

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 66 av 606

Våga prova något nytt : En design av ett webverktyg för att engagera barn i kostvalet

Syftet med detta projekt var att utveckla en design åt projektet Meal Planner för att få barn mer engagerade i matvalet. Designen fokuserar även på att hjälpa föräldrar i kostvalet och motverka matneofobi hos barn. Matneofobi är en tveksamhet eller motvilja till att prova nya maträtter vilket kan hindra barn från att äta maträtter som är potentiellt nyttiga och näringsrika för barnet. Tre teorier hittades som kan användas för att motverka matneofobi. Dessa kallas i denna uppsats för exponering, association och presentation.

FN:s Barnkonvention och flyktingbarn : Hur implementeras FN:s Barnkonvention i förhållande till ensamkommande flyktingbarn?

1990 Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with 54 rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child does not apply as law in Sweden. However, all countries that have ratified the convention, has an obligation to implement the convention in all decision making and practical management that includes children. The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation of the convention in relation to unaccompanied refugee children on a state, municipal and non-profit level by using three actors. The actors are the Swedish immigration service, Stockholm social service and the NGO Save the Children.


As my final project I planned to animate a movie. Usually I work with illustration and I see animation as the next step in my design work, to investigate how illustration and movement can collaborate. The purpose with my project was to develop my technical skills, improve my design process and broaden my work to eventually be able to work with animation. My ambition was to make an abstract animation and my focus was mainly on my personal process and knowledge. I also wanted to explore how much one can abstract a movie while still communicating a story or message..

Bibliotek i tunnelbanan ? en ideologisk analys

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the reason behind thedecision to open libraries at subway stations in Stockholm.The theoretical framework for the study is Douglas Raber´s threeideologies, social activism, conservative response and populistinitiative. The study includes interviews with librarians and apolitician responsible for the service and documents with plansfor the Public Libraries development during the period. Theempirical material was examined with an idea- and ideologicalanalysis.The conclusion is that the concept of the subway libraries consistsof a combination of the three ideologies but the most evidentare those of populist initiative and social activism.The reason for opening libraries at subway stations is to makethe libraries more easily accessible, to attract new visitors and tomake the Public Libraries service more visible. These smalllibraries have a function as a market place for the Public Librariesand as a meeting place in the city..

Application of Design for Safer Urban Roads and Junctions: Selected Countermeasures

Road design with focus to safety has been extensively developed in last decades in Nordic and some other EU countries with the main aim to achieve a decrease in a number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. These countries gained many valuable experiences, but they had to sacrifice great effort, expenses, and time to reach the present art-of-state. The purpose of the Master?s Thesis is to review some design approaches with focus to safety and discuss the general way that they may be applied. The Master?s Thesis studies safety in three levels: (i) general - design standards, national safety policies and road hierarchy; (ii) local authority and road administrator; and (iii) three specific safety countermeasures - junctions, pedestrian crossings and traffic calming.

Hur påverkas konsumenten av butikens interiör?

Flertalet forskare har genom studier kommit fram till att butikens design och butiksmiljön har stora effekter på kunden. En viktig del i butiksmiljön är provhytterna en del som ofta glöms bort, samtidigt visar en studie att 67% av de kunder som provat ett plagg i butiken köper därefter klädesplagget, medan endast 10 % av de som inte besöker en provhytt genomför ett köp. Därför undrar vi hur konsumenten påverkas av den inre butiksatmosfären, inte minst utav provhytten.Rapportens syfte är att undersöka vilka verktyg en butik kan använda sig av för att utveckla provhytten så att despeglar butikens image och att hela butiksmiljön bidrar till att kunderna får en positiv upplevelse av tiden de spenderar i butiken.Vi har intervjuatbutikschefer för tre olika klädbutiker i en mindre stad i Sverige, två av dessa tillhör större kedjor medan den tredje är en fristående butik. Efter intervjuerna utfördes en inventering utav samtliga butiker och extra noggrant på provhytterna, för att se hur man i praktiken jobbar med butiksmiljön. Vi ville också få ett kundperspektiv på problemet med bortglömda provhytter, därför intervjuade vi män och kvinnor om deras erfarenheter kring klädbutikers service och trivseln i en provhytt.

Det goda mötet

Måltidskunskap är ett relativt nytt och outforskat området. Forskare menar att måltiden är en diffus sak att undersöka och att det krävs mer djupgående forskning kring ämnet. Den nordiska forskning som gjorts delar upp måltiden i fem aspekter. En av dessa aspekter är mötet. Mötet är en stor del i gästens helhetsupplevelse då det är där all kontakt med personalen sker.

Jämförelse av Dimensioneringsprogram : En jämförelse mellan Robot Millennium och StruSoft FEM- Design

 Syftet med detta projekt är att göra en marknadsundersökning av dimensioneringsprogram för byggnadskonstruktörer och att ge en rekommendation till Byggteknik AB för val av programvara. Metoden är att först genomföra en marknadsundersökning, sedan utvärdera lämpliga program och sist ge en rekommendation. Utvärderingen och rekommendationen ska grundas på användarvändlighet, pris, support, uppdateringar, långsiktig ägare, landsstandarder och utbildningsbehov. Resultatet från användandet gav stora differenser, med över 50% större maximalt moment i StruSoft FEM- Design och över dubbelt så stor nedböjning i Robot Millennium. Jämförelsen mellan programmen visar att Robot Millennium har en bättre användarvänlighet och lägre pris. Dock har StruSoft FEM- Design svensk support, automatiska uppdateringar och hanterar svensk landsstandard.

Från produkt till prenumerationstjänst

The use of subscription services directed towards customers has become a common phenomenon in a vast number of different industries. We have noticed a clear trend of new businesses emerging solely offering subscriptions, and existing companies altering sales of their products to become parts of subscriptions. But research has not caught up with this trend yet, especially regarding why it occurs and how it affects existing businesses internally. The purpose of this study is to examine the driving forces for change and examine how existing businesses have to change parts of their business models to offer subscription services. The premise of this study has been Vargo & Luschs (2004) Service Dominant Logic with their foundational premises and Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder et.

Internetbegränsning på stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how city librariesmaintain the intellectual freedom in their Internet service. Thediscussion about Internet filters has been quiet in Sweden forseveral years, so I wanted to see if there had been an increased useof filters. I also wanted to see if the city libraries regulated theInternet service in another way. I sent a survey to 100 libraries andgot answer from 83. To explain what intellectual freedom is, I usedStuart Hamilton?s theory about intellectual freedom in the librarycontext.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

Konstruktion av förstärkare och insamplingssteg till en PSAADC i 0.25 um CMOS

The aim and goal of this work has been to design and implement a voltage reference network for a 12-bit PSAADC, Parallell Successive Analog to Digital Converter. A chip containing the design has been sent away for fabrication. Because of the long processing time, no measurement data are presented. The main specifications for the voltage reference generator is to generate stable reference voltages with low noise and a good PSRR. Efforts has also been made to minimize the power consumption..

Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar

Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling. The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.

Redesign av en hemsida : Med sökmotoroptimering och användbarhet i fokus

This paper describes the redesign of a site (Kolonn.se). Some of the problems with the site were a lack of structure and a design that was unclear both visitor and search engines. The site now has a new design and structure that has been taking form in Axure prototypes that has been tested and applied into WordPress. The results are a site with a new main menu, new graphic profile and logo. Also SEO-adapted content such as correctly structured headers, meta tags, descriptions and key words that has been implemented in the content.

Musikens påverkan på kundens köpbeteende

Servicescape is a research area within service management which processes the effect that the environment has on the service experience. The purpose of this essay is to find out how servicescape, with focus on the ?background music?, affects customer behavior in a clothing retail store. Through manipulation of the background music?s tempo the essay aim to explore to what extent this part of the servicescape a) affect the customers approach and avoidance behavior, b) is affected by customers with a hedonic or utilitarian shopping behavior, c) affects pleasure, arousal and dominance perceptions for the customer, and d) how the servicescape is perceived.Key words: Servicescape, approach-avoidance behaviour, pleasure, arousal, dominance, hedonic-utilitarian behaviour..

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