

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 16 av 606

Ett folkbibliotek och dess användare: användares uppfattningar av service relaterade till verksamhetsintentioner

The aim of this MA thesis is to examine how users regard and receive the services offered by a specific public library. We also examine what the conception of service means to the users and how they perceive this service being offered by the library. We look upon if and to what extent the service conception depends on contact with the library staff. The methods used are qualitative interviews and analyses of documents directing the library activities. The public library we have examined in this respect is the public library of Västerås.

Form och design i frisörutbildningen

This essays purpose is to accentuate the meaning of the knowledge of the design elements color, formand texture in the hair design education. Both the Bauhaus school and Pivot Point educationcampaign close knowledge in color, form and texture. In my study of the literature I compared theBauhaus school with Pivot Point International Inc, study material for hair design education. From thesimilarities in this material I develop a project in color, form and texture. This was a teaching test forstudents in the hair design education at the upper secondary.

Bemanningskonsult idag - mittemellan två företag?

In the past decade there has been a considerable growth of contingent employment arrangements. In Sweden, the most common among these are the temporary-help service firms. The aim of this study is to investigate how the employees of temporary-help service firms experience their situation as employed by one company and working at another. We have used a qualitative approach to reach an increased understanding for the daily situation of the contingent worker. The essay is based on participant observations and semi-structured interviews with six contingent workers.

Utveckling av Web Service för hantering av öppna autentiseringsnycklar

Utvecklingen går mot alltmer distribuerade IT-system, där ett flertal datorer kommunicerar med varandra. Detta gäller även försvarsmaktens ledningssystem. I dessa öppna och distribuerade system är olika säkerhetsfunktioner kritiska. En av dessa är att kunna verifiera identiteten hos den part som kommunikationen sker med. Detta görs oftast med hjälp av asymmetriska kryptooperationer, där identiteter kan verifieras med hjälp av öppet publicerade autentiseringsnycklar.

Att formge en receptbok - är könsneutral design möjlig? / Designing a recipe book - is gender-neutral design possible?

The aim has been to investigate and describe how gender-neutral design, concerning typefaces and colours, can be created. Based on my results I?ve designed a cover for a recipe-book to make it appealing to both women and men. I have been doing my research based on questions such as; Does feminine and masculine design, concerning typefaces and colours exist? And if so what characterizes it? Does gender-neutral design, concerning typefaces and colours exist? And if so what characterizes it? Is it possible to design a cover for a recipe-book in a gender-neutral way, concerning typefaces and colours? The first part of my research consists of a literature study based on keywords such as gender, graphic design, gender theory, typeface, androgynous, visual communication, colour, shape, feminine, masculine, and book design.

Nyhetsradio : Om skillnaderna i korta riksnyhetssändningar mellan två kommersiella radiostationer och public serviceradion.

The purpose of this BA-thesis was to learn the differences in news broadcasts between one public service radio channel and two commercial radio channels. To do this we used a quantitative analysis method to examine the content of the news broadcasts and then we conducted in-depth interviews with several people working with the different radio channels using a qualitative research interview method to learn their views on news and news broadcasting.We measured the differences between the channels in six areas: subject, headline, news presentation, gender, advertising and sources.Our two main theories were normative theory and media logic.The results found that there were several major differences between the public service radio channel and the two commercial radio channels. Apart from several important differences in the six measured categories we also found that the sound and tone in the public service radio channel was very different from the two commercial radio channels.We also found the public service radio channels news broadcasts to be more serious than the two commercials ones?..

Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet : En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stad

Titel: Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet - En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stadProblem: Konsult och Service är en serviceförvaltning som tillhandahåller stödtjänster till kommunens förvaltningar. I dagsläget genomför de en förändring av sitt interna IT-pris. De forskningsfrågor vi ställer oss är:Vad använder Konsult och Service för internprissystem och varför detta system?Anser Konsult och Service att internprissättningen har medfört minskat resursslöseri?Ger internprissättningen en rättvis kostnadsfördelning, enligt Konsult och Service?Varför och hur förändrar Konsult och Service sitt interna IT-pris? Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att studera Konsult och Services internprissättning och den eventuella förmågan att minska resursslöseri och skapa en rättvis kostnadsfördelning med internprissättning. Syftet är även att beskriva den pågående förändringen av Konsult och Services interna IT-pris.Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts som bygger på sekundärdata samt intervjuer med tre personer som vi anser har bra kunskaper om internprissättning.Resultat och Slutsats: Konsult och Service använder sig av självkostnad, för att prissätta den interna handeln mellan kommunens enheter.

Tjänstekvalitet för pensionssparande : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar den upplevda tjänstekvaliteten för pensionssparande

Our purpose of this paper is to seek an understanding of which service quality factors that affects customers in their decision making progress regarding purchasing financial services such as pension products. We also seek to evaluate the different service quality factors by compare their relative strength against each other. The study aim to investigate if there are any connections between customer behavior variables such as gender, age and income in comparison to these service quality factors related to pension products.The findings aim to help a small financial institute such as our case company Plain Capital to understand how their customers experience service quality regarding pension products.In order to find empirical results we conducted a qualitative research as well a quantitative research. The qualitative research employed both a focus group interview with pension savers and an interview with our case company Plain Capital. We were able to identify the service quality factors for pension?s products with help from the focus group interview.

Framtagande av en investerings- beslutsmodell för mindre tjänsteföretag

Problems:How would a decision model that takes into account more aspects and dimensions than just the financial aspect look for smaller service compa-nies? What aspects are important to consider in such a decision model?Purpose:The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a decision model based on previous research, to improve decision making in smaller service com-panies ? by considering perspectives that traditional investment calcula-tions ignore.Method:The study was qualitative and was based on both primary and secondary data. As data collection method for the development of the model we used literature search on previous research. The study?s primary data consisted of responses from five smaller service companies.

Design av verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning

The aim of this study was to design short interventions based on the literature study, which will change the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problem-solving in mathematics and everyday life. An experimental group of 17 pupils in fifth grade participated in the study and were educated in everyday mathematics 20 minutes a day during four weeks. The intervention was measured in a pre- and after questionnaire, in order to control the design and discover possible changes in the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problems and everyday life.

Designerrollen i en webbdesignprocess

This study investigates if, and in that case, how design theory is applied in practice in the web development field. Prior research has focused on methods used in the web development field. We wanted to study the designers role in a web design process by comparing existing designer roles with design theory literature. We did qualitative interviews with two practitioners at two different communication agencies in northern Sweden. Based on our qualitative data and literature review we have concluded that a designer has to devote a lot of energy on requirements engineering in order to develop a clear understanding of the design situation..

Hotell & Restaurangelevers förväntan på framtida yrkesval : En studie om genus, status och kändisskap

AbstractThe aim of my study has been to investigate which expectations students at The Hotel and Restaurant Programme have for their futue working life and labour market. I want to investigate if these expectations are important factors that female dominance is large within the meal service sector. I have chosen to do qualitative interviews to discover these expectations.Some explanations that the respondent give for the gender differences within the restaurant and meal service sectors are the old tradition of male and female work. Furthermore the possibility of becoming well known within the market and the possibility for personal development in this market are described as important factors.The answers to my questions show that all respondents are positive to future work markets; also they all want to work within the restaurant sector and not in the meal service sector. The reasons for their choice cannot give a complete explanation to why female dominance is so big within the meal service sector.Keywords: Gender, status and celebrity-hood..

Utformning av rollator : Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt där ett rollatorkoncept genomgick förbättringar

Detta examensarbete syftade till att utveckla ett koncept på en Rollator, ett gå-hjälpmedel för människor vars gång är funktionsnedsatt. Målet med arbetet var att förbättra utgångskonceptet med en smartare och mer tillverkningsvänlig design samtidigt som rollatorn får ett enhetligt design/formspråk. .

I Microsoft Dynamics AX ? databasaccess, kommunikation och tjänster för Commerce Runtime

Examensarbetet undersöker den nya versionen av affärssystemet Microsoft Dynamics AX R2 2012 och dess plattform Commerce Runtime och analyserar dessa ur perspektiven arkitektur och kommunikationsmöjligheter. Examensarbetet undersöker systemets arkitektur och implementerar tre metoder för att visa upp kommunikationen mellan komponenterna i systemet. Undersökningen avgränsar sig dock till de områden av systemet och plattformen som har med butikslösningen att göra. Undersökningen går hand i hand med implementationen. Implementeringen sker löpande under arbetet för att säkerställa att undersökningen stämmer.

Sketching a set of multi-touch design principles

Today multi-touch technology is the basis for many new techniques designed to improve interactions with computers and mobile devices. It seems that multi-touch screen interface makes the user handling very natural in the sense that there is no need for a manual in how to interact with the object on the screen. The aim with this paper is to establish a fundamental set of design principles intended specifically for large multi-touch interfaces. To reach this goal we have implemented a couple of sub-goals beforehand: It was essential that we acquired a good understanding of the current state of the multi-touch interface and the different implementations that exist today. To make this possible we constructed a multi-touch display, "Rosie". Knowing how the hardware is produced today will help us understand the limitations and also the possibilities of the design implementations today and in the future. We also needed to devise a sound interaction design process that conveys the modern designers work.

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