

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 41 av 69

Analysmetoder för rörsystem

The purpose of this thesis work is to evaluate how the physical behaviour of a pipe bend is affected by the pipe bending procedure. Effects such as initial ovalization, thinning, thickening and plastic hardening from the bending procedure are examined and the mechanical properties of pipe bends containing these effects are investigated.This has been evaluated by creating a detailed Finite Element model of a pipe that is being bent. Then the differences compared to a bent tube in a virgin state, so called Elbow elements and an analytical in-house program have been evaluated. The virgin state refers to a model of a pipe that is bent from the beginning, thus having a homogeneous thickness and not containing any plastic hardening. The Elbow element is a calculationally cheap element, specially developed for accurate calculations of pipe bends in an initially virgin state.The goal with the thesis work is to get a better picture of what happens to a pipe as it is being bent, how this affects the mechanical properties and to evaluate the possibility to develop an easy method for taking these effects into account when using the Elbow element.This report describes the layout of the work and how the detailed FE-model has been constructed.

Det för(s)könade biblioteket En diskursteoretisk läsning av biblioteket vid KVINFO

This thesis applies a discourse theoretical approach in order to examine in whatways and with what possible meanings the library at KVINFO participates in the overall gender discourse in society. This means that our reading takes place at a metatheoretical level, focussing on the library as a constructor of meaning in relation to society's gender discourse.Besides the actual reading, the thesis argues for the fruitfulness of using both a discourse theoretical and a feministic perspective in the field of Library and Information Science. By looking at libraries in general through a lens provided by these perspectives, libraries are staged as battlegrounds for competing discourses,that attempt to promote its particular knowledge claim on how reality should be perceived.The reading shows that it is possible to perceive the library at KVINFO as amaterial articulation that takes shape by and is part in a feministic counterdiscourse against the masculinistic hegemonic discourse, which throughout ?hisstory? has positioned women as ?the other?, and established men as the normative category in society, including the libraries. Through its practise KVINFO has contributed to a change in the collective identity ascribed to women.

Franskt ledarskap : En teoretiskt jämförelse av den svenska och den franska ledarskapsfilosofin

With 25 countries being members of the European Union, travelling and working in other countries has become significantly easier. But what happens when one culture meets another one in a work situation? More specifically, what happens when French and Swedish cultures meet? Would a Swedish manager lead his team in the same way as a French one would?My question is: What is management philosophy like in Sweden and France? Do the two philosophies resemble? And if not, in what ways do they differ?The purpose of this essay is to find out, by looking at the material used at management courses, what the Swedish management philosophy really is. And then look at whether there are any similarities between this philosophy and the French one. The idea is to examine how management is being taught in both countries, by looking at what management litterature is used at some of the highest ranked management schools in Sweden and France.There have been numerous ethnological studies concerning nationality and cultural behaviour, one of the most important ones is the study done by Hofstede.

Värderingar som styrmedel : en studie av Clas Ohlson ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

Values, where an organization describes the attitude its members should have towards their work, are being used to a larger extent than before. The neoinstitutional theory describes organizations? attempts to create legitimacy through activities that are not really connected to their core activities. On the basis of the aforementioned theory this study examines to what extent employees and store managers at Clas Ohlson use and relate to the values of the organization in their everyday work. The study covers these individuals awareness of the impact of values in their work as well as the way they relate to values.

Internprissättning i internationella läkemedelskoncerner

The aim of this essay was to study how the communities work with groups as a support to children with addictive parents, and to increase my understanding of the groups meaning as a support. My main questions have been: How are the child group sessions formed? What kind of experience does the group leaders have regarding their functions? The study is a qualitative investigation that has been turned to prefessionals in the subject area and  is based on 6 interviews and secondary sources. The material has been analyzed from a narrativ theory as well as a salutogent perspective. Research shows that children growing up in an addictive environment often have decreased psychological health and are overrepresented amongst those who developed a future addiction.

Hur butikschefen påverkar butikens lönsamhet

Under det senaste decenniet har den svenska elektronikhandeln präglats av en allt hårdare konkurrenssituation och lägre lönsamhet. Det har lett till att stora butikskedjor gått i konkurs. För att vända trenden måste företagen hanterar sina butiksverksamheter effektivt. Det blir därmed avgörande hur butikschefen sköter butiken. Av den anledningen är det intressant att underso?ka butikschefers arbetssätt för att se vad som leder till hög lönsamhet.

Illustrerade världar : -filmers bilder av ungdomars liv, i möte med ett illustrerat vuxensamhälle.

AbstractThis essay consists of an analytical study of three present-day Swedish films depiction of teenage life. From these films we like to see how youths are described, what attributes they are given, in shape of attire and different symbolic items, such as language and body expressions. The essay emphasizes which values that dominates among the illustrated teenage groups and compares it to the values and expectations that we can derive from an adult society. Here we let the school?s main determining base documents, Lpo 94 and Lpf 94, represent the dominating values of the society.Our hypothesis is that media, and also these films, creates images that affects the societies comprehension of teenagers and also how teens see themselves.

Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen

The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.

Piano, gitarr och dragspel : Kön och instrumentval inom Eskilstunas kommunala musikskola och högre musiklinje åren 1980-2000

The aim of this study is to describe how nature is portrayed in swedish poet and critic Aase Berg?s two earliest poetry collections, Hos rådjur (1997) and Mörk materia (1999), and how it relates to notions of humanity, culture and civilisation. The concept of ?nature? is problematized in a short survey of how it has been used by and critizised in ecocritical literary theory, which is used as the main theoretical framework for this survey, with an emphasis on selected theoretical concepts by Donna Haraway. As a methodological starting point, ?nature? is tentatively defined as ?that which does not let itself be subsumed under the human, culture or civilisation?, and this definition is contrasted with how the concepts are handled in the texts.The investigation shows that the relationship of nature to the human is a fundamental theme that provides a structure for both poetry collections.

INFORMATIONSÖVERFÖRING OCH KUNSKAPSÅTERVINNING : En studie i kalkylöverlämningsprocessen hos Erlandsson Bygg i Öst AB

Many enterprises have shortcomings in the transfer of information between different departments. Furthermore, routines for maintaining knowledge in order to be able to use this experience in the future are often lacking. Time and resources spent on improving these systems and procedures can provide significant benefits in terms of saved time and reduced costs in the later stages of a project. The benefit of this is not only a greater clarity and a reduced risk of misunderstandings, but also the preservation of knowledge that would otherwise be lost.The aim of this study has been to examine the process of information transfer and the transfer of knowledge between the calculus department and production manager in projects at Erlandsson Bygg i Öst AB. An additional aim was suggestions for improvements in the calculation handover and at the end of a project, where it was possible.The study was primarily conducted through literature studies and interviews.

Fönstershoppar du? : Den visuella kommunikationens roll i köpbeslutsprocessen

Visuell kommunikation är något som vi dagligen stöter på i vår vardag, i form av reklamannonser, reklamfilmer, skyltningar osv. Skyltfönster är en form av visuell kommunikation, och fungerar som företagens ansikte utåt och det skapar ofta en första bild hos mottagaren om företaget.  Enligt köpbeslutsprocessen är reklam den mest förekommande informationskälla som påverkar konsumenten i köpbeslutet. Denna studie kommer att utgå från Kotler och Kellers modell av köpbeslutsprocessen, som följer kunden före, under samt efter köpet. Modellen består av fem steg, problem erkännande, informationssökning, utvärdering av valmöjligheter, köpbeslut och efter köpbeteende.

Aktievärdering : En kvantitativ studie i värdering med Dividend Discount Model och Residual Income Model i förhållande till P/B-tal som referensvärde

My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.

mitt namn är Johan Jutterström

The ways designers work with craftsmen in other countries can vary alot,but still there are many similarities. In this study we make comparisonsbetween a number of projects involving three different designers and artisansin other countries and parallel that to our own work in South Africa.What we have seen is that there is some common denominators betweenthe different projects that are being taken care of in different ways.Some things that commonly attract the designers seem to be the skills ofthe craftsmen, as well as their colouring, patterns and materials. A furthercommon denominator in the projects is that people?s perception of qualityhas become an important issue. The products that are being developedare often sold in the country of the designer, and therefore a needto insure that the quality of the products is up to the standards expectedin that certain country has occurred.

Stortorget i Lund : en kandidatuppsats om torgets utveckling från 1000-talet till 2007...

Abstract Squares, these public rooms have always fascinated me. I find them interesting because of their variety in shapes, functions, design etc. Stortorget in Lund is one of Sweden?s oldest squares, this essay is dedicated to this particular square. Of all the possible ways that you could approach Stortorget in Lund I have decided to do it from an urban design point of view.

Bakom kulisserna på Migrationsverket : En kvalitativ studie om handläggarnas uppfattning av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön.

Due to stress, the workplace is a setting where actions of health promotion are of great importance in the perspective of public health. Stress is caused by heavy workload, low control of organizing their tasks and lack of support from colleagues and supervisors. This can lead to cardiovascular disease, depression and insomnia. Due to the health problems that this causes, it is important to examine how senior immigration offices perceive their psychosocial work environment.The aim of this thesis is to examine how the senior immigration offices at the Migration Board perceive their psychosocial work environment. The study is based on a qualitative approach with deductive content analysis and the data has therefore been collected through interviewing six people based on a semi-structured interview guide.The result has shown that the senior immigration offices are pleased with their work environment and that their workload is constantly changing.

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