

4102 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 2 av 274

Bidrar SOA till kvalitativa egenskaper och inom vilken aspekt av affa?rsnytta? - Bidrar SOA till affa?rsnytta?

Affa?rsnytta a?r ett ma?ngtydigt och sva?rdefinierat begrepp, men det a?r na?got som alla verksamheter vill uppna?. Uppsatsen avgra?nsar sig till sa?rskilda kvalitativa egenskaper som definieras av ISO/IEC FDIS 25010:2010 under kapitlet "Quality in use". Uppsatsen ga?r ut pa? att utva?rdera de kvalitativa egenskaperna och om SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) bidrar till dessa samt inom vilken aspekt av affa?rsnytta. Fo?r att svara pa? fra?gan var det relevant att utva?rdera begreppen Affa?rsnytta och Kvalitativ nytta samt definiera SOA. Resultatet fick vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer fra?n fyra respondenter som har deltagit i ett lyckat SOA projekt och har goda kunskaper inom SOA och dess koppling till affa?rsnytta inom olika aspekter. Utifra?n litteraturen och resultatet ser vi indikationer pa? att SOA bidrar till de utvalda kvalitativa egenskaperna.

NOVA : Funderingar kring ett shoppingcenter med utgångspunkt i fenomenologin

This thesis deals with a Swedish shopping centre, NOVA, from a phenomenological point of view. Starting in my own experience of the architecture I discuss issues such as gender, consumerism and the image of the ideal society, the Heterotopia, as they appear to me in my studies of the building.Divided into three different themes I then discuss the aspects I?ve found through my meeting with the architecture in comparison to a number of texts on the subject.My phenomenological analysis, combined with earlier research, presents to me a number of aspects more evident than others, as I do my own interpretation of the building and its architecture..

En väg till medborgarnära service och närdemokrati? Förklarande utvärdering av medborgarkontoren i Lunds kommun

Neighbourhood offices were established in the municipal of Lund by a decision in the municipal council 1999. During following years four offices opened in the surrounding villages; Veberöd, Genarp, Södra Sandby and Dalby. By using a goal oriented model and making interviews I study whether the offices reaches the goals of more effective service, developed IT-support, a stronger local democracy and a better feeling for service. The offices has improved the information to the citizens and efforts have been made to strengthen the local democracy but more complex matters can not be handled at the offices today, which is a disappointment for many involved.To explain the result of the evaluation I use Vedungs ?A general theory of public efforts result?.

Outsourcing av digitala tjänster ? de negativa konsekvenserna

Denna uppsats behandlar vilka negativa konsekvenser som kan uppstå vid outsourcing av digitala tjänster i en Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) miljö. Uppsatsen behandlar endast negativa konsekvenser i relation till kontrollen över den information som existerar i de tjänster och i de affärsprocesser som utgörs av tjänster som outsourcas. Syftet och resultatet av uppsatsen är en punktlista som presenterar dessa konsekvenser. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom användningen av ett teoretiskt ramverk som varit ämnat att ta reda på vad och hur tjänster är och hur dessa kan kopplas mot outsourcing. Den slutgiltiga punktlistan pekar på flera punkter som kan gå fel om organisationer väljer att outsourca sina tjänster..

PION Patientinformation on-line en brukarorienterad utvärdering

During the past decade, consumer health information-centers have been developed at the hospital libraries in Sweden in order to meet the increasing demand from patients and their relatives concerning consumer health information. In 1993, the hospital libraries in Falun, Västervik and Karlstad launched a consumer health information database called PION. The aim of this Master's thesis is two-fold. My first aim is to describe and discuss the principles of user-oriented evaluation. In my attempt to convey the theoretical discussion into the everyday life of librarianship, my second and most important aim is to conduct a user-oriented evaluation of the database PION.

Systemarkitektur för presentation av geografiskinformation- Utredning av Informationssystem och produkter

Banverket Trafik has a responsibility to make sure that the companies who traffic the Swedish railroad have the correct information about the status of the railroad. One of Banverket Trafiks information systems (Opera) presents the train?s actual position on a map and provides the user with physical information about the trains. Due to increasing demands on the information systems, Banverket Trafik needs to update the present system architecture in order to manage the increasing demands on map graphics and map functions. This paper analysis the information system Opera on the basis of theory and support of methods and discuss problems and demands for Opera.

Värdet av Enterprise Arkitektur i en verksamhet. En kvalitativ studie av hur man förklarar värdet av att använda Enterprise Arkitektur i en verksamhet i olika mognadssteg

The purpose with this report is to highlight the value which Enterprise Architecture (EA) can bring,including the effects that can emerge, for a business. In the report we also study how Enterprise Architecturemay serve as basis for generating even more business value. The study is based on a theoretical frameworkwhich covers the following perspectives; architecture design, strategy development, management of changeand evaluation of IT-investments. Gathering and analysis of empirical data has been performed using acustom-developed model which is based on a model from Sogeti called Dynamic Architecture (van DenBerg and van Steenbergen, 2006) and Innovation Value Institute?s maturity curve (Innovation ValueInstitute, 2008) for Enterprise Architecture management.Explaining the value of Enterprise Architecture is invariably an important topic since many organizationsexpect to be able to generate quick value of the investments made in Enterprise Architecture.

SOA ? Tänk efter före Ett organisationsförberedande ramverk inför implementeringen av en tjänsteorienterad arkitektur

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) är ett koncept för hur affärsverksamheten och informationsteknologin i en organisation ska organiseras med återanvändbara tjänster som skapas utifrån verksamhetens processer. Att införa en SOA ställer höga krav på hela verksamheten då det innebär både ett teknik- och kulturskifte. Därför krävs det att organisationen är väl insatt i det åtagande de har och att förändringsviljan är väl förankrad i alla nivåer och enheter. Genom litteraturgranskning och med stöd av sex kvalitativa intervjuer har i denna uppsats ett organisationsförberedande ramverk arbetats fram med en rad riskfaktorer att beakta inför en SOA-implementering. Ramverket formades slutligen till att innehålla tretton faktorer där samtliga måste fungera i en organisation som ska införa en SOA. Av dessa faktorer kunde fem lyftas fram ytterligare, då de utgör en extra stor risk att bli förbisedda..

Sanningens ögonblick : En fallstudie av kvalitetssäkring i tjänsteföretag

AbstractTitle: The Moment Of Truth; A study of service quality assuranceAuthors: Fanni Helminen and Linda ElsborgLevel: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, C-level.Advisor: Lars- Johan Åge and Jens Eklinder FrickDate: 2014- JunePurpose: Quality assurance has become a vital concept and an important tool to ensure that employees are able to deliver high service quality. The purpose of this study will be to elucidate how service companies can apply the use of sevenfundamental features supporting service quality in their quality assurance; recruitment and selection; training, teamwork; empowerment; performance appraisals and rewards; communication, and culture (of the organization). Furthermore, we will illustrate how the type of business entity, organizational structure and organizational resources afflicts the seven features.Method: Method: We will, from a hermeneutic point of view, apply and qualitative deductive research method. Data have been collected through a case study. The data have been transcribed and the analytical method has been selected based on the conducting purpose.

Kvinna & chef : samband mellan ledarstilar och kommunikationsformer

Similarities in earlier research between leadership styles and communication forms were found, partly concerning relations and partly concerning work assignments. Our approach was based on the notion that there could be a correlation between the manager2019s choice of communication mode (informal/formal) and leadership style i.e. Relation-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style/Task-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style. A gender perspective was used in the research. The method was quantitative with a questionnaire to women managers (N=78) in the private and the public sectors.

En Modell av SOA för Agila Organisationer

In a dynamic and unpredictable reality, either rigid structures or silo architectures areappropriate ways to organize an agile organization. This thesis enlightens these relationsbetween Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an organization who acts in a varied andconstantly changing business environment. In other words, this thesis enlightens the question:?How suitable is SOA to organize the enterprise who will meet a constantly changing andheterogenic business environment?.The thesis presents a model where an efficient organization must be agile to be able to actquickly in the business environments with constantly changing desires, needs, expectations,desires etc. According to the same model a Service Oriented Architecture organizes theenterprise elements such as processes, resources, competences, responsibilities, informationsystems etc.

Referensarbete i Sverige och Tyskland ? en jämförelse

The purpose of this Master thesis is to compare the perception and significance of reference work in two countries, Sweden and Germany. This will be achieved by means of a literature review of previous research literature and public documents and a content analysis of articles from two library journals.A first step was to examine the historical development of reference work in the selected countries. In connection with this there proved to be distinct phases in the discussion regarding reference work. These phases with their specific discourses, themes and emphases reflected and thus later were confirmed in the second part of the study.The results show that despite some similarities there are also quite a few differences in how reference work is perceived in both countries. For Sweden, the idea of reference work was introduced relatively early.

Kunskapsorganisation av ämnesområdet arktektur : Klassifikation eller indexering av samlingarna på en arkitekthögskola?

This thesis analyses the problem of how to organise a multidisciplinary domain of knowledge like architecture. The study is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part include discussions of theories of knowledge organisation. Two different principles of classification were examined in relation to the domain itself, as well as in relation to the educational programme at the School of Architecture at Lund University and comparable schools in Sweden. The empirical part is a case study carried out at the School of Architecture at Lund University.

EkoReko : Hur en digital tjänst får användarna att leva mer miljövänligt

The purpose of this study was to follow a research-oriented design process and to develop a design draft for a digital service that supports users to make more environmentally conscious choises in their everyday life. By following an interaction design process from start to final delivery, the study aims at creating a broad understanding of the process. Therefore, many userrelated activities were implemented in the study: eg. personas, scenarios, sketching and user testing. The project resulted in digital wireframes for an iPhone application using embedded GPS to identify and locate environmentally friendly businesses.

Att välja perspektiv : "Arkitektur i Sverige - Funktion, konstruktion och estetik genom tiderna".

This essay tries to show how The Swedish Museum of Architecture, Stockholm, with the exibition Architecture in Sweden - Function, Design and Aesthetic through the Ages, presents and represents architecture. It is stated that this is done in a multi-perspectival, multimedial fashion, with the aid of, for example, photography, models and mixed material surrounding the wide concept of ?architecture?. One chapter discusses the relationships between the exhibition on site, the exhibition catalog and the museum´s website. Another chapter argues that there can be no essential or perfect representation of architecture, although this utopian wish most certainly exists even today.

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