

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 26 av 274

Med Lean i bagaget - En studie om Leans förmåga att öka produktiviteten av en bagagehanteringsprocess

Although Lean has received an increased amount of attention in the service context, research still has not established how successfully Lean manages to increase service productivity; since service productivity consists of both efficiency and quality. Research regarding productivity discusses the risk of a tradeoff between efficiency and quality in service production processes. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore if the tradeoff in a production setting with low variability in demand and low customer participation exists, after Lean has been implemented. With a qualitative approach, a case study has been conducted at Scandinavian Airlines Ground Handling to evaluate the effects of Lean in the baggage handling process. The result of the study shows that the tradeoff has not been overcome; efficiency has increased at the expense of quality.

Det svenska spionaget i Baltikum 1943-1957 : En studie av ett fiasko?

During and after World War II Sweden was spying in the occupied Baltic countries which had been occupied, from 1943 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 by the Soviet Union. It began in 1943, with the Germans still occupying the Baltic countries, when Sweden and its intelligence service ?C-byrån? recruited volunteers among the Baltic refugees in Sweden and sent them back to the countries they had fled from. Many of the Baltic refugees to Sweden were men aged 25-45 so the Swedish intelligence service had a good recruiting source. This started the first period of intelligence operations in the three Baltic countries.

Förebyggande arbete mot våld och hot om våld inom socialtjänsten : En kartläggning av chefers upplevelser

Dealing with threats and violence at the workplace is a reality for many social workers, where a majority of them have to face client oriented incidents at least once during their career. Incidents are most commonly expressed as threats and harassments, but can also take place in the form of physical violence. Looking at the problem from a supervisor perspective, it will affect and possibly damage the specific exposed employee, the workplace as a whole and the clients. Supervisors are the ones responsible for developing workplace enviroments that are satisfyingly safe, for which guidelines can be found in law as well as in an emerging research area. Reasons as to why some people tend to become violent is as complex as reasons as to why some people seem to be more vulnerable or exposed than others. That is why means of preventing threats and violence can not be explained in one single way, but the answer must be sought on several levels.

Det industriella byggandets betydelse för skapandet av de estetiska egenskaperna i bostadens arkitektur - En fallstudie på företaget JM AB

The study aims to investigate the impact of industrialised homebuilding in the creation of the aestheticproperties of the dwelling architecture.The concepts of industrialised homebuilding and the aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture aredefined by previously developed models. In these models, industrialised homebuilding is described byeight characteristic areas. The aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture are described by sevenaesthetic qualities.The study was conducted as a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The companyJM AB is the analysed unit that the author of this report has chosen to study. JM employees and by JMhiredarchitects were interviewed.The report concludes that characteristic area planning and control of processes are considered to havepositive impact on the aesthetic qualities if the process is designed in such a way that the creations ofthese are admitted.

Miljöcertifiering som ett verktyg för hållbart företagande ? En fallstudie av hur ett företags intressenter värderar en BREEAM-certifiering

Nyckelord: Miljöledningssystem, miljöcertifiering, BREEAM, värdeskapande, konkurrensfördelar, legitimitet, organisatoriska förutsättningar, positionering Bakgrund: Idag råder inga tvivel huruvida om företag ska arbeta med hållbarhetsfrågor utan snarare hur. Miljöledning och certifiering är verktyg i hållbarhetsarbetet som tvingar företag att tänka långsiktigt och samverkande. Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture har målsättningen att miljöcertifiera sig enligt standarden BREEAM. Företaget hoppas kunna öka intresset för dessa frågor i branschen i och med certifieringen. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Kjellgren Kaminskys intressenter värdesätter en miljöcertifiering enligt standarden BREEAM.

Ett kulturlandskap : Kivik Art Centre - konsthall, ateljébostäder och friluftsteater vid Lilla Stenshuvud

The ambition with this piece of work, a collaborative project between a landscape architecture student and an architecture student, is to design a centre for art and culture at Lilla Stenshuvud near Kivik in Skåne in the south of Sweden. Though the project draws upon existing plans for an institution like this on the site, it has been independently developed and can thus be regarded as a project sufficient in itself. During the work-in-progress a proposal has been shaped which considers the existing landscape and emphasizes its characteristics. Great effort has been invested in the centre?s location, and thereafter the work has focused on finding an expression for the art centre that connects to the specific character of the surroundings in this part of Skåne.

Kulturmiljövärden utan synintryck, en studie med synskadade

This graduate thesis takes its hold in an idea that many values, in cultural heritage environments, other than the onesthat can be seen with the eyes are as important for the experience of the environment as the visual ones; however theenvironments are usually defined by values that can be experienced visually!Interviews were held with four visually impaired persons. This to get a better understanding for how big part othersense modalities play in the experience of the cultural heritage environments. Questions were asked about what thevisually impaired especially value in cultural heritage environments and what is of value for preservation. Also whatcan be done to make the environments more impressive for them, how they experience the material part of theheritage, architecture, shape and color and with what senses they primarily remember. Furthermore the thesis aims todraw attention to how value definitions made by the conservation field affects the experience of the environmentsand therefore the accessibility for visually impaired.

Nedläggning av service i levande landsbygder : En studie om servicen och dess föreställningar, utveckling och möjligheter

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur de statliga föreställningarna om en fungerande service ser ut och sätta dem i relation till den faktiska utvecklingen på landsbygden, och även att undersöka alternativa lösningar till hur servicen på landsbygden kan bedrivas. Studien har fokuserat på svenska landsbygder generellt och för att söka svar på syftet har statliga myndigheters rapporter och dokument granskats där insikt har erhållits om hur servicen, något normativt bör vara. Genom metoder som kvalitativ textanalys av dessa rapporter, teoretiska ingångspunkter om landsbygdens nya ruralitet och tillgänglighet samt intervjuer med olika aktörer, dels om nytänkande servicelösningar och dels om landsbygdens servicesituation, sätts politik och praktik mot varandra. Det har visat sig att den politiska föreställningen om hur servicen bör vara ej till fullo överensstämmer med verkligheten. För att planera för en fungerande service på landsbygden krävs ett nytänkande med lösningar som beaktar dagens samhälle och det lokala, flexibilitet och innovationsrikedom..

SANNINGENS ÖGONBLICK En komparativ undersökning av ett stadsbiblioteks och en byggvaruhandels arbete med att möta sina besökare

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how a Swedish public library approaches their costumers. I will show how a library interacts with their costumers compared to a business, which has a different economic work frame, a building materials supplier. My aim is to pinpoint differences and explore new methods for the library in order to improve their service.The theoretical frame of the thesis is based on Richard Norman's notion the Moment of truth. The moment of truth is the moment when a business has to convince their customer that they offer both the product, proficiency and service that the customer needs. Service encounters at two organizations have been observed and their differences and similarities compared.

Public service och sociala medier : En studie om hur redaktionerna pa? Morgonpasset i P3 och P3morgen anva?nder sociala medier som arbetsverktyg

The purpose of this study is to examine how the editorial staff from the Swedish radio program Morgonpasset i P3 and the Norwegian radio program P3morgen uses Facebook and Twitter and how they can use social media as a tool in the production. The purpose is also to examine how active both of the editorial staff are on Facebook and Twitter and which kind of language they use on Facebook and Twitter. The radio programs both work under a lot of similar conditions and are both controlled by public service in both countries. To conduct the study qualitative interviews was performed with the web editor Christoffer Malm from Morgonpasset i P3 and the radio presenter Silje Nordnes from P3morgen in combination with a quantitative content analysis. The study was conducted over a limited period of the autumn of 2013.

De osynliga barnen? : en studie om Kriminalvården och Socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade föräldrar

The purpose of this essay was to look at how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the Social Service work with children who have parents in prison and what they can do to ease the contact between the children and their parents. In our study we have used different questions regarding parent role, gender, child perspective, contact possibilities and collaboration. We have interviewed six prison officers and five social workers in Skåne. We have also used previously written reports. Our conclusions are that the parent role is affected by imprisonment and more amongst the women than the men.

Serviceerbjudande : En jämförelse av skola och omsorg mellan Sverige och Virginia (USA).

Syfte: Mitt val av ämne härstammar från egna reflektioner och erfarenheter av att bo och leva i USA ett antal år. Jag har successivt insett att det är större skillnad mellan våra kulturer än vad jag hade förväntat mig. Med tre barn i skolan är kontaktytan mot utbildning stor och det går inte att undvika att göra jämförelser. Ämnet för uppsatsen landade i en jämförelse av serviceerbjudanden med skola och omsorg som tillämpningsområde. Syftet med uppsatsen är att med marknadsföring och service management som teoretisk bas beskriva och analysera serviceerbjudandet gentemot barnfamiljer i Virginia och Sverige.

Knitting House : Konst, arkitektur och stickning som politisk katalysator

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the project Knitting House using art and architectural theories to question the forms of the project as well as the town planning in the area of Husby, a suburb to Stockholm. In order to stress the architectural issues in the area of Husby, the thesis examines the aim and intention of the project Knitting House. The project explores the standardized architectural form that was used and built under the Miljonprogrammet, through the years of 1960-1970 in the neighborhoods of Järvafältet. The thesis will also investigate some of the problems that arise when attempting to discuss knitting as a method used to perform Knitting House. This paper explores the relationships between public and private spaces, the areas in between them and how they interact. The claim made throughout the thesis is that Knitting House can function as a political catalyst by presenting a combined perspective of art, architecture and politics to address the social and ethnic segregation in suburbs like Husby. .

Folkhemmets småhusbyggande Bostadspolitikens och arkitekturidealens roll i utformningen av egnahemsområdet Kyrkbyn

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:6.

Mitt hem det är allt det : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstmottagares syn på hemmet, åldrande och hjälpberoende

AbstractThe intention of our study was to examine the meaning of home of elderly women and men and how they experience their getting older. We also wanted to see how elderly women and men experience to receive home-help-service in their own home. The study was based on qualitative interviews with elderly women and men. The informants were five women and four men between the ages of 60-84 years. They all had everyday help from the home-help-service.

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