

2373 Uppsatser om Share capital and minimum capital requirement. - Sida 32 av 159

Dold marknadsföring : från tidningsannons till banner på Facebook

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Skattereduktion för hushållsarbete : en analys av några rättsliga frågor på området

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Möjlighet till prisavdrag för immateriella tjänster : vid kommersiella avtal

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Identifiering av samband mellan kravinsamling och kunskap

The stakeholders for requirements elicitation need to be identified at an early stage and their knowledge is the basis for what is to become a requirements specification. Just because a stakeholder holds a lot of expertise and knowledge it does not mean that the stakeholder can communicate the knowledge in a clear way. Validation of knowledge means that knowledge is valued and recognized in a structured way. People and organizations can evolve by exchanging knowledge, experience and skills.  The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of knowledge management between requirement elicitation and external stakeholders.

Att integrera i det svenska samhället : En undersökning om kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund och deras syn på introduktion och andra faktorer som påverkar inträdet i det svenska arbetslivet och samhället

The integration policy in Sweden shall encourage individuals to support themselves and take part in society. It shall alsocontribute to equal rights and opportunities for women as well as for men. In Borlänge this has resulted in a program ofintroduction for new arrivals from other countries. However, at the unit responsible for economic support, they havediscovered that women with immigrant background more often than men seem to have trouble starting or became to anending of the program, which then especially leads women to a long-term dependence for economic support. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate what factors affect immigrant women?s participation in theintroduction, and what significance this participation has for their possibilities to become economically self-supporting,and integrated into Swedish society.

Användandet av agenter som registrerade pantbrevshavare : om bakgrunden till 6:2 JB och dess effekter vid mezzaninefinansiering

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Beskattning av carried interest : Riskkapitalbranschens ersättningsform och dess plats i gällande svensk skatterätt

In the future the Swedish pension system will face major problems. With an increasing aging population combined with a decreasing share of working population the financing of the pension system is becoming a bigger problem than previously predicted. This means the individual himself will have a bigger responsibility to invest money for their future retirement. It has been shown that a large proportion of the people who invests for their future pension have neither the interest nor the time to actively invest their pension capital. To make it easier for those who invest for their retirement, some Swedish banks have created so-called generation funds.

Illusionen om det svenska nationella fri- och rättighetsskyddet : och hur EU-domstolen kom att tillskansa sig kompetens på den direkta beskattningens område

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Lufttäta byggnader

The viscosity of air buildings is a hot topic within the construction performers, which the industry feel they have too little knowledge about. This study is mainly aimed against air density in apartment buildings and airflow measurement. The study consists of a theoretical reference, educational visit, interviews and a survey conducted among construction workers at Magistratshagen in Linkoping.Earlier requirement in terms of air leakage through the climate screen was removed and today there are only energy requirement for a dwelling in Boverkets Building Regulations. The difference between a passive and a typical air tight construction is that the passive house have a maximum requirement of 0.3 l /s m2 of air leakage through the building climate screen. The requirement imposed on passive houses is to minimize the supply of power and energy for heating the building.Air tight constructions have heavy demands on the performance and accuracy of everyone involved with the project. The client must specify their requirements and also be prepared to pay for any additional costs. The architect and building planners have to design the building with regard to air tightness. Finally, the construction workers are required to do a careful work in order to get all the connections in the building air tight.The study suggests that an air tight building is a closed system where no forced ventilation exists. There are no reasons not to build too tight as long as there is a functioning ventilation. In this study the authors ask themselves how an air tight building changes over time. No theoretical information has been found on these changes, but the respondents assume that air density decreases with time. The deterioration is mainly assumed to be caused by construction materials changes over time. The study shows that construction workers knowledge of air tight construction is mixed, which they themselves admit in the survey..

?Contract-For-Difference? - en studie om den optimala faktiska marginalen

We have two aims with this thesis. The first aim is to describe CFD as a financial instrument in detail by highlighting its potentials and disadvantages. The second aim is to try to find the optimal real margin for each of the underlying stocks.We have adopted an inductive approach, combined with a quantitative method. We have worked with data and tried to come up to conclusions from the results we got.The conclusion of our thesis is that it is optimal to enter a CFD-contract with own capital covering at least 20 % of the value of the contract..

I share therefore I am : En undersökning i svenska studenters motiv för att dela nyheter på Facebook

Researchers points out that social media has become a powerful venue to spread news, both for the news business and the users. Although the news diffusion has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with, we have found no research in Sweden about what motivate users of social media to share news.This thesis work therefore investigates news sharing on the social network Facebook by examining user motives in the light of the media theory uses and gratifications. A web survey was conducted and distributed to students at a Swedish university. The result showed that expression was the strongest motive to share news on Facebook, and the item that was highly valued by the students was to give other valuable information. The result also showed that other motives for sharing news was socialization, information, status and entertainment. .

Internationell kompetensförsörjning : tre svenska företags erfarenheter av expatriering och expertskatten

Frågeställningar: Hur använder svenska multinationella företag expatriering? Hur fungerar expertskatten i förhållande till dess syfte? Vilka konsekvenser medför användandet eller icke-användandet av expertskatten för företagen?Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur svenska multinationella företag använder sig av expatriering som kompetensförsörjning och i det perspektivet utreda huruvida expertskatten fungerar i förhållande till dess syfte.Metod: En tvärsnittsundersökning genomfördes vid insamling av det empiriska materialet. Primärdata samlades in med hjälp av intervjuer från tre undersökningsföretag. Viss kompletterande sekundärdata har även bidragit till undersökningen.Slutsatser: Vid de tillfällen då företagen inte kan tillgodose sitt kärnkompetensbehov på en lokal marknad är expatriering en metod att tillgå. Expatriering leder då till en kunskapsförflyttning över de nationella gränserna.

Avskaffandet av Revisionsplikten i Introduktionsfasen VS Kreditgivning

Aim/Objective: The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the early effects that could arise between entrepreneurs and lenders in connection with the auditing requirement, which has now been abolished. Through, empirical data identify the impact from the credit provider?s perspective and small business perspective and then make an overall assessment.Method:The authors are to achieve the purpose for this thesis through the use of both primary and secondary data. Primary data gathered through interviews and secondary data in the form of earlier thesis as well as articles.Result and conclusion: Banks have not prepared for the change in connection with the abolition of the audit requirement. Lenders look at repayment ability as the most important aspect of giving credit.

Riskhantering i svensk köttindustri : analys av slakt-, styckning- och charkföretag

The changes in the Swedish meat- and meat processing industry have been substantial in recent years. These changes will alter the business environment for many companies. In order to be prepared to face new threats and new opportunities, companies should be actively working on these issues. Risk awareness and by developing of risk management strategies companies can act quickly and effectively when the conditions changes. The objective of this study is to analyse whether and why companies in the Swedish meat- and meat processing industry use various forms of risk management strategies.

Risk management i läkemedelsindustrin : Hur användbara är optimeringsmodeller vid urval av projektportföljer?

Risk management har historiskt sett associerats med riskminimering och undvikande. Men framför allt inom project portfolio management har ett skifte inletts mot ett proaktivt tillvägagångssätt för att hantera risk, snarare än reaktivt. På så sätt uppnås en holistisk analys av risk som tar hänsyn till både positiva och negativa avvikelser på mål. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur användbara optimeringsmodeller är i läkemedelsindustrin ur ett risk management-perspektiv. Modellerna som undersöks är capital budgeting problem, goal programming och contingent portfolio programming.

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