

3247 Uppsatser om Service och tjänster. - Sida 31 av 217

Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter

A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents.

Studentkorgen : Tjänsteutformningen som kan underlätta universitetsstudenters matvanor

The purpose of this study is to identify how the needs, demands and preferences for a certain service appear among University students in Kalmar. This is necessary to examine in order to create and design a possible service that will solve the problem with the University students eating habits.This study is based on a qualitative method with quantitative elements. The qualitative method contains of three focus group discussions. The quantitative method contains of a questionnaire. All respondents in this study fits in the target group.One important conclusion that we have stated after the investigation of this study, is that the nature of this problem seems to differ from person to person.

Business Intelligence. Software as a Service

Bakgrund: Ett antal nya idéer har blivit introducerade i ekonomistyrningen på senare tid och mycket har skett inom Business Intelligence (BI). BI har dock mest funnits som del av ett större system eller eget system som implementeras till företag på plats. Konceptet att istället hyra olika IT-lösningar, så kallade SaaS-lösningar (software as a service), blir allt mer populärt inom affärsvärlden och kan minska företagens börda när det gäller installation, konfigurering, underhåll och andra inneboende projektriskfaktorer.Frågeställning: Vad innebär fenomenet SaaS BI och hur ser spridningen ut?Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva Business Intelligence som hyrtjänst, samt studera hur detta sprids och anammas av marknaden i Sverige.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod för att samla in djupgående data till studien.Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att SaaS BI är en innovation. Spridningen av SaaS BI på den svenska marknaden är begränsad och spridningen sker i dagsläget främst från utbudssidan, alltså förespråkare av innovationen.

Blåtand och Service Management ? en fallstudie om lojalitet genom service från produkttillverkare till återförsäljare

Upprinnelsen till denna fallstudie är berättelsen om en konsument som efter lång tids övervägande bestämt sig för att inhandla en mobiltelefon av ett specifikt varumärke. Efter att ha besökt butiken, där han övertalats av en säljare, finner han sig vara nybliven ägare av en helt annan mobiltelefon och ett annat varumärke än vad han ursprungligen önskade. Säljaren påverkade konsumenten att köpa en mobiltelefon av ett märke som denne själv föredrar. Vad beror det på? Fallstudiens problematik koncentreras på relationen mellan tillverkaren och återförsäljaren på den svenska mobiltelefonmarknaden.

Att äta kakan och ha den kvar : En hållbarhetsprövning av John Haughts evolutionsteologi

From underwater boat to submarine ? The development of the Swedish submarine service 1945-1960 The scope of this essay is the development of the Swedish submarine service during the period 1945-1960. The aim is to answer the following questions:- What kind of new technology did Sweden acquire when salvaging the German type XXI submarine off Gothenburg at the end of World War II?- In what respect did this technology differ from that of the Royal Swedish Navy and did it subsequently contribute to the tactical and operational development?- What tactical and operational development was accomplished between 1945-1960?The timeframe, 1945-1960, was chosen since this is when the analysis of the salvaged type XXI submarine and related effects was conducted. Furthermore, it is also during this time that the Swedish submarine service is beginning to evolve as a result of the new knowledge mentioned above and the experiences made by both the allies and the Germans during World War II.The theoretical framework primarily refers to the theories on naval warfare by Sir Julian Corbett.

Ekonomi, psykologi eller både och? : En studie kring hur nyansering av en estetisk miljö kan påverka köpares upplevda betalningsvilja.

Vid va?rderingar anva?nds ofta den hedoniska prismodellen fo?r att ra?kna ut och uppskatta bostadspriser. Modellen bygger pa? en bostads egenskaper, sa? kallade va?rdepa?verkande faktorer direkt knutna till objektet, och det a?r en sammanva?gning av priserna pa? varje egenskap som sedan utgo?r det uppskattade priset pa? bostaden. Genom att granska tidigare forskning i form av litteratur och rapporter underso?kte vi dels hur den hedoniska modellen a?r uppbyggd, vilka faktorer som inkluderas samt varfo?r, men ocksa? hur psykologiska faktorer och mo?nster pa?verkar ma?nniskor och deras uppfattning av miljo?er.

Studenters användning av referenstjänster: en användarundersökning vid Lunds universitetsbibliotek UB1, ht 1996

The main purpose of this study was to establish to what extent undergraduate students use reference services, what knowledge they have about those services and what their views of them are.The survey took place at Lund University Library, UB1, the main library responsible for collections in social sciences, humanities, theology and law. A total of 476 undergraduate students were asked to fill in a questionnaire, 273 accepted. The study is quantitative and was carried out during the autumn semester, 1996.The results show that the service used most frequently by undergraduate students is the reference collection. The least used service is the Internet, more than 50 percent of the students never use Internet at the University Library. In general, students are very pleased with the service given by the reference librarians, and with the collection of reference books.

Mätning av implementeringen av lean inom sjukvård

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how an instrument originally developed for measuring changes toward lean thinking inservice organizations in general should be adjusted in order to be of use in service organizations within the healthcare sector, andin hospital organizations in specific. The adjustments are suggested based on difficulties specifically arising when implementinglean within the healthcare sector.Thesis starting point is a pre-existing lean assessment instrument developed for service organizations in general. The thesis appliesa qualitative method and integrates literature from the health care sector and lean production movement with the expertise of tenacademics and practitioners in order to find difficulties associated with the implementation of lean within the healthcare sector.These difficulties then lie as the substratum for the adjustments suggested to be made on the instrument.The thesis finds that lean, as a philosophy, does not differ between service organizations in general and service organizationswithin healthcare settings. However, due to deficits in the general understanding of lean some adaptions on the instrument mustbe made. First, some words associated with production must be changed to words associated with healthcare.

Miljöarbete i försäkringsbranschen : Agria Djurförsäkringar AB

It has become more and more common that companies in the service sector are beginning to understand their own effect on the environment and thus the need to contribute to a sustainable development through acting in a deliberate way. Serious environmental work can help a company to improve their image and in that way win competitive advantage that leads to improved profitability. In a short time perspective, adjustment to the environment is an opportunity to gain competitive advantage and an opportunity to develop a profile. In a long time perspective it is about survival. The environmental work has become a sequel to the work with quality.

Hur hanterar institutioner en miljö med blandade Operativsystem?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are environments that use some kind of central authentication system within institutions/schools. The hypothesis is that an institution not using a form of central authentication service has more need for maintenance and as such is considered a higher cost for the organization. The gathering of data has been done through interviews with technical personal at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola and Linköpings Universitet. Based on the technical background of the authors, and the system limited to discussing Windows and UNIX operating systems, a discussion and analysis of the systems working today has been done, with emphasize on the hypothesis..

"Bättre än ingenting" : en studie av teckenspråkigas behov av nyheter

Denna uppsats a?r en studie av hur teckenspra?kiga tar del av det dagliga nyhetsflo?det. Syftet med studien a?r att underso?ka vad teckenspra?kiga tycker om det faktiska utbudet av nyhetsprogram fo?r teckenspra?kiga. Studiens fra?gesta?llningar a?r:Hur uppfylls teckenspra?kigas behov av nyheter idag?Tar de teckenspra?kiga del av nyheterna fra?n Nyhetstecken?Vilken betydelse har public service fo?r teckenspra?kiga?Hur o?nskar teckenspra?kiga att nyhetsutbudet utformades?Tillgodoser nyhetsmedierna teckenspra?kigas behov ur ettdemokratiperspektiv?Att kunna ta del av den samha?llsinformation som finns a?r en viktig del i ett demokratiskt samha?lle.

Vad som avgör hur nöjd skogsägaren är med en virkesaffär efter storm : en fallstudie av Norra skogsägarna

I denna studie undersöktes hur nöjda skogsägarna är, som skrivit stormkontrakt med Norra skogsägarna efter stormen Hilde 2013 i virkesområde Södra Lappland. Det gjordes genom en brevundersökning riktad till skogsägarna samt en intervju med virkesområdeschefen och inspektorerna som arbetar inom virkesområdet. Skogsägarna delades sedan in i ägarkategorier för att kunna jämföra hur svaren skiljer sig åt mellan olika slags skogsägare. Resultatet visar att skogsägarna var mest nöjd med bemötandet, men att servicen var den viktigaste faktorn. Priset hade mindre betydelse än förväntat.

Homestyling: Hur marknadsförs tjänsten och i hur stor utsträckning används den? : En jämförande studie mellan Karlstad och Stockholm

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Mot arbetslivet -  en studie om samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och gymnasiesärskolornas studie- och yrkesvägledare

The number of students who finished special upper secondary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities without an employment has drastically decreased over the last decades. The purpose of this paper is to increase the knowledge of how career counselors at special upper secondary schools collaborate with the Employment Service, and how the special upper secondary school prepares their pupils for working life. The collection of data started with a national questionnaire survey which was directed to career counselors at schools.The result shows that the collaboration appears foremost in the pupils last year in special upper secondary school, and that the special upper secondary schools do not use the Employment Service's assistance to any great extent. In addition, the collaborative process consists of both inhibiting and promoting factors.The results also indicates that the collaboration between the special upper secondary schools and the local labor market can be developed more for the pupils to gain experience from working life..

Pain in the ass eller samhällets hjälte- En studie om lekmannaövervakares arbete

The aim of this study is to explore the effects of probation officers and their work. The following questions have been asked to come to a conclusion: How do probation officers view their work and the purpose of it? What are the effects of probation officers work? The approach of the study is of a qualitative nature and has been conducted by interviewing three officers of the correctional service system, three probation officers and two ex-criminals that have been on probation. The selection is based on a snowball type selection. To analyse the results of the study we have applied previous research and phenomenological theory to examine the experience of correctional service officers, probation officers and ex criminals.

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