2501 Uppsatser om Short-term - Sida 14 av 167
Prestandatest för olika sektioner av hårddiskar
Syftet med detta arbete var att genom prestandatester undersöka den förbättring i läs- och skrivhastighet samt medelaccesstid som kan uppnås då data placeras på de yttre sektionerna av hårddiskens skivor, jämfört med om data placeras över hela hårddiskskivornas yta. En hårddisk har högre överföringshastighet i den yttersta sektionen av hårddisken och lägre överföringshastighet i den innersta sektionen. Arbetet analyserade den påverkan på prestanda som ovan nämnda dataplacering har på en enskild hårddisk och olika RAID-konfigurationer. Rapporten är intressant då det är lättare att med informationen som presenteras i rapporten, planera hårddiskkonfigurationer som leder till optimerad prestanda. En experimentell metod användes för att utreda prestandaskillnaderna.
Does Insider Trading Generate Abnormal Earnings?
The purpose of our study is to find out if insiders in Sweden generate abnormal earnings through insider trades. We want to pinpoint the cause for abnormal earnings by dividing transactions after company market value, size of the trade and type of insider. A quantitative approach using the market model have been used. We have conducted an event study over two short term event windows. We conclude that insiders in Sweden generate positive abnormal earnings for sales and negative for purchases in our ?long? event window.
Vad betyder min novell? : Författaren tolkar sin okända text
All my short stories have been written in an intuitive way according to which no outline of characters, intrigue or plot was made in advance. A consequence of this process is that not even myself as the author is aware of the meaning of the texts and therefore I too have to interpret the stories. Because of the character of the text, I use an analysis of archetypes according to C. G. Jung?s analytic psychology.
Elastiska bibliotek : en undersökning av två folkbiblioteks formbarhet och gränser med hjälp av begreppet elasticitet
The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether the term elasticity is relevant and functional to apply to public library organisations. Another aim of the thesis is to relate the term elasticity to public library organisations in a network society. Sociologist Manuel Castells provide the theoretical framework on the network society. Three investigations (meant to complement each other) in two Swedish public libraries seek to give answers to these questions.To be able to examine which areas of public library activity are elastic, I make a rough definition of what public library organisations consist of ? nine activity fields are identified using IFLA?s guidelines in combination with Swedish law of public libraries.
Rapportera Mera?: En kvalitativ studie av hur svenska finanschefer uppfattar kravet på kvartalsrapportering
The purpose of this paper is to study how Swedish CFOs perceive that the requirement for companies to issue quarterly reports affect business operations in the company. The fact that it is regulations on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, and not the law, that requires companies to issue quarterly reports makes Sweden unique in Europe. The paper is based on interviews with CFOs from 32 companies quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The major finding in the study is that a majority of the CFOs perceive that the pressure for short term results, created by quarterly reports, affect their work and the investment decisions made in the company. Also CFOs feel that the market over interprets the information given in quarterly reports.
Sportsidorna - a man's world? : En studie av Göteborgs-Postens sportsidor ur ett genusperspektiv.
This study examines from a gender perspective how the gender distribution is viewed in the content of Göteborgs-Posten's sports pages and the short and long term effects of the the newspaper's gender equality plan that was introduced in 2005. It is a quantitative study for two sample periods, 2005 and 2009, that investigates how many articles in the newspaper which is about women's sports and male sports. Michel Foucault's theory of discourse is central to the study, his view of identity in society and how these are represented fit well on gender issues in sports journalism. The results show that women's sport is greatly subordinate to man's sport in terms of number of articles. The gender equality plan has not had any noticeable effects on Göteborgs-Posten's sports pages. This is due to a variety of factors ? economic aspects weigh heavily in this problem. .
Den svenska arbetslöshetsförsäkringens effekter på långtidsarbetslösheten
This is an examination of the Swedish unemployment insurance system and the effects it has on the Swedish long-term unemployment. A search model is explained to give an understanding to the incentives of the unemployed. Different mechanisms that create unemployment and that could create long-term unemployment are investigated, but primarily the unemployment insurance is in focus.The Swedish unemployment insurance has undergone several changes the last fifteen years that have improved its efficiency. The introduction of a finite duration of unemployment insurance entitlement was an important step and so was the decrease in the replacement ratio. Even so, I assess that there is still room for improvements of the incentives to search for work among the unemployed.
Nyemission. Var det värt det? : En studie om nyemissioners effekter på idrottsaktiebolag
This essay has examined the effects that new issues had on the four Swedish football clubs that are organized as sport limited companies. The difference between a limited company and a sporting limited company is that the clubs always have majority ownership by the 51% rule. Previous research on sport limited companies and on new issues has been associated with the agent theory and the pecking order theory in order to explain the effects.The thesis is a qualitative study with an inductive approach, where the interviews have been selected as the method of collecting data. Through the years the clubs have performed new issues several times. The study says that the clubs perform a new issue for two reasons, either for investment purposes or because they have a poor economy and must collect liquid assets.
Faktorer kring korttidssjukfrånvaron på Ekgårdens äldreboende
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka faktorer kring hög korttidssjukfrånvaro (sjukfrånvaro dag 1-14) på Ekgårdens äldreboende i Vingåkers kommun. Metoderna som använts är granskning av frånvarostatistik, intervjuer med tre chefer och enkätundersökning bland de anställda (n=26). Den undersökta gruppen består nästan uteslutande av kvinnor med relativt låg inkomst och utbildning, faktorer som enligt tidigare forskning sammanfaller med hög sjukfrånvaro. Studien visar även att de anställda i den undersökta gruppen fått erfara täta omorganisationer och chefsbyten samt att de upplever vissa brister i den fysiska arbetsmiljön i form av tunga lyft, fysiskt ansträngande arbete och dålig luft samt i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i form av höga krav och låg egenkontroll. Dessa faktorer kan vara bidragande orsaker till den höga korttidssjukfrånvaron..
Europa som begrepp - då och nu : En komparativ studie av läroböcker
I started this project with the understandning that European hisory has become more important in government documents as a part in a larger European discourse, and that this fact is likely to be reflected in the chools textbooks. Therefore this essay deals with the task of comparing history textbooks over time trying to find changes. Firstly to find out how much space European history is afforded in the textbooks, and secondly how Europe is described and used in the textbooks. In my first task I will use a content analysis and in my second a conceptual analysis. My material consists of eight books and I have three pieces of older educational materials from the years 1949, 1954 and 1962.
Riskkapitalbolags inverkan på risk för finansiell kris i portföljbolag: En studie av 53 transaktioner i tillverkningsindustrin
The aim of this small thesis is to investigate if the probability of business failure is higher at the time of divestment than at the time of acquisition for portfolio companies that have been subject to private equity ownership. The background for this thesis is the widespread critique aimed at private equity firms, claiming that they increase the risk in their portfolio companies. We have performed a study of 53 buyout transactions, involving Swedish manufacturing companies, covering a time span of 13 years, from 1995 to 2007. We find evidence of an increased risk of business failure for the portfolio companies with a short forecasting horizon (within one year). The absolute increase in the sample is however small.
Prissättning på den Svenska Taximarknaden
This thesis uses ten years of data to examine the underlying drivers behind changes in the taxi price, specifically we look at the relationship between the taxi price and changes in the underlying costs. We use a two-step error correction framework to investigate how changes in costs affect prices in the long run as well as in the short run. We also study if the price adjustment process is asymmetric. Furthermore, we examine if price discrimination exists on the taxi market in Stockholm. We find that in the long run the pass-through effect is almost complete, whereas in the short run prices are considerably less sensitive to cost changes.
Korttidsfrånvaro inom offentlig verksamhet : Enhetschefers upplevelse av samarbetet med en företagshälsovård
Studiens syfte är att belysa enhetschefers upplevelser och värderingar av samarbetet med en företagshälsovård angående upprepad korttidsfrånvaro. Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Tio enhetschefer i två kommuner intervjuades och resultatet bygger på deras subjektiva upplevelser. I studien framkom att enhetscheferna generellt anser att grundtanken i samarbetet är bra med en bra struktur. Enhetscheferna har sedan länge själva arbetat med den upprepade korttidsfrånvaron och det är även de som bedömer vilka medarbetare som hänvisas till företagshälsovården.
Att föda kön och klass. En studie av modersmotivet i Alfred Kämpes "Trälar"
The purpose of this text is to show how the mother motif is portrayed in four selected novels by Alfred Kämpe, but the thesis also serves the purpose of emphasizing the fact that the mother motif can be seen interacting with the class motif.This text will account for a new insight into the motifs in Alfred Kämpe?s Trälar. Known as one of the first authors to write in the genre of working-class literature in Sweden Kämpe?s texts provide motifs common for this genre such as class, identity and solidarity. As this thesis shows there is yet another motif that should be included among these typical Swedish working class literature motifs: the mother motive.
Den attraktiva stadens framväxt
The aim of this paper is to analyse how the term attractiveness is interpreted in Swedish contemporary urban planning. The focus is to analyse how the term is discursively constructed and by this highlight the conceptions that exist around what makes a city attractive. We want to emphasize the importance of a deeper understanding of how attractiveness is used in urban planning and how the term is a part of the development of our cities. Given the use of attractiveness as a part of visionary goals for Malmö´s and other Swedish cities future development, our intention, therefore, is to enhance the understanding of what the use of attractiveness means in respect of the creation and construction of power relations in time and place. The framework of our analysis is based on the discourse theory approach and used as a way of understanding how urban ideals is discursively constructed.