

2373 Uppsatser om Share capital and minimum capital requirement. - Sida 66 av 159

Key Drivers for Dividends - an empirical study for A-listed Swedish companies

This thesis will through the use of various approaches determine the key drivers for dividend payouts for A-listed Swedish firm. The time frame reaches from 1997 to 2003 an the thesis covers 48 companies..

Gatsten eller lervälling : En studie i hur habitus påverkar människors val av musikfestivaler

I denna uppsats underso?ks habitus pa?verkan pa? vilken slags festival ma?nniskor va?ljer att beso?ka och varfo?r. Med dagens stora utbud av festivaler och det nya festivallandskapet som har va?xt fram de senaste a?ren finns det na?got fo?r alla som a?r intresserade. Syftet a?r att med hja?lp av kvalitativa intervjuer fo?rso?ka definiera vad det a?r som go?r en festival intressant fo?r vissa och helt ointressant fo?r andra och hur detta kan kopplas samman med Bourdieus teori om habitus.

Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?

The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.

Planering av fårstall

During the last decade several cooperatives have struggled against many problems. Especiallyin North America several cooperatives have been forced to reconstruct, merge or have beenpurchased by other firms. There are many reasons behind these problems, but one observationmade on these cooperatives implies that they have one thing in common. The cooperatives areall very large and have a complex business structure.Lantmännen is one of the largest cooperatives in the Nordic Countries with its main office inSweden. In Nilsson et al.

Därför söker vi vård! - en ekonometrisk analys av vårduppsökande i Skåne

För en djupare förståelse av bestämningsfaktorerna modelleras i denna uppsats vårduppsökande med en ansats inspirerad av Grossmans artikel "On the concept of health capital and the for health" från 1972. Benägenheten att söka vård anses vara härledd från efterfrågad nivå av hälsokapital, vilket bestäms av produktivitet i hälsoproduktionen och skuggpriset av kapitalet. Förutom Grossmans huvudvariabler ?ålder, utbildning och inkomst? innefattar modellen också både alternativa investeringar och humankapital samthälsonedsättande konsumtion och demografiska variabler. Med data från Region Skåne analyseras detta genom en ekonometrisk modell uppbyggd i tre steg.

Free cow traffic in automatic milking systems (AMS) : a case study on nine commercial dairy farms in Sweden

In Automatic Milking Systems (AMS), cows are kept in a free stall barn equipped with one or several milking units (MU). The cows? activities in the system are called cow traffic. There are three types of cow traffic systems: guided, partly-guided and free. Free systems have no gates, allowing the cows access to the feeding and resting areas at any time.

Ett enhetligt budskap? : En textanalys av publikationer från Skolverket kring sambandet mellan resurser och resultat

There is a general conception among those who are involved in the school-sector that there is a relation between resources and results. Better qualified teachers, smaller classes and schools with more finacial funding are regarded as better learning and development conditions for pupils (Gustafsson 2008). In spite of these widespread understanding, educational and economic research studies at the beginning of the 20th century had reached the verdict that resources have no bearing on educational results (Gustafsson 2008). The Swedish board of education (Skolverket) have published several reports, studies and surveys regarding the relation between resources and student outcomes.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the message of six publications from the Swedish board of education around the relationship between resources and student outcomes on the basis of the decentralization of the Swedish school in the 1990´s. The central question at issue is whether the Swedish board of education has been consistent in their message about the relationship between resources and results in the six publications between 1994-2009? I have also attempted to answer the resulting questions of my conclusion.This study is based on a qualitative text analysis.

Aktiv transport : En studie om betydelsen av översiktsplanering för cykeltrafik i Uppsala kommun

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att ge en ökad förståelse för Venture capitalbolagen och dess portföljbolag. Tanken är sedan att koppla ihop Venture capitalbranschen med den rådande lågkonjunkturen för att se om branschen påverkats, och i så fall på vilket sätt.Metod: Uppsatsen är byggd på en kvalitativ studie. Den kvalitativa studien har utförts med hjälp av tre intervjuer, två via personliga möten och en via telefon. Litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar har används för att bygga upp teorin.Resultat & slutsats: Författarna har kommit fram till att möjligheten att få Venture capital har minskat under lågkonjunkturen. En stor faktor är att nedgången på börsen lett till överallokering hos bland annat banker och försäkringsbolag som normalt är stora investerare i fonder med onoterade bolag.

Klädesfabriken : Textilförläggaren Anders Hansson på Mölneby i Östra Frölunda en protoindustrialist i 1800-talets Sjuhäradsbygden?

The purpose of this paper is to survey the textile based proto-industrialism in Sweden in the middle of the 19th century. This case study is founded upon Anders Hansson?s pre-industrial textile production at the estate of Mölneby, Östra Frölunda in the rural district of Kind in the province of Västra Götaland.Account books from the year 1853 related to Anders Hansson?s wool fabric manufacturing have been looked into and categorized using a quantitative research method. The research has also been supplemented with a number of interviews.The result of the survey shows that Anders Hansson?s business activities fit into Mendel?s theory of proto-industrialists at a practice level.By collaborating with a merchant in Gothenburg the fabrics were traded in unknown markets, as well as in more familiar neighbouring districts.

Tidningens anpassning till Internet : En jämförelse mellan papperstidningar och webbtidningar

Newspapers have undergone big changes with the progress of Internet and the newspapers establishment on the Internet. This adjustment to the Internet has resulted in differences between the content in newspapers and Web news sites. A quantitative content analysis and questions to Web authorities have been used in this study to describe what these differences are. During three days, three different newspapers were analysed and the conclusion was that many of the articles that were published in the newspapers also could be found in the newspapers Web versions. At the same time a lot of the articles on the Web news sites were not published in the newspapers.

Human Resource arbetets betydelse för lärande och kompetensutveckling inom två olika organisationer

Denna magisteruppsats handlar om vilken betydelse Human Resource arbetet har för kompetensutvecklingen inom två olika organisationer. Under senare år har relativt stora satsningar gjorts på personalutbildning och andra kompetensutvecklingsinsatser i arbetslivet. Forskning har visat att kunskapsproduktionen i samhället ökar ständigt och för att finna en lösning på detta har många företag valt att satsa på kompetensutveckling. Det bakomliggande antagandet har varit att det i allt högre grad är kunskap och kompetens än kapital som växer i framtiden. Därför bör såväl privata som offentliga organisationer satsa på kompetensutveckling både kortsiktligt och långsiktligt för att kunna möta de framtida kraven.

Svenska preferensaktier: Ett eget kapital- eller skuldinstrument?

On Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm there has been a large increase in issues of preferred stocks since the financial crisis 2008. Aiming to explain whether preferred stocks have most of their characteristics relating to debt or equity, we answer four sub questions. Do all preferred stocks share the same features, or do they differ from each other? Our population is similar in characteristics, except for the preferred stock of Swedbank which is convertible and deviates when it comes to participation in dividends - instead of convertible the others are limited and redeemable. Further, the second sub question treats preferred stock in relation to the common stock quantitatively, in market data.

Bull´s Eye? : Träffsäkerheten i analytikers prognoser

Background: An evaluation of analysts´ forecasting ability is interesting since their estimates constitute an important part in stock valuation and investment decisions. The recent years´ development in the stock market has lead to criticism of analysts? deficient forecasts. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate analysts´ forecasting ability concerning companies quoted at Stockholmsbörsen between 1987 and 2002. We also intend to discuss possible explanations for analysts? behavior in case of deficient accuracy.

Förändrade konkurrensstrategier vid branschutvidgning : En jämförande undersökning av tre hotell i Stockholms innerstad

People in Sweden and in Europe have been traveling a lot more lately. Because of the economic boom that has been in a lot of countries people do have more money to spend. Sweden and especially Stockholm has lately become a very popular destination. Also big congresses and business meetings like to choose Stockholm for their meetings. The capital as it looks today does not have the capacity to let all those people stay at the hotels at the same time.

Förändrade konkurrensstrategier vid branschutvidgning : En jämförande undersökning av tre hotell i Stockholms innerstad

People in Sweden and in Europe have been traveling a lot more lately. Because of the economic boom that has been in a lot of countries people do have more money to spend. Sweden and especially Stockholm has lately become a very popular destination. Also big congresses and business meetings like to choose Stockholm for their meetings. The capital as it looks today does not have the capacity to let all those people stay at the hotels at the same time.

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