

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 13 av 274

New public management från solidaritet till effektivitet

The public service within health and care has changed remarkably during the last 30 years. It has been inspired by management ideas from profit-making businesses. Those thoughts are an umbrella term called Nex public management. In what way has New public management influenced the public service in Sweden? Important concepts in the change of public service are quality, effektivity and goals.

Världen vill bedragas : arkitekturtävlingar och presentationsteknik som retoriskt knep

The purpose of this essay is to analytically review and discuss architecturalcompetitions, mainly through the general views of a few selected workinglandscape architects, architects and scientists. I have studied the moral and workethicalaspects of using graphical presentations as a mean to draw attention,rather than trying to meet the set program points.My results are derived from e-mail interviews, literature studies and studies ofthe competition entry Stockholmssfären from the competition Stockholmsportenwhich was held in Sweden early 2011.The literature studies have shown that the available literature on architecturalcompetitions and research on the subject is biased towards architecture ratherthan landscape architecture. Worth mentioning is also that there is not a lot ofavailable literature, mainly due to lacking research on the subject.The informants for the interviews were selected based upon their academicmerits and/or experience of working with or doing scientific research onarchitectural competitions. The landscape architects? opinions regardingarchitectural competitions turned out to be in many ways alike ? they seemed tohave a pretty relaxed view of competing in architecture.


Our purpose with this research has been to obtain a deeper insight and understanding for the phenomenon and term ?weekday-luxury.?Through our research, we have found a link between value, service, brands and consumer behaviour into a relationship that we termed ?weekday-luxury.? This link of values is particularly interesting to us and we are curious about the underlying motivation to ?weekday-luxury? and the driving forces underlying the phenomenon. We have noticed in society that people need something extra in their daily lives and we attempt to speculate where their perceived value lies through the concept of ?weekday-luxury." Our goal is to determine a deeper understanding and insight into this phenomenon and how it meets our needs through an identifiable pattern. We also analyze the nature of ?weekday-luxury? and its meaning.

Förskolan Samhället : Ett samhälle i miniatyr

The project investigates features of Romani Architecture.

Att gestalta utan plats : en redogörelse för en teambaserad gestaltningsprocess

The Landscape Architecture Program at SLU, Ultuna provide several design courses. Within these courses, students are mainly introduced to one type of design process, a process based on the specific site and its conditions, known as Genius Loci. This report presents a course and a design methodology from Cornell University which aims to provide students with tools for a more conceptual way of thinking about design and architecture. The design method is presented in two stages. First an introduction to the course description and objectives.

Self-Service Business Intelligence verktyg ? möjligheter ochbegränsningar : En jämförelse av teorier om Self-Service Business Intelligence verktyg och praktiska resultat av verktyget PowerPivot

Inom Business Intelligence har begreppet Self-Service Business Intelligence (Self-Service BI) vuxit fram. Self-Service BI omfattar verktyg vilka möjliggör för slutanvändare att göra analyser och skapa rapporter utan teknisk support. Ett av dessa verktyg är Microsoft PowerPivot.På Transportstyrelsens Järnvägsavdelning finns behov av ett Self-Service BI-verktyg. Vi fick i uppdrag av Sogeti att undersöka om PowerPivot var ett lämpligt verktyg för Transportstyrelsen. Målet med uppsatsen har varit att testa vilka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar PowerPivot har samt huruvida PowerPivot är användbart för Transportstyrelsen.För att få en djupare förståelse för Self-Service BI har vi kartlagt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar med Self-Service BI-verktyg som finns beskrivna i litteraturen.

Distansskogsägares nöjdhet med Södras tjänsteutbud och kvalité på tjänster

The development of technology and the mechanization in the Swedish forestry has during the last 60 years resulted in depopulation of the country side and due to that the amount of distance forest owners has increased. Therefore the forest companies need to make some adjustments in order to keep the distance forest owners as customers and to attract new ones. The purpose of this essay was to examine and analyze the distance forest owners satisfaction with Södras service offering and quality of service and further develop some proposals for action. A web-based survey was sent out to 634 distance forests owners in Stockholm, Sweden, all members of Södra. 269 respondents participated in the survey and of them, 27 did also participate in a follow-up telephone interview.

Leveransservicens betydelse som konkurrensmedel i apoteksbranschen : En fallstudie om hur Apoteket AB arbetar med leveransservice

During the last years, the pharmacy market undergone major changes. Re-regulation that has been done in 2009 meant that monopoly was unlocked for competition. In a market where firms offer equivalent products, increases the importance of delivery service as competitive tool to differentiate themselves among the crowd. This also applies to pharmacy market where the supplies of goods in large way consist of equivalent products regardless of the company.This case study observes the importance of delivery service in terms of competitive tool on pharmacy market by focusing on a company?s improvement in delivery service.

En iPad-baserad ritningsbehandlare

In today?s society, it becomes more common with tablets, that makes us interact with computers in a whole new way. For example these are used to read and write e-mails, surf the web and playing games. Another manner of use of these tablets is to read and edit PDF documents. PDF handling is often meant to be used in books and inregular text documents, but it could also be used in the management of drawings.An industry that would benefit greatly from the use of tablets for this purpose is the con- struction industry.

Analys och förslag till förbättringar med avseende på GUI och funktion ur ett användbarhetsperpektiv av programvaran Service Desk Manager

Företaget Kerfi AB i Norrköping är en leverantör av informationsteknik och har bland annat specialistkompetens inom service management. För detta använder de programvara från företaget CA technologies. CA Service Desk Manager är en så kallad IT Service Management applikation med processer för samordning och styrning av service management. Under inledande diskussioner kom det fram att även om programvaran har varit i bruk under flera år så finns det fortfarande problem med användargränssnittet. Uppgiften består i att analysera användargränssnittet ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv för att kunna ta fram förslag på olika lösningar till programvarans påpekade brister.För insamling av data användes en expertutvärdering vilket omfattade en heuristisk utvärdering och en consistency inspection.

Noble Operations: En studie av Stadshuskällarens processflöden

The aim of this thesis is to study Stadshuskällaren?s operational processe flow and identify their operational characteristics. The uniqueness of Stadshuskällaren is that they are breaking the law of trade-offs regarding volume/variety, much like Toyota managed to do ? which spawned the entire field of research of the ?Lean Philosophy?. In the thesis the characteristics we identify through analysis, which enables Stadshuskällaren to break the trade-off, are compared with the principles of Lean service theory, which ultimately stem from Toyota.

Do not hope for the best, plan for the worst! : En studie kring Service Recovery vid två svenska företag samt en introduktion av en ny modell inom Service Recovery

Denna uppsats kretsar kring två företags återhämtningsarbete vid uppkomsten av respektive skandal. Vidare skapas en djupare förståelse för teorin Service Recovery's betydelse och användning i praktiken. De två fallen där skandaler inträffat är grundade dels i ICA:s köttfärsskandal och dels i IKEA:s fjäderplockningsskandal. Uppsatsen har en deduktiv ansats vilket innebär att uppsatsen utgår från befintliga teorier som sedan testas med det insamlade empiriska materialet. Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar främst Grönroos teorier kring Service Recovery och kompletteras med teorier så som Service Recovery Paradox, kundförväntningar, sociala medier och immateriell påverkan.Uppsatsens forskningsfrågor besvaras främst med hjälp av en fallstudie med två företagsanalyser samt med en enkätundersökning. Studien är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär där kvalitativ data samlats in via en e-mail intervju med Ylva Magnusson vid IKEA, och kvantitativt via en enkätundersökning.Uppsatsen har resulterat i kännedom om hur de två företagen arbetat med att återfå kundförtroende.

På dagordningen: Skolgården : en fallstudie av skolgårdsutveckling inomprojektet Gröna Skolgårdar i Malmö

The purpose of this essay is to analytically review and discuss architecturalcompetitions, mainly through the general views of a few selected workinglandscape architects, architects and scientists. I have studied the moral and workethicalaspects of using graphical presentations as a mean to draw attention,rather than trying to meet the set program points.My results are derived from e-mail interviews, literature studies and studies ofthe competition entry Stockholmssfären from the competition Stockholmsportenwhich was held in Sweden early 2011.The literature studies have shown that the available literature on architecturalcompetitions and research on the subject is biased towards architecture ratherthan landscape architecture. Worth mentioning is also that there is not a lot ofavailable literature, mainly due to lacking research on the subject.The informants for the interviews were selected based upon their academicmerits and/or experience of working with or doing scientific research onarchitectural competitions. The landscape architects? opinions regardingarchitectural competitions turned out to be in many ways alike ? they seemed tohave a pretty relaxed view of competing in architecture.

Elektronisk referenstjänst vid några svenska universitets- och högskolebibliotek

This is a study on the electronic reference work of some Swedish university and university college libraries. The purpose of the study has been to find out how the service works at the different libraries, to study the electronic reference interview and to find what is important when you start a new electronic reference service in the light of Brenda Dervin's sense-making theory study. Furthermore, we examine the aims of the electronic services offered and the differences between electronic and traditional reference interviews. In the background to the study we place electronic reference services in a context by describing the role of information technology and electronic mail in the libraries. The electronic reference interview is studied with the help of literature on the traditional reference interview.

Konserthuset i Helsingborg : en undersökning om funktionalismens relation till klassicismen

Uppsatsen behandlar Helsingborgs konserthus och funktionalismen. Med denna byggnad som exempel på tidig funktionalism diskuteras denna stilriktning och dess historiska referenser med ett fokus på relationen till klassicismen. Uppsatsen inleds med ett avsnitt om arkitekten Sven Markelius och en beskrivning av konserthusets tillkomst. Sedan belyses de samtida idéströmningar som präglade arkitekten och denna period av arkitekturhistorien. Därefter följer en deskriptiv analys av konserthuset och dess former.

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