

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 52 av 69

Effektivare traktordemonstrationer : femtio lantbruksföretag svarar

The background to this paper is the fact that many products are demonstrated to show the consumer value of the product. This is generally the fact when it comes to agricultural products, such as tractors. The growing number of models makes this even more import for the retailer to perform a demonstration that really catches the interest of a prospect customer. One problem is that these demonstrations are expensive and many small retailers have difficulties to afford demonstrations of every model. Together with Åhmans Traktorcentrum AB a market investigation was conducted. The company has its primary sales area in the region of Östergötland and north part of Småland. Åhmans Traktorcentrum AB is a John Deere dealer.

Mjölkkyl till espressomaskin : Impressive cooler

The project was made in cooperation with Coffee Queen AB, Arvika. The task was to develop and design a new cooler for the milk to Jura Impressa X9, an espresso machine. The good assistance with staff at Coffee Queen and engineers in China and at KPA in Karlstad led to a solution to the problem. It was a long road to get there, many different concepts was developed. When the day came to decide which concept to work with, the choice stood between two different technical solutions.

Effektivisering av LCA med hjälp av BIM

This thesis concerns how Sweden relates to life cycle assessment (LCA) in the construction process. LCA means analyzing a products impact and the analysis includes the whole life span of the product. A building has a high complexity and the combination with its unique shape will make the LCA more comprehensive, unlike e.g. aluminum cans. Recently there has been a development of a working procedure in the construction industry.

Konflikter på jobbet - ett problem för chefer. Vårdenhetschefers hantering av interpersonella konflikter

IntroduktionInterpersonella konflikter är vanligt på arbetsplatser, vilket har en negativ påverkan på arbetsklimat och trivsel. Även patienternas omvårdnad kan beröras av konflikter i personalgruppen. Chefen är den som förväntas ingripa för att lösa sådana problem, men för chefer är konflikthantering ett område som upplevs svårt, som tar mycket tid och där man saknar kunskap.SyfteAtt undersöka vilka konflikthanteringsstrategier vårdenhetschefer använder vid interpersonella kon-flikter, och vad som påverkar valet av konflikthanteringsstrategi.MetodStudien är en litteraturstudie i vilken 7 vetenskapliga studier/artiklar ingår. Ingående artiklar hämtades från databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och Scopus, samt med manuell sökning i tidskrifterna Journal of Nursing Management och Journal of Advanced Nursing. Artiklarna var publicerade mellan 1991 och 2008.ResultatStudierna visade att vårdenhetschefer ofta använder konflikthanteringsstrategier som endast ger kort-variga lösningar, och som inte är effektiva.

Den trygga förskolan : En enkätundersökning om föräldrars och pedagogers förväntnignar på förskolan

The Swedish early childhood system is considered among the best in the world, however, in spite of this, we feel that there exists a conflict between educators? and parents? expectations of ?a good preschool?. During our teacher education training we have observed many different preschools and almost in all of them we have listened to anecdotes about one or more conflicts arising between educators and parents and which we have been able to pinpoint toward differing expectations. After talking with a preschool director, who also perceives that expectations of the preschool aims sometimes differ, our idea brought us to conduct this investigation.In this study, we have investigated parents? expectations of preschool and compared them with educators? expectations.

Kommunikation och samordning : En studie av internkommunikationen inom Region Värmland

This paper deals with the subject internal communication. We received this assignment from Region Värmland, an organization formed jointly by the 16 municipalities in the county of Värmland, to take responsibility for regional development, growth issues, culture and adult education in Värmland. The organization consists of a number of geographically dispersed units with specialized working areas. In this type of organization, there are high demands on internal communication as a tool to coordinate the organization?s different units and integrate their work, in order to reach the common goals.

En Kommunikations Illustration : Interaktionen mellan deltagare i ledarlösa samarbeten

Purpose: The objective of this study is to illustrate how participants in leaderless based projects communicate with each other. Several studies have focused on technology-supported projects, such as open source projects, with an established project manager and goal. There is a lack, to the best of our knowledge, in studies that deal with the communication pattern in a leaderless computer supported collaborative project.Method: We have chosen to use a quantitative method where we systematically group several messages according to their content. This method was used in a similar study to illustrate the communication between participants involved in an open source project. We have taken the same Kripendorff based method and adapted it to our study by adding more descriptive variables.Theoretical perspectives: Manuel Castell discusses the aspects of a new communication power that is rooted in the individual as part of a larger creative audience.

KB-ryggstödet : Vidareutveckling av ett justerbart ryggstöd för rullstolar

This master thesis is commissioned by Permobil AB. The report describes thoroughly the developing process of an adjustable backrest for wheelchairs. The target group for the backrest are people that suffer from scoliosis or other spinal diseases. Because of insufficient pressure distribution usage of traditional backrests is not an option for them.The current solution has got a frame that is made by several adjustable links that is held in place by friction. Between the links velcro tapes are attached that is adjusts the depth.

Framtagning av ett förlängningsbart bord

This report covers the product development of a new type of extendable table for the company Karl Andersson och Söner. The company wants to expand their product collection with a new product. Karl Andersson och Söner is a well-known family company that has been located in Huskvarna since 1898, and they are producing furniture for private- and the public environment.The aim with this project is that the product should lead to increased sales, as well as expand their collection to appeal a wider audience. The work is permeated by two issues, to achieve as good results as possible. The issues will bring up how to make a table better, in terms of the competitor?s options, and how to apply a design process to develop a table that meets the markets needs and requirements.The design process of the work consists of strategically picked parts from three separate design processes.

Managerbyte? : En studie av aktieprisets reaktion när fotbollsmanagern lämnar klubben

I februari 2006 avskedas Graham Souness från Newcastle United efter en tids dåliga resultat. Den dagen han avskedas tar aktien ett skutt uppåt, således tyckte marknaden det var bra att han avskedades trots att det innebar ökade kostnader för klubben. Med detta som faktum uppstod vår problemformulering:Hur påverkas börsnoterade fotbollsklubbars aktiekurs när managern lämnar klubben?Syftet har varit att undersöka om det förekommer avvikande avkastning när en fotbollsmanager lämnar klubben. Vi har också gjort en jämförelse med hur det ser ut när VD: n lämnar ett företag.

Utveckling Ulricehamn- om stora förändringar i en liten stad :

The purpose of this thesis is to inquire how a small town can be affected by some planned changes in the physical structure of the town, and how its inhabitants can benefit from those major changes. The town in question is Ulricehamn, and of the four projects considered, two concerns infrastructure. A new railway and a new locality for the major road, today passing through Ulricehamn. The other two projects are run by the local authorities, that is the planning of a modern town park by the lake, and a new public building for cultural purposes. There are no guarantees that any of the four projects will ever be realized, but in the process with this work, they have been considered as already a fact.

Utveckling av arbetsmetod för DFA

Scania is among the leading companies in the heavy vehicle industry. Scania also assemble engines for their trucks and buses, as well as to external marine and industrial applications. Wrongly assembled parts leads to quality problems, which makes it important to secure that the assembly is correct. To do this Design For Assembly (DFA) is used to describe how parts should become easier to assemble. Scania?s production unit for engine assembly has had a working method for DFA in the shape of a checklist, which is not used.

Vilka chefsegenskaper kan relateras till hälsofrämjande ledarskap? : en enkätstudie bland chefer på sjukhus

Nilsson, P. (2005). Which manager qualities can be related to a health promotive leadership? A questionnaire study among managers at hospitals. (41 p.)AbstractPeople?s working life and individual health can be seen as strongly related to each other because people spend the most of their adult lives at their places of work.

Regionaliseringen av Sverige : En avpolitiserad debatt?

Regionalization has become a catchphrase in European countries during the last twenty years with the establishment of the European Union. An ideational development has occurred during time towards emphasing more politicially powerful regions with the idea of new regionalism. Sweden represents a deviant case study, where regions historically have been politically weak and where Sweden has been characterized as a strong unitary state. The aim of this paper is to analyze the political debate in the Swedish parliament concerning the implementation of a stronger regional level (storregioner) during 2007-2010 and to determine if the debate can be characterized as a case of depoliticalization. The theory of depoliticalization have been introduced by Richard Katz and Peter Mair to explain why political parties through external pressure from europeanisation and globalization tend to become more consensual with similar political agendas, leading to a diminished the lef-right scale.

Innovativ utmatningsteknik : Mediumstor bulkförvaringslösning

This master thesis was done for a company called BRUKS which is active in woodprocessing,bio-energy and bulk material handling industry. The idea for the master thesis wasto develop a new reclaiming method for silos where wood chips are being stored. A mediumsegment of between 1000 ? 5000 m3was defined as the segment with the most sales potential.Two different concepts were produced, one for new constructions and one for rebuildingalready existing silos.In the beginning of the master thesis a lot of time was spent on visiting different BRUKSoffices and customers to get an overview of the industry and the product. This informationwas the basis when the idea generating phase began.

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