

3247 Uppsatser om Service och tjänster. - Sida 9 av 217

Models of Service Marketing - A Study on the Marketing Functions of Project Workers in Knowledge-Intensive Companies

The purpose of my study is to question the model service marketing triangle and propose an alternative ways of looking at service marketing. The study is based on a deep, qualitative research. In the research of the material an abductive approach has been used. The primary information sources are interviews with project workers, which are being analyzed together with the theoretical background in part argumentations in the course of the thesis. In the last chapter they are unified.

Ursäkta, arbetar du här? : Sambandet mellan motivation och service i detaljhandelsföretag

I och med den ökade konkurrensen och den strukturomvandling som idag råder på marknaden söker detaljhandelsföretag ständigt medel för att effektivisera och förbättra sin verksamhet och dess lönsamhet. Ett sätt som flera forskare anser vara det optimala verktyget för att höja sin lönsamhet på, är att ge kunderna en bättre service och på så sätt även skapa sig lojala och trogna kunder. En forskare som gör anspråk på detta och som även har skapat en modell av detta fenomen är Mark Stevens (2002). Denna modell utgår från att en motiverad och tillfredställd personal ger kunderna en bättre service och den förbättrade servicen ger i sin tur fler nöjda och lojala kunder. Lojala kunder skall enligt service-vinst-kedjan även till sist generera en högre lönsamhet och tillväxt.

Tjänsteföretag i samarbete : En studie av små kunskapsintensiva tjänsteföretags utveckling vid samarbete

AbstractBachelor Thesis, School of Economics at Vaxjo universityProgram: Enterprising and Business Development, EBD 362, Spring 2006Authors: Jens Asp, Vivianne Holmer, Carl-Marcus WahlstromExaminer: Stig G JohanssonKeywords: Services, cooperation, collaboration, customer offer, knowledgeTitle: Service firms in collaboration ? A study of the development of small service firms in collaborationNutek presented numbers during year 2005 witched show that the Swedish service sector, for the first time ever, was greater than the industrial sector. The kind of firms that develop most is small service firms without employees. The topic of interest in this bachelor thesis is to study how this kind of firms can develop. There is a great number of strategic options for firms to choose.

Tjänstegarantier: en fallstudie inom tandvården

The purpose of this study was to illuminate dentists? work with guarantees. A case study was performed by personal interviews with dentists from both private and public sector. The result showed how dentists work with guarantees and how they motivate their guarantee obligations. We found that service guarantees? shaping and application should be simple and obvious.

Systemet för handel med utsläppsrätter : En fallstudie om dess påverkan inom industrisektorn i Värmlands län

The aim of our study is to explore the thoughts and beliefs held by the professionals who work with the sentence youth service for young offenders, and how they feel about the same.How is the sentence youth service perceived from a professional perspective? How does the concurrence look like between the police, the social services and the prosecutor, when it comes to young offenders? What kind of difficulties/challenges do the professionals see in the possibility to effect the sentence youth service?The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consists of seven semi-structured interviews with two police officers, four social workers and one prosecutor.The results of our study indicate that youth service is a good sentence for young first-time offenders; the study also indicates that concurrence between the different professions is a success factor; furthermore the study revealed that it was very difficult finding adequate working places..

Expertis, service och autonomi : Analys av professionalisering och professionalism i bibliotekarieyrket

The purpose of this study is to examine and compare librarian profession with different professional theories. The intention is to describe how the librarian profession meets the different professional criteria and to what extent the librarian profession can be said to be professional in expertise, service and autonomy. Nolin?s modern theory provides an opportunity to analyze occupational groups based on professionalized basic concepts. The analysis of relevant material showed that the librarian is a service profession with high skills, but does not hold a high degree of autonomy.

Public service vs Kommersiell TV. SVT, TV4-gruppen och MTG: En kvalitativ fallstudie om de ledande aktörerna på den svenska TV-marknaden och deras marknadsorientering.

The Swedish TV broadcasting market is constantly changing together with the players in it. The questionto be answered by this paper is how the players in the market handle these changes and to what extentthe players are changing the market. Also, are there any differences between the public service andcommercial players in this aspect? The purpose of this paper is to create a better understanding of theSwedish broadcasting market and its player's market orientation. Through case studies of the three mainbroadcasting companies, SVT, TV4-gruppen and MTG, the market is analyzed from their perspective.The conclusions from the analysis show that there are differences in the market orientation betweenpublic service and commercial players, where the commercial companies are more market driven..

En studie i hur små nystartade tjänsteföretag positionerar sig och hur de behåller sina kunder

The focus of this thesis is positioning and customer retention in newly started small service businesses. The thesis is based on the case study of two small newly started service businesses: Kåffe In that is based in Skellefteå and Lundström Aaro Design! which is based in Umeå. The thesis presents the conclusion that newly started small service businesses, regardless of industry, seem to work in accordance with the theoretical framework of the thesis..

Beredelsens plats i Svenska kyrkans mässordning

The Church of Sweden sent during the spring 2010 two documents, Teologiskagrundprinciper för arbetet I 2006 års handboksgrupp and Mässans grundordning forconsideration. The documents are parts in the work with writing a new service-book for theChurch of Sweden. After the documents had been sent for consideration by the dioceses therehas been a discussion about the proposal to make the preparation in the service of HolyCommunion facultative. My main question has been to se if there will be any change of theconfession, faith and doctrine in the Church of Sweden if the preparation becomes facultative.I have seen that the service-book is an expression for the confession of the Church of Sweden,therefore there will be no change of the confession of the Church of Sweden, but a change ofits expression.I have seen that there is no consensus in how the dioceses react over what is written in thetwo documents about the forgiveness and the atonement. My conclusion is that it may bydifficult for the Church of Sweden to fix a new service-book without first fix what the Churchof Sweden means with forgiveness and atonement..

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE : KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system..

Service och bemötande

Grundtanken med examensarbetet har varit att genom kvalitativa intervjuer ta reda på om ett betyg i service och bemötande är aktuellt och efterfrågat inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen och vad införandet av ett sådant betyg skulle tänkas få för konsekvenser för eleven. Vidare belyses vikten av en god attityd i servicebranschen, en egenskap som värderas väldigt högt och ställa detta i kontrast till skolan och hur lärare och handledare arbetar för att stimulera en positiv social utveckling hos eleven. Jag valde att intervjua fyra yrkeslärare på hotell och restaurangprogrammet i en större stad och tre APU-handledare på tre skilda hotell i staden. Gemensamt för lärarna och APU-handledarna är gedigna branschkunskaper och aktivt arbete med elever/praktikanter i flera år. Undersökningen visar att lärare och APU-handledare är positivt inställda till ett betyg i service och bemötande, men reservationer finns angående vem som har behörighet att sätta betyget samt vem som ska få ta del av betyget. Forskningen tyder på att betyget i service och bemötande inte bör visas för APU-handledare före praktikperiodens start då det kan skada elevens självkänsla. APU=arbetsplatsförlagd undervisning.

En värdtjänst för mjukvarutvecklingsprojekt : Utveckling av ett verktyg för att effektivisera programmering

Title: A hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system. To learn using tools to make software development more effective should be self-evident at a high level institution as the competitive industry races on. The absence of directives for programming students in Sweden to use source code management (SCM) was the basis for this report. The report describing the developing of a hosting service for software development to use SCM of Git, which includes a web application, storage, API and authentication of students. The project resulted in a hosting service and a smaller survey of how the today Swedish students using habits of SCM during their studies..

Shared IT Service Center i kommuner

To be able to maintain an adequate ITservice for various users and needs,more municipalities are looking at thepossibility for mergers of local ITdepartments. One solution for mergingmultiple services/functions and creatingsynergy opportunities is called SharedService Center (SSC). The concept of SSCis that the administrative serviceitself becomes a core activity withinthe organization. The aim of this thesisis to provide municipalities who areconsidering a merging of their local ITdepartments with recommendations on howto design the Shared IT Service Center.Recommendations are outlined based on ananalysis of IT-management literature,reports and by conducting a study onthree ongoing collaborations.The conclusions drawn from the studysuggest guidelines for the design of aShared IT Service Center formunicipalities. These are as following:Create a vision associated with aspecific and structured target state.Identify needs for different targetgroups in municipalities and set acommon standard.Create a clear and practical model/SLAappearance of the cooperation andagreement.Ensure the individual municipalitiescommissioning skills in order to notlose it in the context of a common IToperation.Find an organization that is democraticfor member municipalities andfacilitates long-term partnership.Specify the operation and maintenance sothat it can be regulated and controlledEstablish a common help desk.Establish a common standard andconsolidated infrastructure before theintroduction of a common technology platform..

Strategiskt arbete med digital tjänsteutveckling : En kvalitativ fallstudie om företags utmaningar och möjligheter

The postindustrial market increasingly demands service infused products to add more value to the customer in order to be competitive. Much research regarding digitalized services indicates that companies have to be innovative in order to compete on the market. However, companies within different industries face different challenges with digital service development. This study has been conducted because there are little known about the opportunities and the challenges different industries faces with a globalized market. Our research question is what the challenges are and what opportunities does strategic digital service development entails for companies.

Service recovery : ?To err is human; recover, divine?

Uppsatsen handlar om hur företag hanterar missnöjda kunder, vilket i teorin benämns service recovery. Uppsatsen behandlar ett företag som sedan mindre än ett år tillbaka är en sammanslagning av fyra olika varumärken. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur fallföretaget hanterar missnöjda kunder samt att undersöka möjligheter till förbättringar. Uppsatsen bygger på teorier om service recovery skrivna av Grönroos, Bowen, Hart, Spreng och Best. Avsikten med uppsatsen är att skriva en plan för hur företaget kan förbättra sitt hanterande av missnöjda kunder.

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