

1030 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 4 av 69

Ledarskap och ideologisk implementering

Abstract: A public service sector in constant reformation is a common phenomenon in Sweden. This also includes the municipal care organisations. A central role in those reformations has the public middle chief who often is the one to implemented reforms to the organiza-tion's staff.This study is examining the role of the public middle manager in care organisations dur-ing the implementation of common ideologies value foundation in a present organisa-tion's reform. The study tries to elucidate in which way the public middle managers in municipal care organisations experience their roles, which expectations the management of the organisation has on their roles and how a present organisation changes inflict on the contents of the role. If the middle manager in a municipal care organisation feels like normative for the personal group is another aspect.There are four concepts used as theoretic framework in the study, organization, imple-mentation and public middle managers in a general aspect and the middle manager in a municipal care organisation in a specific aspect.

Utveckling av en metod och en utrustning för mätning av bränslesprayers rörelsemängd

A new type of device for measuring thev m& ?rate of fuel sprays from a diesel fuel injector has been developed and the various steps in the development are described. The device works by deflecting all of the sprays from the injector at the same time by using a bell shaped deflector. A load cell consisting of a machined steel part with strain gauges mounted on it measures the resulting force. The shape of the curvature in the deflector bell shape has been evaluated by photographing the flow in a 2D?version of the curve shape.

Ny inmatningsfunktion för Arcomas detektorhållare

Arcoma is a company that develops and manufactures X-ray equipment for hospitals. One of the most crucial components is the digital detector. Due to the high cost it is made removable so it could be transferred and used in other X-ray apparatus. The detector is placed in a so called detector holder. The current detector has a rectangular shape which sometimes requires a 90 degree rotation to match the shape of the patient.

Bakre skallgropens form hos hund : en studie av occipital hypoplasi hos hund

Chiari type I malformation is a condition in humans characterized by a small posterior cranial fossa, downward herniation of the cerebellar tonsils, foramen magnum overcrowding and disturbances of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. Syringohydromyelia is often seen in patients with Chiari type I malformation. Syringohydromyelia is characterized by fluid-filled cavities in the spinal cord. This causes damage to the nervous tissue in the spinal cord. In recent years, a condition similar to Chiari type I malformation has been recognized in dogs. It has mostly been seen in Cavalier King Charles spaniels (CKCS). The condition seen in dogs is usually called occipital bone hypoplasia. The aim of the study was to examine whether there is a difference in the shape of the caudal fossa between CKCS, small bred dogs with a similar head shape and dogs with a normal head shape and if occipital bone hypoplasia is related to a head shape with a steep back of the head. Other aims of the study were to examine the crowding of nervous tissue in the foramen magnum in each breed group, the extent of syringohydromyelia and to what extent the malformation had caused neurological signs. Sculls from dogs on autopsy were divided in halves and the position of the cerebellum compared to the level of the foramen magnum was studied.

Sport Managers, Vad gör de? - En studie kring de arbetsuppgifter som innehas och de kvalifikationer som krävs för att arbeta som sport manager

Författare:Lars JennforsTitel:Sport Managers, Vad gör de? - En studie kring de arbetsuppgifter som innehas och de kvalifikationer som krävs för att arbeta som sport managerInnehåll:Sport Management är ett förhållandevis outforskat område i Sverige. Därmed är det inte alldeles självklart vilka personer som har ett arbete som kan kallas sport manager. Definitionerna som därmed blir av central roll i studien är idrottssektorn, idrottsorganisationer och sport manager. Att ta del av dessa definitioner är viktigt för att kunna ta till sig av det resultat som framkommit.Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka kvalifikationer som krävs på idrottens arbetsmarknad inom yrket sport manager, samt vad en sport manager har för arbetsuppgifter.

Det tudelade ledarskapet en historisk studie över kommunchefens och kommunstyrelseordförandens arbetsuppgifter

Background: Municipalities are organizations facing a turbulent environment characterized by social, economical and political changes. It is the responsibility of the topleaders of the municipality (the municipal manager and the chairman of the local government board) to manage the situation and to make sure that the organization continuously develops. Purpose: To explain, from a leadership perspective, how the municipal topleaders'duties have developed during the past 25 years. Results: The municipal topleaders have nowadays got more issues to handle. Cooperation, networks and projects have increased, like international issues.

Effektiv projektledning med standardverktyg, Går det? : MBA-uppsats med inriktning elektroniska affärer

AimThis paper has come about because of the author's own experience as a project manager at FMV. In various projects, I have wondered if there is a link between the programs and processes that I have to use in my daily work. Are these programs effective for managing projects and follow-up.MethodIn order to examine whether it is efficiently using standard software, I have asked a number of projects manager at FMV to respond to a questionnaire, the method is qualitative.AbstractEfficient project management will require a set of tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating. Often there is a demand for a comprehensive range of enterprise software applications and business solutions combined to one business solution. A relevant question is if it is possible to use standard software, i.e.

Radisson SAS - Varför har deras företagskunder valt dem, och varför stannar de kvar

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study how the hotel chain Radisson SAS works with prolonged customer relations with their business clients, with other words the clients that have business agreements with them.Methods: This study will contain an inductive approach and qualitative methods. The qualitative research method is in the shape of a deep interview with the sales manager of Radisson SAS and qualitative interviews of chosen business clients to the hotel.Results: The results of this investigation show that business clients are controlled by what kind of agreements their company has.The companies sign agreements with hotels and hotel chains that are able to satisfy big parts of their needs, if not all of them.With the help of flexible solutions, a well known brand, and good relations, Radisson SAS has made sure that their business clients have prolonged their agreements.They are a global hotel chain near transports, and business clients feel secure with Radisson SAS..

Portfolio som arbetsredskap i skolan. : En studie kring portfolio och dataprogrammet Portfolio Manager 2.

Portfoliometodik är idag ett känt begrepp, likaså digital elevportfolio. Båda dessa begrepp, och en av de programvaror som främst är utvecklade för att vara en aktiv digital elevportfolio, har en central roll i den här studien. Portfolio Manager 2, som programmet i fråga heter, är utvecklat i Sverige av svenska pedagoger.Studien har en kvantitativ ansats med enkäter som redskap. En köns- och specialpedagogisk betraktelsegrund fanns i studien, vilket också resulterade i nya pedagogiska rön.Studien är utförd i 5 klasser på 2 olika svenska skolor i slöjd, där samtliga elever gick i åk 5.Lärarenkäten var utformad så att den skulle kunna ge en bedömning av ?fenomenet? PM2 som helhet, då PM2 även innehåller verktyg av det mer administrativa slaget.Studiens resultat bekräftar tidigare studier, dvs.

Småpratets betydelse för ledarskapet

Title: The significance of small talk on leadershipDate of seminar: 13 October 2010Course: Bachelor paper in Business, in Organization, 15 ECTSInstitution: Swedish Business School at Orebro UniversityAuthors: Linda Andersson & Ebba HallbergAdvisor: Gabriella WennblomPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe how leadership is affected by the small talk, with these three managers. This with the manager?s perspective as a starting point, within the three services we examined.Research methodology: This paper is based on a qualitative method. Targeted open interviews were carried out with three respondents. Literature in the organizational field has been searched through to give a base for the study.Theoretical framework: This paper uses the theory of communication, the theory of leadership and the theory of small talk.Conclusion: The conclusion we make is that the small talk makes it easier for the modern leadership, this is because the small talk, among other things, allows the manager to spread information and to avoid misinterpretation, and that the manager become more involved in the company.Keywords: Communication, small talk, leadership.

FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar

There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence.

Effektiv intern kommunikation : En studie av kommunikation mellan värdar och värdledare i en idrottsförening

AbstractTitle: Effective internal communication ?A case study on communication between a manager and the employees in a sportsclub.Number of pages: 40, without enclosuresAuthor: Susan AnderssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Second term 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: I aim to do a case study of a work situation, where there is no natural or direct form of feedback between the manager and the employees, and compare the purpose of the information efforts with how it is perceived by the employees.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, including an assembling method in the form of interviews, and a processing method of those interviews.Main results: All the used channels combined together (except one channel) seem to have created the right condition so that the content of the information can be perceived and used as the way it was supposed to, even though there?s no direct feedback of the information. The manager gets feedback indirectly and can therefore adapt the messages, or the information efforts, to the receivers.Keywords: Organizational communication, Internal communication, Information, Feedback..

"Det krävs en by för att fostra ett barn" : En undersökning av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i mellanstadiet.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable II, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing.

"Konflikter bidrar till en levande verksamhet" : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets inverkan vid konflikthantering i privat och offentlig äldreomsorg

This study is based on interviews with four managers in public elderly care and four managers in private elderly care. The aim of this paper is to examine how these managers are experiencing their leadership in relation to conflict management, and if the managers leadership differs depending on private or public elderly care. Leadership and conflict management are theories that have been used in order to analyze the empirical findings. Previous research that has been used in the study concerns ?leadership/leadership styles?, ?conflict management?, ?to be active in the private/public elderly care?.

Chefsförsörjning: Rekryteringsproblem vid tillsättning av mellanchefer

Human Resource Management (HRM) has an increasingly strategic role in today?s organizations as the supply of managers is an integral part of the strategic work. In order to retain competence and knowledge, firms are usually designed so that the employees can develop their careers within the firm. Company X is a company in the financial sector and is an example of such firm. However, at Company X: Department Y, very few employees apply for the management positions when they are announced.

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