

2373 Uppsatser om Share capital and minimum capital requirement. - Sida 24 av 159

När ett företag ska kommunicera : En explorativ fallstudie kring hur en kravspecifikation tas fram i syfte att välja ett internkommunikationssystem

The importance of internal communication within companies has increased in recent years. However, there are still a number of companies that are not adapted to the modern world and the new modes of communication the Internet provides. This study evaluates the internal communication of a medium sized company by holding semistructured interviews with the employees. The goal of the interviews was to develop a requirement specification. This requirement specification was later used as the basis to analyze possible aids for the internal communication of the company.

Angelägna allmänna intressen : En begränsning av möjligheten att genomföra kommersiellexpropriation?

Commercial expropriation occurs when real property is compulsory acquired by a private operator. This phenomenon is relatively new and has been criticized not only because of the rules concerning compensation, but also from the point of view of permissibility.An intervention in the protection of property must fulfill the requirement of important public interest set out in RF 2 kap. 15 § in order for it to be allowed. There is no definition regarding what constitutes an important public interest, the only thing that exist is a non-exhaustive list in the preparatory work. This in turn has led to the creation of a broad discretion when it comes to determining what constitutes important public interests.

Designen av ett "huvud"kontor - Några praktikfall

Sammanfattning Författare: Ann-Sofie Hjalmarsson och Judith Rodriguez Handledare: Leif Edvinsson Examinator: Christer Kedström Kurs: Magisterkurs i Strategisk ledning Nyckelord: Intellektuellt kapital, miljöpsykologi, hjärnan, hjärnergonomi. Syfte: Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att öka insikten för hur man genom strukturkapitalet, i det här fallet kontorets design, kan förstärka humankapitalet. Vi avser ta fram en ?tankeram" med de element vi har funnit betydelsefulla. Metod: Vi har använt oss av abduktiv kvalitativ metod.

Förtroendeklyftan : politiskt deltagande och förtroende i Europa och Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to study causes for the lack of political trust in Europe and especially in Sweden. The essay starts with a presentation of two theories about the reasons for low political trust. Robert D. Putnam among others presents a theory that gives social capital an important role when viewing the low political trust. As Putnam sees it a person that participates in any kind of organization, political or not, develop trust for other human beings that in the long run affects political trust.

Varför välja profilklass? : En kvalitativ undersökning om varför vissa föräldrar väljer att skicka sina barn till profilförskolor/skolor eller profilklasser

The aim of this study was to investigate how four families in the Stockholm area reason, what kind of preconception they have and what their horizon of expectations is when they make the choice between sending their children to the profile class of municipal/free schools and sending them to the general classes in those schools. The main research questions asked were:What kind of preconception do the parents have about profile classes?What reasons do the interviewed parents have to send their children to a profile class?What are the interviewed parent?s expectations of the profile class choice?The study is built on qualitative interviews with the parents of the families. The empirical data has been analyzed using a framework of theories drawing on the theory of reproduction, the forms of social capital, the ideas created from the word profile and elite and the horizon of expectations. The results show that the parents of the families have a similar degree of preconception about profile classes.

Inlösen eller extrautdelning?: En studie av sambandet mellan valet av kapitalåterföringsmetod och värdeskapande för aktieägarna

This thesis studies the stock price reaction around 68 announcements of special dividends and share redemptions on the Swedish stock market between the years of 2003 and 2007. We show that for the Swedish private investor, the tax effect of a share redemption is lower than that of a special dividend. Moreover, a share redemption could be interpreted as a signal of undervaluation. These two factors lead us to assume that the stock market would react more positively in connection to the announcement of a share redemption. We test this hypothesis through an analysis of the risk-adjusted abnormal return for the observations in the sample.

Venture Capital ? handlingsalternativ vid en börsnedgång

Fram till och med våren 2000 utgjorde aktier i småbolag populära investeringsobjekt för såväl privata som institutionella placerare. Svenska venture-capitalföretag tjänade stora pengar på att börsintroducera sina portföljbolag. Den kraftiga börsnedgången förde med sig ett minskat antal börsintroduktioner. Dessa förändringar innebar att venture-capitalföretagen fick finna andra handlingsalternativ för att kunna genomföra en exit från portföljbolagen. Mot denna bakgrund frågar vi oss hur venture-capitalföretagen handlar då en marknadsnotering av portföljbolagen inte längre är genomförbar på grund av det rådande börsklimatet.

Varje mynt har två sidor : en undersökning om hur den kommande generationsväxlingen påverkar turismföretag

A central discussion within society and businesses today, is the change of generations in the business market which occurs within the upcoming years. A change of generations is unavoidable and a natural step in business. The challenge of the forthcoming reform is the large number of people leaving the labour market and the grand entrance of new labour; Generation Y. The characteristics of Generation Y differ from the older generation which enhances the challenges for the businesses to attract a new workforce. It may also be necessary for the organisations to adapt to the younger generation.

Skogsmarksgödsling : en ekonomisk analys av olika gödslingsstrategier för ett skogsinnehav i norra Sverige

The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of different fertilization programs both on stand- and forest-level. The study is applied on an objective sample of inventory data for a forest area in Kalix in northern Sweden. The forest area belongs to the forest company Sveaskog. The study includes different economic models and will be used as a support when the company decides how to invest and how much to invest in fertilization. The study investigates the economy of five different fertilization policies. For each program the rate of interest invested in fertilization and the cost for the extra produced volume has been calculated.

Styrning och venture capital : En studie om styrningen förändras av venture capital i svenska företag

Syftet med studien var att studera lärares agerande gentemot elever under idrott- och hälsalektioner samt även ur ett könsperspektiv. Frågeställningen var hur lärare bemöter elever i form av positiv och negativ förstärkning och om skillnaden mellan pojkar och flickor. Som metod valdes observation då denna metod kändes som den mest relevanta för att få så riktiga svar på frågeställningen som möjligt. Observationerna genomfördes på totalt 5 lektioner som vardera var 45 min långa. Inför observationerna hade ett observationsschema i form av ett avprickningssystem utarbetats.

Mätning och utvärdering av intellektuellt kapital inom aktiemarknaden

Organisation/Organisation Författare/AuthorsVäxjö Universitet Marcus GunnarssonEkonomihögskolan Olof PalmquistVäxjö UniversitySchool of Management and EconomicsDokumenttyp/Type of document Handledare/TutorExamensarbete/ Diplomawork Stig Malm Examinator/ExaminerRolf G LarssonTitel och undertitel/Title and subtitleMätning och utvärdering av intellektuellt kapital inom aktiemarknaden/ Measurement and evaluation of intellectual capital within the stock marketSammanfattningBakgrund: I dagens hårda konkurrens i samhället går trenden mot en informations- och kunskapsbaserad ekonomi där kunskapsföretagen blir fler och fler. Den största tillgången i företagen är de anställda och deras kompetens. Denna kompetens kan omvandlas till en värdefull tillgång och benämns som intellektuellt kapital. Trots att det finns ökad förståelse för att det intellektuella kapitalet skapar mervärde för företaget finns det hinder med att redovisa detta då det inte får tas upp i balansräkningen.Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera huruvida intellektuellt kapital är något som fondförvaltare utvärderar när de gör en investeringsbedömning.Avgränsningar: Begränsningarna är att vi undersöker hur intellektuellt kapital kan vara till fördel för endast fondförvaltare; vi analyserar olika fondförvaltare i deras arbete endast med en investeringsbedömning. En sista avgränsning är att vi valt att inte tillfråga de fondförvaltare som inte utvärderar intellektuellt kapital aktivt i sina investeringsbedömningar.Metod: Vi har utgått från en kvantitativ metod och har genomfört en enkätundersökning för insamling av material.

Framgångsfaktorer inom Wallenbergsfären

AbstractThe purpose for this study has been to discover and reveal what exactly it is that have made the Wallenberg family so successful in the Swedish business world for more than 150 years. We have narrowed our research by limit it to only find and concern the specific features of the Wallenberg family and not their entire corporate group. There is no research made before regarding this matter, as far as we could see, which is one of the reasons to why we find this study relevant. In order to answer our question we have chosen to use a qualitative approach in which we have interviewed three people. These three people all have deep and thorough insight in the Wallenberg family.

Toleransens betydelse i socialt stödutbyte En kvalitativ studie bland sju Tamangfamiljer i Kathmandudalen, Nepal

Society is characterized by patterns of behavior and interaction that is created and recreated inthe interplay between individuality/collectivity and freedom/constraint, thus represents avariety of social issues and social phenomena. One of these phenomena is social supportexchanges and social capital. In order to obtain views on how this might appear in a specificsociety and contribute to the knowledge about social support exchanges and social capital, thisstudy was done with seven families in a village in Nepal. The village and the families gave aview and an example of how it might look in a place where social support exchanges plays acrucial role in this way of living. Through observations and interviews I have tried to make thesocial support exchange areas and meanings visibile.

Omvandling av ett villkorat aktieägartillskott till ett ovillkorat

A contribution that is to be repaid and has been made by a shareholder should be considered disposed when the receiving company is declared bankrupt. Converting such a contribution to one that is not to be repaid should mean that the contribution is disposed to its marketvalue. It is then considered that the shareholder makes a new contribution that is not to be repaid. Hereby, the shareholder will probably make a capital loss, which should be deductible..

Analys av fastighetsbolagens möjlighet att klara en ny lågkonjunktur. : En kvantitativ studie av fastighetsbolag i Europa

The goal of this thesis was to explore how real estate investment companies are affected by a weaker world economy. The reason to investigate this was that in the 90s in Sweden, the housing market crashed in conjunction with the bank collapse. Therefore I have looked at how the commercial real estate companies would be affected if we were to have a double dip recession, because it has been confirmed by Gyourko that commercial real estate market and the housing market tend to react in the same way on new fundamental information. This was examined through a sensitivity analysis, one investigated the effect of falling rent income and the second analysis looked at the effect of higher interest costs. I found that IAS 40 rule about unrealized profits of properties affected the results in a significant matter and therefore decided to include the regulation in my thesis.

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