

341 Uppsatser om Shelf display - Sida 1 av 23

Alternativa hylluppställningar: en användarundersökning på fyra folkbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how users at four public libraries experience the alternative shelf arrangement in their library. The purpose of introducing an alternative shelf arrangement in a public library is often to facilitate for its users. In each of our chosen libraries, the librarians have arranged the books in the non-fiction section in broad themes, with the Swedish Library Association Classification System as subsections. Using qualitative interviews, we examined a total of 26 users? experience of the shelf arrangement and its accessibility, their methods for seeking information and their opinion about the presentation of the books.

Frontningens Effekt på Försäljningen och Kundens Utvärdering av Butiken - Ett Experiment i den Naturliga Butiksmiljön

The research done in the field of product completeness/incompleteness is limited. The lack of research causes a knowledge gap in the retailing industry, concerning the actual effects on consumer choice, as well as on the overall store evaluation. This report tests the current theories of the subject, and also further aim to explore the effects of completeness/incompleteness on consumer's product choice. The results display an inconsistent effect on consumer's product choice when the completeness/incompleteness in a grocery store is tested. Some products benefit by being incomplete, while others show no such effect.

Beståndshantering på antikvariat - Klassifikation, hylluppställning och exponering

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the classification,shelf arrangement and display of documents in antiquarianbookshops and see the reasons behind these. The results willbe compared with previous reviews of alternative shelfarrangement in Swedish public libraries, to see whatdifferences and similarities there are in the classification andshelf arrangement between antiquarian booksellers andlibraries. The questions to be answered were: (1)What formsof classification and shelf arrangement are used inantiquarian bookshops and how does it differ from theclassification and shelf arrangement made in libraries withan alternative shelf arrangement? (2)What exposure ofdocuments are there in the various antiquarian bookshops? Isthere anything regarding the exposure that differs betweenthe antiquarian bookshops and the libraries? An idea andideology analysis of various dimensions is used as atheoretical tool during the work. The dimensions were: (1)Shelf arrangement: It is important that customers/borrowerscan find themselves - it is important that staff know wherethe documents are.

Vision Enhancement System : Vilken betydelse har displayplaceringen?

At night, the visibility is reduced and the demands on the driver increase. A safety system that enables the driver to discover warmer objects in the surroundings when the visibility are reduced, such as the Vision Enhancement System (VES) contributes to safer night-time driving. Since the benefits of this system are established, it is of interest to investigate different design aspects. The VES display has in earlier studies been positioned in front of the driver but different display positions such as peripheral placement should be evaluated. The present simulator study is an investigation of the effects of different display positions inside the car.

Alternativ hylluppställning: en undersökning av hylluppställning och biblioteksmiljö på Västerviks stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters thesis has been to study the changes made in shelf arrangement and library environment in a Swedish public library. The aim was to examine the reasoning done by the library staff regarding classification, the Swedish classification system SAB and changes in library environment. The basis of our study were three questions: 1. Why has Västervik public library made changes in the shelf arrangement? 2.

Private brands on special display

This thesis is concerning private brands on special display. ICA Gott Liv! was used as a study object and a latin square design was employed, using 2 ICA Kvantum stores. Two displays were built in order to compare which created the most awareness and interest, one with the best selling Gott Liv! product and one with four randomly chosen Gott Liv! products. The data was collected using triangulation, questionnaires, sales data and observations were conducted in the two stores. The results indicated that private brands works as well as manufacturer brands on special display and a display with four randomly chosen products creates more interest and higher sales than the display with the best selling product..

VHDL-implementering av drivkrets för en alfanumerisk display

Allting började med att jag fick i uppdrag av Euromaint Industry i Skövde att konstruera en alfanumerisk display i syfte att ersätta en utgången display som inte längre nytillverkas. Jag fick i uppdrag att välja ut en modern, lämplig grafisk display och bygga ett interface mellan den nya displayen och den industriella maskin som displayen skall sitta på. Efter att ha letat hos någraelektronikleverantörer kom jag fram till att en TFT-skärm från det japanska företaget Kyocera var den som passade bäst. Skärmen hade ett VGA-liknandeinterface och min uppgift blev att sätta mig in i hur VGA fungerar. Efter att ha konstaterat att det krävdes en snabbare krets än en microcontroller för att använda VGA, var det endast en programmerbar logikkrets, en FPGA, som gällde.

Hylluppställning i förändring ? En studie över svenska folkbiblioteks alternativa hylluppställningar

The aim of this thesis is to study how public libraries in Sweden use alternative shelf arrangements that differ from the library?s original classification system, which in Swedish public libraries usually is the SAB-system. I sent out a survey to 169 public libraries, where I received 114 replies. 77 of these stated that they had some kind of alternative shelf arrangement, therefore these are the ones that are included in my study. I wanted to investigate in what way the libraries had changed their shelf arrangement and why this decision was made.

Att smöra för EMV kan smälta kategorin

Private labels have been increasing a lot during the last 30 years. The reason is great margins and it also works as an aid to build a store's brand. The problem is that private labels take market shares from national brands. Retailers need to have a good mix between these products and adopting category management without being influenced by opportunism, which can lower the profitability of a category. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how private labels are prioritized in the category edible fat.

Skyltfönster som kommunikationsverktyg- En kvantitativ studie om kreativa och mindre kreativa skyltfönsters effekter

This research examines the effects of creative store window displays of fashion brands in enhancing recall, attitudes, intentions and brand associations. A comparison has been made between high-end and low-end brands, creative versus non creative store window displays to identify differences in effects. The theory applied in this study has been used from creative advertising effects due to the lack of relevant research in store window display effects. Therefore this study is a contribution to the research of store window effects. The method used in this study compare fashion high-end brand with fashion low-end brand by placing the products in the store window display where the creativity has been manipulated.

Jämförelse av off-the-shelf-hårdvara för realtidsapplikationer

Vid implementering av realtidsapplikationer krävs det att man kan använda hårdvaran på ett deterministiskt vis. En realtidsapplikation ställer stora krav på körtider och hur applikationen schemaläggs. Det är därför av största vikt att kontrollera om de uppfyller dessa krav. I detta examensarbete har tre system för realtidsapplikationer jämförts och en analys av framförallt sina beräkningsförmågor och hur pass deterministiskt de uppför sig gällande körtider har gjorts. Även andra aspekter så som utvecklingsmiljöer för mjukvara, tillbehör och effektförbrukning har jämförts. .

Lämna inte slumpen åt slumpen - En studie om hylloptimering i den digitala butiken

This paper examines the impact of conscious shelf management on online grocery stores. An S-O-R framework is used to unveil if some established shelf management techniques from physical stores are applicable in an online context. We also explain some of the cognitive processes customers experience as they get exposed to online buying situations. A main study with two data sources is conducted: one quantitative website experiment with 168 participants who got exposed to five different organisation patterns within five different categories; and one more qualitative eye tracking experiment with 20 participants. The results indicate that a disorganised product page evokes not only different scan paths and cognitive patterns but also generates higher sales.

Engreppsskördare med Head-Up Display

Arbetsbelastningen för föraren i en engreppsskördare är stor. Vid aptering måste föraren fokusera om blicken för att läsa av information från en Head-Down Display (HDD) samtidigt som föraren måste ha kontroll på kranspetsen vilket bidrar till arbetsbelastningen.Syftet med projektet var att undersöka om arbetsbelastningen i engreppsskördare reducerades med Head-Up Display (HUD) under aptering. Först testades fyra HUD-gränssnitt i en simulator, därefter omarbetades gränssnitten innan de slutligen testades i en engreppsskördare i fält. En HUD-demonstrator utvecklades för detta ändamål.Resultatet visade att arbetsbelastningen samt apteringstiderna minskade i simulatortestet med HUD jämfört med HDD. I fältstudien förblev arbetsbelastningen oförändrad men apteringstiderna minskade.Att arbetsbelastningen minskade med HUD jämfört med HDD kan bero på att HUD är bättre än HDD och/eller att konceptens gränssnitt är effektivare att arbeta med än Valmet Maxi gränssnittet.En HUD-demonstrator som fungerar under ljusstarka förhållanden och som tål påfrestningarna i en skördare borde utvecklas för vidare tester..

Display Interface Serializer : seriell förlängning av displaygränssnitt

Detta ingenjörsarbete är utfört hos Syntronic Research and Development AB i Gävle och går ut på att undersöka möjligheten att separera en display-modul från sin styrande processor-krets samt att skapa ett generellt gränssnitt för att möjliggöra ett enkelt utbyte av display-moduler. Detta har genomförts genom att konstruera en prototyp, baserad på en så kallad serializer / deserializer-lösning.En förstudie har genomförts där lämpliga komponener valts ut för uppgiften och olika lösningar vägts mot varandra. En prototyp har sedan konstruerats, mönsterkort har tillverkats men tyvärr inte monterats (på grund av ett logistiskt missöde). Resultatet är, förutom ovan nämnda begränsning, en prototyp som väl uppfyller de specifikationer som anges i uppdragsbeskrivningen.Flera förslag till vidareutveckling presenteras som kan utöka funktionaliteten..

Stress test methods : a potential approach to hurry up shelf-life tests on oat products

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to find out more about the delimiting quality- and shelf-life parameters over time for liquid oat-based products. According to that, to present applicable subjective and objective shelf-life test approaches at accelerated conditions. The study aimed to gain a deeper knowledge concerning the general and accepted way of performing accelerated storage tests. This study focused especially on products, which suffer from quality failure caused by oxidation, such as liquid oat-based products.

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