

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 27 av 69

Mezzanine - en efterställd fordring: En utredning av rättsliga förutsättningar vid obestånd för fordringsmezzanine

Mezzanine is a collective term for hybrid instruments on the leverage finance market, offered as an alternative to traditional debt. As a hybrid, mezzanine combines elements of debt and equity financing. Mezzanine appears, in its most common shape, as subordinated to the senior debt, but ranks higher than pure equity. Reminiscent of security interests, the main importance of subordination is upon the default of the borrower. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is partly to investigate the legal prerequisites for a solid subordination of mezzanine financing, and partly to explain the consequences of subordination in a default.

Kroppsfett, genus och queer sexualitet : en undersökning av meningsskapande kring kroppar och fett i queera sammanhang

This essay examine the meaning produced around bodies and body fat in the queer community, but also in the surrounding straight community. The author has interviewed fat activists, and are using queertehory, to examine and analyze the relationship between body fat and the understanding and construction of sexuality and gender. The author concludes that even if norms around body shape and body fat are overlapping between the two contexts to some degree, they also differ. In the straight community, people with larger body shapes and sizes are punished, and encouraged to stay, or become, slim. However, in the queer community, ?fat? or bigger body sizes are not frowned upon in the same degree.

Det är vår förbannade skyldighet! : En kvalitativ studie av hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva utrymmet för civilkurage

This thesis studies public service social workers' opinions regarding their ability to act with moral courage as loyalty conflicts occur. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the social workers' experiences of their possibilities to stand up for what they believe in. We made qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm. In an effort to pinpoint their experiences we asked them questions about what they want but cannot do and what is stop-ping them, what they do not want to do and why, aswell as what the possible solutions would be as loyalty conflicts occur. We were able to identify five different opinions on the organisa-tional cultures and how the employees' experience the extent of their actions.

Styvföräldraskapet : ? Ett föräldraskap bland flera

The purpose of this study is to perform a description of how parents experience their life in a stepfamily and to examine how the parents experience the involvement from their new partner in the children?s upbringing. The issues are: (i) which expectations do the parent has on their new partner in the role as stepparent to the child, (ii) how active does the parent experience their new partners? step parenting concerning the stepchild and (iii) how does the parent expect the new family to take shape? A qualitative study has been done through interviews. The participants were sex biological parents, of which four were fathers and two mothers.

Alkohol inom äldreomsorgen : Hur hanteras problematiken?

The purpose of our qualitative study is to investigate how the caretakers, in the elderly care,interpret and manage the issue of alcohol problems in elderly people. We have beenperforming semi-structured interviews on 9 people, on different levels in the elderly care.There were 3 elderly care managers, 1 nurse, 1 assistance administrator and 4 auxiliarynurses, who all, at some level, work with alcohol problems in elderly people. Thoseinterviews were performed singularly, with one exception: we interviewed an elderly caremanager and her 2 auxiliary nurses at the same time. To analyse our empirics, we have usedthe theories of Power and Ageism. Our study shows that the auxiliary nurses, who are theones who must deal with these problems, have great difficulties to perform their work becausethey have no qualified knowledge about alcohol problems.

Cirkulationsplatser ? estetik och design :

The purpose with this final thesis has been to study the aesthetics and design of roundabouts and to ascertain important factors that influence the experience of them. The investigation was carried out through literature-, field studies and interviews with persons that in different ways have participated in the formation of roundabouts. Furthermore, six roundabouts have been explored in more depth so that the survey would get a more practical link. These six roundabouts all occur in the rim of a city and do thereby have an important role as a gateway. The environments in such contexts are often complex which adds additional difficulty in achieving a visually appealing design, especially when taking into account the usually high traffic intensity.

Konsten under jorden : En analys av Ulrik Samuelsons konst i Kungsträdgårdens tunnelbanestation

This study examines the work of art in the underground station Kungsträdgården in Stockholm and discusses the observers interpretation of the art in the station. When the artist Ulrik Samuelson got his commission to shape the station he was influenced by Marcel Duchamp and the concept art. Two themes were integrated in the work of art, the actual culture life and the palace called Makalös, which was situated just above the currant station, three hundred years ago. The station was built in two stages.The first part was opened in 1977 and the second part in 1987. Panofsky´s iconographic working method has been used in this essay.

EMU till varje pris? : Spårbundenhet i beslutsfattandet angående EMU

In 2002, the euro as a common currency did replace the national currencies in the EU member-states that did choose to take part in the EMU. It was then viewed as one of the greatest accomplishments ever to be made by the EU. However, during the latest years, the economic situation has deteriorated in several EMU member-states. This affected the whole euro-area and the current situation is referred upon as the euro-crisis. In 2011, at the time of the euro-crisis, the Heads of State or Government of the euro-area did reaffirm their full commitment to strengthen EMU.

Slumpmässigt genererade nivåer

When a videogame is being played it is rarely a static experience. A videogame can consist of various systems that affect each other in an unpredictable manner which makes the player experience unique for every player.Throughout the years developers of games have used random chance in a games programming to affect the user experience. Sometimes it even goes so far as to having entire games based around the idea of the game itself randomly generating content for a player to experience.This paper will examine randomly generated content in videogames. It will take examples from existing ones and describe how they use it, and reason regarding the benefits and drawbacks of having random chance affect the user experience.The paper will step-by-step examine the purpose of various commonly occurring objects and features of a typical dungeon in an adventure videogame. It will reason around their purpose, and figure out ways to use them in a structured  manner so that we can guarantee that there will be no deadlocks that the player can't overcome.This will range from the environments in rooms, the shape of them, to the objects and creatures that inhabit them, such as locked doors, keys, and bosses.

Koncerninterna vinstöverföringar - finns det någon strategi?

The purpose of our essay is to find out if there are any strategies for profit transactions in a group. To realise our purpose we conducted two case studies with interviews. But we can not draw any general conclusions.To conduct the research we had to build a theory. In this theory we found motives to do profit transactions and how to do it. We also thought that there had to be some conflicts between the motives and the manager´s interests.In our analysis we found that financing the dividend was a strong reason to make profit transactions between companies in the group.

Kvarteret Mjölnaren : bostadsgård på bjälklag

Uppsalahem, Uppsalas municipal renting company, builds about 250 new apartments every year. Mjölnaren in Kungsängen is a project which contributes with about 130 new renting apartments finished in 2010/2011. This report has lead up to a proposal. Focus lies on how to create a courtyard on beam joists where shape, style and different types of functions are important elements. The report also brings up ground materials, details, plants, availability and built up plantings. All these aspects together are what create a well functioning and pleasant courtyard. All through the work with this report I have taken part of the meetings concerning the project.

Utveckling av licenshanteringssystem för kontroll av programåtkomst

Ett system utvecklades för företaget Monitor i Hudiksvall. Syftet var att skapaett system som kan kontrollera vilka funktioner ett program kan komma åtutifrån den licens som kunden har betalat för, i form av en licensfil. En analysav företagets befintliga licenshanteringssystem gjordes för att identifiera vilkaproblem som behöver lösas i det nya systemet. Arbetet har använt en agilmetod med små inkrementella leveranser och ständig kundkontakt. Eftersomsystemet fungerar som ett API och använder sig av nätverkskommunikationöver potentiellt osäkra nät, har kryptering av datatrafik med tekniken SSL/TLSanvänts.

Modellering av variantrik produkt för att stödja programmering av produktkonfigurator - en utvärdering av Produktvariantmastermetoden

I samband med att en produkt eller en produktflora implementeras i ett produktkonfigurationssystem hos ett företag uppstår många gånger ett behov av att reda ut relationer för varianter inom produkten eller inom produktfloran. För att skapa en översikt av informationen och inkluderande varianter finns det ett antal olika tekniker. En av dessa tekniker kallas Produktvariantmaster, vilket är en layoutteknik som är utvecklad vid tekniska universitetet i Köpenhamn (Technical University of Denmark). Metoden kan liknas vid ett mer etablerat klassdiagram dock med den elementära skillnaden att modellen delas in i tre olika vyer, där de olika intressenternas specifika intresseområden presenteras. Tidigare har denna metod använts i fall där antalet varianter hos produktfloran har varit överskådligt.Idag saknas en produktanalysteknik som kan agera stöd vid programmering av ett produktkonfigurationssystem hos Fläkt Woods i Jönköping, ett företag som tillverkar luftbehandlingsaggregat.

Medarbetarskap- det egna ledarskapet

The study aims to shed light on the phenomenon of employeeship at a Swedish Staffing Agencise . This has been done on the basis of two questions. How can employeeship look like in a service? What is the role given employeeship in developing contexts? In order to answer the purpose and issues have a quantitative approach been used. Based on the theoretical frame of reference has the form of surveys created.

Läromedel och hjälpmedel på gymnasiet : En uppsats om hur lärarna gör och tänker

The main purpose with this study is to describe teachers? use of textbooks and other teaching materials in upper secondary school (gymnasiet) in Sweden, and to discuss the use according to school subject and teacher style. Data was collected in two different ways. At first twenty classroom observations were made during lectures concerning the subjects Swedish (mothertounge), English (foreign language) and religion. Then four open interviews were carried out with the teaching teachers.

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