclosure in the Annual Account Act, the difference between private- and public sectors accounting.

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