

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 48 av 606

Innovating Customer Experience -from a telecom industry perspective

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze innovative products and services within the telecom industry, letting these findings constitute possible ways for CSPs to innovate the experience of their customers. Methodology: The research in this thesis was conducted from a qualitative approach and data were collected using primary- (expert interviews) and secondary sources (journals, articles, web sites etcetera). In addition, a research design entailing four sequential steps was created to stipulate and illustrate the logic underpinning the methodological process. Theoretical perspectives: The theories are divided in three groups. Background theories ? these intend to capture the problematic nature of the transforming telecom industry, examples of such theories are; value chain theories and ecosystem theory.

Programmerbar signalanpassning

The data acquisition system COMET developed by Saab AB contains a unit for signal conditioning and A/D conversion, called KSM. The varieties in signal conditioning constitutes of a number of specific PBAs and maintenance as well as reconfiguration of these are complicated not to mention costly. This thesis has aimed to investigating whether the signal conditioning circuits can be replaced by a general purpose, programmable solution. If so, how can this be done? The development has been carried out by evaluating ideas through the use of a laboratory environment and has resulted in an analog design for laboratory purpose.

Utveckling av ett fällbord för offentlig miljö

Denna rapport omfattar ett examensarbete på 22,5 poäng. Examensarbetet har utförts inom ämnet integrerad produktutveckling vid Högskolan i Skövde tillsammans med Jai Designpartner AB. Målet med arbetet var att utveckla ett fällbord som enkelt kan fällas ihop, ha en längre livslängd och lägre vikt än företagets tidigare fällbord. Samarbetet genererade ett fällbord som inte följer de generella principerna av infällning av bordsben. Resultatet blev ett fällbord med minimal klämrisk, med en längre livslängd då infällning av bordsbenet sker med en vridning och med en mindre vikt då ramverk kan elimineras..

?Förändringar är bra om det inte gäller en själv? : En komparativ studie av privata och public service TV-kanalers organisatoriska flexibilitet i Sverige och Polen

This Bachelor-paper is an investigation of organisational flexibility in Swedish andPolish television companies. The essay is based on four main questions which is thananalysed by looking at different categories that defines a flexible organisationalstructure.The questions are:? What is the internal and external perceived judgment about the TV-channelsorganisational flexibility?? What are the differences regarding Public service channels in Sweden andPoland as well as the differences between commercial channels?? What are the differences regarding public service- and commercial TVchannelsin Sweden as well as in Poland? Which of the companies are considered being the stronger and the weakest inan organisational flexibility point of view?In order to answer these questions have we used following main theories.? Readiness for business process reengineering - Abdolvand, N. & Albadvi, A.& Ferdowsi, Z (2008)? Decisionprocess - Jacobsen D.I.

Verkstadens webb : Utveckling av ett verkstadsföretags webbplats

Följande projektarbetet har resulterat i en ny webbplats åt verkstadsföretaget Löfman & Co Verkstad AB,resultatet är sprunget ur WordPress och projektet vilar på en teoretiskt grund av läsbarhetsteori samtbeprövad erfarenhet kring ämnet responsiv design. Projektrapporten innehåller både information gällandedet teoretiska ramverket samt de slutgiltiga tekniska lösningarna som implementerades på webbplatsen.Två kvalitativa undersökningar på företagets gamla webbplats har bidraget med ytterligare underlag förskapandet utav företagets nya webbplats.. Utöver det ha en viktig del i utvecklingen gjorts av den ständigakontakten med kunden. Projektresultatet är ett bevis för att det finns en arbetsmarknadsmässig funktionför de studenter som läst Visuell Kommunikation och Design vid Karlstad Universitet..

Co-design i praktiken ? en utvärdering av e-Me projektet

e-Me projektet är ett innovativt forskningsprojekt där tillvägagångssättet co-design använts för att framställa en elektronisk assistent. e-Me realiserades i januari 2007 som ett pilotprojekt vid Högskolan i Borås. Den elektroniska assistenten är en artefakt som ska förenkla det administrativa och elektroniska livet för studenter. Målet med den här uppsatsen var att öka förståelsen kring co-designs grundidé, praktiska moment samt de kritiska roller som kan urskiljas i co-designprojekt. Studien är av intresse för alla som vill utvidga sin kunskapsbas inom både co-design samt e-Me.

Larmhanteringssystem i Android : Utveckling av ett webb-baserat larmhanteringssystem med Android klient

Webbaserade informationssystem är idag en vanlig metod för företag att effektivisera sin verksamhet. Genom att använda sig av webbapplikationer så som web-services, kan resurser och data enkelt delas inom företaget på lokal och även global nivå över internet, genom att dessa resurser och data hämtas via web-servicen från centrala databaser. Examensarbetet utfördes hos Syntronic Software Innovations (SSI) i Gävle och det är utifrån deras specifikationer och krav som systemet har utvecklats. Denna uppsats redogör för hur ett sådant webbsystem kan utvecklas, samt vilka tekniker och verktyg som finns tillgängliga idag lämpar sig bäst för ändamålet. För att kunna svara på dessa frågor kommer forskningsmetoden design science att användas.

Modellering och design av elmotor för mutterdragare

This thesis was carried out at Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems. The purpose hasbeen to develop a design tool to be used for development of new electric motors for AtlasCopcos electric nutrunners. The focus of the thesis has been to increase productivity bydecreasing the power losses in an electric tool. The productivity is defined as themaximum number of tightenings a nutrunner can perform without becoming too hot.Before starting the development of this design tool an existing Matlab script, whichcalculates the losses in a slotless electric motor, has been studied and modified torepresent the real losses in a better way. The modification has been made by performingpractical studies of different losses and then adjusting existing parameters in the Matlabscript.Because design changes in one part of a mechatronic system can lead to a decrease inperformance of another part the choice of parameters that can be changed has been madeso that other parts of the system is affected as little as possible.A study of the existing tools efficiency during an entire tightening has been made toincrease the understanding of when and where the different losses appear and to comparethe modified Matlab script with the measured values.The design tool was formed so that it executes the Matlab script, that calculates thelosses, for a number of different design options and stores the alternative which producesthe least losses.

Stol och bord för balkong bruk : Utfällbara balkong möbler

Balcony Art is an idea for a new kind of furniture group for those who have limited space on their balcony. This report will discuss conceptual and part of primary construction of the chair and table for use on balconies, how the products developed from an idea to primary, preliminary products.In the conceptual design part, the report will discuss how product requirements and specifications are developed and how these controls the design.In the primary construction, the report will discuss the products journey from sketch to functional CAD models and how the products of individual parts are designed and how the durability calculations affect the design..

Tillämpning av Unified Process och Design Patterns vid integrering av system

The computer consultant company Create in Lund AB wishes to facilitate their invoice routines, as it at present is required that the administration finds and compares information from two different systems.The purpose of this thesis is to develop an invoice management system that simplifies the invoice management process for the administration at Create. During the development of the system, I have chosen to follow the software development process Unified Process and also tried to find design patterns that can be applied to the integration.The result of my project is a self-contained application developed using the Java programming language that communicates with the databases of the other two systems and presents relevant information to the user as a set of invoices. Of the 23 design patterns I studied, I used four of them in the invoice management system. However I couldn?t find any connection between any design pattern and the integration of systems.

Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter

A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents.


The thesis was performed at the lighting company Zpecta AB. Zpecta needed to develop alternative attachment of their LED-luminaire Capella. Today Capella attaches in metal ceilings with four magnets. Zpecta got indications from their customers that there was a need for other attachments. The purpose is to determine the customer?s requirements and the interfaces that are considered for Capella.During the thesis, Capella was only on the market for testing and evaluation.The thesis was initiated to create a specification.

Hur fungerar logistiken i produktionen på ett byggföretag?

The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected.

All invited : waterfront park design for sustainable tourism in Miches, the Dominican Republic

Hidden away in the pristine landscape on the northeast shore of the Dominican Republic, the remote village of Miches is on the verge of shifting its economic resource base from traditional fishing into what could become an international model for sustainable tourism. The aim of this thesis was to produce a vision of a waterfront park near the center of the village; demonstrating concept-based landscape design that reflects the goals of sustainable development originating from the local incentive structure. A composite landscape analysis and design concept both served to inform and guide the design work, which was executed through model building, hand drawings, and production of a visual presentation in the format of an architectural competition entry. The design concept, All invited, signifies the distinction between the development that is about to take place in Miches and the otherwise common all-inclusive resorts, where tourists are set apart from the local community and spend most of their time within the fenced-off premises of the hotel. All invited also captures the typical Dominican hospitality, and mirrors the aspirations of turning Miches into a safe and welcoming place for visitors. The result is a public park design that is equally inviting local residents as it is to tourists, and where the unique qualities of the site are emphasized without being exploited.

Konstruktion av infästning till dysa

The goal of this thesis is to design an attachment between a duct and a pod. A pod is what could be compared to an outboard engine for larger vessels. The pod is placed on the outside of the ship?s hull and can rotate 360 ?. A duct is a large steel ring that can be placed around the propeller on the pod to increasethe propulsion force of the ship in lower velocities.

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